ask-gasty-blog · 7 years
I’m Alive! (sorta)
So...god, its been a little over 8 months since my last post. Things have been...hard for me. My parents lost their home, and because I was living with them I ended up homeless too, I have been staying with family, and in the last few months I’ve been living at my partners parents place. I thought I had work sorted out so I could start saving up for my own place, but got moved back to purely cover staff so that plan went out the window...all in all, things were pretty bad.
But, things are well on the way to being on the up! My partner has full time work and we’ve gotten enough together to put down a deposit on renting a property, we get the keys next week if everything goes well...and on top of that I have an interview at a place this weekend for a permanent full time position!
To all my followers who have hung around this long to what seemed to of been a dead and abandoned RP blog, thank you so much for sticking around. I am hoping to be able to revive this blog in the next few weeks.
In the meantime, I hope everyone’s having a good time out there and me and Gasty will be seeing you soon!
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
Happy New Year
//hey guys! Just dropping in to wish everyone a wonderful new year!
Also I would like to take this moment to update everyone on my situation. I left several months ago after I was no longer able to remain in my home, and at this moment in time I am still technically homeless. My nan has been letting me stay with her...but unfortunately her partner (who isn't a blood relative of mine) has been making things very difficult for me. Life is currently very hard work for me, and I am sorry I haven't been able to come on here and talk to you all.
I am thankful for everyone who interacts with me here, and my lurkers too. I'm hopeful that 2017 will be a much better year for me and that I will be back here soon!
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
This blog is going on long term hiatus. Please read for more information.
Hey everyone. I'm very sorry to announce that this blog will likely not have any posts for a long time now. I won't go into detail here but due to circumstances beyond my control I am currently homeless and staying with family. Most of my things are in storage until I have found somewhere to live. I need to deal with this before I come back...as much as I miss everyone here I can't run this blog with the stress I'm currently under. I am essentially taking a long term break from role playing. Those of you that have the ability to contact me outside of Tumblr, I am around on those sites, but only when I have a moment to myself. You are welcome to talk to me there, or send me messages here. I will be occasionally looking in, so I won't close the ask box. Just...don't expect to see much here for now. Thank you to everyone that follows me here. I may not speak to you all but you all mean an awful lot to me. It upsets me to have to do this, but it's for the best. I cannot thank you all enough. Hopefully the next time I post here everything will be more settled and I will be announcing the return of Gasty. The blog hiatus also applies for @ask-israfen and @blasterbuilds
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
//Man I miss role playing on here...hopefully things will be better soon and normal services will be resumed. Until then hugs to all of my followers! On another note though, the Mun thinks she may now be over her fear of needles and just generally uncomfortable around them! ...Then again I have just gotten my belly pierced XD
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
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//The Mun is on downtime, so making some Warhammer Age of Sigmar figurines! Things aren't going overly well at home so I'm not able to get on Tumblr (or online at all!) much right now. Hopefully my situation will improve more soon. On the brighter side I have a job interview tomorrow~
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
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You’re best friend…?
(please click)
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
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//Munday photo, Mun has just finished work X_X (hence the frazzled hair) Damn I want this hiatus to end soon :/ sick of not having access to tumblr whenever I want
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
//cuz you know. Gasty isn't a Haunter blaster hybrid....noooo. XD
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Reblog with a gif of what Pokemon your muse would be
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Originally posted by marcys-mareep
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
//The Mun should be off her hiatus soon, sorry it's been longer than I said it would, some issues came up and I haven't been able to get back home yet =_= If all goes well I should be back by the end of the week, the week after at the latest!
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
Day/Night 1
So here we go again. Demolishing my old town and creating a new one.
On the train over Rover seemed very intent on finding out everything that I was doing, even though I kept telling him it was all a secret, he only replied with;
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So that was a thing.
I stepped off the train into my new town, only to discover to my horror;
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I WAS LENNY. I also have a surprising resemblance to one of my actual friends, so there’s that too.
Of course I got roped into being the mayor. Again.
And I was thinking “ehh okay I’ll say I’ll be mayor and just goof off all day…
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Oh god damn it. Thankfully she realized how far she was putting the cart before the horse and sent me off to go build a new house with slavedriver Noo- I mean Tom Nook…
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“Why yes Tom, I just arrived here wanting to move here AND I’M BEING MADE MAYOR OF YOUR ASSES!!”
Anyways I went through the ceremony of planting the tree…
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Must have stood here for 5 minutes staring at their expectant faces waiting for something to ask me what was wrong.
So I planted it and everyone clapped… except Anabelle;
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She just seemed adamant on rubbing her chest for some reason…
So I went back to Nook’s place to see how much money I’d have to pay him;
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Well that was easy.
I spent the rest of the day after that just doing all of Isabelle’s menial tasks and getting all my tools together. Was just walking home when…
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…me and the game had a unanimous decision!!
And then I remembered. I DID THIS LAST TIME I TRIED THIS. Twice I’ve had a day 1 Tarantula now!!
Well either way I went back into my tent to sleep and wait for it to be turned into a house whilst I sleep (I have to give Nook credit that he can renovate and BUILD a house without waking me once).
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Have to say getting a super star from a fortune cookie really did make me happy.
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
//man I love this game, Good luck with your daily posts!
Day/Night 1
So here we go again. Demolishing my old town and creating a new one.
On the train over Rover seemed very intent on finding out everything that I was doing, even though I kept telling him it was all a secret, he only replied with;
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So that was a thing.
I stepped off the train into my new town, only to discover to my horror;
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I WAS LENNY. I also have a surprising resemblance to one of my actual friends, so there’s that too.
Of course I got roped into being the mayor. Again.
And I was thinking “ehh okay I’ll say I’ll be mayor and just goof off all day…
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Oh god damn it. Thankfully she realized how far she was putting the cart before the horse and sent me off to go build a new house with slavedriver Noo- I mean Tom Nook…
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“Why yes Tom, I just arrived here wanting to move here AND I’M BEING MADE MAYOR OF YOUR ASSES!!”
Anyways I went through the ceremony of planting the tree…
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Must have stood here for 5 minutes staring at their expectant faces waiting for something to ask me what was wrong.
So I planted it and everyone clapped… except Anabelle;
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She just seemed adamant on rubbing her chest for some reason…
So I went back to Nook’s place to see how much money I’d have to pay him;
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Well that was easy.
I spent the rest of the day after that just doing all of Isabelle’s menial tasks and getting all my tools together. Was just walking home when…
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…me and the game had a unanimous decision!!
And then I remembered. I DID THIS LAST TIME I TRIED THIS. Twice I’ve had a day 1 Tarantula now!!
Well either way I went back into my tent to sleep and wait for it to be turned into a house whilst I sleep (I have to give Nook credit that he can renovate and BUILD a house without waking me once).
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Have to say getting a super star from a fortune cookie really did make me happy.
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
//Wish him luck guys!
Let’s try this again
So sometime last year I attempted to play animal crossing new leaf every day. I failed. I was doing so damn well too, but other games caught up to me and it got shelved. So here we go again. I’m going to attempt to play New Leaf every day for an unknown amount of time. I might also add screenshots for other 3DS games I’m playing so look forward to it.
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
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//The muns new baby. Aka the Monster Hunter Generations new 3ds :D
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
Well the Mun has distractions
//between the required time on the course my life now currently consists of...Pokemon go....and Monster Hunter Generations! Speaking of Monster Hunter Generations though I picked up the 3ds earlier today, one limited edition new 3ds obtained :D
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
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//WAKE ME UP (Wake me up inside) CANT WAKE UP (Wake me up inside) SAVE ME!!!!
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
//Today was an eventful day...But if all goes well I will be reciving an Emergency First Aid Certificate tomorrow!
And now the mun returns to the world of no interent till tomorrow~
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ask-gasty-blog · 8 years
Curious may you be, but it DOES work.
//Welp! That just happend. Neat.
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