askprojectkageouma · 6 years
does anyone knows something about danganronpa, or junko idk .-.
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Doesn’t seem like Ouma knows anything.
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
What's your opinion about Kokichi's parents, Kou?
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They’re good parents, even if they can’t be home often!
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
I had this question for a while, but ouma has already go to a psychologist or something? (sorry if my english is bad but it's not my first language so i'm still learning 7-7)
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you sure you’re not looking for my mother or something?!
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
Since Kou doesn’t sleep, what does he do all night?
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…tells me the time at every ten minute interval. he also counts sheep and stuff like that. i’m not sure if i prefer silence or his mumbling..
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
Happy birthday ultimate supreme gay
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
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your leader is very pleased! good work everyone~
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
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maybe i’ll pester him anyways about it!
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
When did Kou appear? I just wanna know so I can wish him a happy birthday too!
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Well, don’t mind my birthday, okay? It’s not a particularly good day for Ouma and all!
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
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nishishi, what’s a leader without any followers~!
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
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these tears are just for dramatics! it’s not like i’m actually really happy or anything!
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
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..uh, kou’s birthday is.. the day he appeared. and i like.. chocolate.
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
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maybe today’s not too bad.
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@askprojectkageouma | before midnight yES
Happy Birthday to my favorite boys!!!!!
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
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I know its not the best, but I also know Kokichi hasn’t had the best birthday, so I hope this cheers him up a bit :3
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how sweet of you~
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
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apparently i’m very passionate about ouma getting all this hate on his birthday :( but i saw an old ask where the lil marks above ouma’s head kinda looked like a crown, so i decided to scribble up a kingly version of our beloved leader! your members (and myself) wish you a happy birthday, ouma! <3
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was there an ask like that? 
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
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I don’t think it worked when I tagged you, so, since its Kokichi’s birthday, I’ll send it here ! Happy birthday sweetie !
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thanks for drawing it!
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
Where's Kou? Did he leave like Yuki did? Or maybe both are dead, point is, not even Kou wants to be around you anymore now?
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hhe wouldn’t jsut, ddiee, not like, that,
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askprojectkageouma · 6 years
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it’s just for today, so whatever.
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