askthestarandkey · 3 years
[I really thought I was going to be more active here last year but I ended up focusing on other fandoms (naruto currently has a tight grip on me.)
Even with ask, I’ve had little motivation to draw Anisa and my other OCs. Hopefully that will change but we’ll have to see.
If I don’t post here for like another week, I’ll be on my Instagram (where I’m most active) and my art account. I be forgetting a lot lol]
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askthestarandkey · 3 years
are you still in the hetalia fandom? if so, is this blog active anymore?
[I’m not that active but yes, I’m still into Hetalia ^^ I’ll be in college soon so I won’t be on here as much still.]
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askthestarandkey · 3 years
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, salam sejahtera bagi kita semua, shalom, om swastiastu. Namo buddhaya, salam kebajikan. Before we begin, I would like to thank God Almighty for letting us gather here on this very day—
Wh— huh? Was that too formal? Uhh... umm.. should I start over...? Oh,, just continue...? Uhh oke...
AHEM. Hai. Halo. Apa kabar? I saw my bros doing this ‘ask’ thing sooo I’d like to try it myself too. So please don’t hesitate to ask me questions!
......Did I do it right? Was that oke....?
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askthestarandkey · 3 years
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askthestarandkey · 3 years
How about me and you go out for karaoke?
“Oh, but I have a karaoke machine at home!”
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“Just as a warning, I can get really into singing. It’s a Filipino thing!”
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askthestarandkey · 3 years
Okay you know what these blog deserve some recognition and happiness and as i am a Fellow hetalian blog i am gonna help you to boost your popularity by reblogging and sending hearts to your blog,artwork and suggest you to my other friends here...you deserve more followers so Yeah that's all i am just in a good mood so anyway Kudos to you mun and also the personification of Mauritius or something correct me if i am wrong anyway keep it up!!!
[THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭 That’s really nice of you and I appreciate it dearly. I’m trying my best here even if it doesn’t work out sometimes. I’ve poured my heart and soul into the Mauritius so I’m glad it’s not going to waste at all]
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askthestarandkey · 3 years
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 M A U R I T I U S 🌸
My beautiful child says hello in the year 2021 (≧∇≦)/
Its been a whole 4 years since I made a chibi of her like hello?????
The new season came out yesterday so I’m really excited to get involved in hetalia again. I’ll do the best I can to produce content for yall. 
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askthestarandkey · 4 years
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askthestarandkey · 4 years
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                           “We can do this, hang in there!!”
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askthestarandkey · 4 years
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                                      “Let’s do this again!”
So I guess you can say I’m officially back after saying I would so many times before. I wanna restart my account and introduce Mauritius (as well as myself) to any newcomers. I forgot how fun it is to do this plus I couldn’t bring myself to abandon this precious girl right here. Alright let’s begin ;;
                                          | Biography | Guildlines |
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