ask-royal-spades · 5 months
So uhhh
//I'm supposed to get this blog running but my time to draw is limited before I get some time off from work.
What I'll do now is if you want to hear some headcanons or random info about royal couple or devil royals hit me up and I'll try to remember the stuff what I thought about all those years ago
Plus it's easier to answer text only asks for now
~ Suzie
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ask-royal-spades · 5 months
So uhhh
//I'm supposed to get this blog running but my time to draw is limited before I get some time off from work.
What I'll do now is if you want to hear some headcanons or random info about royal couple or devil royals hit me up and I'll try to remember the stuff what I thought about all those years ago
Plus it's easier to answer text only asks for now
~ Suzie
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ask-royal-spades · 5 months
What would be more fitting than starting again with new profile pic...? Maybe the fact that I re-drew the old one what I have on here.
This is from 2019 (when I started this ask blog)
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And this is now 2024
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Maybe there is some change happened. Anyways I try to kick this blog active again so feel free to visit my ask box
~ Suzie
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ask-royal-spades · 5 months
Well now I feel awkward as I come back here after years later-
Does anyone even remember this blog?
Idk been tempted to come back as I miss my royal spades and saw the ask box having some asks waiting collecting dust-
So hello again, idk what to say anymore
~ Suzie
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
♠ queen of devils
Fact about Queen of Devils
He haven't always been a devil, his life as a devil is long as three human lifes, his past life was something more.. Pure so to say.
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
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//Someone asked for a kiss in the Christmas event.. But since we are over month late on it so here, have a fluffy thing about royals!
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
♠ —Queen Arthur
About Arthur:
He had imaginary friend cat what he called Oliver back in when he was young boy (from 4 to 10 years old), describing the cat to be scottish fold with reddish spots on its white/slightly gray fur and green eyes. No one believed him due no one else saw the cat other than Arthur himself and the cat followed the boy everywhere. He even sometimes said that Oliver was beside him while he was sleeping.
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
Send me '♠' and character and I'll tell random fact about them from this au.
You can choose from
- King of Spades (Alfred F. Jones)
- Queen of Spades (Arthur Jones)
- Red Joker (Gilbert)
- Black Joker (Peter)
- Ace of Spades (Matthew Williams-Jones)
- Jack of Spades (Yao Wang)
- Allistor, Patrick or James Kirklands (Arthur's brothers)
- King of Devils (Devil Alfred)
- Queen of Devils (Devil Arthur)
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
How was your Christmas? Who cooked?
Arthur: Christmas was fine! The party was success and Alfred behaved well.
Alfred: and Arthur's cookings were amazing! He made our Christmas feast all by himself and the sweets!
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
i wish you a merry christmas, your royal majesties!
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Arthur: hopefully you had good holidays anon.
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
//Event ask box is closed! Thank you for asks! I shall answer them today!
And merry Christmas for everyone from Spadian royals! I appreciate you being here in this small ask blog <3 I appreciate everyone of you who follows/have interest in it!
//Today is the last day on the Christmas event! Ask box is open for questions!
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
//Today is the last day on the Christmas event! Ask box is open for questions!
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
oooh, will the other monarch be invited?
Alfred: Yes! Of course they are! Every kingdom gathers around to celebrate the party together!
Arthur: Even Clubs are coming.. As long you behave well around Ivan. I rather not patch you up again.
Alfred: Shush! I will! No troubles in the party I promise, honey!
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
Do devils even celebrate Christmas? Or do you just have another similar holidays?
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King: It's kind of like your mortals 'Christmas', but there's one thing.
Queen: My King is the one who gives 'presents' to devils who are really bad~ what's the best of it to see chaos in order to get something from great king of Devils~ *giggle*
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
So, what're the Christmas plans?
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Alfred: It's our turn to hold the party this year! And invite people to spend time together!
Arthur: That would be good excuse to make more bakings for everyone then.
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
So, what're the Christmas plans?
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Alfred: It's our turn to hold the party this year! And invite people to spend time together!
Arthur: That would be good excuse to make more bakings for everyone then.
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ask-royal-spades · 5 years
Christmas ask event is open!
Feel free to send asks to royal spades or demon royals about Christmas (or Holidays if you use that term)
Remember! This doesn't affect the plot so you can ask anything and king of demons will be on his original form in this!
I'll end this event in 25th of December at UTC + 2 in midnight (12 am) so you have time to send asks! Have fun!
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