Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
animu is dum ur gay
What? I don't under-
...Alrighty, then.
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Greetings, peasants
I have returned
[He made me write that. I'm so sorry]
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I'm not sure if that's very wise. From what I heard, planeswalkings seems pretty intense even with a spark. I was a bit surprised I made it here in one piece even with a Myojin's protection.
It seems that Toshiro Umezawa has started following me. How was your 2 month hiatus, Toshi?
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Pretty well. I took some time to spirit traveling around Dominaria. Thousands of years on here and some sights never get old to see.
How have things been in Kamigawa since the Kami War?
It seems that Toshiro Umezawa has started following me. How was your 2 month hiatus, Toshi?
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In my travels, I saw some ninja who devoted their way to bushido. Their knowledge and skills of both arts were impressive and frightful, to say the least.

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Anthony and I were talking about drawings the other day
So, a few of the other blogs are drawing stuff. [Yeah. What about it?] Well, maybe people would be interested if you drew me. [You're kidding. I'm a terrible artist] Come now, surely it not that bad. [Here let me show you.]
........ [Don't you dare.] I wasn't going to say anything...
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Just in to chill and hang out.
if you want to come in your more then welcome too. But the official broadcast will not be till tomorrow 9pm EST
How long will you be on? My mod is scheduled to pick up a computer he bought earlier today. But he…
I shall come chat then.
Casual tier re-blog of a casual tier-chat. Come on other walkers get in on this
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This is probably how Laboratory Maniac makes toast.
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I plan on getting a massive list of hilarious flavortexts ready.
I never metamorphosis I didn’t like.
To merfolk, pirates are a nuisance. To pirates, merfolk are a threat. To the kraken, they’re both appetizers.
It was probably a lousy spell in the first place.
Course he ran! I wouldn’t want to stare down that barrel, either!
Once I saw a goblin shouting at a thunderstorm. He lost the argument pretty quickly.
Reinforcements… Or refreshments?
I'm sure it came with the place. I don't think you build one on purpose.
We need to have a flavortext party.
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Sometimes I miss my old swamp.
And then I remember all the times I was almost killed there.

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So, Hidetsugu sort of ascended to godhood... Do you think he was worthy at all?
I can think of no better a being to merge with the most powerful, vengeful, and chaotic demon than Hidetsugu.
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Any Other ASK Magic: The Gathering Character that wishes to be in this comic Raise your DAMN HAND!
At least so I can start working on my art style and sketches on how to draw you people…
((Come at me bro!))
EDIT: ((Skype convos lead to some interesting drawings believe me))
I can actually believe it will…. I’m looking forward to this broadcast!
/raise hand
I'd love to see myself in your work, Liliana
Head Count!
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I've noticed something about Kami of the crescent moon. On his card art he looks really fat, he has like seven backs or something. I assume you've met in real life, is this true or terribly exaggerated?
I've had a few run-ins with Mochi. While quite small, he's more like a cloud, which explains all the lumps.
But, yes, he is very fat.
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You intrigue me, human, especially given the rage you inspire in Bolas. What can you tell me about yourself and your plane?
Hmm, you're one of those new age Phyrexians, yes? You don't look as scary as I've heard you bunch are. I see little harm in divulging some of my history.
Anywho, I am Toshiro Umezawa, please call me Toshi. I am originally from Kamigawa, a plane where kami, or great spirits, are revered and feared. To make a long story short [it would probably span three books or so], I helped stop the Kami War. However, after it was over, I was...relocated [banished]...right, to Domania and had eyes taken by the Myojin of Night's Reach.
After that, I started a family, became the first of the Umezawa clan, and passed years later. Since then, I've been a wandering spirit, watching the history Dominaria over the ages. Right now, I'm with a human, Anthony [Hello], who's been kind enough to transcribe my words to you all.
Will that do, Phyrexian?
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[Okay, so I know we just started this tumblr, but my computer kicked the bucket and is getting repaired. Toshi wants me to answer questions from my phone, what I'm using now, since its internet sucks, so until it comes back, we won't be answering questions. Sorry folks. Also, we'll get to who I am in the next question. 'Till then.]
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I just want to know what is it like that your Jitte is now legend. Even though I'm dead I've heard tales of how your jitte was passed down through the generations. According to the odd rumor Jace had it during his mindsculptor phase. But none can use the Jitte, it uses them!
My Jitte took a keen thirst to blood, as it took more power from it that most sources, and most tended to yield to its thirst without realizing it. I hid my methods of using the kanji magic that I used it for until Tetsuo found it. The man did my lineage proud!
Though I've heard of Jace through various whispers and rumors, I doubt he'd be clever enough to find where to find it, though that mystic he hung around with might have brought it to him. A little too much power, she had, but respectful to return things to where they belonged.
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Such an odd place, this tumblr...
The kami I've seen have nothing on some of these people
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