ashlerber-blog · 6 years
You’ll Be Perfect
Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 600+
Warnings: Really short, and most likely swearing.
A/N: I’m a disappointment for writing this short of a imagine. I’m sorry guys!!
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I reached ever go the lamp on the bedside table and grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was only around nine thirty. I sighed and placed my feet onto the cold hardwood flooring.
I picked myself up and instantly fell back down. I frowned and tried again, this time actually making it. I moved my feet over to my bear slippers and pulled them over my feet.
I walked over to Bucky's and I's shared closet and pulled out one of his shirts to cover up my sports bra.
I closed the closet doors and headed over to the door that went out into the hallway and left through it. I made my way down the hallway and towards the kitchen.
Once I reached the kitchen I saw Bucky with his body over the stove. I pulled out the stool from under the island and it made a loud scratching sound. I hissed at the sound and covered my ears.
"Morning babe." Bucky chuckled. I looked at him and cracked a smile.
"Hi," I answered and pulled myself up onto the stool and crossed my legs, sitting criss-cross applesauce.
"I made you two breakfast," Bucky replied.
"And you?" I asked resting my head on my hand.
"The same thing, but more for you of course. Since I know you love your food." He said and placed two plates down onto the Island.
"But I love you more." I pout. He smiled at me and kissed my lips for a peck and sat next to me.
"And I love you too." He responded as he pulled something out of his pocket as I started to eat the scrambled eggs.
"Hey princess," Bucky said reaching out to grab my hand.
"Hmm," I responded stuffing my face still.
"Will you marry me?" I dropped my fork against my plate and looked over at him.
"Marry you?" I questioned as I felt tears falling from my eyes.
"Y-yes?" He choked afraid I was going to say no.
"Yes. Yes yes yes." I cried out wrapping my arms around him tightly.
"Oh thank god." He whispered hugging me back. He kissed my covered shoulder and held me tightly as much as he could.
"Oh my god, Bucky," I whispered through a chuckle and whine. Bucky chuckled back and kissed the side of my neck before pulling himself away.
"I'll let you finish your breakfast now." Bucky chuckled. Even when he told me to eat I was still crying my eyes out.
"Aawww, princess." He frowned and wiped my tears. "Here let me feed you." I shook my head and smiled brightly.
"No no, I can do it," I answered. Bucky smiled brightly at me. "You're gonna be an amazing father." Bucky sent a small smile but then shook his head.
"Will I though? What if I do something? What if I hurt him or you?" He said starting to get worried. I shook my hand and held his hand giving it a squeeze.
"You will be perfect, Bucky. You're just as excites for him just as I am. Maybe even more." I explained. Bucky turned his head to look into my e/c eyes.
"You positive?" He checked. I smiled and nodded before pressing my lips onto his cheek.
"Never been so sure," I answered.
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 800+
Warnings: This is really gosh darn terrible, but read at your own risk. Maybe you’ll like it. It’s not one of my bests so... Swearing is most likely mentioned. It’s also not quite that long... So...
A/N: So, I’m going to post all the Bucky Ones I have written so far. Then I’m going to start posting the other ones. All of these will be posted today so, have fun buds. 
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"James!" I yelled as loud as I could. I started walking towards the kitchen where I knew he was with the rest of the team.
"Yeah!?" Bucky yelled back in a questioning tone. I made it to the kitchen and walked up to him and glared before punching his arm as hard as I could.
"What the hell, Y/n?!" Bucky said loudly well rubbing his arm.
"What the hell me? What the hell you! You're cheating on me!" I screamed as I finally felt tears fall down from my eyes.
"What?" Bucky said quietly, with an eyebrow raised.
"Don't give me that bullshit... Your cheating on me with that museum girl." I whispered.
"What do you mean, Y/n? I am not cheating on you. I would never dream of ever cheating on you." Bucky said quickly as he grabbed my hand.
"Don't... Tony showed me all the pictures. Don't even try to hide it... We're done, Buck... We're done.." I whispered and pulled my hand away and walked away back to my own room before I moved into Bucky's.
Bucky's Point of View
I stared in disbelief as I watched the women of my dreams walk away. I clenched my metal hand as I felt a tear fall.
"Where the fuck is Tony!" I yelled.
"In the lab sir," Jarvis answered me. I glared at everyone around who was staring at me with angry looks and confused ones
I made my way towards the lab to find the son-of-a-bitch who ruined my chances of asking Y/n to marry me.
Once I found myself in the lab and found the brown-headed idiot I walked up to him and quickly picked him up and slammed him against the wall.
"You fucking dick!" I yelled slamming him against the wall yet again. Tony didn't do anything but smirk at me.
"Fucking tell her the goddamn truth!" I yelled again, slamming him way harder against the wall.
"Bucky stop!" I heard Steve tell from behind me.
"This fucking asshole is lying! I would never fucking cheat on her especially if I planned on fucking marry her!" I yelled as I continued to glare at Tony, never taking my eyes off of his.
"She deserves to be with someone who doesn't kill innocent people." Tony pushed further. I felt my grip tighten more on his shoulders.
"You're right, but she choice to be with me and not a fucking playboy like you." I glared.
"What the hell is happening?" I heard her voice. Her beautiful voice I fell in love with.
"Bucky randomly jus-"
"Stop fucking lying!" I yelled as tears violently fell from my eyes. I hadn't felt myself feeling so sad but yet so angry at the same time.
"You're are just fucking moody because you lost her and now she'll come to me," Tony whispered just so I can hear. Which wouldn't work since I knew Y/n had super hearing.
"Are you kidding me?" Y/n scoffed. "I would never go after you, Tony. If you knew anything about me it would be that I have super hearing."
"Fuck. I forgot about that." Tony groaned. I rolled my eyes at him and pushed him harder into the hall, making sure to leave a dent.
"Tell her the truth." I threatened.
"Fine, Bucky isn't cheating on you, Y/n. In fact, he planned on proposing to you later today." Tony explained. I let go of Tony and he fell to the ground.
"Buck... Is that true." You sweetly asked. I turned around and looked at you and nodded.
"I was going to surprise you with dinner. I was going to kick everyone out so it would only be us... We would play some Mario cart and I would just pop the question. Out of the blue." I explained.
"Oh, Bucky.." She whispered and walked towards me and wrapped her small arms around my body. I wrapped mine back around her and laid my head on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Bucky... I should have heard you out." She whispered as I heard her sniffle.
"It's not your fault, Doll... I understand completely... I'm a monster. You deserve to be with someone like Tony.." I mumbled. Y/n shook her head and just held me tighter.
"No, I don't, because I'm going to marry the love of my life."
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
I Need You
Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 1100 +
Warnings: I have no idea what I was thinking when writing this. So, I’m sorry if you’re reading this. Maybe you like it maybe not. It’s quite cheesy and I think there might be swear words. Who knows. 
A/N: I’m going to try and finish posting the imagines I already have written because if you have seen my updated masterlist I’ll be writing imagines for Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse. I am hyped because I just saw it yesterday and I fell in love with fat Peter. He is my soulmate.
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I walked through the halls of Avenger Manson and stopped at my door for maybe the twentieth time tonight. I had yet another nightmare. Surprise surprise, not. I had woken up around one in the morning in sweat and in tears. I usually walk around to clear my mind, which never really works.
I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I looked around at the doors that surrounded mine. Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and of course me. Steve was like a brother to me, but he had just come back from a mission and was dead tired. Then there was Bucky. He and I never really got well together but honestly, I just need someone.
I walked over to his door and held my hand up to the door but brought it back down before wrapping it around the knob. I started to slowly turn the knob and then poked my head in. "Bucky?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear me. I heard some rustling of sheets and a yawn.
"Y/n?" He asked in a quiet raspy voice. I brought the rest of my body in and closed the door well leaning against it.
"Can I sleep with you?" I asked. I heard him hum a sure back and pulled his arms out in a hugging position. I think the two of us was honestly so tired that we didn't even know we were doing this.
I walked over to him and fell into his arms. He pulled the covers over me and wrapped his arms around me tightly. His metal left hand stood on the small of my back giving me comforting chills.
"I know we never get along and stuff but," he pauses to let out a yawn, "I really think you're gorgeous." I blushed at his kind words and looked up into his eyes and smiled.
"Thank you, Bucky, I also happen to think you're really hot." I giggled and buried my head into his chest. He chuckled back and kissed the top of my head before we both drifted off. Morning came pretty quickly after I fell back asleep, and whenever I felt a nightmare Bucky would always save me. He would be my knight in shining armor.
As I opened my eyes slowly, thinking I was still in my own personal bed, I threw my arms out to stretched but heard a loud groan and yell instead of relive.
I looked over at the noise and screamed slightly.I covered my mouth and stood up quickly out of the bed.
"Y/n!?" Bucky yelled clearly confused.
"Uh." I said simply because I didn't know what to say.
"Fuck, ...right." Bucky moaned well turning on his stomach and pushing himself up by his elbows.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled looking down at my feet.
"Nah, it's fine." He answered.
"I- uh I should leave." And with that, I rushed out of his room and ran towards my room throwing myself in it. I locked the door and sat against it.
I had no explanation about how I feel right now. It's a rollercoaster of feelings. Yes, I've always thought Bucky was attractive but I don't know.
"Ms. Y/n." Jarvis rang through my room.
"Yeah?" I answered back looking up at the ceiling.
"Mr. Rogers would like you to come down to the dining hall." He explained. I nodded and got up.
I walked out of my room and rushed down the hallway to avoid seeing Bucky. I made my way down to the kitchen where I found Steve sitting on the bar stool at the island reading the newspaper and sipping some coffee.
"You wanted to see me, Cap?" I asked with my hands behind my back and holding them together.
"Why weren't you in your room this morning?" He asked while setting down the newspaper and looking over at me.
"I uh I was in the shower." I smiled innocently. Steve raised an eyebrow at me and shook his head.
"I would have heard you singing then. Now tell me, where were you really?" He said. He spun the bar stool around and looked at me well crossing one leg over the other and sipping on his coffee.
I sighed and made my way over to him and sat on the stool next to his. He handed me his coffee and I took a long sip of it.
"You know how I get these really bad night terrors and nightmares?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.
"Yeah of course," Steve answered back.
"Well I was walking around to clear my mind for about an hour but then I was tired but was scared to sleep by myself. I knew you were dead tried so... I went into Bucky's room and slept with him." I mumbled.
"Don't you guys always fight though?" Steve asked clearly confused about why I slept with Bucky.
"Yeah, but I think we were both too tired to even care," I responded.
"You sure about that?" He asked while raising an eyebrow. I sighed and looked over and up at him.
"I don't know Steve. I mean I'm not going to lie. I do find him attractive, an I find myself being attracted to him, but it would never work out. We both are always fighting." I explained. He chuckled around me and stood up taking his coffee.
"You may want to think about that again." He said and pointed behind me and walked off. I knew what he meant when he did that.
"I didn't mean what I said," I said quickly as I turned around to look at Bucky. He raised his eyebrow.
"I think you did." He answered and went towards the fridge. "You hungry?" I hummed an answerback.
"How do you know?" I asked. "Know what?" He answered while pulling eggs out.
"That I meant what I said." I said.
"Well, I can tell when your lying. Your nostrils flare and you never look someone in the eyes." He explained.
"This is the first time we really talked without fighting," I mumbled.
"Well, we didn't last night either," Bucky answered. I smiled softly before I heard a gasp.
"You guys finally fucked!?" Tony's loud obnoxious voice yelled, confused as a freak.
"No!" Bucky and I yelled well turning to look at him. Tony hummed and mhm back before leaving the room.
"Maybe we should just go out for breakfast." Bucky chuckled.
"Wait... what?" I asked confused.
"Let me take you on a date," Bucky said well turning around.
"What?" I was honestly so confused by this point. Bucky chuckled and whipped around placing a plate of breakfast goodies in front of me.
"How about this then. Dress up and be ready by let's say about 8?" He asked. I nodded and watched as he left the kitchen with a plate that had the same exact things as did mine.
I don't even know what happened right now. I didn't want to know either. All I knew is that I was going on a date with Bucky.
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
Deadly Sickness
Thor Odinson
Word Count: 2800+
Warnings: I had a great idea but I don’t think it came out as best as it could. So, that’s the warning. Besides from swearing.
A/N: Is pissy, pissed, or any form of piss a bad word? Cause I honestly don’t think it is since it’s just another word for ticked off. So do you consider it bad?
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I brought my finger up to my lips as I stick my tongue out and licked the disgusting beige paste that once stood on my finger. I swallowed the paste and make a face which Loki laughed at.
"Shut up okay? I can't help my body sickness." I groan as I tightened the cap on the bottle.
"Well, you know what they say. The flower girl gets all the attention." Loki smirked. I rolled my eyes and glared over at him.
"I was never once the flower girl and never plan on it," I answered and pulled out the chair under my table. I sat down on it and placed my elbows on the table.
"My Darling, I do wish we could go for our dinner," Loki said once his eyes met mine.
"We still can." I smiled through all the pain my body was giving me. Loki's in return gave me a frown and shook his head.
"You need to stay indoors, but I'll be back tomorrow." He answers and stood up walking over to my side. I gave him a frown and he answered by chuckling and kissing the side of my head.
I watched as he left my living quarters in the castle and watches the door close behind him. I frowned and laid my head down onto the table as I lifted I shirt up and saw the pink bump starting to push slowly but surely. I hissed and held my hand into a tight fist.
When I woke up the next day I was screaming in pain. Once the sun shined brightly through my blinds I woke from a sudden jump of pain and left out a deathly loud screaming. I moved my hand to the pain which was positioned onto my stomach.
Instead of feeling the one from yesterday there were many more. Hurried footsteps came towards my place.
"Lady Y/n!" Thor's loud voice boomed as he entered my room. Thor, Sif, Hogun, Fandral, and Volstagg rushed over to my room. Thor was the first to be by my side.
"We need to get her to the nursery quick?" Thor ranged as he picked me up and held me bridal style as I was trying to cry past all my pain.
My hand grabbed tightly onto his wrist as I closed my eyes tightly. The pain continued for what felt like years. My body laid lifeless on the bed in the nursery. My five friends never leaving my side in till I woke. Which was two months later.
I opened my eyes as I heard a whispered commotion. I forced myself up onto my elbows and groaned a bit in pain. The heads of five turned towards me and smiled.
"Lady Y/n," Thor said in a voice beside loud. I smiled at Thor.
"What happened?" I asked as Thor helped me lay comfortably on the bed.
"Well for starters you're almost healed." Sif smiled as he rubbed my arm. I looked up at her in surprise.
"What do you mean healed? I was born like this." I asked in confusion.
"No you weren't, Y/n, someone did this to you," Sif explained with a small smile. I looked up and over at Thor who had the most concern look on his face.
"Do you know who did this?" I asked in no one particular but was looking at Thor. He sighed in response and shook his head.
"It's a form of magic, and the only one like that is well-" "Loki," I whispered out. I felt my heart break as I stumbled to keep my eyes from wandering down to my hands.
"The only way to heal it is for Loki to take the curse off. However, we're still looking into why it had such a sudden outburst." Thor explained as he started to walk around the room.
"Love," Sif answered out of the blue. Our heads turned her direction.
"Continue." Hogun pushed further.
"Well if I'm correct, whenever a spell of magic is cast onto someone the amount of damage it does relates on the emotion said a person is feeling. For example, love causes a greater power to speed up progress. If I were to guess anything, Loki put that on you so you wouldn't fall in love with anyone else." Sif explained well looking down at her feet.
"That doesn't make sense. He is always around me and it never happens. You're not telling me he doesn't love me do you?" I asked as I felt my tears slide down my face.
"I'm sorry, Y/n." She whispered and lead everyone out of the room, but for Thor who stayed by my side.
"I should have listened to you." I breathed out. Thor sat down In the seat that was placed next to my bed and shook his head.
"You were listening to your heart, Lady Y/n." Thor sighed. I looked over at him and nodded slowly.
"Hey hey, he's not worth your tears alright?" He reached forward and brought his thumb up to my face and wiped my tears.
"You have to promise to not fall in love with anyone in till we get Loki to remove the curse, okay?" Thor explained. I nodded ad I stared into his beautiful ocean blue eyes.
"I need to talk to him.. Where is he?" I asked. Thor let out a breath he was keeping and stood up.
"He's in the prison. As long as he is there and you're not falling in love they should grow slowly." He explained.
"Can you take me to him?" I asked with a hopeful smile. Thor groaned but smiled and nodded. Thor called in the doctor to help me get out of all of the wires. Once I was free I got changed into some clothes and looked down at my arms.
"I look like I'm turning into a goblin." I sighed, turning my head to look at Thor. He chuckled at me and walked over to me laying his hands on my shoulders.
"You are not turning into a goblin, Lady Y/n. Everyone knows about your condition and wouldn't think twice of acting on it." He smiled. I nodded and turned around so that I was looking at him, and wrapped my arms around him pulling him into a great big hug. Thor returned my hug and kissed the top of my head.
"Thank you, Thor," I whispered into his chest.
"Anything for my best friend." He smiled and pulled away. Thor lead me towards the prison where Loki was being held. We walked down the stairs where you entered the room which was actually not that loud. Loki was in the first prison to the left.
"Loki!" Thor rawred as I stood behind him.
"What do you want now brother?" Loki said in an annoyed voice.
"You have to take that curse off of Y/n," Thor explained as he folded his arms against his chest.
"And why would I do that?" Loki asked as he sat down on the chair his mother have given to him so he could be more comfortable.
"Because she almost died yesterday. I thought you loved her." Thor narrowed his eyes at him. Loki smirked in response and let out a chuckle.
"I never loved her. I just wanted her to never feel loved or to love someone. Like you. That's all she would talk about. Blah blah Thor this Thor that! You don't understand my pain brother. So, I made her fall for me and I fell in love with Sif." Loki explained.
"Sif?! My friend Sif? You got to be kidding me. That explains why she knew-"
"Thor we have a problem." Someone who has just rushed down into the prison said. I turned around just as did Thor.
"What is it?" Thor asked.
"Gorrs." He answered quickly. Thor groaned and turned his head to look at Loki.
"Take the damn curse off her." Thor hissed. Loki laughed at his actions.
"Thor I can live with it," I said as I reached up to touch Thor's bicep.
"No, he can get rid of it," Thor said never taking his eyes off of Loki.
"She's going to get herself killed. Ending up falling back in love with you. It's pathetic really." Loki said.
"I'll get you out of this prison and make it so father gives you the throne," Thor said quickly.
"Thor!? What are you doing?!" I asked in a raised whisper.
"Hmm, I don't know," Loki said extending his words. Above us were sounds of many clashing swords and loud bombs were going off. I could see it in Thor's eyes that he knew what Loki was doing.
"Y/n, go find my mother. I'll deal with the rest and we'll come back to this mortifying being." Thor spat out. I nodded at his words and ran off to find his mother. I found her in her room starting to pace. I walked up to her and she stopped once she saw me.
"Y/n," She smiled. "You're healthy again." She brought my body against hers and hugged me tightly.
"Not exactly, for now, yes." I chuckled as I hugged her back.
"I'm sorry for what Loki has caused you. Sometimes I can't control his actions." She sighed. I smiled at her and nodded.
"It's Alright, but that's enough of that. I have to get you to my place." I explained grabbing her hand.
"No, Y/n. They are here for me. Let me fight them." She smiled with a hopeful smile.
"I can't let you do that my queen," I whispered. She smiled at me and brought her hand up to my cheek.
"Don't worry about me." She answered. The doors to her room burst open and the feet of a dozen men rush in. I pushed the queen behind me and reached over to grab a sword.
"Don't even try to take another step." I hissed at them. I heard a low laugh and someone walked in the middle of them.
"My dear Y/n, you must understand where I'm coming from." Loki chuckled. I looked at her confused.
"But you were just in the prison," I asked confused.
"You're truly incredibly idiotic. Why would I send people after my own dearest mother? It's you. Those flowers that boom can bring back dead people. Why do you think it hurts so much." He laughs.
"Why would you even ask me out then? Just so you can control me? You're that messed up?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"Deary Y/n, don't take it personally it's just that if I show that I got them away father will truly give me the throne." He smirked.
"Not under my watch." Frig ga commented and pushed her way past me and drew the sword from my hand and into the Gorrs body. She pulled away as the purple blood stained the sword.
I looked quickly over to Loki who was watching his mother and took the chance to run at him and tackle him. I sat on top of him holding his hands down with my legs on either side of his body. I heard a loud yelp and looked over at Frigga and saw her hit the floor. I got up and rushed to her side.
"Oh my god! Frigga!" I cried out. I looked behind me and saw Loki gone. He wasn't even here. Just his ghost self.
"Y/n... Please ta-take care of Th-Thor." She whispered.
"No no. Frigga no! Thor! Please stay, please! Thor!" I cried louder.
"Y/n!" I heard Thor tell, but once he walked in and he froze. He rushed over to me.
"Mother," Thor whispered. Frigga looked up to her son and smile softly before she closed her eyes. I closed my eyes and leaned into Thor's side. Odin came in minutes later just as the Gorr's left Asgard. Thor stood up and brought me up with him.
"We shall send her off tonight.," Odin said with great sadness.
"The town shall meet at the river. We'll prepare boats." Odin kept going on. I frowned deeply as Thor wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back almost to quickly and felt my face heat up.
The two of us left to go spread the word and as nightfall came above us we all stood by the lake. I had a blanket wrapped around me as I stood by Thor's side. We watched as the boat was sent off and people started to shoot arrows of fire after her. Well, the others lifted lanterns in the air.
I felt this sharp pain just all over my body and fell into Thor. He looked down at me and held me up.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" He whispered. I looked up at him and opened my mouth to say something but couldn't. I react my hand up to his forearm and felt my body start to fall down.
"Y/n?!" He whispered yelled. He looked down at my body and saw that, yet again, flowers were blooming out of me. He picked me off of the ground and pushes past everyone that was standing in his way.
He rushed towards the nursery and hurriedly tried to find a doctor. Once he did he sent off to find Loki. The one who caused all of this.
Thor's Point of View
"Loki!" I yelled as I made my way into the prison. I went over to his cell and glared at him.
"Hello, my dear brother." Loki's fake-self smirked.
"Cut the crap Loki," I warned. Loki rolled his eyes and got rid of the fakeness in his life and showed his true form of distress.
"Happy now?" Loki groaned.
"You got to take that curse off of Y/n. If you don't she'll die tonight! Did you get that? You have to take it off!" I yelled at him. Loki stood up and stood in front of me.
"Why would I do that?" He whispered out.
"Because you don't want her to die," I explained.
"You don't understand, brother, I can't take it off of her. It's been on her for years that it can't just get taken off." Loki chuckled.
"Lies! Take it off!" I yelled even louder.
"Only if you get me out of here," Loki smirked. I rolled my eyes and nodded.
"Whatever," I answered back. I let him out and pulled him into my hand and forced him to Y/n's room. Once we arrived I looked at her pale body and frowned. Loki walked up to her and rested his hand on her wrist
."Do you love her?" Loki asked well leaving his eyes focused on Y/n's.
"With all of my life," I whispered out as I laid my hammer down on the floor. Loki sighed and looked down at his hands.
"Then move her somewhere else. After I take this off of her it wouldn't matter. People will still come after her. Keep her far away from Asgard." Loki explained. I walked up beside him.
"Of course," I answered. I watched as he did some things with his hands and the next thing I knew was particles of flowers leaving her body.
"She's fine," Loki answered. I looked over at him and nodded.
"I'll get her somewhere safe," I answered. Loki nodded and the next I knew was he walked out of Y/n's room. I took a sit in the chair next to Y/n's bed and grabbed her hand bringing it up to my lips and kissing it.
"You'll be okay, Beautiful," I whispered.
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
In This Together Pt. 1
Tony Stark
Word Count: 2100+
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, cutting, and swearing. Yet a very caring Tony to compare your thoughts and problems with :3
A/N: I need to really write some new ones. Especially Part 2 to this since I never really wrote it.
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Y/n's Point of View _____________________
I didn't know what to do anymore. My life has started to darken eternity, and there was nothing that I could do about it. It has come to the point of multiple suicide attempts and I'm still here alive and well.
I was starting to become poor with the amount of money I had to give to the hospital for all my bills. My close family and friends didn't need to know that though.
My studio apartment now has very few things left. From having to sell everything to pay my bills I was becoming homeless. All I had left was the essentials beginning from a mattress on the floor with a few blankets and pillows thrown on top of it messily.
The kitchen was an even bigger mess, well short of, boxes of cereal sat on top of counters along with cleaned bowls and spoons. I'll cut the rest of the crap and just explain that I had hardly anything left and I was starting to fall apart just like my apartment was.
I entered my apartment with a sigh and pushed myself to enter the small empty apartment and closed my door quite roughly with the back of my foot. I dropped my bag and keys onto the floor and made my way over to my mattress and fell down onto it and cuddled into my blankets and pillows and let out a loud whimper.
"I can't do this anymore," I whispered turning onto my back. I threw my arms against my forehead and cried out another whimper. I huffed and pushed myself up and started to rip off my office clothes and head into my bathroom where I started a nice hot warm shower to burn me.
Placing my sore feet on the cool tile of the shower lifting my hand to the knob turning it to allow warm waterfall out of the head. I turn myself around so that the water was falling down against my back and let out a sigh.
I feel like I'm back in my teenage years but it's worse. I'm in my young adult age and its fucking terrible. Everyone waits for the moment where they can finally move out of their parents but they never think of the worse.
I'm struggling. Barely being able to pay my rent and it makes me feel like a worthless piece of shit. If my parents knew the truth of my lifestyle right now they would push me down and disgrace me. Pushing me out of our large family.
What sucks, even more, is that there's a birthday party tomorrow for my grandmother and... She wants to meet my coworker of a boyfriend. The only problem was that I didn't have a boyfriend. I couldn't let myself tell her I didn't have anything.
I felt myself break slowly as pieces of my heart fell down next to my feet and I pressed my head against the shower wall and sigh as I felt my eyes water with tears.
I would ask my friends but I ask too much of them anyways. I can't ask them of this but I can't do that to my grandmother. There was really only one thing that I wanted to do to make my grandma happy.
She loved my singing with a passion. Every year I would sing for her on her birthday and all she wanted me to do was to share my voice with the world and to bring happiness and smiles to others.
I picked my head up and my eyes widen. I quickly wiped the tears off of my face with my hand and slowly started to get out of my shower and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my wet naked body and paused.
Someone broke into my crappy ass apartment to fucking rob me. How dare they!
I grabbed the closest thing as a weapon, which happened to be a baseball bat. Why do I have a bat in my bathroom you may ask? It's a long story.
I slowly reached to turn my shower off in caution and turned towards the door. I let out a breath and started to slowly open the door open but that's when I saw the billionaire genius walking into my apartment.
"Tony, you fucking dick!" I groaned dropping the bat on the floor.
"You haven't returned my calls." He replied as he turned to look at me. Surprisingly in my e/c eyes.
"Oh.. Sorry.." I replied in a hushed tone. I looked down at my wet feet and frown. The truth was I can't pay my phone bills and have been using a pay phone.
"How come? You still use your phone right?" He asked as he took off his sunglasses to reveal his brown chocolate eyes.
"Yeah.." I answered as I started to look anywhere but from him.
"Where did you get those scars?"
I looked up in a heartbeat with wide eyes and my mouth opened a tiny bit. "Wh-what sc-scars!?"
"The ones on your wrists and- please don't tell me. Y/n." Tony realized. My face reddens in embarrassment as I covered myself with the bathroom door as I looked down at my feet.
"I'm going to change.." I responded closing the door all the way. I turned around and pressed my back against the door and slid down it. Bringing my legs up to my best I buried my head into the white towel and wrapped my arms around my legs.
Tony's Point of View ______________________
"The ones on your wrists and- please don't tell me. Y/n." I whispered as I just realized what they really could be. Closely resembling the very faint small ones on my wrists.
Y/n sank behind her bathroom door and quickly explained she was going to change. Now looking around everything made sense.
Every trip coming over and every time something left. Last week it was her couch and the week before it was her TV. She's becoming homeless. And my stupid idiotic self couldn't see that because I was too caught up in my stupid suits.
It also explains why she hasn't returned my calls. It's not like she didn't want to, but because she couldn't. She probably hasn't paid her phone bill. Shit.
Y/n's Point of View ____________________
I let myself just sit there and cry for a bit before actually picking myself off the tiles flooring and pulling on a pair of clean underwear and a very long shirt that belonged to my older brother.
I forced myself to go out of my bathroom. To face Tony. To tell him everything. To admit to everything.
Pushing myself out of that white door had to be the worse thing ever in my life. Living up to all the lies I pulled against me just to have them pushed down to let the truth flow out of my voice.
"I'm in the hospital every other week. Because of myself... Because of what I do.." I started as I kept myself close to the bathroom door if I ever needed to escape.
"These scars will lay on me because of what I did." I started to pick up my voice as tears started to spear out of my eyes.
"I'm becoming homeless. My dreams crushed by the reality of this cruel earth."
"These lies I push towards my family! Towards my grandma! Will only bring them to disappointment in me."
"Work is.. Barely there. My boss is threatening me. That if I don't sleep with him he'll fire, but yet he still doesn't even pay me the right amount."
"I'm going to continue to try and kill myself and for what? To just be back alive and pressured with hospital bills? My gra-"
"Shut up and come here." I looked up at Tony in shock as he gave me a stern look. I frowned and wiped some of my tears as I shuffled towards the taller guy and stopped at less a foot away.
That's when Tony cautiously pushed his arms around and around my lower back and pressed me against his rough chest. Laying his head in the crook of my neck I felt the salty wet tears from Tony.
"I know where your coming from.." Tony sighs against me. I look up at him with my arms still around him and give him a sad face. "It's rough but we have people around us to help us, and I want to help you."
"I don't want you to take care of my homeless ass," I responded. Tony chuckled and moved his head back.
"I love your homeless ass alright? I love everything about you and I want you alive and safe." He frowned looking back into my e/c orbs.
"Y-you love me..?" I was so confused. Choking on the very little tears I had now in just shock and just love.
"I've loved you for goddamn years and the thought of you just attempting this... well-..... It just breaks my heart." He explained. I brought my hands up slowly to wrap around his neck and cracked a smile.
"Tony, why the hell didn't you say something?" I asked with a small smile.
"Believe it or not I was fucking terrified... I didn't want to lose you as my friend." He chuckled as he embarrassed himself slightly. The red pinkish tint on his cheeks telling me so.
"W-wait. Aren't you like engaged to Pepper?" I asked as my eyes widen a bit.
"Uh. Well." He chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his forehead. "We got in a fight, and one thing leads to another and yeah she broke up with me."
"Wait? So I'm just your rebound girl!?" I pushed him roughly away.
"What? No no." Tony shakes his head as he reached out for me but I just shook my head and felt tears form.
"You are still a goddamn playboy. Unbelievable." I roll my eyes and place my hands on my hips.
"No I'm not, Y/n, I swear to god its only you. I've changed I swear. Hello, I was going to marry Pepper doesn't that say anything!" He said as I felt the anger in his voice rise.
"How long ago was it when you two split?" I asked as I crossed my arms against my chest and stared down at my bare feet.
"A week ago." He answered. I rolled my eyes and rolled my head back and looked at him annoyed.
"And you just now confess your love to me?! You still love Pepper and want me to just fill your needs as a male and honestly I don't need that shit right now!" I screamed at him as hot tears fell their way down my face.
"Goddamn it, Y/n! The moment you walked into my office with that damn tight black dress you had my heart! That was five years ago! Your hair was shorter then it is now and your goddamn gorgeous e/c eyes shined so bright it made my heart flutter and now I hardly see that damn shine." He burst. My chest was huffing by this point and honestly, I didn't know how long I was going to last until I passed out.
"But yet you were with Pepper," I whispered looking back down at the wooden ground.
"Because you were with y/ex/n." That name made me flinch in pain. Remembering everything. The cheating, The painful words, The fights, Everything.
"Guess we were both pretty stupid to realize." I manage to get out of my lips.
"Yeah and now I want to make sure we have each other." He whispered. I looked back up at him and nodded to show that I was agreeing with him.
"I want you to take some time though.. I'll come and move in with you but I don't want you to just come after me. Take me on a date after a month and then we'll start." I suggest.
"Yeah. Let's do that."
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
Rough Times Pt.2
Steve Rogers
Word Count: 1400+
Warnings: The usual, Swearing and mostly unedited
A/N: I’m writing some new imagines to post after all the old ones I’ve written. If you have a request for any person you want a imagine of anything just request!
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Steve's Point of View
"Wait... what? Wait wait wait Y/n! Y/n no!" I yelled as I pressed my finger against the com. "We need to get Y/n to a hospital stat!" I yelled as I brought myself to run out of the building that blew up.
I ran towards the plane and got in and Bruce ran to me to take a look at Y/n.
"Lay her down," Bruce said and I quickly placed her down looking at her body that was limp. I brought my thumb up to my mouth and bit at it.
"Will she be okay? Please tell me she will." I said quickly.
"Don't worry your little girlfriend will be fine." Bruce smiled at me. I didn't even care that he called Y/n my girlfriend.
I sat in worry the whole time when we were flying back home. My hand was holding Y/n's the whole time. I couldn't let Y/n die back there. I love her. Her beautiful h/l h/c hair that made her beautiful e/c eyes, that I got lost in all the time, pop.
Her last words to me stayed nailed in my head. 'If I die, I love you.'
I couldn't even tell her that I loved her back. I understood that I pushed her too hard sometimes, but it was only because I couldn't bring myself to see her hurt herself.
"You have it hard for Y/n don't you?" Tony asked walking in. I looked up at Tony and nodded. He sighed.
"I'm not going to lie I like Y/n I do, but you look like you've fallen in love with her," Tony said well taking a seat next to me.
"I have," I answered never taking my eyes off of her hand.
"I'll stay out of it. I'll get some other girls don't worry, but let me tell you this much. If you mess it up with Y/n. You sure as hell will know I'll be the one to take her." He continued.
"I know that. I also know that I would never mess it up with her. She's just perfect. Better then Peggy. And that says a lot." I say as I perked my head up and looked over at Tony.
"Yeah, yeah it is. Don't sorry also. I know Y/n, and I know she wouldn't die without her fighting for her life first." Tony explained and stop up. I watched as he left to go back into the cockpit.
"Well, you love her and she loves you. What's gonna happen now?" Natasha asked as she continues to flicker her eyes between me and Y/n.
"I don't know, Nat. All I know is that I won't crowd her with thoughts. She has it rough already with me up her ass." I explained I heard a loud gasped and knew it was from Tony.
"Language!" He yelled. I chuckled at his response and shook my head.
"If I was you, Steve, I would let her know I loved her before this happens again. Take her on a date and maybe don't stress her out with training." She chuckled. I nodded in response and looked back down at Y/n.
As the jerk landed back onto the ground I rushed out with Y/n in my arms and brought her over to the Infirmary. Once I reached it the doctors and nurses took Y/n out of my arms and pushed me out of the room.
I didn't fight, however. I wanted her to get better. I wanted her to be alive. So, I waited outside her room she was kept in. I sat in a chair with my head in my hands as I waited, and waited.
Several many hours have passed when that door opened back up. Doctors and Nurses stood in front of me and I brought my head up to look at the three of them.
"Are you the boyfriend or brother?" The Doctor asked.
"Why would it matter? What if I was just a friend? That's my girl in there and I want to know if she is okay." I fought. The doctor sighed.
"She's alive and that's all you need. She has some broken ribs, some burns marks, but you've saved her that's for sure. You can go in to see her." And with that, they left me alone.
I got up from my seat and went into her room. Once my eyes found her body on the bed with wires sticking out of her I broke. The second mission she had and she almost died yet again.
I went over to her side and grabbed her hand. I brought it up to my lips and kissed it softly. I ran my hand through my hair and slumped down into yet another chair.
"Hey there," I smiled slightly, "I know you're probably sleeping or faking to at least, but that's all I need." I took in a deep breath and looked down at my hand holding hers.
"I know I push you a lot, but it's to make you avoid this and not to give me a heart attack. I love you, so freaking many ways much much more than anything." I whispered and brought her hand up to my lips and kissed it.
I heard an eclipse of giggles and looked up to see Y/n trying to keep a straight face but failing as giggles kept leaving her mouth.
"Since you're now awake," I sigh, "will you like to join me to get some coffee once you are able to be released?" I watched Y/n open her eyes and look over at me. She had a smile on her face and nodded.
"I would love to." She answered.
Y/n's Point of View Two weeks later
"You don't want to dress to elegant. You two are only going for coffee." Natasha explained.
"Maybe a jean shirt?" Wanda suggested. I beamed up and ran to my closet and grabbed my favorite jean skirt and a black belt that would match.
"What else?" I asked.
"Maybe a black tee tucked in lazily, and then we can curl your hair." Natasha wondered as she laid on my bed with her head rested on her hands.
"Ooo yes that will be super cute." Wanda agreed. I grabbed the rest of my clothes and even some black shoes. I rushed into my bathroom and quickly key changed and came out of the bathroom and I heard gasps.
"Oh my god, you look so cute!" Wanda squealed. I blushed at her words and chuckled.
"Thank you," I whispered. Natasha chuckled at me and grabbed my hand and pushed me to sit on my bed and pulled over the curly iron.
Once the two girls finished my hair Nat grabbed the perfume I usually use and sprayed it over me causing me to start coughing. I try to wave away the smell but some got in my mouth.
"Ew ow! It got in my mouth!" I whined. The two girls responded in a laugh as there was a knock on my door.
"He's here!" Wanda warned. Nat and I looked at her with the 'no duh' look.
"Yeah no duh, Wanda," I answered with a chuckle as I shook my head. I was pulled up and pushed towards the door.
I sent them a glare quickly and stares back at my door. I took a deep breath in and flattened my skirt. I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.
"Hey." I smiled looking up at Steve.
"H-hey, wow you look beautiful. Wait... no... gorgeous." He complimented. I blushed at his kind words and finally looked over at the way wearing. Very typical Steve look. Jeans, a shirt, and his brown leather jacket.
"Do you uh maybe wanna go for a walk before we get coffee?" Steve asked as he scratched the back of his head.
"I would love to," I answered and connected my arms with his.
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
Rough Times Pt.1
Steve Rogers
Word Count: 2900+
Warnings: Swearing and mostly unedited. Who knows it might be. You’ll see.
A/N: Sorry for not posting. I have no excuse, to be honest. I have a bunch of imagines written and I didn’t even post them. Why? I honestly have no clue.
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I've been living at the Avengers Manson for about a month now and I've been part of the Avengers for three weeks. However being part of the avengers meant I had to train. Hard and long.
Whenever you're new you get someone has your training coach. I got Captain America himself. Which is an actual living hell.
"Your swing is too wide," Steve commented as I threw a punch at the punching bag hanging in front of me.
I breathed heavily out of breath as I felt the sweat drip down on my forehead and onto my chest. I ignored Steve's comment and continued to throw Punch's at the bag.
"Are you not paying attention to me, Y/n?! You could get yourself killed if you don't bring in your punchs." Steve started yelling at me.
"And yelling at me is going to fucking help!?" I asked turning around to look at him.
He stood on the other side of the gym watching my every move. It's been like this for nearly three weeks.
"Well, you weren't paying attention when I first said it." He said as he scoffed. I rolled my eyes and threw a hard punch to the bag and continued to throw hard ones. I continued until I felt hot tears running down my face.
I screamed and threw one hard punch at the bag and it fell from the chain it was hanging on and fell hard and loud against the floor. I stared down at the bag and walked away from it and to my water bottle.
"Your swings are still way too wide." Steve sighed.
"Yeah well, your way to wide." I returted after I drank the rest of my water.
"Remember what happened last time? You nearlu got yourself killed! In the time to throw your wide punch is enough time for the enemy to punch you in the face or block it!" He yelled. I glared over at him and mads my way to the bag and started to pick it was. Which was harder then it looked.
"You're struggling," Steve commented.
"No, I'm not," I responded in a huff. I watched Steve come over well he rolled his eyes and took the bag out of my hands and hung it back up in one swift move.
"You need to narrow your swings, kick harder, and distract the person. You can't give them so many open opportunities to attack you." Steve explained rather loudly.
"Yeah well, you need to widen your space from me," I remarked and threw a punch at him, which he easily blocked and turned it against me and I fell to the floor onto my back. I groanrd in pain and held the back of my head.
"See what happened? I blocked and turned it against you. Come on now get up. We're not done here." He explained and walked over to the bench to grab some gloves.
"No," I answered and stood on my feet. "I am done with you. You are pushing me instead of helping me!"
"This is helping you, Y/n! Giving someone cookies and candy and lying to thwir face isn't going to make them better. They'll end up grtting themselves killed!" Steve yelled well folding his arms.
"Excuse me, married couple, can you stop fucking yelling? Im trying to work in the room next to you." We both turned our heads and saw Tony at the doorway smirking.
"We're not dating!" Steve and I yelled at the same time.
I rushed out of the gym and pushed past Tony roughly and made my way to my room and collapsed on my bed and screamed as loud as I could into my pillow.
I heard a knock and groaned as loud as I could. I got up and answered the door and answered with a rough and loud what.
"I heard you from a mile away," Nat replied leaning against the door. I rolled my eyes and moved back to me. Leaving it as an invitation to let her in.
"So what? I don't care." I answered cockly.
"I brought Wanda." She answered in a higher pitch voice well singing it. I looked up and over and saw Wanda smiling at me.
She came over and sat next to me on my bed and pulled my head against her shoulder and started to run her fingers through my hair.
"Training?" Wanda asked. I nodded.
"Steve pushing you too much?" Nat asked.
"He's making me want to quit this team. He's always commented on everything I do. Never just a 'good job, Y/n' or 'maybe you should try this' no its all yelling about how imperfect I am!" I yelled well explaining.
"He's just trying to work you so you don't get killed," Nat explained as she pulled around a chair and sat down on it.
"Plus it's only because you just got here. He's going to ve working you hard in till you got the hang of I and can beat him in a spar." I scoffed at Wanda's words.
"No one can freaking beat Steve in a spar. Even Thor can't and he's a god!" I point out.
There's a knock at the door and I rolled my eyes. I stoos up from my bed and answered my door seeing a particularly tall guy with blond hair and ocean blue eyes.
"What do you want," I asked with so much sass as I rolled my eyes.
"There's a mission breifing in the conference room. Fury wants us all there now." Steve answeres. I rolled my eyes once again.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and closed the door sighing.
"You so have the hots for him." Nat chuckled. I threw a glare at him.
"No, I don't. Now come on, we have to listen about a stupid mission." I answered.
"Y/n, you like Steve. You just won't admit it." Wanda said standing up.
"No, I don't." I hissed.
"I mind read you, idiot, I know everything you think about when you're around him," Wanda explained.
"God I hate you." I sighed. I shook my head and rubbed the bridge of my nose.
"I don't know alright? I just want to be alone and get the heaeing over with." And with that, I left my room and headed over to the conference room.
Once I entered everyone was already there and I took a seat down which happened to be across from Steve. Which I didn't try to plan. Wanda and Nat soon entered after me and Nick started to explain everything.
"There's a new Hydra base and it's deadly, but we don't know where it is. We need details about it before we go in and destroy it. Problem is, is that they're planning something big tomorrow night." Nick paused and passed out the folders on our jobs.
However, I wasn't paying attention. I was staring out in front of me. Not really meaning to stare at Steve, but he was staring back.
"Before we continue can you tell the married couple over here to stop staring lovingly into each other's eyes? It's really distracting me." Tony smirked. I glared at me and threw a punch at his shoulder.
"Too wide," Steve mumbled. I glared at him and rolled my eyes.
"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. These folders explain your job. There's a ball which Y/n and Steve will be Intended. They go in, find the new director and then Y/n will seduce them to get him away from the ball and then get the location out. Nat will be outside waiting for you two to bring you to the Quandchopper where the rest of the team will be." Nike continued but then paused once he looked at me. "Y/l/n!" He yelled. I jumped a bit and looked over at him.
"S-sorry," I mumbled.
"Do you know where we are?" He asked. I shook my head. Nick sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "It's all in the folder." He rolled his eyes.
"After we get the location and are there we have these little deadly bombs to place throughout the facility. Everyone will get two, because of the place is so big. Steve and Y/n, Bruce and Tony, Thor and Nat, and then Pietro and Wanda. Steve and Y/n leave tomorrow night. So get some sleep. We have a long journey in the morning. Going to Germany." And either that Nick left the room.
I stood up and grabbed the folder assigned to me and Nat and Wanda clipped to my size. I looked at them confused.
"What color do you want to wear?" Nat asked.
"What?" I asked confused.
"You really need to stop thinking about Steve and paying attention," Wanda said well rolling her eyes.
"I feel like she should wear a deep red," Nat commented as we walked into my room.
"Yeah sure," I mumbled still distracted.
After I was forced into dresses and heels and shit I finally got some alone time and fell onto my bed and stared up at my ceiling and watched the ceiling fan turn in its circle.
My mind wondered all around finding its way to thinking about Steve. His tall fit figure that always stood tall above me. His beautiful ocean eyes that I always get lost in. His beautiful personality. His old fashion words.
By the time it was morning everyone was on the Quinchopper. And I was dead tired. From being kept up by Wanda and Nat, and from me thinking if I actually liked Steve. The trip to Germany was quiet but for Tony who kept making remarks about Steve and I always fighting. Which we were still doing and I was not having any of it since I was dead tired.
"One more remark and I will rip out your ball sack and shove it down your damn throat!" I yelled at Tony across the way.
"Language," Steve said from beside me. I groaned loudly and got out of my seat and went over to Thor and forced Clint to move. I sat down next to Thor and groaned.
Once we arrived in Germany Steve and I made our way to the hotel room we were going to use for the time being.
"In case something happens that you don't want to happen just remember to keep your punches narrow and your eyes on his. Move fast and quickly and I'll get the info out of him alright?" Steve asked once we entered the room.
"Enough with the punches! It's getting annoying!" I yelled looking at him annoyed.
"I'm just trying to help you." Steve sighed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my things and went into the bathroom and got changed.
The long elegant red dress stood perfectly on me. Besides the point of it showing off to much cleavage. I ignored it and pulled on my black heels that have gone with the dress and made my way out of the bathroom.
"Let's get this over with," I said quickly well rolling my eyes.
"You look good." Steve complimented. I turned and looked over at him who was wearing a black tux with a red tie, which was very messed up.
"Do you need help with your tie?" I asked. Steve looked down at his tie in embarrassment. I smiled slightly and walked up to him and untied what he did and fixed it around the collar.
"There," I said once I was done. I fixed his collar and backed up.
"Shall we go then?" Steve asked. I nodded and we made our way out and to the ball.
Once we arrived we quickly found the guy Nick was talking about and I brought him back to our hotel room. I made sure to give Steve enough time to change. Currently, the mission was going very well in till the guy recognized me halfway through me putting the rope around his wrists.
"Wait a minute. Don't I know you?" He asked raising his black eyebrow. I stared at his green eyes and shook my head.
"I don't think we've ever met before," I answered trying to finish tying the tie but he stopped me and pushed me off of him.
"No, I almost killed you a couple weeks ago. I remember your beautiful brown eyes." He answered before he grabbed his phone out.
"Shit, where are you, Steve," I mumbled so I could only hear. I stood up quickly and kicked the guy in the gut and grabbed his phone quickly and started to run away even though I was tough to run in heels.
By the time I reached the door, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I headbutted the guy and groaned as I pulled back and the door flew open and Steve showed up.
"Took you long enough," I mumbled handing him the phone. He looked down at the guy and raised an eyebrow. I shook my hand to tell him to leave it alone. He grabbed the guy and fixed him back up. I quickly changed into my regular missing clothes and met Steve back out in the room.
"You get it?" I asked as I went down into my bag and grabbed my two katana's and placing them into the slide on my back.
"Yeah, I got everything off of him. Even the part of where he almost killed you." He answeres placing his shield on his back.
"Let's get going then," I answered and made my way out of the hotel room with Steve behind me.
"Do you happen to know how to braid?" I asked. Steve's hummed a yes response which caused me to turn and look at him.
"Can you put it in boxer braids then. When we're on the quadchopper?" I asked.
"Yeah sure," Steve replied giving me a small smile.
We made our way out of the hotel and Into the car Nat was driving. When we drove to the plan Steve was telling Tony the location of where the base was over the com.
Once we reached the plan we all took our sits and I sat back next to Steve so he could do my hair.
After we got to the location we made out way into our teams and was into the building.
"Why are you always so hard on me?" I asked as I was placing the first bomb down as Steve kept watching my back.
"Do we have to talk about this now? We're on a mission." Steve sighed. I rolled my eyes as I entered the code in.
"That doesn't matter. Now answer the question." I said standing up and walking up behind him.
"To make you stronger." He replied simply and we were on our way.
"How is that going to make me stronger though!?" I asked raising my voice a bit. Steve quickly covered my mouth and pushed us both against a wall. Both of our bodies closed together. Our breath basically breathing in each other's air.
We stayed like that as someone passed back and Steve quickly took them out. He looked over at me and nodded. I quickly came up beside him and pulled out my katanas.
"Where's the next location?" I asked in a whisper.
"Down the hallway in their lab. So, be careful and please narrow your punches." He explained looking into my e/c eyes. I rolled my eyes at him as we continued to make our way down.
Once we reached the lab Steve went in to place the last bomb and I kept watching. A couple of seconds passed and I saw a much bigger guy than the one that passed our before.
"You got to be kidding me." I groaned and got in my stance. The guy came up to me and started to get closer to me.
I swung my lantana at the man who judged my swing and swapped them out of my hands. I had wide eyes and kicked him back, well tried to, he didn't move a budge and threw a punch my way which I dunked down to judge.
"Y/n we need to hurry! We only have thirty seconds!" Steve yelled towards me as he rushed to finish putting the last one on.
"Kind of hard with this guy up my ass!" I yelled back.
"Language," Steve responded as he groaned in frustration. I had one last idea and did a turning kick, if that's what you called it, and kicked him in the face knocking him back and punched him trying to keep it narrow.
"Ten seconds!" Steve yelled as I saw his shield woosh past me. I felt Steve come up behind me as he grabbed his shield back and pulled me close to him as possible and held out his shield in front of us and pushed us against a wall.
The next thing I knew my ears were ringing and I felt a bunch of pain in my legs. I closed my eyes tightly as I felt Steve tighten his grip on me.
This continued for a long while as I felt tears on my face. As my ears came back to normal I felt Steve pick me up. I looked up at Steve.
"If I die... I. Love you." I whisper and closed my eyes.
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
A Simple Question
Would you guys like me to use you/ your and have you know more of what other characters are doing or continue my usual way? Or, use the normal first person with knowing the others feelings and such?
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
Wanna Dance, Doll?
40s Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 1000+
Warnings: I think there is actually no swearing in this. However, there might be and I just didn’t read it in such a long time. 
A/N: I haven’t put this on the newer/old posts but you can request! I will now be taking requests. Whatever you want I’ll write! Even gay because I love me some gay shit.
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I made my way down the street making my way to the festival to catch up with my friends. I was meeting up with Steve, Bucky, and Y/bf/n. I was, however, running a bit late, as always.
The cool breeze of the wind flowed through my h/l h/c hair and my black dress flowed to one side. No one was in the streets, not even one store was open. Mr. Stark was introducing some new things to his industry.
As I became closer to the grounds I saw lights and cheering. I knew I was very late, but as I made it to the entrance I saw the three of my friends in the front joking and laughing. Bucky's arm around y/bf/n's shoulder. Of course.
"Y/n!" Steve beamed once he saw me. I smiled and waved.
"Sorry I'm late, now come on before we miss the presentation." I rushed and hugged my dress as I rushed forward to the stage.
I pushed through people to where I could see. Which was rather hard since I was smaller than Steve, which is a lot to say.
"Hey, Doll." I felt someone poke my side. I turned around and saw Bucky and smiled up at him.
"Hey, Buck," I answered back. He smiled brightly and stared out in front of him well Y/bf/n came to stand by me.
"I think I'm going to tell him." She smiled. I looked at her and crooked an eyebrow in confusion. "I'm going to tell Bucky I like him." She whispered. I smiled through the pain.
"Good luck," I replied Wishing her the best.
"You should tell Steve also. We're all going dancing after this." She explained.
"I don't know.," I mumbled. The thing about that is ... uh, I was going to tell her I liked Bucky before she spat out and said she likes him for himself so I lied and said I liked Steve... But he's like a brother to me.
"Come on, Y/n/n, stop pushing." She giggled. I rolled my eyes and paid attention to the car that was floating and then fell down.
I giggled a bit and saw Bucky look down at me and smiled showing his pearly whites. After the presentation, we made our way out as a group but then separated because Bucky had to go find Steve.
Y/bf/n and I stood by a light post. I stared down at my feet as she continued to talk about everything she loved about Bucky. Which was mostly his looks which made me cringe knowing that she only goes for looks.
"Come on girls. Steve isn't coming." Bucky frowned as he jogged up to us.
"Aw, how come?" Y/bf/n asked. Bucky sighed and shook his head, not really wanting to explain it. I looked up at him and saw something in his eye as he walked in between us and lead us up to the bar.
Once we entered I saw Y/bf/n pull Bucky away and I made myself to a table and sat down at it. By myself yet again.
Sometimes I wish I could just talk to Bucky. I've known Bucky forever. Even longer than Y/bf/n. She just doesn't know it. Bucky and I grew up in the same apartment building. Being neighbors actually. We had no other siblings so we became friends just like that.
"Hey Doll." I turned my head and saw Bucky.
"Where's Y/bf/n?" I asked.
"She bumped into a guy and his drink spilled all over her dress and yeah. She rushed into the bathroom and is trying to wash the whiskey out of her red dress." He explained. I cracked a smile.
"She overreact?" I asked.
"Oh yeah." He chuckled and sat down in front of me.
"Sorry I was late earlier. I had some things to deal with." I explained with a small smile.
"You don't have to apologize. I heard when I was leaving." He replied. I got rid of my smile and nodded looking down at the table.
"Hey Doll, you wanna dance?" Bucky asked with a smile. I looked up at him and returned his smile and nodded. We both stood up and he grabbed my hand pulling me out onto the floor.
"Also, happy birthday." He whispered into my ear after wrapping his arms around my waist. I gave him wide eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Don't tell me you forgot." He chuckled.
"I have a lot going on right now, but thank you Bucky." I smiled.
"You're welcome. Also, can I put a thought into your head?" He asked. I hummed a response as we swayed along to the music. "I love you, ...more than my best friend." He whispered and kissed my cheek. I looked at him in surprise and felt my face heat up.
"Bucky. I-I ca-" Before I could answer him he pressed his lips against mine. Pulling me deep into his soft lips. I kissed back immediately once his lips touched mine. I stood tall on my tippy toes to meet his height and smiled into it.
We both pulled away after we both needed to breathe. We were breathing heavily trying to catch our breath with bright smiles on our faces. He leaned his forehead down to mine and touched it leaving it there before he pressed me more into his body.
"I've been waiting forever to do that." He whispered with his eyes still closed.
"Well, you don't have to anymore." I blushed and met his lips once again.
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
It Was You All Along
Thor Odinson
Word Count: 2100+
Warnings: Um... Death? Swearing? The usuals for mine. One sided love till like the end.
A/N: Whoop whoop first Marvel imagine. Also! While I’m working on my masterlists you can look at my tags! If you’re on a device just hit the a.... it will then search my Tumblr for that tag. For example, hitting amarvel will send you to all the imagines I have written for that tag! I hope this works while I’m making a masterlist!
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"I don't like her." I sighed. I leaned my head back until it hit the glass.
"What is it you don't like about this Jane?" Loki asked and he stood behind me on the other side of the glass.
"She's ruining Thor. Distracting him, always whining and whining. God! And Thor gave her my damn room so I've been sleeping in yours." I complained truthfully.
"Are you sure this isn't just because of your crush on my brother?" He asked as he turned around to lean on the glass.
"I'm positive," I answered while folding my arms against my chest.
"I knew I would find you down here." I looked up and saw queen Frigga and got up quickly and held my dress in my hands and bowed towards her.
"My queen," I replied.
"Please, Y/n, I practically raised you." She answered to me. I nodded and stood up straight. "How are you, my gorgeous son?"
"I am fine for being held captive, mother. How are you?" Loki answered.
"I am doing good besides the fact of your brother missing all his important briefings." She answered.
"I told you," I said towards Loki and stuck my tongue out at him.
"You think it has something to with Jane?" Frigga asked. I nodded quickly as Loki nodded slower.
"The King doesn't approve of Jane either." I point out.
"Maybe you should talk to him. You two are best friends after all." I looked at Frigga and gave her a look that kind of said 'not any more'.
"Ever since Jane came a few months ago Thor and I never hang out anymore. The last time I've seen him was when he was like *Deep Voice* Jane is going to be sleeping in your room well she spends the time here. Blah blah, you will stay somewhere else blah blah." I explained. Loki laughed in front of me at my impression of Thor as Frigga looked at me seriously.
"Pull some moves on my son. That will get his attention." She explains.
"Wh-what?" I shuttered.
"The dance is tomorrow, right? Well, you two always and I mean always share the first dance." She explained. I nodded and looked down at my feet but slowly brought them up to look at Loki.
"Can Loki be there? He's like a brother to me." I answered.
"Ouch, that hurts." Loki laughed. I rolled my eyes playfully and looked back at Frigga.
"I'll see what I can do, Y/n." She smiled softly. I smiled back and nodded.
"Thank you, Frigga," I answered. She sent me one last smile before she headed back up to her duties.
"Well, that was something."
// The Next Day 06:23 PM //
"I look stupid," Loki commented. I chuckled and quickly finished putting on my shoes and walked out into the bedroom.
"You look fine," I answered. Loki poured and fell onto his bed. "Come on. We're already late as it is."
"Lady Y/n the party doesn't start till thirty after six. It's only twenty-three after." I looked at Loki with an 'I know' look.
"I'm not an idiot I know that, Loki. Everyone always shows up early." I roll my eyes. Loki chuckled at me.
"Shall we head down now?" Loki then asked. I nodded and took a deep breath.
"Yeah let's go," I answered. He nodded and stood up holding his arm out. I hooked my arm with his and we headed out of the room and towards the main area.
"Do you know the plan?" Loki asked.
"I thought it was just to talk to Thor?" I asked confused.
"You need him to realize hoe much Jane changed him and make those two break up," Loki explained. I nodded and continued to look out in front of us.
When we arrived and were announced. And everyone was talking about us. I don't know if it was the fact of prince Loki being out or of me.
"Everyone is talking about you." Loki leaned in and whispered in my ear. I turned my head and looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?" I asked looking shocked.
"Because you're more beautiful than all the girls combined here," he answered. I flustered pink and nodded slowly. "Okay, there's Thor. The only one who's not looking at us. Go over to him and ask him to dance. You guys start the real beginning of the party." I nodded.
Thor stood in front of Jane talking about something. His hair was neatly pushed back into a low bunch and a few strands of hair came out. He was wearing a normal tux just like everyone else. Besides him was Jane. The one who stood out. She wore. Wait. That's my dress.
I jumped over to Thor and looked rather annoyed. At the steam coming out of my ears, they both looked at me.
"Lady Y/n, nice to see you." Thor replied with a forced smile.
"Care to dance?" I asked in an angry tone.
"I was actually going to dance with Jane this year. If that isn't too much." Thor replied.
"Excuse me can I have everyone's attention." I turned around in my dress and looked up at Queen Frigga who was smiling and speaking into a mic.
"I would like to begin this party with a tradition that started many years ago. My handsome son, Thor, and his best friend, Lady Y/n, will now come in and dance the first dance." She smiled. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that Thor will now have to dance with me.
I saw a quick wave of blond and light brown hair past me. I turned towards the rushing people and saw that it was Thor and Jane. I looked back up at Frigga and watched as her smile turned into a frown.
"Where's Lady Y/n?"
"Where's Y/n?"
"Y/n, we need your help." I turned around and looked at the person who was talking to me.
"Sif? What's happening??" I asked nervously.
"We have people about to barge into the palace. They are here for Frigga." She whispered in my ear.
"How long?" I asked.
"About a few minutes," she answered. I nodded and turned around fully.
"Okay, I need my swords," I answered. Sif smiled and nodded pulling me along.
"Are you sure you don't want to take your dress off?" She asked.
"No time," I replied as we started to run down the hallway.
"At least take your heels off." She replied. I nodded and started to bounce on one foot as I threw my heels off.
"How many guys?" I asked as I quickly grabbed a sword off of one of those fake armor statues.
"About two to three hundred," I answered. I hummed a response back as we reached the front of the palace.
"Lady Y/n." Frandal smiled at me. I sent him a smile back and started to push forward until I was met with the head of the army.
"You need to leave," I commanded.
"Not without your precious queen." He hissed at me.
"Looks like we're going to have some problems then huh?" I asked.
"Attack!" He screamed in my face. I wiped his spot off my face and quickly brought my sword up to attack. At the same time, there was a bunch of yelling and everyone running after each other.
This continued on for what seemed like hours but in reality, it was maybe thirty minutes.
"Y/n! One's heading towards the party!" Sif yelled. I turned my heads towards where we came from and ran after him. Lifting my dress up with one hand and the other tightly around my sword.
Somehow I have yet to get anything on this gorgeous gold dress. Meaning blood or guts. The dress that Jane was wearing, however, had to be ruin and that pissed me off. It was a gift to me from Frigga.
As he came closer to the open doors I ran quicker and knew it wasn't enough. I positioned my sword and got ready to throw it like a spear in the back of that person back.
I waited till I got a bit closer and aimed it and threw. It seemed to be in the air forever till it finally fell into the guys back.
"Y/n!" I turned around quickly and saw Sif running towards me. "We couldn't hold them back. They are coming. A lot of them." She was out of breath and was hunched over.
"Oh shit," I mumbled. I turned around and ran towards the guy and pulled my sword out.
"I'll tell Loki and Thor and then take care of Frigga," I explained turning back around.
"No no you'll have to multi-task." She said back. I nodded and ran into the room pushing pass everyone roughly.
"Queen Frigga!" I yelled after a bow and ran to her. "I have to get you out of here. We are under attack and they want you." I explained holding onto his wrist.
"What about my husband." She responded.
"He can handle himself." I looked around and tried to find a pair of familiar blue eyes.
"What's happening?" Loki popped out of nowhere.
"Get Frigga out of here, Loki," I said looking at him. He nodded and pulled his mother out and into somewhere safe.
"Everyone get somewhere safe! We are under attack!" I yelled. Everyone turned their heads at me. There was no expression. Just a couple of coughs and giggles.
I rolled my eyes at everyone and looked around closer. There was something hanging from the ceiling. Like any kind of bug, but they had something and were aiming it. I looked where it was aimed and saw it was at Thor. His back turned to block Jane from my view.
I saw this guy take his shot and shoot it. I mumbled a crap and ran towards Thor. When I reached him I pushed him roughly away and felt a sharp pain enter the side of my body.
I sucked in a breath and started to cough out blood. I fell against the floor as screams and gasps started to fill this room.
"Y/n? W-why. Y/n!" Thor got up and ran over towards me and picked me up into his arms. "Fuck. Fuck!" Thor picked his head up and looked around.
"Thor come on. Let's go." Jane said pulling on his arm.
"No, Jane!" Thor yelled as he turned his head towards her. "Not now. Not ever again. I was so damn blind and it costed my best friend to get hurt for me to see that."
"I'm going to get hurt," Jane whispered.
"Stop trying t-"
"T-thor." I coughed out. Slowly opening my eyes to stare into his blue orbs.
"Y/n. I'm right here." Thor whispered. Holding my hand against my heart.
"I.. Love you.." I whispered and brought myself up to his face and kissed him before I blacked out.
"No!" Thor cried out. "No no no." He cried holding me closer.
// Seven Months Later Third Person Point of View 00:00 AM //
"I think it's time brother.," Loki whispered towards Thor.
"No.. Never.," Thor replied back. Bags under the prince's eyes seemed to grow bigger. His dark circles looked to become black.
"There's no point if she's never going to wake up again.," Loki replied to his brother's words.
"I don't care! She needs to wake up. This is all my fault. If I had just danced with her.." Thor depressed down.
"If she even waked up we'll be lucky if she remembered us. She's been in that coma for months now." Loki explained.
"You're not pulling the plug and that's final," Thor mumbled against Y/n's hand that he held close to his mouth.
"This is getting pointless," Loki commented and with the wave of his hand the body of Y/n disappeared. Thor sat in quickly in shock and looked over at his brother.
"What did you do to her!" Thor roared.
The door creaked open and Thor inverted his gaze. Upon doing so he was met with a beautiful pair of e/c eyes looking at him.
"Y/n... Y-your awake??" Thor was absolutely confused in puzzlement. He dropped his hands at the sides of his body and slowly started to walk towards Y/n.
Thor's and slowly reaching up to touch her glowing s/c skin. Tears raced out of Thor's eyes as so did Y/n's. Thor pressed his forehead against Y/n's and cried out a laugh.
"You're are so beautiful. So so so so goddanm beautiful. God.. I love you too, Y/n. I love you too." Thor cried out in a whisper.
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
Cat’s Out of The Bag
Jensen Ackles
Word Count: 2000+
Warnings: Probably swearing I think. Actually no, everything will be swearing.
A/N: Oh look another one, but instead of supernatural it’s the actors of supernatural! Much wow! So basically I don’t have a weekend this week because I’m super busy. Not like I wanted to be. I blame my parents. Much fun. I might be writing some new things. like a Peter Kavinsky one. We’ll see. So, when you’ll be seeing this I probably won’t be home.
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"Can we somehow answer everyone's questions in like the time we have?" I asked Tyler.
"Depends on if you guys fool around." He shrugs.  Jared responded by touching his heart and scoffing.
"How dare you accuse us of fooling off. We are very professional." Jared responds. I let out a laugh from my throat and Jared turned his gaze at me. "Do you have something to say, Y/n? Hmm?" I didn't respond and just shook my head.
"That's what I thought. Now, since Y/n is done fooling around how about we get a question from, someone." He suggests. I roll my eyes at him playfully as someone gets handed a microphone.
"Hi um, my question if for Y/n." I smiled and looked at Jared.
"Ha!" I said towards him. Jared rolled his eyes at me and shook his head.
"First I just want to say I love you all and I was wondering what were you doing before you started being Dean's significant other?" The girl asked. I sucked in a breath and laughed.
"Oh gosh wow. Well, I try to hide this from everyone because I hated it so much. However, it did gain me a roll in Mamma Mia-"
"Wait you were in Mamma Mia?" Jensen asked interrupting me. I looked at him with a glare.
"Yes, you dumb fuck. I made you watch it just because I was in it. The damn leading roll you idiot." I said punching him.
"Okay okay." He laughed as he moved away from me after pushing my hands away.
"Anyways as I was saying. Before I got the roll in Supernatural the same year I was singing, and I didn't earn even a penny from it so I quit it." I shrugged.
"Oh, this outta be good. You have to sing now." Jared pushed.
"No," I answered looking at him dead in the eye.
"Actually I have a bunch of videos of her singing just on set." Jensen shrugged as he pulled his phone out.
"Don't you dare, Ackles." I death glared at him. He chuckled at me ignoring me and looked over at Tyler.
"Is there like any way we can project this and get sound?" He asked.
"Oh totally." He jumped up as tech crew came out. I kept my glare at Jenson and started to shake my head.
"You are so going to pay for this," I muttered. Jensen laughed at me and just responded by shaking his head.
"Fun fact about the video you're about to see. Y/n was tied up and started singing I want to break free and it was the funniest crap ever." He explained, "It was so good that they kept that scene for a rainy day."
"How do you even remember the lyrics so well?" Mark asked as Britsh he could. We all looked over at Mark and just gave him the look.
"Because most of it is just instrumental," I answered with a shrugged. Soon after the video popped up and I shook my head covering my face. Jensen chuckled at me and forced my hands away from my face. "I am so killing you." I mouthed to him.
"Okay wait there is another funny one. The last episode of season five after Lucifer fell with Michael and crap, Y/n started singing we are the champions." He laughed. I groaned and laid my head backward and looked at the ceiling.
"How about we move on to another question?" I asked popping back up. Soon another person was handed a mic and they stood up.
"So, my question is a duo one meant for Jensen and Y/n, and I bet just as much everyone else wants to know this. On the show, your characters have such great big chemistry with each other. Just by the way Dean looks at Y/c/n we all can tell that he loves her with all his heart. How do you guys do it?" She asked. I looked over at Jensen as he looked over at me.
"Fun fact, I never took Chemistry." I blurt out to push the question away.
"Wait you never took chemistry?" Jared asked confused.
"Yeah, I never did. I took a different class since I suck at science." I explained shrugging.
"Didn't you ended up taking some type of space class?" Jensen asked. I nodded back an hummed a yup to him.
"Who the hell takes a space class unless they were going into space crap." Jared askes.
"I suck at science okay. I wanted to take an easy class." I explained.
"Are you going to bloody answer the question or are you just so dumb?" Mark asked looking at us.
"Well, I don't know how about you," I say with a British accent.
"Making fun of the British guy. I see how it is." Mark rolled his eyes. I turned my gaze back at Jensen who gave me the look and then shrugged. I sighed and nodded. Jensen smiled softly and turned towards the crowd.
"Y/n and I are dating. So, I guess that's why." He explained. That's when the crowd erupted into screams and so many more noises that I couldn't explain. I chuckle and just shake my head.
"Alright next question," Jared said laughing at the reaction the crowd had.
"How did you two meet? Was it on set or?" The girl asked. I looked at Jensen and raised an eyebrow.
"You wanna tell it or me?" I asked.
"Well, I spilled the beans how about you tell this one?" He asked. I nodded with a smile and turned my gaze back to the crowd.
"Well let's see we were about three years old, well I mean I was you had to be about six or five and you stole my ice cream. Then we became friends. Fell apart around college. Met back around a party with the song Tell her about it was playing and well he just did that. So, that's basically it." I shrugged.
"Oh come on it was way better." Jensen laughed.
The year was well awhile ago. I remember the day like it was a couple hours ago. I was in my normal dress for a three-year-old and my family took me to my favorite park. I begged my parents to get me some vanilla ice cream and after begging and crying they finally bugged and bought me one.
I sat on the end of the seesaw eating my ice cream with the plastic red spoon when a boy older then came up to me and pointed at my ice cream.
"I love vanilla ice cream!" He smiled with a beam of happiness. I smiled back at him and held it towards him.
"Do you want some? My parents taught me that sharing is caring," I smiled, "but don't eat it all." The older boy nodded and took the ice cream out of my giving hands and took a spoonful and handed it back.
"That's so good!" He beamed raising his hands up in the air. I giggled at his silliness and we both finished ice cream together rather quickly and then we were just playing.
"So what's your name? Mines Jensen." He smiled proudly.
"My name is Y/n," I responded to his question.
"That's a pretty name." He said as he slides down the slide.
"Thank you. My parents gave it to me." I said after I slide down the slide right after Jensen.
"Y/n! Come here we have to go home!" My mother yelled for me. I stood up on my feet and looked at Jensen.
"Well, I have to go. I'll see you at some point." I waved.
"Definitely! Bye Y/n!" He beamed as I ran towards my mother.
"Who was that boy Y/n Y/m/n?" My father asked as he grabbed my hand as he looked back at Jensen.
"That was my friend Jensen! I like him a lot." I explained to my father. My father responded by nodding and turning his head in front of us as we headed off towards the car.
"And that's how it went." Jensen fully explained. I gave him a look of 'really' as he just laughed at my reaction as the audience was still all over the place.
"Since you loved explaining that one will you explain the fully telling me that you loved me so much that you might die if I wasn't in your life?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.
"Why I would love to." He smiled.
Parties usually weren't my thing. However, for some reason, I came to this one. I just had this feeling that something was going to happen. Something I would never expect. There were a lot of people there. Shouldn't complain since it was a college party anyways.
Somehow my friend has convinced me that instead of staying in my dorm room and watching some movies and singing along to songs that I should come out and enjoy the fresh air of drugs and beer.
Somehow at some point during the night Tell Her About it started playing and I was in complete shock that such a party would have such music playing. I was in the middle of everyone and just dancing and mouthing the lyrics as my eyes meant a very familiar green set across the room and just froze.
He spotted me also and smiled with a chuckle coming out of his lips and made his way towards me. This man, who I stuck by with most of my life was, coming towards me after so long of being apart.
"It's been a while," Jensen said once he reached me. I nodded and smiled softly at him.
"Yeah what have you been doing?" I asked with a raised of my eyebrow.
"Been acting ya know." He shrugged. I chuckled and started to shake my head.
"And here you are at a college party talking to a college girl. Scandalous of you Ackles." I point out.
"Not when that college girl is about to graduate. Yeah, I kept count since I'm such a perfect friend." He smiles proudly of himself.
"Do you maybe want to get out of here? Talk somewhere else where we don't have to yell?" I asked. Jensen smiled and nodded taking my hand and leading me out of the party house. After we reached a fair bit away from the party I turned my gaze up at Jensen for a bit before returning it back in front of me.
"So, what was the real reason you were at a college party?" I asked.
"I was looking for you actually. I wanted to share some news with you." He explains. I raised my eyebrow and we both stopped and looked at each other.
"Which is?" I asked. Jensen sucked in a breath and looked down at his feet before back at me.
"Well um for starters I earned a roll on this new tv show and well I wanted you to be a part of it. Even as an extra. Your ending college and will have nothing to do so I figured since we both did plays as kids we would you know." He says.
"Wait, first off, how did you find me?" I asked.
"I um... I um... Your roommate." He says.
"Man she has the biggest mouth ever." I chuckle.
"Yeah, and I also came because I can't stand being this far from you." He explains. I pause in everything and look at him with a confused look.
"What do you mean?" I asked. Jensen reached his hands down and picked my hand up in his and intertwined our fingers and smile softly at me.
"After all these years being friends and telling ourselves we won't fall for the other. Lying to ourselves to make sure we don't ruin our friendship for fear the other won't return your feelings, but I couldn't care less anymore. I am so head over heels for you that I want to flat out marry you right now." Jensen explained as the smile never left his lips and I smiled so big at his feelings.
"Jay... I-I love you too."
"And here we are still not married." I laughed. Jensen rolled his eyes and playfully punched my shoulder.
"I'm just waiting for the most perfect moment to pop the big question. You won't even tell it's coming. It's just going to be like BAM in your face!" He smiled as his eyes sparkled. I smiled lovingly at him and rested my cheek on my hand as I looked at Jensen.
"I'm in tears. That was beautiful. Now Mark wanna explain our love story?" Jared popped in. I laughed at him and then looked at Mark.
"Please tell please!" I pumped.
"That's my girl," Jensen mumbled smiling brightly.
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
How Is It Possible?
Dean Winchester
Word Count: 1200+
Warnings: Do I even have to warn this? Swearing. Maybe something else, but like I said; I haven’t read this is a while.
A/N: Do you guys want to to have a little summary of what you’re about to read? Just trying to make it easier for you :)
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"Y/n, are you okay?" Castiel asked. I raised my eyebrow at him as the two brothers looked up.
"Yeah, why?" I asked confused as I leaned back in my chair.
"Your heart is-"
"What is wrong with her heart?" Dean asked confused as he stood up from his chair to come over to me.
"Nothing is wrong with me." I looked at Dean, "I promise you." Dean kneed in front of me and grabbed onto my hands holding onto them.
"But your heart is twice as loud." Castiel looked at me confused. "It's like there are two hearts beating in your body." Dean looked up at me confused with furred eyebrows.
"Wait, Cas, are you saying Y/n's pregnant?" Sam asked confused.
"I'm sorry, come again? Pregnant?" I laughed as Dean stood up placing his hands on his head.
"Y/n can't be pregnant. It's impossible." Dean muttered.
"Well, she can. It's not impossible." Sam responded to Dean's muttering. I look down at my hands and started to shake my head.
"No no... Dean's right... I can't have a baby. That's why it's impossible. We even went to the doctor and they said that I couldn't. If I could it would be an honest miracle." I explain as I started to play with my thumbs.
"But there's another heartbeat in you. I wouldn't be lying, Y/n." Castiel says as he looks at me. I bring up my head as my eyes started to water.
"He's right, Y/n... What if you are pregnant? You have to take a test." Dean said as he looked at me. I looked over at Dean and stood up and pulled him into a tight hug. Burring my head into his chest. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.
"There's no point if Cas just gave us the answer." I cried out from happy tears.
"Guys we have to worry about something first. If anyone finds out Y/n is pregnant she's going to be a huge target. She won't be able to leave this bunker. I hate to say this but you'll have to teach your child everything." I clenched my hands on Dean's button up and let out a sob.
"I am not raising a kid into this, Sam. Our child is going to live a perfectly normal life." Dean said towards his brother.
"That won't be possible. The angels know everything and once your child is born they will know. They will be all over your child." Castiel explains. I pull myself away from Dean and look at Cas.
"You'll have to put the engravings on he/she whenever they are born," I said as I wipe away the tears.
"Whoa whoa whoa you want him in the room when you give birth?" Dean asked as he raised his eyebrow.
"I don't want angels to find our damn child, Dean." I look up at him. Dean closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.
"Yeah... Um... How far along is she Cas?" Dean asked looking over at Castiel.
"A couple weeks. It's very faint." He explains. We both nod and look at each other before back at the other two.
"We're going to go talk in uh... Our room." Dean says before he pulls me to our shared bedroom. When we reached our shared room we laid on our bed and Dean pulled me close to himself.
"Wow." Dean breathed out. I smiled softly and pulled myself closer to Dean, laying my head on his chest.
"I-I can't believe it," I say out of disbelieve. I hear Dean breath out a sound of happiness and turned his head to kiss the top of my head.
"For once in our lives, something amazing is happening." I pause, "I just can't believe it." I was in complete shock. I honestly couldn't believe anything that was happening right now.
When we found out that I couldn't get pregnant, and if I would it would be an honest miracle, and now here we are. "I love you so goddamn fucking much, Y/n, and I know our lives are so fucking messed up... I wouldn't have it any other way."
"I still want you to go on those hunts, Dean. I don't want you to just stay around here with me for about nine months. I want you to continue okay?" I ask looking up at him. He looked back down at me into my e/c eyes and started to slowly shake his head.
"I'm not leaving. I want to be right beside you for this whole pregnancy. I want to help you through your mood changes, your cravings, your everything. I want to be right beside you for the whole nine yards." He explains.
"I don't think we should leave Sam with Castiel. I mean sure he's getting better but um he is still you know." I point out. Dean responds to me with a chuckle and pulled me into himself, laying on our side.
"Bobby will help occasionally. Plus if they ever need my help with figuring out I'll study." He explains. That's when I erupted into laughs.
"I'm sorry but you cannot research for the life of you. I'll do the research. I love reading you know that." I smile as I looked into his soft green eyes. Dean responded to me by rolling his eyes and reaching down to kiss me.
At first, it was pretty easy, but it got rougher. My morning sickness started but soon ended months later, and now here we are. Seven months into the pregnancy where everything went downhill. Very very very downhill.
"Hey, are you okay?" Sam asked as he saw me on the couch laying down. I sniffled and shook my head. "Do you want me to go get Dean?" I nod. Sam returned my nod and went off to go find my boyfriend. I was currently watching my favorite movie and then my mind drifted.
"Hey hey hey baby, what's wrong?" Dean rushed over to me, kneeling down to my height.
"What are we going to do, Dean? We're going to have to lock this kid up until he can handle himself." Dean reached his thumb up and wiped away my tears.
"I don't want him to become a hunter, Y/n." He responded.
"I know that but we still have to teach him. How to handle himself if something comes after him. I just don't I just..." Dean shushed me and stood back up getting behind me and pulling me against his chest.
"Hey, we won't lose him okay? We'll give him our journal we've been working on so he knows the dangers. We teach him the basics but we let him live his life. We'll homeschool him until he can handle himself and send him off to school." Dean explains.
"We'll let him do whatever he wants okay? If he wants to go to school then so be it. If he wants to be a hunter we let him okay?" I ask. Dean nods and kisses the top of my head.
"Just don't think about it right now. We have years to raise our beautiful child, and we will raise him how we will. We will cross this path when we need to." He says as he started to rub circles into my stomach. I nod and smile at our small little family and close my eyes to get some sleep.
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
The Truth
Dean Winchester
Word Count: 1700+
Warnings: Probably, yet again, swearing of all kinds
A/N: So like you’re probably going to get hit with some Supernatural and Marvel imagines right now because those are ones I have written. The Marvel ones are from my wattpad. If you want to read them now my username is the same as this one.
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"She looks like she's sixteen, Sam. She's a bitch towards me and all over Dean," I complained to Sam. "And to add to the damn problem she is a blond." I rolled my eyes.
"You have something against blonds, y/n/n?" Sam laughed. I pushed him with my foot and looked at him annoyed.
"No, she's just all pissy towards him and then she acts all sweet and innocent," I explain.
"No no, I think you have a problem with blonds. Every time we cross one you roll your eyes." He points out.
"Yeah and? I roll my eyes a lot." I say as my eyes brought their attention back to the tv that was playing the news.
"You roll your eyes when you know something is happening." He points out. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him for a quick second before looking back at the tv.
"Is this because Dean has something going on with her?" Sam asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his lips.
"No, because he is going to get killed because of this bitch. I feel it, Sam." I whispered the last part.
"You should tell Dean about this." He suggests.
"Funny. Remember the one time we all went to that murderous hotel? When the damn spirit got Jo? He got so pissy with me. I was trying to calm him the fuck down but that didn't happen. Remember what happened after we found Jo with NO marks? I end up getting close to dying. Marks all over my body leaving scars, and all he cares about is this fucking bitch." I rant.
"I just don't understand why this guy would take you though. Since you have a bright fawn brown hair. You also weren't wearing makeup." I roll my eyes at him and punch him. "Talk to Dean about it. I'm serious about this Y/n." He says.
"And have him hate me just because I don't like his little girlfriend? I don't think so."
"So you hate me?" Jo said once she entered the building.
"Speak of the devil." I rolled my eyes.
"No don't even, Y/n. My mother practically raised you but your sorry ass left when you were fucking ten." Jo said annoyed.
"What the fuck does she mean, Y/n?"  Sam asked confused.
"Oh did Y/n not exactly explain what her past life was?" Jo raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"What's happening?" Dean asked as he now entered the room. Obviously, since he spends all his free time with Jo.
"I'm about to tell you the little story about Y/n." She smirked.
"We know everything about Y/n though." Dean points out. I looked away from everyone and brought my legs up to my chest.
"Not everything," Jo smirked.
"What does she mean, Y/n?" Dean asked confused. I let out a sigh and shook my head. I didn't want to tell them anything. All I told them about my past is that I don't remember anything.
"When Y/n was a young girl around five she picked up her first gun and shot both her parents, right in the middle of their eyebrows and the reason behind it? Revenge. Ever since her little brother was born everyone was paying attention to him and not her. So she killed the parents and soon after the little baby boy. She called the police and she wasn't found anywhere on the lot. She came to us crying and told us everything. So, my mother took her in and after a couple years, she left. Years later we find her walking back into the bar with you two." She explained.
Remembering my parent's death killed me. What she said was true but not everything I saw something that night that would change me forever.  My parent's eyes changed from their normal color to all black. No color no shine or sparkle. All pitch black. I knew right there that they weren't my parents. They were something else.
I later found out demons. They were possessed and I knew I had to kill them. They were going to hurt Kaleb, but by the time I were going to kill them, Kaleb was dead. Hell, he was sent on fire and I had no clue why still.
"That's not what happened," I said through tears.
"You sure about that bitch?" Jo smirked.
"Dean... I... Let me explain I-I would never." I whispered while looking at him.
"Y/n would never do that, Jo," Sam said while switching his gaze from me towards Jo.
"Well, you better believe it because it's full facts." Jo pressed as she rested her hands on hips.
"I-I... That's not true.." I cried out.
"And plan on leaving Sam and Dean right? Leaving them dead on the ground of the very own place they let you live." Jo glared at me. I knew what she was doing. I knew everything she was doing. She wanted me alone to drag on more markings on my body.
"Wait... What? Y/n?" Dean said confused out of his fucking mind. I stood up straight on my feet and looked at Dean straight in the eyes.
"I told you I didn't remember my past and that was a lie. I should have told you the truth because you would understand. I should have told you I really should of." I shake my head and rest my hand on my forehead.
"Out of anything I knew you would understand, but instead I kept it to myself. Not wanting to believe anything really. Every day I spend here I get attacked." I turn my gaze at Jo, "Dean can I please talk to you alone?"
"Yeah." He whispered. I made my way over to him and passed him. I knew he was going to follow me so, I lead him up to my room and stood on my feet as I made him sit on the bed.
"Remember a week ago when I lost my inhaler and I almost passed out?" I asked.
"Course... You scared the hell out of me." Dean nodded.
"Jo wants me dead... So, she stole my inhaler... She also," I sigh and thought about it for one moment. I let out a deep sigh and lifted my shirt off my head and threw it on the floor.  I closed my eyes as I heard a tiny gasp out of Dean's mouth.
"She-she did this to you?" Dead asked as he reached for the red marks on my body.
"She thinks I would kill my parents out of revenge. I killed them because they were possessed. They were demons. They weren't my parents and they were going to hurt Kaleb, but whenever I got the gun he was already dead. Whenever I visit Jo and Ellen... She takes her anger out on me an-and whenever she's with us. I-I feel like she's going to get you killed." I explained as I felt tears start to fall from my eyes.
"Why didn't you mention this before?" He asked as he grabbed my hands and held them with his.
"Because you like Jo... You wouldn't believe me." I sighed.
"Sam would've. Hell, I believe you one hundred percent and shit man I see your body above your waist all the time and those marks have never been there, and the last huntings you haven't gotten hurt. We start heading towards the roadhouse more often and these appear. I believe you one hundred percent." He swore as he stood up on his feet.
"Thank you, Dean... Thank you so much." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around him tightly. Never wanting to let go because I felt safe in his arms. Hell even Sam's. Dean and I thought, for some reason, I felt super safe with him. Like super super safe.
"Whoa whoa, what's going on in here?" Sam asked when he opened the door. I pulled away from Dean fast and looked at Sam with wide eyes. "W-what happened to your body, Y/n?" He asked in a hushed tone.
"I'll never let her touch you again I promise. God, I promise." Dean whispered as his head fell onto my shoulder.
"Okay, what the hell did I actually miss?!" Sam said even more confused.
"Where's Jo?!" Dean yelled as he lifted his head up and looked over towards his younger brother.
"She's out watching the news why?" Sam asked confused as he looked down the hallway and then back at his brother.
"Get her the hell out of here! And tell her to never come the fuck back!" Dean yelled. Sam had this look of confusion but understanding. He left the room and Dean looked back at me with a small smile.
"I won't let her hurt you. Just please don't leave my side ever." He whispered as he looked at me. I nodded slowly as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "God I'm so sorry I didn't notice."
"Dean... It's not your fault. I should have been truthful towards you." I frowned.
"No... I should of notice something from the person I love." My brows furrowed at his words and then I raised my eyebrow.
"Wh-what?" I whispered.
"I love you. God, I fucking love you so much and I was so fucking stupid. God, I'm sorry Y/n. So so so sorry." He repeated over and over again.
"Dean... I-I love you too. I have been for years, but then you were having something with Jo and now she has a problem with me being with you guys." I sigh as I laid my head on his shoulder.
"Hey, guys... I uh hate to break up any of these but can you please explain to me what happened?" Sam asked confused as he stood in the doorway of my bedroom. I turned to look at him and nodded slowly. I moved away from Dean and pulled on my shirt and sat on my bed.
I spent the next couple minutes explaining everything from top to bottom to him, and in the end, I was slowly starting to drown in tears. Sam stood there in shock really. Not really knowing what to say.
"Wow... I-I'll leave you two alone." Dean nodded at his brother as he held onto my hand tightly. Bringing it up to his lips and kissed my knuckles.
"I'll be here right next to you. Always." Dean said as he pressed his lips against my cheek. I smile softly and nodded.
"Thank you," I whispered. Dean lifted his thumb up to my face and wiped away the tears that have fallen from my eyes.
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
Sleepless Nights Are no More
Dean Winchester
Word Count: 1900+
Warnings: I think there are swear words of some sort in this. I can’t really remember since I wrote this like a month ago.
A/N: So, I’ll be working on a new masterlist which will basically take you to another list. Maybe? I don’t know how I want to set it up yet, but if you have any ideas and want to help me then so be it :) I’m always open to new ideas. I basically want to have a main masterlist which will take you to the fandom you’re looking for, and then from there you can find and imagine for your preferred person.
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I let out a loud yawn as we finally made it back into the Impala. Dean's baby, the only thing on earth who he calls baby. I heard Dean let out a chuckle as he made his way into the driver's seat. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head back against the back dash.
"You should get some rest, Y/n," Dean commented as he looked at me through the rare view mirror before he started his car.
"Can't," I answered back as I had my eyes closed.
"Nightmares?" Sam asked.
"Nah not really. It's kind of different and complicated really. Can't explain it." I shrug as I open my eyes back up and lean against the window.
"What do you mean?" Dean asked as he raised an eyebrow. I sigh and shake my head as I close my eyes once again.
"I just don't want to talk about it... I'll talk about it at some point but not right now." I promise them.
"Dude just stop bothering her. She will tell us at some point when she's ready." Sam interrupts his brother.
"Yeah, whatever." Dean rolled his eyes. I let out a sigh and watch the trees pass as we head towards the motel where we were going to stay the night and find another hunt for the next day. Once we arrived I headed inside to get the room while Sam got the things out of the car we needed.
"What can I do for you today?" The lady at the desk asked.
"I need a room," I respond.
"A king?" She asked as Dean came in and stood beside me.
"Wh-what? No no no we're not dating." I shake my head.
"We're just friends. Plus we're here with my brother. So, two queens please." Dean smiled as he brought out his wallet.
"Are you sure you want two queens? I could give you two rooms. Two kings. No charge" She winked. I blushed a tiny bit and shook my head.
"Uh... that's alright thank you, but we'll just take the two queens." Dean smiled as he placed down enough money for three nights. The girl nodded and sent me a glace, looking me from head to two before shaking her head and handing us over a room key.
"I'll help Sammy with the bags and you'll get some ice alright?" Dean asked as we headed outside together.
"Yeah shouldn't be no trouble. I'll leave the door unlocked alright?" I asked. He nodded and headed over to the Impala while I headed over to the room, which happened to be on the second floor and entered the room.
"God I hate motels." I cringed and went over to the ice container and picked it up before heading to the door and propping out the stand and headed where the vending machine was along with the ice box.
I placed the bucket under the disposer and started to fill it up with ice and once I filled it up to the top I put the lid on it and reached over into my back pocket to grab my wallet to buy some food, well junk food.
After I grabbed some chips and candy I started my way back towards the room where we were going to stay the night in. As I was approaching the room I heard Sam and Dean both talking. It was mostly whispered but also normal pitch.
"I don't know, Dean. She'll tell us when she wants to." Same explained to his brother.
"I'm worried about her. She's not telling us something and it could really affect our friendship with her." Dean says back to Sammy.
"Y/n is still Y/n no matter what Dean," Sam says back to him.
"I know... I know she is. I don't know Sam. She always looks dead tired." Dean says as he placed his hands on his head and walked around the room.
"Maybe she's having nightmares?" Sam suggested.
"No, we never hear her or see her waking up from one." Dean points out. I sigh and walk in placing the ice down on the table.
"listen I'm not reading right now to tell you... I know I've been with you guys for about almost two years but I need a little more time okay?" I whisper as I turn around to look at them. Both of them looked at me with shocked expressions until Dean sighed and rubbed his temples.
"We're just worried about you, Y/n," Dean explained. I sent them a small smile and nodded.
"I understand your concern for me, but I promise I'll tell you soon. I'm going to take a shower and then head to bed." I explain to them. The two nod and get back to work searching for a new case, well mostly Sam.
I grabbed some pajama's from my bag and hopped into the shower. You know doing the normal showing things. Letting the warm waterfall down against my back. Running my hands through my hair to get the shampoo and condition through. Once I finished I dried off and walked out throwing my dirty clothes in my bag and fell onto the bed further away from them.
I turned away from them so my back was away from them and started to pretend I was falling asleep. It wasn't like I was having nightmares or anything. I just couldn't fall asleep. I haven't been able to fully fall asleep for many many years. I don't know why I couldn't. I wanted to I did but I couldn't.
After a couple more minutes, about half an hour Sam let out a breath. "Maybe we should get some sleep then search for something in the morning," Sam suggested.
"Yeah, You can head into the shower first. I'll stay here and watch if anything happens to Y/n." Dean says. I looked down at the wall that I was facing and took a breath in and exhaled. My eyes stayed opened and looked out the curtain-covered window.
I heard the shower turn on and off in around a ten minute frame and then it started right back up again and soon the shower stopped for the last time. The door creaked open and I guess Dean made his way over to the bed he was sharing with Sma. However, I was wrong.
I felt the sheets be lifted and the bed dipped. "Dean... What the hell." I whispered as Dean pressed his body against mine and wrapped his arm around me, my body tensing.
"Shhh just don't talk." He whispered in my ear. His arm rested just under my breasts as his breath hit my neck. I let my body relax against Dean's and felt myself grabbing onto his hand and held onto it. Resting the back of my head against his chest.
That night I actually fell asleep. All eight hours even. All dreams even. I felt like I was on cloud nine. It was amazing. When I woke up the next morning I heard a chuckle and shift my body and saw Sam looking at us with his phone pointed at us.
"Don't even, Sam," I warned towards him. He shook his name and continued to chuckle as he took pictures.
"Come on we could use this against Dean. His hands are basically touching your boobs. Underneath the shirt and all. Perfect revenge." He chuckled.
"I'm going to kick you in the balls once I'm free." I groaned.
"Can't use it for revenge." Dean mumbled from behind me, "but you kicking him in the balls... I would love to see that shit."
"Goddamn Dean. One day I'll get you." Sam hissed. I chuckled and shook my head. Sam groaned and walked away and headed towards the table where he sat down. I sigh and sat up removing myself from Dean's arms.
"I think I'm ready to tell you guys," I explain. Dean sat up once I said that and looked at me. He cautiously placed his hand on my lower back as Sam turned his head towards me.
"I have sleeping problems," I start off. "I don't know why. They started a long time ago after my house burned down. I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. I did get the sleep I needed though however."
"So every time you take a nap in the car that's when you're getting the hours you need?" Sam asked. I nodded and took a quick glance at Dean before returning it to Sam.
"That's why I didn't want to fall asleep in the car. It's not like I didn't want to. It's because I couldn't. I don't have nightmares or anything. Whenever I was in my old house though I had this bear. When that fire happened my bear burned to dust. Ever since then it wasn't the same. I couldn't put my finger on it though." I explain it more.
"Do you think it's because you need something to hold?" Sam suggests.
"I don't think. That bear meant a lot to me you know. It was the last thing I had left of my father, but last night I slept like I was cloud nine and I don't know why." I looked down at my hands.
"Maybe cause I slept with you?" Dean asks.
"I don't know that's the thing," I answered to him while looking at him.
"What did this bear look like?" Sam asked.
"Well, it looked like your stranded bear. Light brown and the normal mouth, ears, eyes, and nose, but my father made this heart and unsewed the bear placing the hear in along with the stuffing. So a piece of him was always with me, but now it's gone."  I answered confused.
"Well, that bear was very close to you right? It meant the whole world to you. Making you feel safe and sound to be able to sleep peacefully. With all the crazy shit happening you must feel safe in Dean's arms." Sam explains suggesting the possibility.
"I mean yeah I feel safe but... it doesn't make sense," I whisper.
"Did your dad save you from anything?" Dean asked as he rubbed circles onto my skin.
"Yeah, a bunch of times," I reply bringing my head up to look at him.
"And Dean has also saved you a bunch times. Even I did. I don't even understand what's happening but Dean sleeping with you is the best thing ever." Sam explained. I chuckled at those words and shook my head.
"There is so much wrong in that one sentence." I laughed.
"I don't know I kind of liked it," Dean smirked as he leaned his head towards my neck.
"Okay okay, lovebirds let's just look for a new case."  Sam chuckled as he shook his head.
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
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          So, if you’re reading this you must still be here. Which I find really shocking since I said I was leaving, and I did, yet here I am. I have some plans basically and I needed to be able to have a tag system so basically I’m becoming Multi-fandom! This will honestly help me a lot because I’ll be able to post whatever I want. I will also be doing Dolan twins. Now I haven’t watched them in some years but it won’t stop me. My imagines will be longer and better since I’ve gotten better at writing and I hope you’re ready.
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ashlerber-blog · 6 years
Send this to the 8 nicest people who you know or seem to have a good heart. If you get five back then you must be pretty awesome!
Honestly I haven't posted on this account in a long time and I saw this and it made my heart just burst. 💞💞
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ashlerber-blog · 7 years
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Chapter One
“Do you now understand what I have to deal with every weekend?” I asked staring at my friend. “I mean at least your parents aren't drunk and fighting every weekend.” She chuckled. “I thought it was everyday?” I asked laughing. “Oh yeah right sorry. Everyday.” She laughed. “But I mean I guess it's fine cause I usually play my music loud anyways.” I mentioned opening my laptop. “Isn't it to just block out your brother and friends?” She asked. “Oh yeah.” I mumbled since my hand, which was in a fist, was covering my mouth. “Anyways can you go? Not trying to sound mean Julie. I just you know.” I said. She nodded and got up from my bed. “I'll see you tomorrow.” She smiled at me grabbing her purse and leaving my room.
I turned my attention back to the screen in front of me and smile at the message on my screen on Skype.
Grayson - Skype pwease? 😢
I smiled at the message and hit the video call button. After a couple seconds of it ringing Grayson's face popped up. “Ashley!” He beamed as he saw me. I chuckled at him and waved. “I don't know why I just did that back. Grayson!” I giggled. He chuckled at me. “What's with all the background sound?” He asked. I rolled my eyes and looked at my window. “Well Matthew is throwing a party.” I explained. “He's still doing that?” He asked. I nodded. “He never stopped.” I replied picking up my phone and starting to go through my instagram feed.
“He's literally the king of parties.” He laughed. “He really is. But I'm going to see if I can get him to stop it.” I smiled placing my phone back down and standing up. “That's not going to end well.” He laughed. “You never know Gray.” I chuckled. “Oh but I do?” He said in more of a question. I giggled at him and left my room making my way down the stairs and out the door that lead to the back. I tried pushing past people trying to find Matthew when I felt myself falling in a cold body of water.
I swam up for hair and saw everyone looking at me as the music stopped playing. “Matthew!” I yelled well spitting water out of my mouth. I saw people move out of the way and my brothers face popped up. “Why are you in the pool?” He asked coming to the edge. “I don't know just thought why not go for a fucking dip?!” I yelled at him. “Alright, alright what did you want?” He asked helping me up. “I wanted to know if you could turn your music down.” I sighed dripping wet.
“But it's a party?” He asked confused. “I know that but I'm trying to talk to Grayson and he can hardly hear me.” I replied rolling my eyes. “I'll see what I can do but no promises.” He said. I nodded and started to make my way back into the house into the laundry room to grab a towel. Once grabbing a towel I made my way back upstairs to my room. Upon opening my door I looked at my screen.
“I told you.” Grayson laughed. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off grabbing my pajamas which consisted of a tie dye shirt and black shorts. I got into the bathroom and started to strip of my now smelling chlorine clothes and hung them onto the shower metal pole and dryer off and changed into my clothes. I hung the towel up and went back into my room and back to my laptop grabbing it and going on my bed which was against the wall.
“I got pushed into the pool.” I commented. “I can tell.” He said starting to laugh again. “It’s not my fault Grayson I was trying to get him to turn down the music!” I laughed. He just nodded. “Uh huh maybe you just wanted to go swimming.” Grayson said chuckling. I rolled my eyes at him annoyed. “Whaatt?” He asked whining. I then started chuckling at him. “Nothing Grayson, don’t worry about it.” I laughed. “Whatever you say.” He said as his brother popped his head onto screen.
“Hey Ashley!” Ethan said waving. “Hi Ethan.” I giggled. “Get away Ethan.” Grayson said pushing his brother away. Ethan chuckled in the background and Grayson looked at him annoyed rolling his eyes. “So emotional.” I laughed at Grayson. “What time even is it over there?” Grayson asked. “Umm-” I picked up my phone and turned it on checking the time. Once I saw it I looked back at Grayson. “About 1:30 AM why?” I asked. “Why are you still up?” Grayson asked.
“There's a party going on outside my window.” I said rolling my eyes. “So, you can sleep through anything.” Grayson laughed. “I used to, till you know what happened.” Grayson sighed and nodded his head. “Sorry.” He mumbled. I smiled and shook my head. “It don’t matter.” I replied back with a sigh. “How much longer until you come back?” I asked. Grayson thought about it for awhile. “Well I don't know.” He said.
“This is annoying.” I sigh. “It is, I miss my best friend.” Grayson frowned. I smiled st him and yawned. “You should try and get some sleep.” He said. I nodded. “Fine. Night.” I smiled. “Night.” Grayson smiled before ending the call. I signed closing my laptop and moved it back onto my desk and walked over to my bed falling onto it. I saw the flashing lights coming through my window as I reached under my bed to grab the bear Grayson gave me  once my troubles first started.
I closed my eyes once I had the bear in my arms and fell asleep.
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