ask-black-snow-blog · 11 years
The spirit smiled curiously, eyeing the other up and down. “Really now? You do realize that’s my name you just said, don’t you,pal? Jack. Jack Frost.” He motioned to himself demonstratively. “The one and only..well, at least that’s what I thought.” he says the last part with a chuckle.
Black Snow shrugged, putting his bloody staff on his shoulder. "That's nice and all. I guess theres more than one of us then we thought." Black Snow said and waved his staff, a black and bloody snow chair forming from the snow on the ground. He sat on it then.
Black Snow sighed. “My powers seem to be on the fritz. And Jokul Frosti is my name from viking times. I would now be considered a, Jack Frost, I believe it is called.” Black Snow said, seeming to think it over, then he shrugged.
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ask-black-snow-blog · 11 years
“They…oh.” Sophie looked down at the ground. She didn’t like to think about people dying, she understood the concept fully. It scared her more than anything, simply because she didn’t know what happens. She knew some people became spirits, but the child didn’t know what happened to those who didn’t. And that, is what she was afraid of.
A thought popped into Sophie’s mind, and she looked back up at Black Snow. “So…can you like, talk to the dead? ” Surely this boy knew something about what happened after someone dies.
Black Snow nodded. "That I can, and I have talked to many spirits before." Black Snow said, smiling at her. He knew that the child didn't like talking about spirits- he could tell just by her head bowing- and he wanted her to feel comfortable around hm.
child-in-the-warren has asked for death
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
Every single person who reblogs this will get their URL writtendown on a card to go to Sandy Hook elementary in Connecticut. Please do this.
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
Th-Thank You!!
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
watch as I get none :D
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
jfrosty has asked for death
whenistoppedbelieving has asked for death
meridaprincessofdunbroch has asked for death
the-nightmare-pitch has asked for death
toothian-a has asked for death
thesilentmute has asked for death
topofthenaughtylist has asked for death
ask-irl-jack-frost has asked for death
ask-theguardiansoffun-jackfrost has asked for death
Black Snows face held shock as he blinked. "A lot of there, indeed. I am Black Snow, or Jokul Frosti. I am a bringer of death and I guide souls to the next life. Do any of you have any wishes for death?" Black Snow asked, tilting his hooded head.
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
*starts hyperventalating*
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
Black Snow sighed. "My powers seem to be on the fritz. And Jokul Frosti is my name from viking times. I would now be considered a, Jack Frost, I believe it is called." Black Snow said, seeming to think it over, then he shrugged.
Jack’s thoughts wondered to a recent clone of he that he’d met, but nothing too serious broke out of the musing. He focused on the other in front of him, hoping he’d be at least a little more pleasant. “Jokul Frosti? Huh. Sounds like an awfully familiar name I know.” he smirks, leaning his staff on his shoulder. “Sorry but, no death wishes here, buddy"
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
Black Snow nodded. "Exactly. Like Monsters and Shadows. And do not worry, it just bothers me a little. Usually when people see me, they go bye bye for a long time." Black Snow said softly, smiling softly and sadly.
child-in-the-warren has asked for death
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
Black Snow leaned his bloody staff on the wall and crouched down in front of the boy, his hood falling off to reveal his gray hair and bright green eyes. He put his hands on the boys shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Hey, listen to me, okay? It most likely was a mistake. My senses have been going haywire lately and I have no clue why. But look at me and listen. I told you, it was not a hundred percent correct, and it never means that it is going to happen, so calm down." Black Snow said, watching him.
Jamie's face fell along with his heart, and he took a step back, shaking his head in disbelief. "N-no...t-that can't be. I-I feel fine. I haven't even been sick!" His hand searched his own chest before hugging himself. He could swear he was in one piece - nothing had been wrong with him. "There's gotta be a mistake..."
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
Black Snow smiled at her and waved his hand over the sky and over his head. Then, snow started falling. But instead of the snow being pure white, it was black as coal. Black Snow crouched down to her level and held out a hand that had black snow in it. “Do you still think that snow can not be black, young young?” Black Snow asked, smiling softly at her.
Sophie gasped, staring at the snow in his hand with wide eyes. Her eyes darted back and forth between the snow and his face, the awe and wonder growing. “Wow!” She exclaimed. “It’s really black! How did you do that?”
Black Snows smile was soft. “I guess you could call it magic, how I do what I do.” Black Snow said, smiling softly at Sophie. It continued to rain black snow as he smiled at her, loving her reaction.
Sophie peered up at the sky in wonder, holding her own hand out, catching the black snow in her hand and staring at it curiously. Her mouth broke out in a grin and she twirled around giggling. “Black snow! It’s black!” She cheered. “I like it!”
Black Snow smiled widely. "I am glad that you like it." Black Snow said, smiling.
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
Black Snow watched her for a moment, then smiled at her softly, pulling his hood back so that the lower part of his face was visible. “My name is Jokul.” Black Snow said softly and crouched to the little girls level. Could it be that she was a soul that needed to be guided? The fact that she could even see him was not a good sign, not at all. “What is your name?” Black Snow said, tilting his head at her.
“Jokul? That’s a funny name,” Sophie watched Black Snow crouch down to her level, her curiosity not wavering for a moment. “But I like it.” She felt like this boy was not like a normal one, unsure of what he was. She decided to just call him a spirit. “My name’s Sophie.”
“Sophie… That is a wonderful name. Tell me little Sophie, do you have a family? A Mother and Father, and any siblings? It is not good to be out here alone.” Black Snow asked, watching her as he did.
She smiled and nodded her head. “Yep. My Momma and my brother, Jamie. I don’t know about my dad, Momma doesn’t like to talk about him.” she answered with a shrug. Currently, she had some interest in knowing her father, but she could recognize her mom and brother didn’t like discussing him. At the mention of being alone, the child tilted her head once more. “What do you mean?”
Black Snow sighed. "The fact that you can see me is worrisome, but only for me. And there are many bad things out there, things that hide and are mean too others. You shouldn't be out alone while they are out there, for it is not safe." Black Snow said, ruffling her hair.
child-in-the-warren has asked for death
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
Black Snow sighed. It was always the part of telling them that left him hollow inside. "There is not a one hundred percent chance..." Black Snow said, "But it is likely. As far as I know, only ones that are too die or have a request of death can see me, and you..." Black Snow shook his hooded head.
theboywhobelieved has asked for death
Black Snow. Oddly fitting. "S-so...if I don't want to request it or anything what are you doing here..?" Thinking out loud, he tried finding the answer for himself, but was shocked by a sudden realization. His breath caught in his throat. "Seeing you doesn't mean I'm gonna die, does it...?"
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
felixkitty has asked for death
thespiritofmischeif has asked for death
lady-luck-watching has asked for death
tooth-iana has asked for death
askjanefrost has asked for death
Black Snow looked them all over. "My, there are a lot of you. My name is Black Snow, or Jokul Frosti. Is there anyone you wish was dead? Anyone at all?" Black Snow asked, looking them all over.
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
"My name is Black Snow, but I am also known as Jokul Frosti. I am the bringer of death, and I guide souls to the next life." Black Snow said, watching the boy. Jamie, that was a good name for the boy. Indeed it was. "I only show myself when I am to guide a soul, or when someone has a request of death for me." Black Snow said, watching Jamie.
theboywhobelieved has asked for death
"M-my name's Jamie.." he hesitantly told him, reverting to looking down and fiddling with his fingers. That much was true. There hardly was a bad bone in his body, and he didn't think there was anyone he actually hated. Not even Pitch. But for the other to be so upfront with him made the boy uneasy. "Who are you?"
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
"Sophie... That is a wonderful name. Tell me little Sophie, do you have a family? A Mother and Father, and any siblings? It is not good to be out here alone." Black Snow asked, watching her as he did.
child-in-the-warren has asked for death
Black Snow looked down at the girl. Obviously his senses were broken if they told him that this little girl was thinking about death. She was just so small and innocent, there was no way.
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ask-black-snow-blog · 12 years
Black Snows smile was soft. "I guess you could call it magic, how I do what I do." Black Snow said, smiling softly at Sophie. It continued to rain black snow as he smiled at her, loving her reaction.
mischievious-winter-spirit has asked for death
lildinogirl has asked for death
allthingsnerdy99 has asked for death
curiousbeliever has asked for death
Black Snow tilted his head. “There are a lot of you at this moment. No matter. My name is Black Snow, or Jokul Frosti, and I am the bringer of death as well as the one who guides souls to the next life.” Black Snow said.
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