asktobigrayson · 7 hours
My shift ended a few minutes ago, but I can come back if you need me to!
I love you so much!! You are the best, be my gf 😭
Thank you so much!!!! I love you too! You can actually just call me on the Ghostbusters Non-Emergency line. I’m kind of grounded right now and I’m willing to make new friends so you can also just stop by the firehouse! Nobody will mind! I have the best assistant ever!
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asktobigrayson · 21 hours
I can guarantee any "Peck is right" anons that Pheobe is leagues ahead of him in the smarts department (especially common sense).
Pheobe is only a few years away from being considered an adult,whereas Peck I don't think will EVER be considered one (at least not in my eyes) a true mature adult asses a situation then acts using the information present to them instead of letting thier ego get in the way.
(Sorry for ranting Dr.Stanz it just peeves me when people say such bold statements,especially without anything to back it up)
Ghostbusters rule,Peck Sucks -P.M. 🚫👻
Phoebe could say that being a Ghostbuster is her part time job- that would be considered legal, correct? I believe the working age is 16, and therefore it would be considered legal for Phoebe to work for the Ghostbusters as a part time job.
Peck is too blinded by his own arrogance to realise that there’s more to life then just being a bully.
(For everyone’s sake I hope he doesn’t get elected mayor in the next election)
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asktobigrayson · 21 hours
I was at a festival today, and saw someone who looked like @ask-peter-venkman there! Was it you, Dr. Venkman??
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asktobigrayson · 21 hours
So you know how my parents grounded me for going to jail today??? Well they are out busting ghosts a lot and since you’re the only person in the firehouse at the time you wouldn’t mind if I had a few friends over right??? You wouldn’t tell my parents??
I'm not a snitch.
By now you probably already have.
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asktobigrayson · 1 day
Where would you go if you were to get fired or if the Ghostbusters go out of business (again)
Well, I'd finish college, and most likely become a scientist. Maybe move back to Chicago?
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asktobigrayson · 2 days
Most attractive person, go.
I don't know...Michael J Fox? He was really cute in the 80s.
^ I had like a big crush on him when I was like 12.
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asktobigrayson · 3 days
Hey! I'm currently drinking a coffee because I got no sleep last night! What's everyone else drinkin'?
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asktobigrayson · 3 days
For anyone who can't think of questions to ask in my inbox. But please don't ask anything suggestive.
Spill the Tea ☕
Send ☕ or tea + question number (from the list below) for my muse to answer questions about themselves. You can select multiple questions or add your own. My muse can decline if the question is out of the list questions provided.
How did you come to choose your current profession or lifestyle?
How do you typically handle stress or difficult situations?
How do you view yourself versus how others see you?
Do you have any habits or quirks that others find unique or strange?
Have you ever been in love? If so, what was it like?
How do you deal with betrayal or conflict in your relationships?
What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals?
What does a typical day look like for you?
What's your favorite way to relax or unwind?
Are there any skills or talents you have that not many people know about?
Do you have any coping mechanisms for dealing with anxiety or fear?
What are your pet peeves?
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Do you prefer working alone or in a team?
What kind of music do you listen to, if any?
What would your dream pet be, if laws of physics and reality were no obstacle?
What’s your favorite mythical creature, and why?
What’s your guilty pleasure, the thing you indulge in secretly?
Have you ever broken someone’s heart, intentionally or unintentionally?
Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?
Is there someone who has significantly influenced your life?
What’s your signature dance move?
Have you ever broken the law?
Would you sacrifice one innocent person to save a thousand others?
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to someone?
What’s your favorite smell in the entire world, and have you ever tried to bottle it?
What's the most embarrassing thing you've done while drunk?
Describe your most awkward kiss.
How many times a week do you talk to yourself?
What’s the strangest food combination you’ve ever tried and actually liked?
What's your idea of the perfect romantic evening?
Have you ever written a love letter or received one?
!!!!!! Suggestive questions from this point onwards:
33. What's the sexiest feature you find in a partner? 34. Have you ever had a one-night stand? 35. Have you ever skinny-dipped? 36. Have you ever had a friends-with-benefits arrangement? 37. Have you ever done it somewhere other than a bed? Where? 38. Describe your first time in three words. 39. Describe a non-sexual activity that turns you on unexpectedly. 40. If you could create your own aphrodisiac, what ingredients would you include?
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asktobigrayson · 3 days
@ask-garygrooberson Something...did happen.
I'm screwed!
Tumblr media
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asktobigrayson · 3 days
How do I explain this...Some of the Stay Puft Marshmallows got a hold of the blowtorch...I was sure I put it away but I guess not as securely as I thought.
Hey, @ask-garygrooberson I don't know the last time you were in the lab but the last time you were in there did you see a blowtorch out? Asking for a friend of course.
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asktobigrayson · 3 days
You’re no Ghostbuster
What makes you say that?
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asktobigrayson · 4 days
Yes, we have.
walter peck is right
What do you mean? He tried to shut down the containment unit back when my friends and I were the Ghostbusters. He’s the reason Gozer nearly killed the entire city.
It’s unfortunate that you think he’s right.
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asktobigrayson · 4 days
I'm not surprised, to be honest. Strong minds, -like yours, Dr. Spengler's, and Dr. Venkman's- made this idea come to life, and soon enough, people found it so interesting it's now their job to be a Ghostbuster! I'm proud of everyone who is apart of the team. It's amazing how much this idea has grown.
walter peck is right
What do you mean? He tried to shut down the containment unit back when my friends and I were the Ghostbusters. He’s the reason Gozer nearly killed the entire city.
It’s unfortunate that you think he’s right.
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asktobigrayson · 4 days
Been on my shift for about an hour. Nothing much going on.
Besides me and Dr. Stantz talking shit on dickless Peck.
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asktobigrayson · 4 days
Understandable. Sometimes you get slimed, or sometimes the ghost scares the shit out of you -no offence Slimer, if you ever see this-, but it's fun. But, sometimes it just gets too exhausting to do.
walter peck is right
What do you mean? He tried to shut down the containment unit back when my friends and I were the Ghostbusters. He’s the reason Gozer nearly killed the entire city.
It’s unfortunate that you think he’s right.
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asktobigrayson · 4 days
Yeah, because then he'd never get a single vote for mayor. And we, again, would have to go and fix a mess he had caused. <- Not that I'm complaining, I like my job.
walter peck is right
What do you mean? He tried to shut down the containment unit back when my friends and I were the Ghostbusters. He’s the reason Gozer nearly killed the entire city.
It’s unfortunate that you think he’s right.
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asktobigrayson · 4 days
Well now he has ideas...Maybe?
don't we all.
walter peck is right
What do you mean? He tried to shut down the containment unit back when my friends and I were the Ghostbusters. He’s the reason Gozer nearly killed the entire city.
It’s unfortunate that you think he’s right.
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