asthmaticiism · 8 years
[ Just came to say that I’ll no longer use this blog... ]
[ I was guilt tripped while I was still in muse with Ninten. I felt horrible and now I have no motivation to keep him alive. I’m sorry to those who enjoyed my time here but that guilty feeling is still looming over me. ]
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
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     { Hello my lovelies, I couldn’t find a way to spread the love for this guy using those cool looking promo banners, so! If anyone is interest in RPing with K.aramatsu from O.somatsu-san please give this post a like/reblog and I’ll go check out your blog! Beware that I am a selective blog! I’ve got a lot of rping skills in my past and I’m always up for making new friends! Hope you guys have a good day and thank you! }
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
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[ Rises from the dead;
    Mun has been,,,,,,lazy. So to speak. Don’t hurt me- I’m in college and next week I start my job...so...maybe on my semester break I’ll pop in. ]
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
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                 "And that's a funny looking mask you're wearing. What is it anyway, a frog?"
“Miaou~ iv’e never seen your face around here before. ehehehe.”
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
Live streaming if you wanna watch.
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
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                                       Indie/Semi-Selective Zacharie from OFF
                                                                  [ Art ] [ Promo cred ]                                                              Personals do not reblog!!!
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
I bet your 53 Girlfriends are mad about you being referred to an inferior being, huh?
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              "I don't know what you are talking about."
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
Hey! You're that kid with that cap, right? The red one? His name has an E in it...Oh, yeah! You're that kid called Red, aren't you?
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                  “Honestly this isn’t funn-”
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
( On our way to do cliche stuff )
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“Y-Yeah…! This is it~!“
Ophelia glances around, good no one seemed to notice two kids teleporting onto the port.
"Wh-What do you want to do first~?”
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                   “Anything you wanna do, Toots! You wanted to come after all.”
  He says with a smile, as he looks around as well, but for a different reason.
  “As soon as I find an ATM machine and get cash we can go right in! They sadly don’t take credit card.”
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
( Don’t judge me )
Little Mac looked him up and down, taking note of his physical features. “I wouldn’t have pinned you for a baseball player.” Mac scratched the back of his head, not certain of how this kid functioned on such an active life with asthma.
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“I would have never guessed that you had asthma. How do you manage to keep yourself active with it?”
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                  “Well you better believe I’m a baseball player! I’m the best out of my school and the whole district!” 
  He proudly says with a triumphant pose.
  “I always take my inhaler with me. It’s important with all that running I do.”
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
( Oh my god )
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This wasn’t very nice, but then again, Toon Link had dealt with mean before. This wasn’t too unusual, he’d heard worse from the kids on Windfall Island whenever he visited.
“….W-well, these are kinda warm for the weather…but…what’s a ‘leprechaun?’”
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                  “Well I guess you wouldn’t know what that is seeing that you have pointy ears and a silly outfit. Leprechauns don’t have ears like that. And that means I don’t get any gold.”
  What the heck was he anyways?
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
( Nice!!! )
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“I-I have it at home for you to listen to… F-For a reference, if you want. It’s a very good story…”
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                  “How convenient! I’d love to check it out. It’s a good story? Well the title is interesting to say the least.”
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
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[ I've never had this much pain before, idk if I can rp with it these punches to my stomach. Ugh. Why do I always start too when something big is goingto happen? ]
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
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                “The next person who calls me Ness is getting a bat to the face.”
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
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                "The next person who calls me Ness is getting a bat to the face."
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asthmaticiism · 8 years
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                           [Art Credit]                          [Promo Credit]                                                                    
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