ask-thezombiequeen · 8 years
Some people are cool with fan art, but what about naked pin-up fan art?
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ask-thezombiequeen · 8 years
by Pabloracer1
Yep, today is the day, lets get streaming, you know the rules so…
here’s the link
Read more
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ask-thezombiequeen · 8 years
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Guleh having a conversation with my wife hothead
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ask-thezombiequeen · 8 years
I needed some time after some bad stuff happened in my life, so I went away from the internet in general... I’m still not recovered... But I’m back, I think...
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ask-thezombiequeen · 8 years
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I am training a bit. How is it?
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ask-thezombiequeen · 9 years
I dare ya! ^3^
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(Consider yourself warned…)
I dare you, Luna!
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ask-thezombiequeen · 9 years
A Honest Question:
I was thinking of chaging the blog a bit, and I’m thinking of making it a humanized blog. What you guys think?
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ask-thezombiequeen · 9 years
Evening Reblog :P
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Scketch :3
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ask-thezombiequeen · 9 years
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Scketch :3
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ask-thezombiequeen · 9 years
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Scketch :3
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ask-thezombiequeen · 9 years
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RAWR Discord community: https://discord.gg/0KFQRRqRluQ85jqY
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ask-thezombiequeen · 9 years
Go and Watch!
not your normal kind of butt..but hey, is a butt nonetheless https://picarto.tv/Pabloracer https://picarto.tv/Pabloracer https://picarto.tv/Pabloracer https://picarto.tv/Pabloracer
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ask-thezombiequeen · 9 years
Just found this again ^^ I loved answering to those questions!
A Exclusive Interview with The Zombie Queen - Guleh
“Hey Guys! And welcome back to The Blog Reviewer! Today I have a special treat for you all, After an extremely hard trial…. I finally managed to get a Exclusive interview with the Zombie Queen of the Darkhoof Brotherhood!”
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“Now if some of you never heard of the Darkhoof Brotherhood, There’s a good reason for that. That’s because it’s a secret ancient society of professionally trained assassins. And trust me on this, You do not wanna get on their bad side.”
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She looks at her assistant and asks "Yuno, Can you start rolling the footage?“
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Yuno speaks up in a happy like tone "Sure thing Boss!”
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Yuno displays the interview showing everyone. “And Done! The interview with the Zombie Queen is up!”
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= The Exclusive Interview Starts =
Kelly & Yuno begin to perform commentary on it aswell
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Yuno: “……… That didn’t seem all that hard to get that interview, boss.”
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Kelly: “Well…..uhh….”
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Yuno: “I never heard that name before. Sounds Amazing! Boss, Call me Guleh from now on!”
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Kelly: “No”
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Yuno: “So….. That’s not her real name? So what is her real name then?”
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Kelly: “ Sadly….. That’s the one question I forgot to ask her….”
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  Yuno: “OH MY GOD!!! HER TEACHER BEAT ON HER? THAT BASTARD!….. I feel so bad for her….”
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Kelly: “………?”
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Yuno: “Oh…. ok then.. Wait a minute… She got exiled for grabbing the wrong book? Her teacher is a dick!”
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Kelly: “Her teacher was a serious nerd when it came to books. Exiling her for something as stupid as that was too harsh though”
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Yuno: “Wha WHAT?!!! She’s an assassin? She’s not gonna kill us will she?”
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Kell: “Hehe”
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Yuno: “Oh! She’s like a super Anti hero like Spawn or Kratos from God of War! She’s so fricking cool!”
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Kelly: “Uh… Keep on watching”
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  Yuno: “…………………”
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Kelly: “Here’s a life lesson for you, Yuno. Always expect the unexpected”
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  Yuno: “Boss, what’s a necromancer?”
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Kelly: “A wizard that practices dark magic”
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Yuno: “So is her master the same guy that exiled her? If so, I totally wanna punch him!”
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Kelly: “Please refrain from doing that, You’re too young to go to jail for an assault charge”
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Yuno: “She’s being vague with that answer.”
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Kelly: “I’m sure she has her reasons. As a reporter, I have to accept that”
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Yuno: “We’re near the FINALE of this interview!…………… Awww, I don’t want it to end….. I’m liking this Guleh”
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Kelly: “Here’s another life lesson for you. Every good thing must come to an end”
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Yuno: “She’s got a scary family. They’re all assassins.”
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Kelly: “Assassins, machines, Animals etc. Family is family, There’s no bond stronger than family! Always remember that, Yuno”
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Yuno: “It must of been terrible before she  became leader. She’s so awesome!! I wonder if she’s taking in apprentices.”
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Kelly: “You actually want to become a trained killer?”
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Yuno: “That totally makes since. So her teacher & master aren’t the same person! I could of sworn he was”
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Yuno: “Aww man… It’s over now…. Not fair!”
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Yuno: “Well it was fun to getting to know her atleast”
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= The Exclusive interview Ends =
Kelly: “Well Guleh & I are friends now so I can always introduce you to her”
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Yuno: “I’d LOVE THAT!!! THANK YOU, BOSS! But I also noticed something.”
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Kelly: “Hmm?”
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Yuno: “Guleh, Never did shake your hand”
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Kelly: “Hehe, Well it’s okay. She is a unicorn, So she doesn’t really have hands to shake”
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Yuno looks at the camera and audience
Yuno: “Well that’s all we have for you guys!”
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Kelly looks at the camera and audience
Kelly: “You seen it all here on The Blog Reviewer as an exclusive! I hope you all enjoyed it! And Special thanks to Guleh for sharing her time with us!” If you wanna know more about her. you can find her here - http://ask-thezombiequeen.tumblr.com/
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Yuno: “Thank you for viewing and have a GREAT DAY!”
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The audience applauds as the show ends
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ask-thezombiequeen · 9 years
Mod is trying out some new stuff ^-^
Can I have some feedback on this? :3
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ask-thezombiequeen · 9 years
I do love this robot girl :3
Working on a tutorial were I demonstrate how I animated this (sorry it’s not longer lel).
Song is Modal Shanghai by Plasterbrain (who is really fucking awesome at her musics)
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ask-thezombiequeen · 9 years
Go see this stream! :3
Gonna be streaming for a little while to test this new internet connection, if you wanna kill some time with me, you’re welcome to come here
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ask-thezombiequeen · 9 years
Pass it on ^^
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Pass it on
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