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Hazara girls, Afghanistan.
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I found an instagram wherein the owner comes home every day and his excited shiba greets him with a zucchini
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asian people have so many wonderful cultures, years and years of history and so many beautiful languages. please never be ashamed to be asian
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Kentaro Sakaguchi (坂口健太郎) | and GIRL 2017年1月号
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Kentaro Sakaguchi (坂口健太郎) | TVガイド dan[ダン]vol.12
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bf! kentaro moodboard
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reading “Yuri on Ice” fanfiction is an experience cause the fic can be in English (sometimes Spanish for me) and then a character will say something in Russian, someone else will say something in Japanese, some random Italian, some French for ballet of course, that random Spanish when in Barcelona, some Thai and Korean from time to time, etc.
And unlike other fandoms where stuff like this are details that the fans add as a way to further explore the character backgrounds, this is an actual part of the show’s composition. In canon we have had:
characters who speak Russian that are encouraged with “Davai”
characters who speak French that are encouraged with “Allez”
Viktor and Yuuri use Spanish during their day in Spain 
Viktor’s phone goes from English to Japanese after living in Japan for months
Guang Hong is asked to be a translator while in China
Yuuri uses Russian to thank Yakov and praise Yurio 
he also uses English to explain things to Viktor
as well as use Thai to thank Phichit
Celestino congratulates Phichit in Italian 
Viktor congratulates Hiroko’s food in English 
it is one of the few cases of a show having an international cast and fully incorporating it into the character’s way of speaking and how they react to the world around them. When surrounded by Yuuri’s family Viktor stays mostly silent at first unless he is speaking directly to Yuuri who translates for him. When talking to other skaters whose English or Russian is better he is more talkative. 
Even their motivations are shaped by this as Phichit’s was to use a song that no other Thai skater had used on a mayor competition before but that is therefore implied to have been used by skaters from other countries, while Seung Gil’s coach mentions the importance of qualifying for the Winter Olympics which will take place in Korea in 2018
it even gets a little political to some degree if one looks for it and many people have. Leo, who is Mexican-American, skates to a song about living in spite of difficulties and it feels almost poetic how his character was introduced literally the day after the Ameircan Presidential Election and the skater shown to be closest to him is Guang Hong from China.
Others also pointed out the “shaky” relationship between Russia and Kazakhstan , and yet Otabek is described as Yuri’s first real friend, after Otabek literally asked him wherever he was willing to be that or not. Hell Russia and Japan have had a pretty shaky history as well and our main leading couple are from those 2 countries as well. 
I don’t know how historical the show is willing to go, but if those countries were chosen I’m sure it was for a reason. 
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