A Southern Samwell
412 posts
A Check, Please! sideblog || Alice, she/her, 18+, ♠️🌈 || my other fandoms and thoughts can be found at @unfiltered-alice-liddle || ao3: AliceLiddle
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asouthernsamwell · 1 year ago
at the wedding something goes wrong and someone who was helping to organize comes up to jack all frantic like "have you seen eric?? we need him-"
and jack is like "oh? who the fuck is eric no I haven't I'll ask around for him"
and jack just doesn't think about it until he comes across bitty like fifteen minutes later and looks the man he just married using his full name in the eyes and says "hey by the way have you seen-"
and then it's just buffering
"oh I think I messed up"
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asouthernsamwell · 1 year ago
Jack: i know that i already have a servicable car.
Jack: i dont need to buy a truck, even if they are objectively the coolest of cars
Jack: but if bitty drives his old truck to providence
Jack: then ill have no choice but to do maintenance on it every weekend and take it out for drives.
Jack: thats just me being fiscally responsible, taking care of an old, sexy, truck.
Bitty: Sweetpea! Coach sold the truck and hes going to use the money to help buy me a brand new car as a graduation gift!!!!
Jack: … the new car a truck?
Bitty: ????? No, its not???
Jack: …….
Bitty: why are you crying tears jack????
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asouthernsamwell · 1 year ago
jack and kent are simply problematique lightning rods for insane grudge holders holster and bitty
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does this make sense do you see what i mean
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asouthernsamwell · 1 year ago
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eric bittle feat. whine about it
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
in case y’all didn’t see 👀
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
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Happy Birthday, Jack!
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
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jack zimmermann brain rot time
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
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I say yes but after a long discussion on whether or not it's rude.
Bitty: "My mama would be appalled if she knew I sent a card with the word 'shit' on it... but, it does say y'all. And Shity and Lardo would love it. Still, we should be celebrating their love and I don't know if this shows how happy we are. And we are! But it's funny! And it does say congratulations, and shit is almost Shitty, which is also funny. I just don’t wanna be rude."
Jack: ... I like the colors.
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
It’s not Shitty’s awful, banged-up Prius that pulls up at the curb. It’s a black SUV, and even in the dark, through the heavy sheets of rain pouring down, Bitty can tell it’s in perfect condition.
The driver’s window slides down just enough for Bitty to see a glimpse of a furrowed forehead and thick brows. “Bittle. Get in.”
The rain is pelting down so hard that Bitty’s soaked wet in the fifteen feet between the train station’s doors and the car. The soles of his shoes drip water all over the floor mats as he hastily climbs into the passenger’s seat, and he winces, presses his calves together tightly to limit the growing puddle.
“I c-called Shitty,” he says senselessly, shivering all over.
“His car wouldn’t start,” Jack replies gruffly, and turns them onto the main road.
There’s nothing to see out the window except black skies and rivulets blurring over the glass, so there’s nothing to distract Bitty from the uncomfortable silence. He’s no good at silences. He always ends up talking too much to fill them, and he knows from experience that Jack doesn’t like that.
But there’s only so long that he can bite his tongue, and the misty road ahead of them seems never-ending. “Doesn’t Lardo let Shitty borrow her car when his acts up?” 
Jack doesn’t even glance in his direction, but surprisingly doesn’t choose to ignore him. “Yeah.”
Bitty blinks. A drop of rainwater slides off his eyelashes and down his check. “...So why’d he ask you to come?”
The muscles in Jack’s jaw shift while Bitty stares at him, waiting. He’s in sweatpants and a fleece, his hair tousled, like he’s headed to bed or maybe like he just got out of it. It’s two in the morning. Shitty made Bitty think of Jack as the sort of person to be asleep by ten, but maybe he had it wrong. He doesn’t know Jack all that well – though not for a lack of trying.
A passing car flashes by them, its headlights blinding. When it passes, Jack unexpectedly speaks. “He said you – that things didn’t work out. With that guy you went to visit.”
“...Oh.” The lingering embarrassment from tonight is suddenly thick in Bitty’s throat, but Lord help him, he will not tear up in Jack Zimmermann’s car. He turns his head away and tucks his cold hands under his arms, wet fabric sticking to his skin. “I just – had to leave. And the trains ran out.”
“Right.” It’s silent for a moment, just water splashing under tires and thunder cracking in the distance, and Bitty almost thinks he prefers it to the painful conversation. “So I said I could come get you.”
Bitty swivels his head, eyes wide. He thought – he’s not sure what he thought, really, but – maybe that Shitty had to beg, or cash in a favor. That Lardo strong-armed Jack into making the drive. Anything, probably, other than Jack volunteering to do it. “You offered to drive in the middle of the night to pick me up? Why?”
Jack frowns. “You just said the trains ran out. Did you want to wait there until morning?”
“No, but – ” The shock is enough to make Bitty’s tongue loose, and the words are out before he can stop them. “But you hate me.”
For the first time since Bitty got in the car, Jack turns his look away from the road and fixes those sharp, blue eyes right on Bitty’s.
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
omgcp energy is like, bitty is persephone and jack is hades but actually it's bitty who abducts jack up onto the surface and bitty who tricks jack into eating fruit pie and so being obliged to spend a third of his year away from the underworld, and at first jack is all like, I was fine hanging out with the dead and plotting how to get back to olympus until this little shit came along, but then jack is like, oh. actually it's not so bad being alive. summer is pretty nice actually. haha. who needed olympus anyway. I like my icy domain but maybe there are other things to live for
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
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check please except jack crops every top he owns
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
Holster goes into Samwell thinking he’s gonna hate Jack because Jack’s soooo talented at hockey and soooo well connected and soooo rich but he actually hates Jack because Holster mentioned SNL and Jack was like “Oh. Is that … a class”
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
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1. What Were You Gonna Say Before Deflecting Eric Richard Bittle
2. bitty assuming he won't see jack all summer and potentially for longer. jack assuming bitty knew he'd drive up before the season started. there's something here about bitty's abandonment issues and how he assumes jack won't wanna make time to see him but also how jack is so giving with his love (and also so bad at communicating his feelings) that upon hearing this he's just like what? of course i'll come see you. of course of course of course i will.
eric "who could love me" bittle versus jack "i love him on purpose" zimmermann and jack "i am unworthy" zimmermann versus eric "i love him on purpose" bittle
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asouthernsamwell · 2 years ago
thinking about jack coming home and flopping face first on the couch out of exhaustion/frustration from a long day and bitty just quietly going over and laying on top of him bc he knows jack finds it comforting
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