ask-order-firebrand · 3 months
(he was about to deny about needing help, classic Firebrand move of him really- until ALL the lights cut out in the facility. The only things that can be seen are the glows from Darkheart and Firebrand himself)
(.. Firebrand’s neon orange glow can just barely cut through the darkness, the blood on him is brighter than the glow of his eyes and horn… making it a bit easier to see the damages done. There’s a concerning splotch of it on his chest if it was hard to see before… dosnt look like there’s a cut in the outfit there though..)
(can’t hide injuries when your blood LITERALLY GLOWS huh?)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 3 months
I-it’s fine!.. nothing… nothing too much to worry about!… (he tries to give the Darkheart a smile but something about it is… half genuine- nice going trying to act tough even though the numbness is pretty much wearing off, allowing the damage delt to his body previously to be felt)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(He tilted his head at the call) who.. was that?.. I-if you don’t mind me asking!!
(… his breathing seems.. a little pained now- but he seems to be ignoring it..)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(it seems like a chain reaction of sorts was set off by those two. A rescue mission in motion… fates are being flipped on its head as the tables turn against the victors.)
… so… that’s why you came here yourself?
(He finally has the answer to one of his questions-)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(…. His attention turns to them)
….. t..they are?…
(Rebels… heh. Sounds like them alright..)
of course they whouldnt take this whole thing lying down.. I wonder what thier up to right now…
(he gave a small smile again! Looks like that DID make him feel a bit better!)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(Despite this not being his Darkheart in any way, he can’t help but give a chuckle and a little tail wag-)
h-hey! I’m sorry! No need for that!
(…. The chuckling then dies down along with his smile…. He misses his siblings. It’s felt like years since he last saw them…. It probably HAS been years since he last saw them.. he looks sad just thinking about it)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(He paused to look at his fellow deity)
h-heh whoops… (he gave them a small sheepish smile as he waits for THEM to catch up with HIM)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(He seemed a little shakey standing, but he manages. Following the Darkheart up, it’s the only way to go out of here anyways-)
(he was about to ask Darkheart if it was alright only to be cut off by it saying to “not worry about it too much right now”. R-right… he just followed it in silence, although he does have a question or two in mind…)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(.. he had a feeling it whouldnt be. It’s been…. H..how long has it been?.. surely the others whouldve found him anywhere within that timeframe by now!… speaking of which ARE the others still out there?? Oh shit want about his boys??? He-)
(His attention was pulled from almost panicking over the current state of a few individuals by Darkheart)
I… I think so…
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(He DEFINITELY does not feel as warm as he usually is, he’s also a bit drenched but that’s besides the point here- his hands were also left charred black from the glowing heat that was present.)
(He slowly puts a hand up to his horn, taking this time to try to process the fact that he’s actually out of that….)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(Upon the shattering of the glass window, the AI goes into overdrive and pushes Firebrand back from control prematurely. It tries one last time to lunge at Darkheart, disregarding the nausea that still haunts it.)
(But as soon as the liquid drains from the tube, the lights on it flicker out. And along with it, the ink holding the beast together melts off of it, causing its “skeleton” to VERY loudly clatter onto the ground before it could reach Darkheart. Inside the tube, Darkheart could see Firebrand with his wings curled around him… said wings being SEVERELY torn up. Upon feeling the cold air he gave a shiver.. oh that’s.. that’s not.. good-)
(But it is enough for a wake up call. After a few seconds he unfurls his wings, revealing the battle ravaged god underneath. Tears and his own blood stained his outfit along with a few wounds and cuts that were supposed to heal up into scars by now. There were also a noticeable bag under his eye… it’s also not glowing as brightly as it should… same with his horn that looks more like cooled magma then the usual glowing orange that it is…)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(…. A mear whimper came from him- it dosnt seem like he wants to even be in this room right now, probably from the fear of slipping away…. Unfortunately for him he is NOT in the state to be running off anywhere, the dizziness will surely catch up to him no matter what he does.)
(most of the machinery in the room is either already broken as hell or bearly functional, a lot of it seemingly belonging to Blackrock rather than to Ivory. Everything in the room is covered in dust in various layers of thickness, begs the question on how long this whole place was sitting abandoned….)
(…… it also begs the question on how long Firebrand has been here and has been like this…)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(He jerks back and tries his best to get the Darkheart away from him, he knows he’s not safe to be near… thier going to get torn apart by being this close..)
(the nausea causes him to wobble a bit trying to keep himself upright, he ends up trying to use his wings to shade himself from the… everything- that’s happening to him)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(The beast shakes its head in an attempt to shake the dizziness off, stumbling a bit as it does so. Its attempts seem futile as the dizziness sets in further. It tries to keep itself upright as best as it could, almost failing… horribly.)
(it gave Darkheart a viscous growl as they approached, as if it’s threatening to attack….)
(…. It once again stares at Darkheart. It’s growling and snarling coming to a halt… the blazing eyes of malice turn into the look of horror. He tries to back off, only to end up crashing into the wall from how the world is spinning)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(They manage to cause the lights to go out, eh. They were old as shit anyways…. Actually.. everything in this place could be described as Old As Shit. With no one to keep up with the Blackrock labs, the facilities fell to old decrepitness… even the tube itself had become dusty)
(the door wasn’t just scratched open, a fire ball was shot at it, causing it to break off the hinges in a firey mess. Darkheart was now staring at a huge skeletal dragon, it’s eyes burning with pure fire..)
(it’s staring Darkheart down once it clawed its way into the room… movement could bearly be heard over the growls of the Inkbeast coming from within the tube. Firebrand was curling up, preparing himself for what’s about to transpire.)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(… it was drawing back close, things were heating up- literally- as in the- the room was actually heating up. a growl is heard…. And it sounded deep. Hope Darkheart came prepared or with many tricks up thier sleeves-)
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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ask-order-firebrand · 4 months
(….. while Fire himself may not be reacting much, the sound of metallic footsteps that sound like they are both belonging to a four legged beast and running sound above the Darkheart… it grows quiet but there’s a feeling like they have alerted something….)
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