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woah time shits fucking with me again im being followed by myself sweet sup other me
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oh shit i havent been on in forever sorry guys ive been busy with bullshit stuff like school and fatass day i'll get back to you guys in a day its too late tonight send more asks and ill pull shit together and answer them all in one big fucking swoop
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karkat??? is that you???
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hey guys yall should ask me shit because im bored as fuck
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thats classified
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thats just sick man even to joke about never fuck with a mans apple juice and just for that yeah we did fuck in your room on your bed on your nic cage poster
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huh p good question never thought much about it before me as a troll id say my matesprit would be either pyrope (maybe vantas) my moirail would be john my kismesis would be makara and auspicisisisisisisis whatever thats called would be my bro and lalonde
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rocking my footy pjs fuck yeah
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woah hey there mr egbert now now no need to bring bro into this not unless you want john to know what we did in his room that one night
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hmm good question anon there was that one time with mr egbert visiting egbert for his birthday and when he was out at school lets just say mr egberts cooking utensils arent just used for cooking
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twinkies but i think a better question is why is a robot thing asking me questions on a social media site??? we dont serve your kind here
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ask box open bitches
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