askravenpaw · 2 years
if you dont mind sharing, on the tigerclaw post where it looks like theyre paper in the forest, how exactly did you do that? I wanna experiment with my art more and it looks amazing
heres the secret: they actually were paper in the forest.
i drew the images up digitally first and then printed and cut them out, then taped them onto the corners of some cardboard boxes i had. i took them to the local park's hiking trail and took a quick vid of them to loop as a gif and upped the saturation and exposure to feel dream-like.
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here they are on my car on the way to the park and you can see the cardboard supports behind them :3
they now live on my warrior cats shelf
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askravenpaw · 3 years
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askravenpaw · 3 years
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huh? what kind of question is that?
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askravenpaw · 3 years
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askravenpaw · 3 years
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askravenpaw · 3 years
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askravenpaw · 3 years
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askravenpaw · 3 years
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it’s uh... happened to me once or twice admittedly !! i dont really get it
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askravenpaw · 3 years
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askravenpaw · 3 years
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askravenpaw · 3 years
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☀ askravenpaw is open for business!! ☀
welcome to askravenpaw, an ask blog run by ravenpaw featuring his best pal barley and any friends they might encounter along the way.
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askravenpaw · 3 years
I want ravenpaw, where's ravenpaw, gimme ravenpaw :(
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