ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
Hi if you saw that post no you didn't <3 /lh
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
that lucas dude is talkin abt these two
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" Oh! I see! ... Hm, they do look rather familiar, I've seen them play tag infront of the church ! But I've never really talked to em, my apologies ! "
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
A man by the monocher, the yeeter, walks in, and says "Do you know how many doors I walked through to get here? 12 DOORS!" before realizing that there's only one door, the entrance
" ... Erm.. who are you exactly? And what brings you to MY church? Please dear, lower your voice. "
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
Very loud crashing in the distance. "I FUCKED UP BIG TIME"
" E---eh?! What happened!? "
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
Hey sarv is Ruv your boyfriend or brother and what do you think about spooky bois (skid and pump)
" Ruv is just a good friend ! That's all ! ^^
And hm... 'Skid and Pump' ...? I'm er, afraid I don't know who you're talking about. "
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
" Oh ! I see.. well then. "
[Sarvente chuckled at his reaction to the thunder, crossing her arms.]
"Feel free to shelter yourself here for awhile, young one ! I won't mind... I'm sure Ruv won't either..! I-if he's here that is. "
*A brown short haired 16 year old wearing a cyan jacket (unzipped to show a black shirt underneath) a yellow star necklace, black jeans and brown boots enters the church* "What is this place? And why is it so big?"
[Sarvente perked upwards, upon hearing the new voice.]
" Ah, Hello there young one ! I'm Sarvente, Welcome to my church...!"
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
" Ah no no, i understand. I should do a little tidying around here !"
[She said with a cheerful tone.]
" Ah im sorry, did i disturb you from your nap ? You can go back to it if you wish.. I don't mind others taking a quick power nap in here. People need the rest... And protection, the feeling of being in a home. ^^ "
Tiny hoofbeats echoed throughout the church. The hooves belonged to a tiny, quite filthy-looking brown, donkey-esque Pokemon - A Mudbray!!
The little 'mon flopped down by a broken pillar and closed his eyes, believing the place to be abandoned.
[Out of curiosity, Sarvente quietly skipped over. Looking at the Mudbray, she kneeled next to it.]
".. Hello there lil' horse fella !...... Or donkey fella ! Whoops-- "
[The tone of her voice was rather calm and quiet, but cheerful aswell.]
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
" Oh.. sorry if i startled you! "
[She smiled, titling her head to the right, holding her hands together.]
" Are you lost by any chance ? "
*A brown short haired 16 year old wearing a cyan jacket (unzipped to show a black shirt underneath) a yellow star necklace, black jeans and brown boots enters the church* "What is this place? And why is it so big?"
[Sarvente perked upwards, upon hearing the new voice.]
" Ah, Hello there young one ! I'm Sarvente, Welcome to my church...!"
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
Tiny hoofbeats echoed throughout the church. The hooves belonged to a tiny, quite filthy-looking brown, donkey-esque Pokemon - A Mudbray!!
The little 'mon flopped down by a broken pillar and closed his eyes, believing the place to be abandoned.
[Out of curiosity, Sarvente quietly skipped over. Looking at the Mudbray, she kneeled next to it.]
".. Hello there lil' horse fella !...... Or donkey fella ! Whoops-- "
[The tone of her voice was rather calm and quiet, but cheerful aswell.]
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
If you're part demon, then how does that relate to you going to church...? I mean aren't demons an unholy kind of thing?
[Leaning closer to the anon, she whispered in a somewhat agressively kind tone.]
" Who said i was just 'part' demon ?... Besides, i just wish to help others be happy when they meet the end.. i don't want others being rejected, like me. "
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
Ooc person
Do you need a hug?
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Ffirst of all hugs r nice sso sure :]
Op what does the image mean
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
I don’t even know if this is the right person to ask. I don’t know who to ask anymore.
How do I start an ask blog.
How do I attract people to it?
I’ve tried to start one and I’m not into advertising like that so I won’t,
So how do I do it naturally?
I just want to be one of those well known ask blogs, like this one
And I have no idea how./srs
Wwell first i recommend starting up the account, That means making it, setting up a profile pic and background along with your bio.
Then you should make muse info, a little introductory post.
Along with the blog rules.
And usally asking people to help spread your blog is what starts a rather successful blog,,
This means tags, promo post and asking to follow/interact.
But if you don't want to make a promo post, then i recommend putting tags on your post that relate to your askblog.
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
Is this a threat /j/lh
Ooc person
Do you need a hug?
Tumblr media
Ffirst of all hugs r nice sso sure :]
Op what does the image mean
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
Ooc person
Do you need a hug?
Tumblr media
Ffirst of all hugs r nice sso sure :]
Op what does the image mean
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
Ooc: turin ask back on ssince i decided I'll try to start the event tomorrow
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
what do you think of ruv?
" Ah, Ruv... "
[She puts a hand on her cheek, smiling.]
" Ruvyzat is one of my greatest friends... I do care about him and like him alot ! He's brave no matter what, especially sice he's always on the run .... "
[Sarvente sighed, with slight warm but worried smile on her face.]
" ... I wish to protect him. I want him to.. be able to find happiness in the end. H-he's a good person, i know he is ! Even if he's a 'criminal' !"
[Sarvente let out a tired chuckle.]
......We made a rather important vow to eachother... Hopefully we keep it forever.
He's the only person i can properly trust. "
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ask-sarvente-fnf · 3 years
Hey sarv I just wanna say your singing voice is really pretty 🥺
" Why thank you ! I try my best.. ^^ "
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