"And I hope yours gets better, Mister Everwood." Val turns on his heels and walks away, taking the radiating warmth with him.
As Theren sits with his back to the tree, an unnatural heat blisters across the area. The Aspect of Wrath sits down cross legged next to the bard. The rain droplets rise as steam as they hit his skin and vibrant red hair. Adter a second, he speaks. “People seem to be treating you rather poorly today, Mister Everwood.” He glances at the bard, with burning amber eyes.
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A sharp toothed smile spreads across Val's face. "I'll be there. I want to see what you can do, Mister Everwood. You have a lot of influence, even if some people don't realize it. Keep my offer in mind, if you will. I don't think peaceful protests will work against those who refuse to be peaceful to each other, or us, but I will at least see what your cause is all about."
As Theren sits with his back to the tree, an unnatural heat blisters across the area. The Aspect of Wrath sits down cross legged next to the bard. The rain droplets rise as steam as they hit his skin and vibrant red hair. Adter a second, he speaks. “People seem to be treating you rather poorly today, Mister Everwood.” He glances at the bard, with burning amber eyes.
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"The only way the guilds will respect the Gateless is if we show them that we do have power to fight back, and that we won't let them step on us. Chaos isn't the goal. Organized attacks and events to boost recognition of the Gateless cause, are. I speak to you on the events and aid behalf. If worse comes to worse, the Gateless and Guildless will need all the help we can get, Mister Everwood. I don't ask that you engage in the unpleasantness of what I and the front lines will be doing, but.. nothing will change if nothing is done. Surely you can understand that." Val's tone stays calm. He might be the Aspect of Wrath, but above all else, he is a tactician. "I don't ask you to join right now. Think about it." Val gets to his feet.
As Theren sits with his back to the tree, an unnatural heat blisters across the area. The Aspect of Wrath sits down cross legged next to the bard. The rain droplets rise as steam as they hit his skin and vibrant red hair. Adter a second, he speaks. “People seem to be treating you rather poorly today, Mister Everwood.” He glances at the bard, with burning amber eyes.
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"Why not? It would elevate your platform, and you would reach more guildless ears. They need assistance the most, in these tense times. Without that... guildpact around, it feels like something is about to snap, and the guildless will be at the epicenter of casualties. Mostly because the guilds don't care who gets in their way. Doesn't it bother you to be considered as no more than scum on the boots of the Guilded?" Val tilts his head at Theren, growing curious.
As Theren sits with his back to the tree, an unnatural heat blisters across the area. The Aspect of Wrath sits down cross legged next to the bard. The rain droplets rise as steam as they hit his skin and vibrant red hair. Adter a second, he speaks. “People seem to be treating you rather poorly today, Mister Everwood.” He glances at the bard, with burning amber eyes.
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"I suppose you are lucky. From what I've heard from an acquaintance of mine, things could have gone much, much worse." Val pauses.), and calculates his next words carefully. "Before you ask, no, I'm not just here to comfort you. I would like to officially extend an invitation for you to join our Gateless sect. You might not be respected by the guilds, Mister Everwood, but your influence and resolve is an inspiration to those with no guild to call their own."
As Theren sits with his back to the tree, an unnatural heat blisters across the area. The Aspect of Wrath sits down cross legged next to the bard. The rain droplets rise as steam as they hit his skin and vibrant red hair. Adter a second, he speaks. “People seem to be treating you rather poorly today, Mister Everwood.” He glances at the bard, with burning amber eyes.
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As Theren sits with his back to the tree, an unnatural heat blisters across the area. The Aspect of Wrath sits down cross legged next to the bard. The rain droplets rise as steam as they hit his skin and vibrant red hair. Adter a second, he speaks. "People seem to be treating you rather poorly today, Mister Everwood." He glances at the bard, with burning amber eyes.
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Ego puts his hands on hips. "Suppose it's good that I don't look too untrustworthy... I see what you mean about planeswalkers though. They are quite.... the root of many troubles. I will be quick in my search here, and should be gone before you know it. Getting Val off Kamigawa, if he is here, that is... well. That's another story... a long and complicated one... I'll figure out something." There's a long pause, then a sigh.
Ego flicks a hand dismissively and begins walking down the path. "I bid you farewell, Enkaku. Take pride in all your endeavors, and we may meet again."
Ego arrives on Kamigawa, touching down a bit more gracefully than he had on Amonkhet. The black halo of shadows heralding his arrival on the plane blink away. He stands up fully and straightens his back before looking around at his surroundings. It’s not like he has any idea exactly where he is on the planez but its as good of a location to arrive as anywhere else. With a small sigh, he begins to explore the area.
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“Tengu... I suppose they’re specific to this plane.” Ego trails off a bit and flicks his eyes down at the sword. “Again, I can handle whatever comes my way in a manner that I see fit. I’m not about to go, say, wreck half the plane or kill things. I don’t like to kill things.You seem to automatically assume that I’m up to no good. Do I really look that suspicious? Because if so, I need to work on that.”
Ego arrives on Kamigawa, touching down a bit more gracefully than he had on Amonkhet. The black halo of shadows heralding his arrival on the plane blink away. He stands up fully and straightens his back before looking around at his surroundings. It’s not like he has any idea exactly where he is on the planez but its as good of a location to arrive as anywhere else. With a small sigh, he begins to explore the area.
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@vens3r‘s boys, the @aspects-of-pride-and-wrath, Ego and Val, with stunning art commissioned to @aero-zero and used with permission.
Also tested a few things for fun. An alternate and unreadable version of Val below the read more.
Keep reading
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“I don’t cause trouble, it just finds-” Ego flinches as the tengu jumps to the top of the stone spire. “I was talking...” He folds his arms over his chest as he keeps an eye on the taller man. Of course, he wouldn’t put it past someone to just ditch him here.The red being’s balance impresses him a bit, but not much. It’s not that special. Well, it is. Ego mostly tries to convince himself that it isn’t, though. After all, he himself can pull off so much more impressive feats. He examines his black nails and only briefly flicks his eyes back up. The sight of the wings stretching is something he finds interesting. That’s something he’s never tried before... Wings.... He jots a mental note to work on attempting that. Ego walks over once the Tengu lands, still feigning disinterest. He’s actually very interested in learning more, but it’s not like he’s about to share that. “Right... roads and directions noted. I don’t think I’ll have any issues with enemies or whatever... I’m good at not being a viable target.” He nods a little, then sniffs. A bit surprised that an introduction even came. “I am Ego, Aspect of Pride.” Any hint of embarrassment misses him completely, as he’s mostly too short to notice. “I suppose you do a good business here if many people know your name like that.” The road is there, and he could walk down it, but he really has more to say. It’s not that important, but he wants to know things. “And I don’t mean to come off as rude, but what exactly are you? I’ve never seen anyone like you.”
Ego arrives on Kamigawa, touching down a bit more gracefully than he had on Amonkhet. The black halo of shadows heralding his arrival on the plane blink away. He stands up fully and straightens his back before looking around at his surroundings. It’s not like he has any idea exactly where he is on the planez but its as good of a location to arrive as anywhere else. With a small sigh, he begins to explore the area.
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Digital portrait commission for @vens3r of their OC Val! A fiery embodiment of wrath, and rebellious boye~ Thanks for commissioning me!
my commission info is here! one slot still open at the time of posting!
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“Ah... round him up. Let’s go with that. He does make quite a bit of trouble.... everywhere. If he’s anywhere near a town or village it.... should be rather evident.” Ego watches the man mull around, doing things. He finds that other beings are quite interesting to watch. Just the way they move and exist in the space they occupy.  Especially curious how this one talks to his forge. Well. It does seem like there’s something in there. Could it have been the fire, the man now holds? Ego doesn’t care enough to find out.  “I don’t think bandits or whatever Akki are will be an issue for me...” He sniffs dismissively and looks at his host out of the corner of his eye for a moment, before relenting. “I suppose directions would be appreciated, though.” He takes the lead on heading outside, back into the snow. 
Ego arrives on Kamigawa, touching down a bit more gracefully than he had on Amonkhet. The black halo of shadows heralding his arrival on the plane blink away. He stands up fully and straightens his back before looking around at his surroundings. It’s not like he has any idea exactly where he is on the planez but its as good of a location to arrive as anywhere else. With a small sigh, he begins to explore the area.
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“Ah, thank you.” Ego takes the bowl and examines it carefully before drinking the liquid. He’s never heard of usucha before, but he finds the texture to be quite pleasant. Besides, even if it was harmful it’s not like anything that might be poisonous is much danger to him, anyways. After another quick examination of the bowl, and a glance at the other man, Ego determines that he’s not supposed to consume it as well. He takes another sip, and closes his eyes for a moment as he downs the rest of the liquid. Once he has finished the drink, he drums his sharp nails on the edge of the bowl.  “Mmm. Questions. Always so many questions for me. Of course it’s only natural. I am quite interesting.” He pauses briefly and watches his fingers drum for a second. “My name is Ego. I’m looking for someone. Angry. Red hair. Causing trouble. Seen anyone like that? We got separated after.... well, an unfortunate situation. I’ll leave it at that...” Another pause. “I suppose I’ll see my way around the plane, too, even if he isn’t here. Seems like a lot of new things here, you know?”
Ego arrives on Kamigawa, touching down a bit more gracefully than he had on Amonkhet. The black halo of shadows heralding his arrival on the plane blink away. He stands up fully and straightens his back before looking around at his surroundings. It’s not like he has any idea exactly where he is on the planez but its as good of a location to arrive as anywhere else. With a small sigh, he begins to explore the area.
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Ego had made a decent attempt to size the other man up, but it's hard to do that to someone who is quite taller. He idly wonders just who the strange red being was waiting for. He doesn't wonder too hard, as he finds himself more important than whoever it was, anyways.
"To be frank, I have no idea what an Akki is..." Ego remarks as he steps inside the cave. The heat from the forge doesn't bother him much, but he can't imagine that it's comfortable for anything made of flesh. He casts a sweeping gaze around the cave and sniffs at the lack of proper furnishings. "You could say that I'm new to this region."
Ego arrives on Kamigawa, touching down a bit more gracefully than he had on Amonkhet. The black halo of shadows heralding his arrival on the plane blink away. He stands up fully and straightens his back before looking around at his surroundings. It’s not like he has any idea exactly where he is on the planez but its as good of a location to arrive as anywhere else. With a small sigh, he begins to explore the area.
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Ego only realized the cold of the snow when he put his hand on a small patch. Its cold, just like on Ferely, and it doesn't melt under his palm. Though, it's not like he has body heat anyways... He traces the outline of one of the footprints with a clawed finger before standing up. They aren't from anything he recognized, but he took note anyways.
As he nears the clearing, the clanging becomes more evident. It's a nice, rhythmic sound. Ego finds it mostly pleasant. The heat at the opening of the cave is something he sees, long before he feels it. Even then, it's just a bit of a warm breeze to him. He stands at the opening of the cave.
"Hello? Is anyone in there?"
Ego arrives on Kamigawa, touching down a bit more gracefully than he had on Amonkhet. The black halo of shadows heralding his arrival on the plane blink away. He stands up fully and straightens his back before looking around at his surroundings. It’s not like he has any idea exactly where he is on the planez but its as good of a location to arrive as anywhere else. With a small sigh, he begins to explore the area.
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Ego arrives on Kamigawa, touching down a bit more gracefully than he had on Amonkhet. The black halo of shadows heralding his arrival on the plane blink away. He stands up fully and straightens his back before looking around at his surroundings. It's not like he has any idea exactly where he is on the planez but its as good of a location to arrive as anywhere else. With a small sigh, he begins to explore the area.
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Ego, dressed to impress on Kamigawa
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