Hello Mr. Waistcoat! I was wondering if you had any tips on how to make writing more enjoyable? I’m dyslexic, so I struggle to get my thoughts out onto paper, which makes writing extremely challenging and unenjoyable and often leaves my writing not flowing smoothly and scattered. If this weren’t the case, I probably would write a lot more (and not procrastinate essays as much). How do you go about getting your thoughts on paper? Do you have a specific strategy for remembering what you were going to write or for making ideas flow better?
I'm sorry, but I have no tips for this. The process of writing things down is boring and bad to me, but I'm good at it and I hate it significantly less than every other job I've ever had, so I just do it. You don't have to enjoy it if you want to be a writer - you just have to do it.
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Growing up is realising that Greg Heffley was kind of a dick, and Rowley deserves to be protected at all costs
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Happy 9/11
Have some respect, my father died in 9/11
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A simple secret to happiness is discovering a community that hates advertising just as much as you do 😌
#no ads#anti capitalism#anti advertising#please i just want peace and quiet#there are literally ad-free mobile browsers and desktop extentions for those who don’t know#and have youtube and spotify breathing down their neck#don’t give them shit#stay safe out there
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the babying of martin is LITERALLY what he was talkign about in the episode he was burnjng statements. the "martins just in a mood. he'll have a little cry or a little yell and get over it and go back to making tea. tim is a danger to everyone and jon is a danger to himself but martin is just in a mood" is all about how everyone just sees him as nice all the time and anything else is just an outlier. literally in the show he SAYS that hes just seen as a nice little tea maker when he can feel anger and he can be petty and he is manipulative and that is nothing less than that. he can have bad traits and thats good and he literally had a whole monolog about how he wants his bad traits and bad moments to be seen as bad moments like everyone else.
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Do you think centaurs run out onto fantasy highways? Do you think they stare out at you with unblinking terror as you barrel down with your horse and buggy? Do you?
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Does anyone know where I could find some good 1920s jazz recordings?
Everything I’ve found is either not 1920s or not jazz. Preferably before 1928 if possible.
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My latest project is set in the 1920s, and I have spent both too much and not enough time doing research
Discovered today the phrase “piss off” is not period-accurate and am now inconsolable
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As a writer I desperately wish I could have some kind of Jekyll and Hyde thing going on, where Hyde writes all my shit and I can come back hours later and read it for the first time. I think it would save me a lot of grief
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Cropping memes and screenshots has me feeling like a gemcutter for real. There is a treasure inside you and with the right cuts and polish I will make you beautiful…
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So my sister wants to start sewing more, because
a. She’s 5′ 11″ and can never find pants long enough for her legs or shirts long enough for her arms.
b. She hates synthetic fibers as much as I do and it’s difficult to find natural fiber clothes that aren’t made of cotton
c. She’s a biologist and would physically fistfight microplastics if given half a chance
So her gift from mom and dad for her birthday was a sewing machine. Not a super expensive one but a good solid serviceable one.
And recently she asked “So where do I GET wool or linen and thread that isn’t polyester” and mom was like ‘go ask your sister’
And I, of course, crashed into the group text like “GET A PEN I HAVE WEBSITES FOR U” and honestly I’m thrilled about this
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hi, you there who are or are thinking about spending all day in bed, it’s okay, I’m not telling you to get up. I’d just like to do a quick check in to make sure you’ve got everything you need to be comfortable and safe.
Have you gotten up to take any meds you need?
Do you need to open or close your windows or curtains/blinds to make your environment nicer? (Fresh air, keep the cold out, sunlight/darkness)
Do you have a water bottle or a glass of water easily accessible? (Can also be juice, cordial, a meal replacement drink or anything else)
Do you have any over the counter or prescription as required meds you might need, like painkillers or anti nausea meds?
Is your phone or laptop charged?
Are you wearing comfortable clothing?
Do you have enough blankets/pillows to be warm and comfortable?
Do you have any snacks like fruit or chips or muesli bars in case you can’t get up to make a meal?
Are you able to change positions in bed (or sit up if you’re able)?
Do you have any regulation tools like fidgets, ear plugs, or journaling/art books or low energy hobbies you might want?
Are you being gentle and patient with yourself and your body today?
Thanks for doing this check in with me. I like to have some of these things prepared on my nightstand, or all together in the same space in my room so I don’t have to do as much work on low energy days. It can also help to have someone else prepare or get these things for you if you’re unable. Hope you have an uncomplicated day.
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Headcanon that when the Archivist looks into a mirror he sees infinite Archivists, like when two mirrors face each other
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Jon Sims season 1
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Taking a moment to remember the ivy that grew inside my house, you will be missed
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