In da ye olde shoppe
7K posts
Heyo, I'm Ravio! Happy to give you helpful answers to any questions while Hilda and I work on rebuilding Lorule! Ravio Ask Blog Also semi-selective rps ♥ Please check the rules before sending a question as I get many repeats and stuff! I apologize that I cannot answer every single question I get!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
askraviostuff · 5 years ago
Hi! Long time no see! I just wanted to pop on here to look for something and I see sooo many messages from people leaving well-wishes and memories and it really made my day! And I was also surprised to see so many people still reblogging my art and stuff. Really totally awesome! This blog meant a lot to me too. I met some of my now best buds on here, I met my girlfriend on here. So many good memories to cherish! I don’t know if this blog will ever be active again. I still adore Ravio but adult life takes up a lot of time. I’ve been teaching as a middle school art teacher on and off though with the virus I don’t know if I’ll find a permanent position. I keep my fingers crossed! If you want to follow me else where, I do have an instagram and a twitter I’m trying to get more active on. Both of those are ravibunn (with 2 n’s). Also if you want to message me on discord it’s ravibun#4338. Thank you so much for your support over the years! Love, Ravibun
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askraviostuff · 7 years ago
Link took a few awkward steps back, not sure if he should even be touching him. But even so he did listen to the merchant’s attempts at winning him over. It was nostalgic, maybe even a bit endearing now that he was an adult instead of a teenager. Oh goddesses, he missed his best friend. He missed these carefree days before things got so complicated. When he flashed that big, bright smile, it hit him in the heart. Link clasped a hand over his mouth, letting out a small laugh. 
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“Oh goddesses, you drive a really hard bargain, don’t you? I really wish I could, but it might not be a very good idea for me to buy something like that. I have two kids, three in a few months, and you know how they always get a hold of anything you try to hide from them. But you’re definitely a talented salesman, true to the stories.”
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“I guess I should apologize for the scene earlier. You looked a lot like someone I know, so I guess I was a little thrown off the local merchant I hear about was you. I didn’t realize I was scolding a stranger, especially one so young. You must be one tough little guy to manage on your own like this, huh?”
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“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m probably boring you to tears. Call me Art. I’m running a few errands for tomorrow, but I guess I took the wrong path while taking a short cut and walked in the wrong building.”
Link lowered himself to eye level, reaching into his satchel. Thankfully he swiped some treats from a confectioner on his daily rounds. Link offered the merchant a few large, colorful looking candies on wooden sticks.
“I was going to give this to my twins, but you should take it. You know, as sorry for the mess I made. There’s strawberry, caramel, milk, and honey flavor.”
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“Kids, huh? So you’re a dad?.....I mean, I’ve been messing with this stuff for a while but I guess this _is_ Hyrule...” He thought. Normally he might try to edit his pitch a bit, but, ever since all the monsters were cleared out after all the events, it had become harder to sell things here. Plus, Link really wanted his house back. Fair was fair. He shoved the ice rod back into his bag. And if this guy had kids, was better to keep anything dangerous from them. Ravio wasn’t itching for a lawsuit anytime soon.
Sheerow stared Link, almost as if he could see right through him. He ruffled his feathers, little dusty bits twirling through the air. Ravio crossed his arms and listened to the man talk. He made a face of slight irritation when Link said something about him being a ‘little guy’. He wasn’t little! He was practically an adult!
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“Art, huh? Well, you really took a wrong turn to find yourself in my buddy’s house. Maybe you meant to go to Kakariko Village. It’s not far from here. I could take you there if you want, actually.” Man this guy must be a straight up idiot. How do you mistake someone’s house for a shop? He was pretty sure he took all the signs down ages ago, though maybe he should go triple check once he was done with this guy.
When Link pulled out the candies, Ravio’s eyes lit up quite a bit. He didn’t get to have sweets all that often, at least not at home. Lorule was still rebuilding so most people didn’t have sugary treats. Closest might be the cakes he sometimes had at the castle. Hyrule had so much time to make all kinds of sweet treats, and they weren’t incredibly expensive.
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“Uhhh...I guess I’ll take the honey one.” he said, reaching for it. He probably shouldn’t take candy from a stranger, but really, he wasn’t that picky. When you used to scrounge around for whatever bit of food you could find, it didn’t matter too much where it came from. “You should keep the rest for your kids...I’m sure they’d be pretty sad if they found out you gave it all to some random guy you just met...besides, I don’t get to eat this kind of stuff a lot so I’d just end up sick as a dog!”
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askraviostuff · 7 years ago
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“OW! Hey! What’s gotten into you!?”
Link waved his hands and hissed in pain. Sheerow always had a sharp beak, so these kinds of things hurt more than usual. Not only that, but he was stronger than he looked.
He glanced back to Ravio as the other tried to look intimidating. Wait… That couldn’t be right. Ravio was in Lorule with Hilda. For Hylia’s sake, he had four kids! He wasn’t supposed to be a pipsqueak anymore! Though he kind of looked adorable now that he was older. Geez, was Ravio always this baby faced?
Okay focus. How was Ravio small again? How was he going to explain to him that he was his best friend? Oh goddesses, he recalled a friend that traveled through time, what if he made a mess of things already by talking about his kids? Wait a second, how did he end up here? Why hadn’t anyone told him he was traveling through time? How would he get back home to see his family!? The twins were waiting for him! And so were Zelda and all his friends… His brain was practically malfunctioning, frying itself as he asked more and more questions without answers. He raised a finger up to Ravio, tripping over his own words.
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“I… You��� Wha… H-How? B… But… R… Ravio? You’re Ravio?”
Albie promptly slapped himself in the face to snap out of his confusion.
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“How? What do you mean How? That’s my name.” Ravio stared at this guy while he seemed to have some sort of existential crisis. What was his deal?? He was acting like a lunatic! Did Hyrule even have a mental hospital cause if they didn’t they’d better invest with people like this roaming around and just...walking into people’s houses.
Then Ravio paused, staring at the man’s face. Really staring at it. Surely there must be some explanation of this guy’s weirdness, his freaking out when he learned his name. Ravio gasped, gently putting his fist into the palm of his other hand like he’d cracked the code.
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“Ohhh! I get it! You must be a big fan of mine!! You know, I guess word about Ravio’s Amazing Awesome Totally Best Shop For Adventurers must have gotten around! Well Ravio is me! I’m the guy! That’s why I have weapons you see! I’ve recently relocated BUT since you’re such a swell guy, lemme see if we can do a bit of ‘travelling sales’!” He stated, and gestured to the ice rod Link had taken from his hand. “Now, this is a really fine item. You can use it for a lot of things! It doesn’t have to be a weapon! Actually! You could use it to cool off in the summer heat! Or use the ice blocks to preserve food! Of course you could also use it to freeze your enemies...or make a bridge across watery gaps! And, for a special one time price, you can have it for 2000 rupees!”
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“What do you say? Do we have a deal, buddy?”
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askraviostuff · 7 years ago
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He recognized that weapon. But the question was how did Kavros get a hold of something so dangerous? What on earth was Ravio doing while his son was missing!? Enough was enough. Without hesitating, Link swiped the weapon clean from Ravio’s hand and tugged on the merchant’s ear. His tone became firm as he looked down at the teenager.
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“And just what do you think you’re doing playing with something so dangerous!? Did Ileona talk you into this again!? Honestly, you’re going to get someone hurt! These aren’t toys, they’re real weapons!”
Link’s anger subsided when he noticed Sheerow’s initial reaction. So he did recognize him. Oh thank the goddesses. But wait, now that he got a better look at him, this kid looked less like Kavros. He didn’t have freckles and lacked the same red gaze Hilda had. So… Could it really be…? No, he needed proof first.
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“Well I’ll bite. So if you’re not Kavros, then who are you?”
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“OW! OWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!” Ravio flailed his arms around as the older blonde grabbed his ear and tugged. This was the worst! Who did this guy think he was putting his hands all on him like this!! Was he- was he scolding him!? That was his own weapon! He made it and this goon was scolding him! Sheerow flew down and nipped Link’s hand to free Ravio’s ear. The merchant whined, putting a hand over his red, sore ear. He rounded on Link, fuming.
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“What’s your deal, buddy?? Do you just go around into houses and grabbing other people’s ears and belongings and yelling at them for something they didn’t do?? I have no idea who this Kavros and Ileona are!” He shouted, obviously more than done with this guy. He needed to go. And when he did, he hoped Link would come back so he could ask if he knew some weirdo with a cape and long stupid hair!
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“My name is Ravio! You’re in my friend’s house!” Ravio snapped, crossing his arms and glaring from underneath the hood. “That ice rod is mine. I made it, so if you don’t mind, I’d like it back! Then you can get your fancy dressed butt out of here! You weirdo!”
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askraviostuff · 7 years ago
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[This is what you are here for folks, quality content]
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askraviostuff · 7 years ago
@alinkbetweenportraits from HERE
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“Huh. Kav-a-who-what-now?? Listen, buddy, I think you got the wrong house. I don’t know anyone you’re blabbering on about and I’m pretty damn certain my parents are dead so... ” He stated, setting his bag down on the floor and nonchalantly reaching inside for something. Maybe he was a tax collector...though Ravio didn’t think that Link was having any money troubles (as much as he moaned and groaned about being a broke blacksmith’s apprentice). Quickly he whips out an ice rod, pointing it at the other. “Unless you don’t want to become a nicely dressed popsicle, I’m going to suggest you turn a heel and march yourself out that door. Got it?” Sheerow flew up over to Link, circling around him angrily and suspiciously, but...wait. He _smelled_ pretty familiar. That was weird. It did smell like Link but no, Link was shorter, and he ad a stupid little baby face. He flew in closer, hovering like a bee near his face, staring him down with his little beady eyes. He then bit Link and the nose and flew back to Ravio, beeping and flapping wildly.
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“Sheerow! Really! You’re being ridiculous! That’s not Link!”
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askraviostuff · 7 years ago
Why rabbits?
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“I say why not! They’re cute!”
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askraviostuff · 7 years ago
Hi Ravio! Do you have a crush on Her Magesty, Princess Hilda? I personally think you two would be adorable together. Also, have a few rupees, you could use them for the kingdom! *hands over three blue rupees* It's not much, but it's all I really have at the moment... Some jerk stole my wallet.
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“I’d say its a bit more than a crush at this point, considering that we’re dating and all that. Kinda crazy right? That a princess would be into a guy like me?”
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askraviostuff · 7 years ago
(To the mun) Oh my lord, I love your art style so much.
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[Thank you!! ♥]
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askraviostuff · 7 years ago
flanoirbunny replied to your post: [Apparently someone attempted to hack this account...
*sound of Sheerow’s feet tapping a keyboard* WE’RE IN, BUDDY
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askraviostuff · 7 years ago
[Apparently someone attempted to hack this account LOL SUCK IT] [Also hi I live]
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askraviostuff · 8 years ago
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A blog for my OC deity of Lorule, Lorin. He’s basically a useless drunk god, but also probably the chillest deity you’ll meet. Open to RP with pretty much anyone regardless of being oc or canon, and regardless of fandom. Mun has years of experience, is friendly, and draws all the art on the blog!
Guidelines - About Muse
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askraviostuff · 8 years ago
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askraviostuff · 8 years ago
[this was the coolest thing seeing some never before seen concept art for ALBW. I really wish the book wasn't so expensive!!]
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SO ANYWAYS I really wanted this book but not only can I not read it, but it was 80 bucks at the store and I just don’t see myself spending that kind of money on a book I can’t use. Hopefully the translation will come soon. In the mean time, here’s some really cool concept art for Princess Hilda, Zelda, Yuga, and Ravio in ALBW! It’s crazy how much more different Yuga would have looked. Also a bit of Triforce Heroes, and honestly I wish this design stayed. But what can a girl do other that wish?
If anyone wants to add some translations, feel free to do so! 
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askraviostuff · 8 years ago
[/turns up a week late with starbucks/ sup]
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askraviostuff · 8 years ago
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Noxious Wraith
†  Older Vaati Ask & Roleplay Blog †  Run by two muns w/ years of combined experience †  NSFW for possible violence, no smut †  Takes place centuries after events of the games
╢ Guidelines || About || Muns ╟
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askraviostuff · 8 years ago
[I just cleaned out my inbox of asks cause I had some that were literally YEARS old. I kept just a handful (including a recent one!) so hit me up with some questions for Ravio. ♥]
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