Asllan “Ozzy” Berisha is a property manager/real estate broker in New York City with over 8 years of experience in his field. From his first job to his current, new position as a property manager at Rudd Realty, he has exhibited an unmatched determination to be the best in his field and has been achieving that goal year after year. To learn more about Asllan Berisha, be sure to visit his website.
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Real estate professionals are needing to adapt their sale strategies to fit in with the younger buyers and sellers are needing to style their homes in more appealing ways. Think of it as a real estate revolution!
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As Baby Boomers are retiring and downsizing, millennials are just beginning to purchase homes of their own. So what does this mean for the real estate marketplace? This means that real estate professionals are needing to adapt their sales strategies to fit in with the younger buyers and sellers are needing to style their homes in more appealing ways.
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Getting involved in your community is a great way to give back, meet new people, and get to know leading city organizations. Not only is this beneficial to your community, but to you as well. Getting involved with your community is a great way to take a step back from day-to-day normalities and find new, local experiences. There are a few fun ways to get involved in your community.
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Buying your first home is a major cornerstone in life. It presents new challenges and can be difficult to navigate through the uncharted territory. The new experience also leaves lots of room to make mistakes. When buying your first home, there are a few common mistakes to avoid.
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Home renovations are some of the recurring expenditures that you may need to incur as a homeowner. Such renovations come in handy in helping keep your house at a pristine condition. It also helps retain the value of the house in general, thereby preventing possible depreciation. Here are some of the common house renovations that you made need to undertake in your house.
#realestate #renovations #home #homebuying #homeimprovement
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Short for “Specific, Manageable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely,” S.M.A.R.T. goal setting is an often life-changing process: Here is a breakdown of how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals, and why the process is changing the nature of business the world over.
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S.M.A.R.T. Goals: A Major Key to Success
Many successful people have begun to incorporate the S.M.A.R.T. goal method into their plans for achieving success. S.M.A.R.T. goal setting is an often life-changing process: Here is a breakdown of how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals, and why the process is changing the nature of business the world over.
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Organizational Skills for Leadership Success
It is important to have good leadership traits but if you don’t have the proper organizational skills, you may burn out in your position. Scheduling, meetings, tasks, and managing others take a lot of organization. People find different ways to stay organized and what works for some may not work for others.
Time Management
As a leader, you are not only responsible for yourself but also a team of other employees. To be able to complete your long list of daunting tasks you have to use your time efficiently and effectively. Making sure you have enough time to finish your work in between meetings, scheduling, and arising problems is difficult. You could find it more beneficial seeing your schedule on a monitor or actually having it written on a paper calendar may be more beneficial. Find the most convenient and accessible way to keep track of your time so you do not feel rushed and overwhelmed.
As a leader, many tasks are going to come across your desk. Determining which ones need to be done first and which can be left for another day is going to save you stress in the long run. Know what the difference is between what is important and what is urgent. An upset client that needs to talk to you as soon as possible is more urgent than an important report due by the end of the day. Time management comes into play with prioritizing tasks. Scheduling how to start your day with the most important tasks but being flexible enough to take on an urgent task in case it arises throughout the day. You also have the ability to delegate as a leader, prioritize what projects you are going to keep and which ones can be handed off to other team members.
Delegating, planning meetings, scheduling projects, and leading a team can be very hectic. Having consistent communication skills will help ensure your team can stay organized. You not only want to have good communication skills with your employees but also support them to communicate with you. This will ensure everyone is on the same page and improve the success of the company. It will also promote feedback and opportunity for constructive criticism. Having an open-door policy will negate the intimidation most employees feel when talking to their bosses.
Finding your way as a leader can be difficult because you have others relying on you as well. Developing strong organizational skills can, in turn, lead to a successful leadership style. Try implementing new organizational tactics in your company and see what works for you and your business.
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Turning Your Business Green
Since green living is the way to go for saving the planet, it makes sense for business owners to follow the trend. Today’s consumers are leaning toward green and non-toxic products. Environmental issues will no doubt drive future markets. The following ideas can help lead the way to turn a business green.
Skip paper whenever possible by going digital. If printing is necessary, be sure to use eco-friendly paper. Look for the recycling symbol on boxes. Use post-consumer waste (PCW) paper products. This is the only paper recycled entirely from what goes in recycling bins daily. The process used to make it takes 45 percent less energy. Recycle any paper used in the office.
It’s nice to have a clean office, but many of the products used in cleaning them are toxic to the environment and the body. Go through window cleaners, bathroom cleaners, and hand and dish soaps and replace them with green brands if necessary. They may be a little pricier but most are concentrated which saves money over the long run. Benefits will be health for employees and a healthier planet.
Both compact-fluorescent and LED lights cost more than standard incandescent bulbs but their long life makes them more economical to buy. They last much longer and use significantly less energy. They fit most fixtures and will save businesses up to $200 per bulb over the long run. Use this data as a calculator to see how savings add up over the entire business.
Plastic waste is a huge problem in the United States. Data taken in 2011 showed the U.S. generated 32 million tons of plastic waste. Fortunately, recycling plastic has increased. Businesses can easily have a recycling system for plastic, especially water bottles. Even better, they could install an in-office filtration system. Water will be clean and fresh, and the hassle of recycling eliminated.
Some companies like Hewlett Packard and General Electric follow strict sustainability guidelines. Businesses wanting to go green are choosing their services. Ask existing and potential vendors about their sustainability policies. Businesses that use paper should ask about their recycled paper. Check to see if companies use energy efficient manufacturing plants and vehicles.
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Catering to Who is Buying Your Home
My last blog Preparing Your Home For Sale, helps owners who are selling their homes prepare their homes to go on the market. Now that you have attracted buyers’ interest, how do you keep it? Your real estate agent will know most of the selling points such as location, schools, and nightlife aspects. Most of the time, agents don’t live in the same neighborhoods they’re selling in so they can’t speak to how living in the area actually is.
Home buyers may ask you questions about the area and personal experiences. You may also want to ask buyers questions of what they’re looking for not only in a house but in a community. This could help provide you with topics to later talk about after you show the house. You want to be prepared to not only sell your house but the area it’s in.
Younger couples who are looking for their first time home to start a family are going to want to know about safety, schools, and activities to do with their kids. Just calling it a “kid-friendly” neighborhood might not give the young couple piece of mind. Attest to the experience you have had whether it was with your own kids, other younger family members, or the neighborhood kids.
Now if it is an older couple, maybe looking to downgrade since their kids have moved out, you may want to take a different approach. They may want a quieter setting. Noting the space between plots and how the neighborhood is calm may be what they are looking to hear. Of course, if the neighborhood is busy and bustling, don’t state false pretenses. You could say the neighborhood is busy but the structure of the house keeps out the sound (if this is the fact).
Great talking points would be any surrounding features as well for certain buyers. If there is a mall, grocery store, movie theater, restaurants, or schools nearby, sell them as well. Sell the fact that you only need to go down the street for groceries or that children can walk to school instead of having to be picked up by a bus or driven by the parents. Giving examples of activities buyers can do moving into your home can make a huge difference.
So don’t only prepare yourself for selling the home but prepare yourself for selling the environment as well. Even learning more about your neighborhood, community, or town could help you gain information that others may be interested in. You might not care that a public library is down the road and you may have never set foot in it but if you have a buyer who shows interest in literature, you have a talking and selling point.
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Preparing Your Home for Sale
With the crowded home buyers market of today, sellers have to take every opportunity to increase their home’s chance of selling. Realtors have lots of suggestions that will go a long way in helping a home sell. Homeowners don’t have to shell out lots of money, but spending a few bucks and taking some time will dramatically increase your home’s selling potential. Use these ideas to help prepare a house to sell faster.
Help buyers envision living in the home themselves. Remove personal items like family photos, kids’ drawings, and some décor. Décor that is too personalized such as unique paintings, knickknacks, and collectibles may be something important to you as an owner but buyers won’t appreciate or see the value. Rent a storage unit if necessary. Do not go overboard with depersonalizing your home. You still want buyers to be able to envision themselves living in your home which means your home should look lived in.
Give a good first impression by upping a home’s curb appeal. Make sure the lawn is immaculate and mowed. Plant flowers and/or add a few potted plants by the door. Giving the door a fresh coat of paint and adding a welcome mat will make a home look more inviting. Replace faded house numbers and worn-out mailboxes with newer features. Consider power washing your home and updating outer features such as window panes, shutters, and garage doors.
There’s no room in the buyer’s market for a house that needs major repairs. Now is the time to repair broken windows, leaky roofs, and other major defects. The little things will make a difference too, so tighten loose door knobs, fix leaky faucets, etc. Give a mini makeover with new cabinet knobs, hinges, and other hardware. Do some fresh caulking around tubs, showers, and bathroom fixtures.
Imagine the embarrassment of having home shoppers bump into furniture when walking through. Pretend to be a buyer and do a dry run walk-through to make sure the flow throughout the whole house is smooth. Does the furniture fit the size of the room? Sometimes less is more. Remove bulky chairs and take them to the storage unit used for decluttering in tip number one.
It’s rude for guests to do it, but potential buyers expect to check the closets in every room. Storage space is high on the list for selling points. Overstuffed, disorganized closets give the appearance of not enough storage space. Invest in dividers, storage containers, hanging organizers, hooks, and anything to help the closet look neat and organized. Consider putting less-used items in storage or clearing out your closet completely. This can give buyers a chance to envision their own clothes, shoes, towels, etc. in the closets.
Prepping for an open house is essential. You can’t wing it and decide to open your house up to buyers without preparing it. These minor changes can have major impacts on the price you are able to get for your home.
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How to Prepare Your House for the Winter
Winter signals to residents to warm up their homes. Residents can warm up outside by wearing a hat, coat, scarf, gloves, and boots. Keeping the home a warm haven requires more preparation. As the temperature drops, don’t wait until late December for the first day of winter to arrive. Insulate and repair the home now.
Cracks, holes, and gaps invite cold air and seep out warm air. The windows and doors are the primary culprits. Insulate the windows with caulk or plastic sheeting. Keep windows closed during the winter. Meanwhile, insulate all entry and patio doors with weather-stripping, caulk, door sweeps, and/or door snake. Use insulation panels or foam board for the garage door. Insulate the attic to prevent ice dams, including the attic floor. Insulate the basement, crawlspace, and dryer vents to stop cold air from entering. Cover exposed chimneys with a chimney inflatable or draft stopper.
Insulate indoor pipes in attics, basements, and under the sink with insulation sleeves. Another good idea is to leave cabinet doors open overnight so the HVAC unit can warm the pipes inside. Remove everything inside the cabinets first and relocate it elsewhere. In cold weather, let the water drip overnight. Go outside and insulate exposed pipes with pipe insulation or a thick bag. Keep outdoor faucets off during the winter. Disconnect, drain, and insulate outdoor water hoses before storing. Cover pools, hot tubs, and irrigation systems. Insulate sheds, saunas, sun houses, and greenhouses.
Fix cracks, holes, and gaps with caulk. Repair loose roof shingles. A repaired roof shingle strengthens the roof from the heavy ice and snow. Without it, the weight will be too much, causing water leaks to enter the home. In addition, fix HVAC and heating products and change the air filter. Winter is the worst time for an HVAC unit to break, so turn on the heater once to burn off the burning odor. A lingering odor is problematic. Lastly, repair or replace the thermostat. A thermostat keeps the home at a comfortable temperature.
Taking precautions like this separates the cold air outside from the warm air inside. When warm air stays inside, it takes less energy to maintain a warm temperature. To assist in winter-proofing the home, contact a professional for a thorough inspection of the roof, heater, and pipes.
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