A disgruntled clown and a fangirl with a daddy Trump kink walk into a bar...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I see you’re all doing pretty well over here.
Tumblr’s still shit. But you’re still doing swell. Heck, if anything, it looks calmer without my sorry ass. Keep up the good work.
I’m working with kiddos more now, and I’m still causing regressive left butthurt when it’s serious enough. But it’s more of a slight hobby on the side. Still, I applaud anyone that’s made an art form of it. If you want to get in touch with me, look for Kekistani Cleric on Facebook. Also please check the petition below. But for the most part, I’m outta here. I mostly came back to share that petition and check in on a few folks. Take it easy, greasy, cause we got a long way to slide.
Clown out.
- Mod Disgruntled Clown aka “The Kekistani Cleric” - Glory be to God, Kek, and Murrica.
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IDK how many of you are still around, but have fun with this.
- Whoever the fuck I was...Clown or sumthin.
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I’m not back, but I’ll use what reach I got for this. Please sign this before 3 EST today (convert your own damned time zone).
- Mod DC
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He hasn't made a final decision yet.
Just gonna debunk that for the mo
Mod DC
Trump picks anti-vaxxer to lead commission on vaccine safety
Trump on Tuesday asked a prominent anti-vaxxer to lead a commission on vaccine safety.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of Bobby Kennedy, said he agreed to lead the commission, which will seek to ensure there is “scientific integrity in the vaccine process for efficacy and safety effects,” Kennedy said.
Kennedy believes vaccines have led to a rise in autism, a claim that’s been debunked by doctors and scientists.
Kennedy told reporters Tuesday that Trump “has some doubts about the current vaccine policies.” Read more
follow @the-future-now
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Words from a Wise Anonymous Pastor
Posting this because it’s by my pastor and I think he deserves
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; The other is to refuse to accept what is true.” - Soren Kierkegaard
The morning after John F. Kennedy was elected, my friends looked at each other in disbelief. Some of the girls cried. I was in my early teenage years, but it seemed like the world was ending. “I guess the Pope will be running the country now”, someone said. And we all felt horribly about the NIxons, Richard, Pat, Julie and Tricia, not moving into the White House. We were wrong. JFK became a great president. Later, Richard Nixon would win, only to resign in disgrace.
There were those who thought Ronald Reagan was too old and too “Hollywood” for the demanding job of President of the United States. He became one of the most respected political leaders of his era. Even today, Reagan’s decisions are used as a point of reference in speeches by both Democrats and Republicans.
As a new century began, the political landscape morphed into a different kind of battlefield. With the rise of social media, the voices of dissent began to be seen and heard more loudly and frequently. Today, we are bombarded with opinions, polls, newscasts, fake news, leaked news (both accidental and intended), and the recently formed “media/entertainment gestapo” with unqualified elitists telling us how we must think and feel. Democracy is becoming a wallflower instead of the “Belle of the Ball”.
Many who voted for President Obama the first time didn’t do so in the next election. He still won, but the vision for hope and change was clearly diminished. Romney lost a close race and faded from the political scene. With Hillary carrying the Democratic banner, and Obama saying this vote would be a response to his policies, the GOP enjoyed a big win, giving them a new advantage in the Legislative Branch as well as a Republican in the White House.
The populist appeal of Donald Trump shocked many people. One reason was that the media/entertainment gestapo blasted the man and any who would support or vote for him with ridiculous insults. Never before had the simple act of voting caused people to be labeled “racist”, “ignorant”, “deplorable”…and worse. The backlash was huge, resulting in one of the most stunning political upsets in history (and for the most part, that backlash was ignored by the media and Democratic leaders). During this contest, important issues were forced into the wings as political debates on center stage became more about personalities than policies, more about rhetoric than reason, and more about demonizing the other side than delivering a clear choice to the voters.
As an Independent who was not a Trump supporter (and even more, not a Hillary supporter), I am appalled by the shrill, whiny voices of those in media and entertainment who seem to think they have the right to eliminate the excitement and jubilation of those who did vote tor Trump and are enjoying the results of that victory at the polls. We didn’t try to bock entertainers from performing at Obama’s inauguration. You didn’t have to turn off every awards show because of the right leaning actors constantly bad-mouthing Obama. Even the news hosts on Fox didn’t drop their heads and weep when Obama won. How about a little fairness and consideration to the ones who won this election? In four years we will do it all again. This is America, not a third-world country where people are not allowed to express their preferences if they disagree with the elitists holding the microphones. Stick with acting, not wild-eyed leftist efforts to politically control others.
I don’t like a lot of the things Trump says, or at least the way he says them. But I am sickened by the shameless hypocrisy of the leftists who can’t seem to accept the truth about much anymore. This does not include my intelligent, decent and very disappointed Democratic friends who are loyal dissenters and respect the rights of all Americans.
- Anonymous Pastor
- Mod Disgruntled Clown
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You’re insulting mine by assuming I’m trying to fuck with your mind disingenuously. I’m sorry, but short of assuming some sort of default of inferiority, I don’t see it as bigotry. If we disagree on that, fine. I’m tired of arguing about it. But don’t assume I’m playing mind games with you or insulting your intelligence.
It's been like 6 hours and I've been at work trying to wrap my head around the phrase "nigger has to mean all black people, not just one to be racist"
Oh. Don’t worry. Now there’s “race mixing isn’t good” and “I can see myself becoming antisemitic in the next six months” from another user.
I’m… I’m actually at a loss. I really don’t know what to say. I don’t know how people can justify those things at all.
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Taking an indefinite hiatus.
I just read something that honestly disturbed me. No details. I don't want any trouble anywhere. It's not over the discourse I got involved in believe it or not. Just take my word for that, though it does contribute. I'm sick of everything and everyone right now. All the talk I made of harmonizing liberals and conservatives has blown up in my face. Fuck it. If someone succeeds, fine. But jesus fuck I feel like an idiot for thinking I could accomplish the impossible. Mod DC
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I would also add in the attitude surrounding double standards of hate crimes and racism.
Though...genocide is ickily hyperbolic...
Mod DC
If there's anything to commend you for in coming out, it's that you didn't express yourself with bile and viciousness. That said, can you define your intention in saying "white genocide?" Many neo-Nazis (not saying you're one) believe it includes acts as benign as interracial marriage and breeding. I do, however, find it justified in describing any racially motivated murders of European whites.
Thank you, I really appreciate it. I was actually terrified while I was typing that post so :���)
I think it’s a combination of both. I don’t have anything against mixed people, or people. I think “white genocide” is a thing in both cases, but it’s mostly the problem with multiculturalism. I believe there had been cases of refugees being taught how to impregnate white women, but I have no clue if it was real or bait/fake.
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Blacked out names and will not divulge the identity of who posted this (which is far more courtesy than I’ve seen from these folks), but I decided I wanted to post this just to share with some followers exactly what the “fair, tolerant, open-minded” Progressive Left looks like when faced with someone (in this case me) exercising their free right to voice their strongly held opinion, viewpoint, and truth (aka perspective), and it’s one that does not agree with them.
I spoke out against the radical, hypocritical, extremist “Tumblr variety” Social Justice Warriors - how they’re overly-fixated on being PC and inoffensive to minorities yet are not truly interested in championing human rights and fighting for social justice for those marginalized groups or individuals, but instead just want to wage war on the “oppressors”, take away human rights from the people they don’t agree with (even if this includes people that, by their admission, they should be fighting for), and only create more problems and social unrest between groups. All to make themselves feel like super educated, progressive big shots who’re part of something oh so important. When accused of “defending” the Anti-SJWs that the OP was lambasting, I explained that this was not the intention, since radical, hypocritical, extremist Alt-Right Anti-SJWs are the opposite side of the same damn coin as the SJWs.
Then this wanker has the gall to accuse me of BEING an Alt-Right Anti-SJW and make a total complete judgement of my entire person based on a quick look through my Tumblr blog, as though that informs and decides the sum of my parts as a human being. And why is this? Because my blog supposedly contains racism (Uh, how? I call piece of crap people out for showing themselves to be piece of crap people, regardless of their skin color. There are black lowlifes as much as there are white lowlifes. Otherwise, I’ve defended all races’ right to be treated like human beings, and that includes treating the bad human beings the same way I treat bad human beings who are white. Kanye West, Mike Tyson, Bill Cosby, or the “BLM Kidnappers” don’t get free passes from me just because they’re black), anti-feminism (Well yes, ‘cause I’m against the sexist, hateful faux-female empowerment movement that is Third Wave Feminism and the “feminists” who perpetuate it. Pure feminism, as it was originally conceived and defined, is still cool and I support it - all peoples ought to be treated equally regardless of their gender, sexuality, and life choices), and horror beyond horror, an anti-BLM tag! (Yes, I refuse to support BLM as long as it acts like a f**king hate movement represented by violent rioters and racist black supremacists. I sympathized with it’s sentiment but cannot stand or condone where it’s execution has taken it ). And lastly, I’m called me a bigot. A person who is acting intolerantly towards me for not thinking the same way as they do, not stating the same things they believe, and not conforming to what they think should be the only objective truth that anyone should subscribe to…called me a bigot. Are you sh***ing me?
And then that person’s friend had this to say:
So, according to this person, SJWs are not horrible simply because Anti-SJWs are soooo much worse and because the Anti-SJWs abused the label of “SJW”, the meaning of the term has changed so now SJWs are the victims and unproblematic good guys. Hillary Clinton is not an evil woman who would more than likely abuse her presidential power were she to have obtained it because she’s more corrupt than most other people on the planet (and never did I say she was “worse than Trump”. Worse in some areas than Trump? Yes, but that’s based on my honest observations and my perspective, and I’m allowed to believe what I want to). BLM is not a racist movement comprised mostly of violent criminals and hate groups that are more than qualified to be called the Black KKK for their persecution of innocent people whose only crimes against them were being born with white skin. And my favorite, All Lives Do NOT Matter - being a bigot against white people is A-OK. This person is literally saying that hating people simply for how they were born, for their skin color, for something beyond their control, is to be endorsed, encouraged, and is an entirely justified thing for people to do. That the best way to fight hate is with more hate, even if the hate is directed towards not just the actual bigots and oppressors, but towards other people who share something vaguely in common with them that have hurt no one but get lumped in with the bigots and oppressors because of what they share in common, and somehow that is totally not the same thing as what white racists practice all the time. Because as we all know, all whites everwhere in the world have privilege simply for being born white, and that means hatred and prejudice towards them cannot hurt them the same way it hurts minorities. And there’s absolutely nothing that’s been in the news recently that disproves this notion! The sentiment is the same with men, heterosexuals, and cisgendered people: they, as a collective, are the privileged oppressors of the minority, so even if not all of them are bad people, if just enough of them are, by all means let’s judge them, hate them, make stereotypes and assumptions about them and their inherent nature, persecute them, attack them, and kill them! Wipe them all out! Don’t fall victim to their “subtle gas lighting” - hate totally doesn’t beget more hate! Hatred aimed at these people will make everything better! Because their lives DO. NOT. MATTER!!!!!
That it ends with the use of “mansplaining” officially kills every last tiny bit of this person’s credibility with me. Yes, “Progressives” (actually REgressives) are the true evil of American society - thank you so much for proving that to me once more. You’ve acted like literal bigots towards me for daring to speak beliefs that object to what was being said by you and your echo chamber, blocking me afterwards…because I’M the bigot. Yes, I hate the Tumblr variety SJWs and think they’re horrible. Yes, I think that Hillary Clinton is a horrid person. Yes, I think that BLM is essentially a black KKK in the making. And yes, all sorts of human lives DO f**king matter and it’s as morally wrong to be a bigot against white people as an entire collective group as it is to be a bigot against minority groups. And I think radical progressives have done more damage to this nation, this country, and this world than radical conservatives as of late. I admit these with no shame because they are MY strongly held beliefs that I have a RIGHT to express if I feel like doing so. Yet I get shut down and called “an anti SJW” for holding and expressing beliefs that disagree with you people. Because I don’t conform to PC culture/Progressivism and prefer to come to my own conclusions, form my own perspective, and hold my own views, I’M the intolerant one here. Can you not see what’s wrong with this?
I didn’t want to hate or even dislike any of you people. I was willing to tolerate your own differences in belief, but you weren’t willing to do the same with me. And this is why your failed ideology is dying right in front of you day by day. Oh and if anyone’s still wondering why Candidate, GOP Nominee, President-elect and soon to be President Donald Trump even became a thing? We have PC “Progressives” like these guys to thank for making it possible.
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Another thing that bugs me.
When did it become a surprise that I don't believe in slurs? I refrain from them out of respect, not because I care about the words themselves. Many have respected that position in the past. Suddenly because I dare point out that the context made it not racist, that sends everyone through the roof. This is ridiculous. If I hadn't already been properly fucked in the head by a nihilistic depression, I might be angry. Mod DC
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Also anyone who thinks OWAB are a bunch of SJWs are arguably more retarded if they meant that unironically.
Because so long as half of my bridges are burning I may as well do the other half for symmetry purposes. Mod DC
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Yeah. No argument on Dave assholery. I doubt he'd deny it.
Mod DC
Can we just talk about the rampant defending of the term “n—er” (It makes me physically ill to type out/say because im so repulsed by it but thats beside the point) in anti-sjw spaces? This isn’t a once or twice ordeal, I’ve seen it multiple times. Can y'all… not defend that term? At all? Is it really that hard to accept that a word is a racist slur?
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Can agree with this. But again, this wasn't about insult game. I'd be all over conservatives for that alone. "Zerobama" indeed.
Mod DC
I think people using slurs is just a sign of laziness and a lack of creativity. Why call someone a slur when you can use "fucknugget" or "lizardcock" instead? Those are the best, imo. People need to get more creative with their insults.
Get creative with your insults. You don’t gotta use known harmful slurs to insult people.
-mod Junkrat
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There you go. How does cuck describe something he did? A person using cuck rarely uses it accurately. It's more or less idiot nowadays in spite of me attempting to keep its use appropriate. Bitch, bastard, heathen...
When you call someone an idiot and mean it, especially in a heated moment, what is driving you to use that word?
If I had to police people based on insult game, everyone would lose. Im guessing Mubz's insult was chosen because it hypothetically would wound him. But dave can speak for himself on that.
Mod DC
Can we just talk about the rampant defending of the term “n—er” (It makes me physically ill to type out/say because im so repulsed by it but thats beside the point) in anti-sjw spaces? This isn’t a once or twice ordeal, I’ve seen it multiple times. Can y'all… not defend that term? At all? Is it really that hard to accept that a word is a racist slur?
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I'll agree with one thing. I don't think yall are sjws. Shame on anyone participating in that rhetoric. The reason for slurs being like a landmine is important.
But I'm sticking with my guns unless dave can be proven to hate blacks and or be proven to have implied something about all or even most blacks with that sentence.
Mod DC
Can we just talk about the rampant defending of the term “n—er” (It makes me physically ill to type out/say because im so repulsed by it but thats beside the point) in anti-sjw spaces? This isn’t a once or twice ordeal, I’ve seen it multiple times. Can y'all… not defend that term? At all? Is it really that hard to accept that a word is a racist slur?
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Not an argument. It really isnt.
Mod DC
Can we just talk about the rampant defending of the term “n—er” (It makes me physically ill to type out/say because im so repulsed by it but thats beside the point) in anti-sjw spaces? This isn’t a once or twice ordeal, I’ve seen it multiple times. Can y'all… not defend that term? At all? Is it really that hard to accept that a word is a racist slur?
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When you're called a sand nigger I'll fight it. Why? Cause most of those folks assume shit about you based on your ethnicity and you rarely if ever deserve it. Same reason I'll fight them using the word terrorist about you.
What was assumed about mubz due to his race here?
Mod DC
Can we just talk about the rampant defending of the term “n—er” (It makes me physically ill to type out/say because im so repulsed by it but thats beside the point) in anti-sjw spaces? This isn’t a once or twice ordeal, I’ve seen it multiple times. Can y'all… not defend that term? At all? Is it really that hard to accept that a word is a racist slur?
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