ask-mei-terumi · 5 years
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Mei Terumi (Naruto Part III)
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ask-mei-terumi · 6 years
still here ish! ask away
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Is this how you post?? Aō didn’t tell me how I should ‘Tumblr’ exactly, but I will try if it pleases my citizens.
He tells me I should open my ‘Ask Box’. Shut up, Aō, or I will kill you.
Hello, everyone, it’s me, Mei, your one and only Fifth Mizukage. 
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ask-mei-terumi · 6 years
Thor and scarlet witch (woooow u make these very fast dont u?)
(Mun: Well it’s because I kind of... accidentally forgot to turn on asks before this. To compensate, I did this.. XD)
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My religion is simply.. our belief in the force of chakra. We all know now that there is a Pure Lands beyond the grave, so belief or no belief, it’s truth. We didn’t really believe in the Sage of Six Paths, (as it was considered a myth) but since we have confirmed his existence we do consider him a god of sorts, now. To be fair, he was mortal(as he passed away). 
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One thing, hmmm? Perhaps I could be like that Nine-tails-kun who strives for optimism and having a positive lookout on one’s future without concerning the past, but I am not him. Being a cheery person myself, I do feel inclined to say ‘nothing’, but in all honestly the one thing would be... my age. Oh! Woe is I, 31 is far too old an age to start casual dating, much less a serious relationship. All the men my age are married or dead! Shinobi do live fast, to be frank.
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ask-mei-terumi · 6 years
Black widow
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Did you know Yagura-sama was older than… I dare say, my age- which, while a lady does not reveal her age, as Mizukage, it is unfortunate even my desperate attempts to hide my years has failed-  31? Yondaime-sama was older than me.. besides, he was married and had a child. And, with all but the most brutal of honesty towards the terrorizer of my village… he looks 12… yet is shorter than me when I was 12. 
(Fun fact: Mun was 146cm when she was 12. Mei is tall so I assumed she was taller as a kid too.)
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ask-mei-terumi · 6 years
Loki, and Jessica Jones
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My biggest mistake.. that’s much too private.. perhaps, if it pleases you instead, well.. it’s not very flattering, but.. Ao once talked about me not being ‘young enough for marriage’, he ducked when I pleasantly tried to sedate him with some melting mist and it accidentally hit Chojuro. He was hospitalized for three months… it is truly, my second-worst mistake.
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My fondest memory perhaps was when I first rose to power- not because it was my moment, but because it was a revolution, a graduation from Kirigakure’s time as a totalitarian dictatorship, a step as a whole for the Mist. Before then, I grew up in a peaceful time suddenly corrupted by a corrupt ruler, governed by bloodlust and treachery. From my ascension forward, I did everything in my power to restore the Hidden Mist to its former glory.
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ask-mei-terumi · 6 years
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Every variation of Mei Terumi in Naruto: Shinobi Collection
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ask-mei-terumi · 6 years
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ask-mei-terumi · 6 years
Avengers: What superpower would you like to have?
Iron Man: What is your favourite piece of technology?
Captain America: What is your sexuality?
Black Widow: Share a secret.
Thor: What is your religion?
Hawkeye: What is your favourite movie?
Hulk: How strong are you?
Loki: What is the biggest mistake that you have ever made?
Scarlet Witch: If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
Quicksilver: Have you any siblings?
Vision: What weight are you?
Ultron: What is the last text you sent?
Ant-man: What height are you?
Wasp: What's your full name?
Bucky: Who is your best friend?
Falcon: Which fictional character would you like to hang out with?
Spider-man: What is/was your favourite subject in school?
Doctor Strange: Name a special talent you have.
Captain Marvel: What do you want to achieve in life?
Black Panther: How responsible are you?
Spider-woman: What is your favourite smell?
Nova: Do you prefer the moon or stars?
Luke Cage: What job do you want?
Jessica Jones: What is your favourite memory?
Daredevil: What is your favourite song?
Iron Fist: What is your favourite food?
Ms. Marvel: Who is your idol?
X-men: What social issue do you feel strongest about? (sexism, racism, etc.)
Professor X: What are you thinking about right now?
Cyclops: Do you wear glasses?
Rogue: What is your crushes name?
Magneto: What country are you from?
Mystique: What is one thing that you would like to change about yourself?
Wolverine: What are you afraid of?
Phoenix: What is your favourite book?
Storm: What is your favourite type of weather?
Beast: What is your favourite animal?
Angel: What is your MBTI type?
Magik: What is your star sign?
Gambit: When is your birthday?
Shadowcat: Have you any pets?
Groot: What is your favourite flower?
Rocket: What languages do you speak?
Star-Lord: What is your Harry Potter house?
Draxx: Who do you love most in the world?
Gamora: What is your worst memory?
Medusa: What colour/length/style is your hair?
Black Bolt: What is your accent like?
Ghost Rider: What is the worst thing that you have ever done?
Deadpool: Post a picture of yourself.
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ask-mei-terumi · 6 years
itachi, i hope you are taking care of yourself!
Itachi: Thank you, anon, it’s nice to know that you care. You don’t have to worry about my health, Kisame is making sure that I take my medication every day. Honestly, he doesn’t leave me alone until he makes sure I’m okay. As for this day, I guess I can say it’s peaceful, nothing much is happening in the Akatsuki base, no missions today.
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Sasuke: I think I need to point out that Karin is one of the very few people I appreciate in general, but I guess you’re right when you say she deserves more of it though. My kindness has the impact on her you say? To be honest, I didn’t give it much thought but if it does help I’ll try to be a bit nicer since Karin really is one of the people closest to me.
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Thanks for the ask.
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ask-mei-terumi · 6 years
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Is this how you post?? Aō didn’t tell me how I should ‘Tumblr’ exactly, but I will try if it pleases my citizens.
He tells me I should open my ‘Ask Box’. Shut up, Aō, or I will kill you.
Hello, everyone, it’s me, Mei, your one and only Fifth Mizukage. 
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