*lights a match and sets the tail of your coat on fire* OwO
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Don’t you th11nk 11 have to deal w11th th11s k11nd of th11ng enough?
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You’re very welcome, buddy! 
Merry Chr11stmas, Sawbuck! *Hands you a present* Enjoy the hol11day season! :]
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“Merry Chr1stmas t0 y0u t00! N0w… Let’s see what th1s 1s…”
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((Really wanted to thank everyone for the gorgeous Christmas replies, you’re all fantastic and I hope y’all have had a very merry holidays!))
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Ah, y-you’re very welcome! Enjoy ‘em, yeah? :\\\0
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You...you take your t11me, buddy...
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Pffth, you know 11′m k11d11ng. You’re very welcome!!
Merry Chr11stmas, you old b11rd. *hands you a present* Hah hah, that was pretty good r11ght?...Hah, well enjoy your g11ft. :]
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Old bird! I’m a spring chicken compared to you! Heh. 
Thanks, Match’ – n’ Merry x-mas right back at ya.
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May I ask for a hug from you, Matchsticks? :D
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Yes :]
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11′m always on stand by just 11n case...
Merry Chr11stmas 11tchy! *hands you a present* Be careful 11t doesn't catch f11re...11t shouldn't, but you know what 11'm l11ke, heh.
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Itchy: Merry chr1stmas, b1g guy.
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Well played, Ch11ef.
((Sorry this is so long!!))
Hey Ch11ef, Merry Chr11stmas! *hands you a present* And look, 11 made sure 11t d11dn't catch f11re th11s t11me, heh heh.
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Merry Christmas.
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Hah, maybe so! Hopefully we’ll all be lucky th11s year!
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merry x-mas, match. hope ya’ll be more lucky than me, heh.
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[quarters voice] skreeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE
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You...you’re not on f11re or anyth11ng, r11ght?
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You’re 11ncred11bly welcome! :]
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hello match2tick2, would you like 2ome tea? i got it here a2 2oon a2 i could. it might be a little cold though. i'm 2ure it'2 fine - askdoze
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11t’s the thought that counts…
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Matchsticks how come you are so into fire safety? You always seem to be the one who sets most of the stuff on fire anyway.
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11 do seem to be part11cularly flammable though...
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matchsticks the lawn is on fire, i dont know how coz its sand but it is! and i really wouldnt know anything about it..
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And 11 daren’t ask how many clones 11t took th11s t11me e11ther.
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Um, th11s 11sn’t what 11t looks l11ke, 11 swear!
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