ashleyazuno · 7 days
hope that you are well
Please help us,May God bless you 🙏
I'm Etaf from Gaza Palestine
I am a mother of five smart children.
speaking to you with a heavy heart on behalf of my family who urgently need help.
The war has destroyed everything we own.
It destroyed everything my husband and I built for these children.
Now we don't have anything, We do not have the price of rent, food or education. We want you to contribute to open a project for my husband, please.
read and Share the link Private in my campaign
,My campaign has been verifiedBy Operation Olive Branch . 🌿
donate, not hesitate to do so and rest assured that God will reward you because we are in dire need of that. And share the link on social media that would be kind of you. May Allah make you happy all your life dear Thank you. 🙏
Im sorry but I don't have any money but I can spread awareness
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ashleyazuno · 8 days
Reblog this if you support LGBTQIA+ rights, unfollow/dni if you can't do it
Edit: I'm sorry for not putting a flash warning before, and not reblogging doesn't necessarily make you a bad person. What I'm saying is to dni/unfollow if you don't support LGBT+ rights
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ashleyazuno · 2 months
Are fedoras really that bad?
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ashleyazuno · 2 months
Don't worry asexuals, you're safe here
Reblog if you support asexuals and aren’t a COWARD
RB if your blog is a safe, accepting space for asexuals!
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ashleyazuno · 2 months
Holy shit that is actually crazy it worked
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thank you doraemon <333
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ashleyazuno · 3 months
They are super neato
Reblog if think trans people are neato
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ashleyazuno · 4 months
Why...just why
Anybody who supports this can go burn themselves in the nearest smelting pit
People like this should be ashamed to call themselves people
im begging anyone who sees this post to prevent rapesexual, im begging you. no one will see this but if you do reblog to get the message out that these fuckers exist and dont deserve to exist heres the flag so you can know who to fucking block, report and tell to fuck off
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i dont want this to ruin the pride and help with self esteem of being lgbtq+ so a signal boost from larger accounts might be nice
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ashleyazuno · 4 months
Welp, hopes to this year being bearable
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This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years. 
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life. 
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ashleyazuno · 6 months
Thank you for the response, sorry if you're not used to answering these type of questions
Hi there!
I just wanna tell you I love the botbots box au
I've been trying to make some botbots ocs (specifically burgers lol) but they always look like burgertron copies
Soooooooooooo can you plz make a botbots oc tutorial if you don't mind. I just really love your work, I'm even thinking of making a seperate blog based on a botbots x transformers continuity soup au.
Hey umm I actually don't know 😅
I never had this question before, and I don't know how to answer you. I'll try to figure that out!
But I guess for the burgers, go stick with the simple body of Burgertron and add simple differences like, if the meat is crunchy, add this bumpy effect on their helmet, chest and feet! Maybe add some sauces like mayo or mustard and place them on arms or legs, or other parts of the body. Maybe change the eyes a little.
Idk, but I will figure this out for ya!
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ashleyazuno · 6 months
Yooo, so I saw this BotBots Alien AU of yours and it looks awesome!
Is it okay to tell me more about this AU?
So the basic idea of the au was pretty simple actually
It was supposed to be the original series plot but instead the cast were pretty much large aliens that were large enough to fit a whole ass room.
The story was pretty much gonna take place in a abandoned Area 51-esque area and Dave pretty much came across the area by accident and now he is the adoptive father of an entire alien group.
The alien designs were pretty much gonna be the original designs but adapted in a way that was alien, as you saw my Burgertron design. The design had Burgertron's helm instead be like a sort of shell over his head, the lettuce became his spine, fins and tail. The burger bun become a shell on his back that can split into two and the bun seeds became spikes. The lines on his body are supposed be like gills.
These lines are featured on most of botbot designs and allow them to breath in water and other environments with contaminated oxygen.
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ashleyazuno · 6 months
I made a little something
I used cam scanner to make this on my phone
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ashleyazuno · 9 months
We need to kill it NOW!!!
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Reblog to kill it faster
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ashleyazuno · 9 months
the ability to say "i dont have a tiktok" in social situations makes me feel so powerful. like the general reaction is "shock, confusion, then this weird 'thats probably a good thing' response" its so fun
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ashleyazuno · 1 year
Oh sorry
Somethings I found on Deviant art to help on drawing A human type net navi + PET
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Not exactly in order but meh credit to og artist
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ashleyazuno · 1 year
Somethings I found on Deviant art to help on drawing A human type net navi + PET
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Not exactly in order but meh credit to @ick25
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ashleyazuno · 1 year
Seriously *-*
You have entered…
The Game
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ashleyazuno · 2 years
Im sorry If you are offended by this.
This are my own personal preferences you can have your own while I have mine.
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