ask-mage · 11 years
By any chance do you have the new dlc: Dragon-born.?
// Nope :/ Still don’t actually.
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ask-mage · 11 years
Hey, have you played Dragon-born?
// Noooo T_T I’m still waiting to get Skyrim on PC but until then I can’t get any DLCs.,
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ask-mage · 11 years
Actually, to the anon, Shadowmere is neither. Astrid refers to Shadowmere as a male and Lucien refers to Shadowmere as a female. It's different in both games, so we're left to assume that Shadowmere doesn't really have a gender or that the horses gender is simply unknown. The more you know, the least likely you are to correct someone on something that they didn't need to be corrected on.
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ask-mage · 11 years
Vilkas or Connor?
// Vilkas :3
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ask-mage · 11 years
im a level 18 stealth assassin is it to late to switch to a bulky battle mage?
// Depends on how determined you are to become a bulky battle mage. Honestly it’s kinda tough making a transition with that level and more often than not you’re probably going to end up using weapons so you don’t get killed.
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ask-mage · 11 years
//Okay so I've been neglecting this blog for so long and I didn't think people actually sent me stuff here so I'm answering them right now I'm so sorry :/
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ask-mage · 12 years
Hey Mage, got any fond memories of quests you've done over the years?
Mage quirks an eyebrow at the grey-face. "Well of course! I've got dozens if you're willing to listen." She says happily with a fond smile on her face as her memories take over.
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ask-mage · 12 years
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Reblog if you're bored and you want anons.
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ask-mage · 12 years
Even until now, Mercer’s betrayal still stings like a bitch.
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ask-mage · 12 years
Often times, when Toph would come home and plop down on her bed, Sokka would already be laying there. She couldn't see him on the mattress, so she always threw herself down on top of him. However, once she was there, she always refused to get off. Many wrestling matches ensued. -tokkabatman
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ask-mage · 12 years
// *whines* RP with me? Send me asks? Something T_T //
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ask-mage · 12 years
Mage cocked her head slightly to the side as she heard footsteps and looked up, her years as an assassin and a thief made her ears very attuned to soft noises. The two were still a little ways away but she could make out their forms in the dim light. The first was what seemed to be an Orc. A male Orc by the looks of it and the other a female Nord. She eyed them carefully, a wary sigh escaping her lips while she fingered her blade nervously. They didn't look like bandits or any of those types but she couldn't be too sure. After all, they could be something worse.
Guaron || Mage
Guaron hated, hated, hated dwarven ruins and by the looks of Lydia, neither did she. Of course Guaron had her doing most of the fighting while he healed her from a distance, so this was understandable. Guaron just couldn’t stand to get near the automatons. Luckily he was able to get some oil for his alchemy-
“We’ll need to set up camp sun, my thane.” Lydia said. Guaron grunted, his typical answer for yes when he was deep in thought, Lydia sighing lightly. Guaron wasn’t exactly attuned to his surroundings when her got like this, deep in thought. Lydia often found herself having to watch both of their backs, although this was typically her job as housecarl. Looking around she spotted what looked to be a fire in the distance, her had at her axe as the two made they’re way forward. It never hurt to be prepared.
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ask-mage · 12 years
Guaron || Mage
Mage stumbled around, kicking the dirt occasionally in her frustration. Her previous contract hadn't gone so well and she'd gotten caught ending up with her needing to make a quick escape. To top everything off, she'd yelled at Cicero, pretty much blaming him for their botched up contract. He was now stewing behind her muttering about how the Night Mother needed him. She was used to this, they'd fight occasionally ending up with both of them pretending it never happened the next day. It happens when you travel with a mad jester. She sighed as she sat down on a nearby rock and looked up at the sky. It was getting dark soon, they had to make camp unless they wanted to run into even more trouble. The elf quickly stood up and set about with setting up their equipment silently.
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ask-mage · 12 years
"Hey" Jet greeting the man, he was a completely stranger and Jet was a tad bit uncomfortable with the situation but he needed all the help he could get, "listen, this isn't a joke or anything, but my penis is gone, and I wanted to know of you've seen it around?" As he spoke the heat slowly began to rise to his cheeks, he felt like an idiot, but he had to ask around.
Mage stared at the boy in front of her, bug eyed. It wasn't that uncommon of an occurrence for people to approach her, especially when they needed help but this was just beyond odd. The man was asking if she had seen his... penis. Who on earth lost that? "No. I haven't, sorry." She said slowly, still looking at the man like he was an oddity. She quickly excused herself and ran off muttering about nutters.
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ask-mage · 12 years
// Bored. So bored. RP anyone? //
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ask-mage · 12 years
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ask-mage · 12 years
I want to rp, but I am too scared to ask. Reblog this if I can rp with you?
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