askshingekinomurder · 10 years
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Koujaku: ...which is why it was so strange when he joined the Military Police - he hated them so much, used to call them cowards. It's like his personality completely changed when we graduated. Come to think of it, this happened around the same time Mink left, didn't it?
Aoba: [frowns] I think so. Anyway, we've never really had the opportunity to see him since then - he worked his way up the ranks of the MP pretty quickly according to Noiz and Clear, so he isn't required to attend the joint missions in New Midorijima.
Koujaku: You miss him, huh?
Aoba: Yeah, of course I do. Don't you?
(referring to this post)
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
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yeah so basically i was sketching some shingeki no murder!beni a couple of days ago but i lost my rubber before i could finish it and. i can’t be bothered to do more
nevermind that here is beni
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
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i was rly bored waiting for the mum so i did some shingeki no murder sketches whoo it’s clara heichou and noiz
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
hi everyone!!
first off, i'd like to apologise deeply for the lack of updates - art block has been kicking my butt and while i have a ton of ideas for comics and answers in my head i haven't quite been able to parse them out into actual art for you guys yet! in the mean time, please feel free to continue sending in asks - i might take a look at one and get a sudden burst of inspiration, which means a quicker update! i'll do my best to sketch up something in the next couple of days, but in case that doesn't happen this is just a reassurance that yes, this blog is very much still alive. thanks for staying with me through this dry spell!!
IN THE MEANTIME, let me direct y'all to this absolutely amazing renao fic that the lovely mizuyoshi has written for this au!! i'm just ridiculously happy right now, like completely over the moon about it - it's a gorgeous read and i'm so honoured that someone would want to write about this silly little au akjfgkdsfg ;;;; SO YES, Y'ALL SHOULD GO AND READ IT IT'S WONDERFUL (and as always, you can find the lovely things people have made for this au right here!)
just so you guys know, i won't be reblogging fanworks to this blog just to avoid confusion with the canon in this au!! i will definitely scream about it and reblog it to no end on my personal blog though; i encourage you all to write/draw/create as much as you'd like (and tag either this blog or my personal one in it!), but this askblog does have a set storyline that i plan on following uwu thank you guys so much, you're all super super a+ and ily ♥
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
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Aoba: As a result of the trouble Scratch has been causing throughout the Walls, the three military factions - Survey Corps, Garrison Troops and Military Police - have had to organise series of joint missions to oppose and hopefully shut them down. The Survey Corps' resources are already stretched thin, so we haven't been able to undertake as many missions outside the Wall since, which is...it's a huge blow, not to mention losing an experienced veteran like Mink.
Honestly, I...I don't understand. He never treated any of us kindly, but I knew why he was so harsh; I understood that. He always seemed so rooted, so ready to fight for humanity's cause. I don't know why he chose to turn against his own race - I guess I was wrong, to think I'd ever really understood him.
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
hi guys! i'm terribly sorry about the lack of posts this week - i've been taking a small break to draw some other things, and a couple of personal issues have come up so it might be a little while before i upload anything substantial!! there might be a few tiny doodles within the next few days tho, who knows ;) thanks for staying with me and i hope you all continue to enjoy this blog!
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
I have the most insatiable desire to write a RenAo fic in this AU setting but I have exams in like 3 days but as soon as they are over...lord help me.
GOOD GOD PLEASE i literally live and breathe for renao ngl
good luck for your exams darling!! have some cheeroba while you’re at it
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
THE TIMELINE OF THIS AU HAS CHANGED SLIGHTLY - wall old mido fell eight years ago instead of six. I've changed the information and updated the relevant posts; it doesn't affect any of the info that's been revealed so far, it just means aoba and co. are slightly older (i've taken liberties with the age at which they can join the military for the sake of character development).
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
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aoba....you should worry about yourself first.........
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(large version)
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
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taking a break from answering asks to doodle berta from my snk/dmmd crossover ♥ i’m currently working on a plotty answer but there’s quite a lot to draw, so it might take a while have some unfinished sketchy poop berta in the meantime yes
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
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"but i wonder...what was mink doing there?"
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
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thank you so much for all the follows, guys!! it's been about a week and i've been terrible at updating so far but i'm so thrilled and thankful for your lovely patience and support with this blog ♥♥♥ 
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
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aka it's too long to answer in a single part sOOOOOOOO have this cop-out, flashback answer for now
[0 >>]
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
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(i'm too lazy to come up with a different number for their training division l o l)
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
hey guys!
i'm so glad to see you all seem to be enjoying this blog - i can't say how grateful i am to have received all your lovely asks and follows, thank you so much!! ♥ 
just a quick note that fanart and fanfic for this crossover is of course allowed - i'm super thrilled that other people are getting excited about this too, and i would LOVE to see anything you guys make! if you do create fanwork for it, please don't hesitate to send me a link, tag my personal blog (sherryandgin) or use the tag for this ask blog (shingeki no murder)!!
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again, a massive thank you to you all! ilu 
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
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askshingekinomurder · 10 years
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reluctant heroes
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