ask-pterylae · 3 years
Hiiiiii… don’t mind me asking, but what do you do on a daily basis???
Oh, nestling! How wonderful to get an ask from you! I haven't had any contact from my fans on the DragNET in so long I thought you'd all forgotten me!
Of course I'm quite busy. In the morning I warm up my voice for at least an hour as one never knows when they might need to sing. Occasionally I've been asked to belt out an entire rhapsody on the spot! Can you imagine if I hadn't warmed up? Oh, I hate to even consider it! Thankfully such a tragedy is easily avoided by running scales and lemon tea.
Then I study. Healing has a long, rich history dating back thousands of years. Each person granted a boon by Faoliia is allowed to create a new healing spell, and with so many of her followers granted such a favor over the years, there are literally thousands of spells. Some are more general, others are very specific. The more specific, the harder the spell is to master. Did you know there's even a spell specifically designed to fully restore a severed limb? Only a few healers can perform that spell. I hope to be one of them someday.
On most days I also visit the temple near my home where charitable healing is done for those in need. It's a wonderful opportunity to practice, and also to witness more experienced healers in action.
And then in my downtime I write music! It's no secret that I also want to be a star! And as I refuse to accept payment for healing, I shall acquire it through FAME. Our band is called Dial it Back, and we'll make a name for ourselves. Just you wait! In fact, I'll soon be visiting my other bandmates for practice, and to HOPEFULLY hash out some touring dates. I suppose we'll see. None of them are quite as driven as I am, but they’re wonderful musicians.
And there you have it! A day in the life of yours truly. <3
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
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Oh, nestlings, I hope you don’t mind if I answer these together, for I simply can’t play with my jewelry without Ny’zzri helping. She’s doing wonderfully, by the way. Ignoring her duties as a rodent-catcher entirely, just as I planned. And Luka, of course, is in a right huff about it. But I programmed it to be a mouser, she’ll say. And then I’ll say “well, what if she doesn’t want to get her paws dirty!”
I think Luka’s secretly pleased that my dear Ny’zzri has edited her own programming. AI sentience is all the rage, you know!
As for jewelry, how can I choose! I do love a good string of light pearls for movement, but then the heavy arm bands are just beautiful in the right light. All species make their own jewelry, of course. I have a collection of roughly all of it. Oh. Psh. I wish! But as you can see from the picture, I wear quite a lot of duarrow-made metal bands. I think they make me feel grounded a bit, if that makes sense.
Ny’zzri prefers the fake pearls I’m dangling above her there. And bonus--when she inevitably breaks the chain, she captures every single pearl and brings them back to me!
See, Luka! She does know how to capture!
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
Who are your favorite (musical) artists, and why?
Oh, but there’s all kinds, aren’t there? I’ve been inspired by so many, it’s hard to list them all here. But I suppose I can introduce you to a few!
Kintokk: One of my first loves. A classical group my father used to listen to when he worked. Of course, my father and I don’t always agree on everything. Or... Anything, really. But with music we share a common bond. Kintokk was unique in that they used a lot of drums in a time when strings were more prevalent. I even got Meadow to like them because of that!
The Arken Aur: I think more than anything, this rock group inspired the four of us to form our own quartet. Meadow will claim it’s his idea, of course. He always does. I remember Luka listening to the Arken Aur on her terminal as she worked once, and they had this complicated sound... I can’t explain it, except that I was enraptured. Luka sent me all the music she had, and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Mellow Spot Forte: This is a troll group. Rare, for beings who love music so much! And their names are Mellow, Spot, and Forte! They’ve a classical sound with lyrics, sort of like a stage production but with what I’d call value. There’s something behind the music that makes it timeless. And even better, I can sing along to it. Except the one song. You know the one. It’s twenty-six minutes long and it’s got no chorus at all, and it doesn’t rhyme. One day I’ll memorize it, I swear!
And I’m sure I’ve spoken about my love of musical theatre before, which means there’s all sorts of productions I love. Before I grew up, my father and I used to attend musical theatre all the time, though now that I think about it, I’m almost certain it was a method he used to placate me or keep me quiet. Still, if you need a suggestion or two, my favorites are A Season for Fauns and Bears. The latter’s a little odd, but the music is stand-up.
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
Considering it’s coming up fast for anyone on the Gregorian calendar, what does the New Year look like for you and your family and friends? Do you party, sit alone and think about the passage of time, ignore it completely and get work done, practice arcane rituals under the moonlight, etc.?
(ptery is passed out, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, moderately drunk. I’m 100% sure of this as I tucked them safely into bed. It’s not even the new year yet. :( I wanted a new year’s kiss. :( --Meadow)
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
Have you ever thought of dying the feathers on your head? While I ADORE your purple feathers, have you ever wondered what it'd be like to show up somewhere w/ bright orange or even green feathers on top of your head?
I have done this before! A lot of banshees do. Unfortunately, mine are so dark naturally that I have to bleach them first, which actually changes the structure of the feather. They don’t coat with oil anymore, which makes them quite dry and nearly impossible to preen. Even the downier hair feathers! Quite a shame, that.
The good news is--come closer, nestling.
The good news is that you don’t need dye at all! I know! Incredible, isn’t it? Magic can re-color feathers as easy as spitting. Not that I spit.
When I was younger it was more of a long-term thing. One of those commitments you’d need to make for a month or more. Nowadays, though, mages of illusion and color have learned short-term spells to facilitate more temporary change.
Illusion is a strange magic, and an even stranger study. I don’t know much about it. All I know is that if the situation calls for it, I can magic my hair-feathers bright green for a few hours and be done with it, without any of the destructive properties of dye.
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
Got any outfits you’re particularly fond of for performances?
Well, nestling. I don’t have many yet. I wish I had thousands! But if I did, how would I choose?
Just for you, I had Meadow draw I drew my ideal outfit. The art simply doesn’t do it justice. Oh how it would shine!
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
If there was anything you could change about yourself, what would it be and why?
Oh, Nestling! I am PERFECT! Why would I change ANYTHING about my beautiful self? Although, if we’re being honest, I suppose I can be a bit brash with people. Someone once suggested this was due to fear. That is, if I react first and strongest, it’s nearly impossible for anyone to argue with me. It’s served me well so far, but I guess I could ask for more patience. Maybe some levity, like Meadow, or a more analytical nature, like Benji. Everyone expects me to say “I’d want my wing back, of course!” But if I’m being honest, the lack of it hasn’t been all bad. Its loss led to some of my worst traits, I suppose, but I left my kind. I’ve made wonderful friends. And it’s quite the talking point when you’re trying to woo a lovely lady into your boudoir. Hah!
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
Who’s the best artist in the band (in terms of drawing, not songwriting/playing)? I’ve seen some doodles out of you guys, but if we sat you down with a variety of materials, who would produce the most aesthetically pleasing art, and with what?
Benji is actually very good at drawing! He’s creative in a way I can’t quite comprehend. Apparently he used to draw a lot more when he was younger, as I’ve definitely snooped around in his room as is my absolute right. You know how it goes. I don’t see him draw much anymore, but he’s definitely capable! Most of the work I’ve seen are landscapes done with these expensive pastels he won’t let anyone touch because apparently we’ll eat them or something. I suppose Meadow might. Speaking of Meadow, though, he has indelible talent with fabric. I think he’s made most of his own clothes, though you’d barely know it because they look professional as anything. I don’t even mind that they aren’t brand name! His stitching is phenomenal, sort of like drawing in its own right. And he’s even confident enough to work with elven materials, which are expensive. I keep telling him he should go into business, then everything he makes would have a brand. But Meadow is Meadow. Sigh.
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
This is a rather odd thing to ask, I know, but do you or any of your friends employ the use of perfumes or colognes? What kinds are out there on Erit, and who makes them?
There are many! I prefer more subtle scents myself. Those that entice. Those that gently lure... A beautiful, soft, sensory undertone. Lilies or strawberries--or both. “What is that lovely scent,” they may ask, and I answer, “Why, it’s me, nestling!” Meadow, I think, goes overboard sometimes. Or he used to, before we knew Luka. You see, I’d just pinch my nose and bear it. Maybe Benji would have, too, when he was an elf, but his sniffer’s a lot more sensitive now. Luka, though? She let him have it with this wonderful verbal tirade that lasted for almost five full minutes. You wouldn’t believe the colorful adjectives she came up with--some I don’t even think exist! I wish I would have been recording. Then, after all that, she kicked him out and told him to take a shower. Meadow thought maybe she was in a bad mood, so he tried it again. It did not go well for him. To my knowledge, he’s never repeated his mistake since. Benji doesn’t wear any perfumes at all, but Luka does. Surprising, I know. It’s very light. Fruity. Maybe it’s her hair? Sometimes I wonder if she just wears perfumes to cover up the theric scent. I mean, I never noticed it until I found out what she was, but it’s there. Very earthy, under everything else that makes her human. She’s very smart, Luka is. Many perfumes are hand-made, though there are some organizations that create them in more capitalistic zones of Erit. Minir is stored on chips, which can be used as credit to pay for such things. Of course I indulge. Some of the mass-produced scents are among the best!
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
Random thought: do you guys molt as you grow, or are you stuck with the same sort of feathers from hatching to death? Do harpies work the same way, or not?
Banshees and harpies regularly molt, yes. Not all at once, thank goodness. I couldn’t imagine being totally naked. It’s an itchy affair, let me tell you. Also if a feather is damaged--such as one of my beautiful (if not useless) primaries--and I pull it out, it will start growing a new one quite quickly. I like to give them out as gifts. A little beautiful piece of me, just for you. haha!We share our feather genetics with harpies, thankfully. Can you imagine seeing a naked harpy? I’m shuddering just thinking about it! I’ve heard there’s a featherless mutation out there somewhere. The poor dear!
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
what do you think of dragons?
Dragons, nestling! What can anyone think of them, really? They’re a natural phenomenon, like clouds or rivers or earthquakes or storms! We know so little about them, and our scientists can’t even seem to study the bastards! And yet from them we get the Dragon-Net, or DragNET as most of us call it. A completely inexplicable... well. phonomenon. It’s one of the only times we’ve been able to get close enough to study a dragon. Of course we immediately built a skyscraper around the thing. The first building was destroyed when it turned out the dragons take turns being the sleeping DragNET hub. How were we to know? It’s not like they tell us!Oh, but they are beautiful. Usually we just see them flying, of course, but the one at the hub--right now--has the most beautiful pale pink scales. I wish it would open its eyes, but of course everyone knows the Sleeping Dragon is asleep, so we can all only hope that someone with a camera is on hand when they decide to change the guard, as it were. It’s coming up on forty years for this one now, I think? No one’s sure when they’ll switch it up since it’s completely random. One dragon like a hundred years ago slept at the hub for only four minutes!The sleeping dragon’s scales grow back so quickly that they’ve started selling them at the Hub’s gift shop. A barbaric practice, really! Just because it’s sleeping doesn’t mean you should pull out its scales!I have one, of course. That’s beside the point. Such a beautiful, holographic pink.........
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
(Meadow’s gonna hate me, it’s a hair question.) Can harpies and/or banshees have curly hair/feathers? If not, can they curl it without damaging their hair?
Well! I have, of course, already said most of what I needed to in my previously-posted 87-page essay, which was an incredibly informative thesis on all things hair-related for us banshees! Of course I understand if you skimmed a bit, or if you forgot a teensy little bit. It was, after all, quite thorough. Yes, indeed. (Several pages are edited out here. Probably by Meadow.) In conclusion, I’m an excellent source of information related to the avian species of Erit, and you’re absolutely right to come to me. Now then. What was your question? Right. Feathers come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and softnesses! Yes, there are curly feathers. Some have gentle waves, while others are quite tightly-wound! It’s unfortunate that it’s difficult to style them; after all, feathers have a natural rigidity that might cause them to snap if they’re bent too far. Our “hair” can be manipulated to an extent, save for the crest, which varies in size and location for most banshees. It’s the pycnofibers which are most easily manipulated due to their hair-like texture. Even then, feathers burn much more easily than hair, I’ve found. Now I do have some styling tips involving crestwood swine saliva, willow branches, and just a bit of river silt--(It seems this part is edited, too.)--but I don’t recommend doing this too often, or your feathers will stand on end for days. Embarrassing!
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
Is there any reason hat Meadow doesn't have a blog?
Oh, some watered-down excuse that he’s too busy policing ours to have his own, and this and that! I’m sure we’ll convince him to start his own one day.
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
Okay, remember a while back when someone asked about your hair? Because Meadow mentioned you had blood flow to the biggest feathers. I just wanna ask why? And also how that works, exactly?
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I can talk almost as much about feathers as I can about my hair!Thankfully I was able to wrest my terminal away from Meadow before he could stop me again. Thank the gods!
(Ptery goes on for roughly 87 pages, which Meadow has gone back and edited down to only the important parts. Meadow also adds that you’ll never see any of it. He printed out all 87 pages and then he had a fire mage light them on fire. To be safe, he also burned the terminal on which Ptery had typed their lengthy essay.)
…And that’s why you never stick feathers up a swamp horse’s bum!Ah, I’ve gone on at length. I suppose I should answer your question, mm? All creatures with feathers have what’s called blood feathers. Yes, even those fancy parrots you humans keep. Imagine! In any case, when the feathers are growing, they actually have a blood supply. Quite unlike hair, I might add, which is a much more barbaric, if not as equally as fashionable, body covering. Now on banshees, our physiology (thanks for the word, Benji, dear) has gotten… Let’s say confused a bit. Just a bit. While all our other feathers eventually lose that blood supply at maturity, all banshees have a crest on their head where the blood feathers never dry up. Thankfully they’re fairly pliable and not easily broken! Can you imagine?? All us banshees walking about with constantly bleeding feathers. How ghastly.These feathers can still be cut, as we don’t bleed out like birds or harpies. But it does sting a bit, and it looks dreadful besides!(Ptery would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the Migratory Bird Act exists, which means you absolutely CANNOT possess parts of certain birds except under very specific circumstances. That includes feathers! This protects birds from being hunted to extinction for their parts, and is very important!)
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
...I just realized... you don’t have earlobes...you can’t wear earrings ever... you’re missing out on an entire field of bling possibilities!!! I am sad! :,,,,,(((
YES but I have a WING! :> And how more more bling can you fit on a wing?!
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
Do you know what makes a banshee’s voice so deadly? Is it magic, or just something about the frequency of the sound that gets people? And while we’re on the subject, why is your voice as powerful as it is? Is it just random-chance genetics, or do you know of anyone specifically that you might have inherited it from?
Oh, hello, nestling! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Oneof the wondrous things about our planet is that many species seem to haveinnate magics. Not all. You know, like humans. They're fairly boring, though Iguess of course they make up for it with their ability to learn any magic theydesire. But! That's beside the point. We're talking about me here, aren't we? Ah,banshees, the twisted result of a demented madman! We're not all stable, youknow. There are throwbacks, both to thehuman side and the harpy side. Terribly interesting creatures, throwbacks are.You see, Shia, who desired to make a sort of loyal underling population,dreamed of a henchman who looked mostlyhuman, but could utilize a latent weird twist deep in the harpy gene. I don't know how this twist came about. It's beyond any of our scientists tofigure it out, but the truth is that Shia knew about it, and set out to exploitit. It's a leftover from long ago, perhaps from harpy evolution? In any case ithad to do with the harpy voice. I suppose the original purpose is unimportant, but Shia used it to create aweapon. Never a good goal, if you ask me. And you did! As to why my voice is as powerful as it is... Well, that's just because I'mamazing, nestling. A true paragon of my kind. A pillar around which thecommunity should cycle. Yes, everyone could learn a lot from me!(more about throwbacks can be seen Here and Here!)
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ask-pterylae · 5 years
What kind of mind-altering substances (alcohol, drugs, etc) does Erit have? How much have you and/or your friends partaken, if at all?
There are plenty, nestling! Meadow and I have tried our share, and Luka... occasionally partakes in raucous drinking parties, though I’ve never seen her drunk. I guess it goes without saying that she had a secret to keep, and didn’t want the alcohol to loosen her tongue.I suppose I was more into it in my youth. I’d hardly call myself old now, but it’s lost a bit of its luster. You’d be surprised to hear that elves make the best drugs. Well, if you think about it too much, it’s no surprise, really. They’re the best with magic, and they don’t just use it for shooting lightning out their backsides.The best stimulant I ever got hold of is a purple powder called m’rilo. There are several ways you can take it, but the easiest way was to breathe it in. I made friends with m’rilo after I lost my wing. Yes, I was young. Don’t judge.Now alcohols. There are so many of them. I prefer the bitters, of course, but Benji likes things so sickeningly sweet it makes me vomit just to smell what he’s got. Oh well. To each their own, I suppose. Some alcohols are also enhanced with magic. I suppose many things are on Erit. I prefer mine without, though.
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