Ramblings of a scorpio
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Just a Potato on a quest to learn about human emotions :Prequests are open
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ascorpiosramblings · 8 days ago
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ascorpiosramblings · 10 days ago
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ascorpiosramblings · 1 month ago
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ascorpiosramblings · 2 months ago
Its Always You
Whenever it's early twilight I watch 'til a star breaks through Funny, it's not a star I see It's always you
The sky and the stars were not an unfamiliar sight. A noble once considered to be among them evacuated because of an inevitable disaster. Strohl still remembered how his parents danced under the brilliant moonlight illuminating their humble estates gardens. It was as if the stars themselves determined that his parents were meant for one another. The midnight sky their spotlight, the quiet of the night more melodious and romantic than any ballroom. His father would hold his mother like she was all he ever needed in life, the roses an audience to their promise to love until their bitter ends. He saw it all, the gentle kisses, the sweet nothings, the way their hands fit the others perfectly. "Its always you" That is what his father whispered to the woman he so cherished.
Whenever I roam through roses And lately, I often do Funny, it's not a rose I touch It's always you
He rested his back against his quarter. The cold wall and hard bed a far cry from the former luxury he had as a Noble, now he was but a humble soldier determined to protect. He could see the night sky from the window, right outside accompanied by unruly rose bushes. Nothing as opulent as his past, but enough to remind him of his family. The parents who loved each other so much that even in death they didn't leave each others side. He remembered asking his father about love when he was a young boy, and he always was given the same answer. "No matter who you choose in life they should be someone you're willing to hold for all eternity". His father was a man of his world, even in death he was holding his mother. It was lonely without them. With no home left, Strohl had no one.
If a breeze caresses me It's really you strolling by If I hear a melody It's merely the way you sigh
"Strohl?" his head whipped around at the sound. So much had happened. With Grius gone, he felt the pain of loosing another... His promise to Maria- "Strohl??". He focused. He glanced at the heterochromic eyes analyzing every inch of his skin. Will. "Are you alright...?" "Yes-" "Liar". His back rested on the cold wall, he knew he was cornered. It was the same biting cold that no blanket could chase away holding him prisoner. His own personal prison of powerlessness reminding him of his status as a captive. The icy sting of the chains of his own incapability holding him there. He can't even face the man in front of him with how useless he felt. "It wasn't your fault you know? There wasn't anything that we could've done". He saw Will inch closer, a hesitant hand landing on his shoulder. It was a warm hand. Strohl glanced at Wills eyes. The two tones like warm sunlight and a tranquil midnight. His eyes were like the stars. They held dreams, determination...and hope. His hand pulled Strohl closer. He didn't protest. Warm. It was warm. His vision blurred with tears as his own hand pulled him closer. The only sound in the room was of their soft breath and silent tears. A night never spoken of again and one Strohl wouldn't forget.
Wherever you are, you're near me You dare me to be untrue Funny, each time I fall in love It's always you
They were in Martira now. The turbulence of the last few weeks culminating to twelve days of rest before they depart again. Strohl found himself on a stroll, taking in the views and the night sky. It was a nice place, the smell of grass after a day of rain providing a comforting cool breeze as he gazed at the blanket of stars covering the lands as far as the eye could see. Will was sitting near the cliff taking in the scenery. He stopped. The way moonlight framed the Eldas face, so perfectly that his thoughts came to a standstill. He truly was so beautiful, both inside and out. Will was his first friend, his first comrade. It was always him. Seeing him like this, the radiance that framed his features, so opulent that he might as well be royalty. And if he was, Strohl would follow him. Though in his heart, Will was already the king he'd follow. If it was to the stars or depths of hell he would follow his King. The spotlight of the moon highlighting the shine in Wills eyes as they fell on Strohl. There it was. That shine that rivalled stars. He could feel his heart picking up the pace and heat travelling to his ears. Beautiful is all what came to mind when he glanced at Will. Those eyes that had seen him vulnerable, that had seen him get up and are now seeing him like this. They were so beautiful. Part of him wished that they saw him as someone to keep forever. He wanted those eyes on him forever. Maybe this was more than just a friendship. More than just a comrade. More than a master and their follower. Strohl made his way to sit next to Will. The thoughts in his heart boxed to be dealt with for another day with only one thought left in his heart. Its always Will.
Thank you to @loveless-in-nowheresville for the idea, hope you liked it!!!
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ascorpiosramblings · 2 months ago
They are my new hyperfixation istg
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i like my good buddy leon strohl. give me ten more of him, and we can take the throne.
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ascorpiosramblings · 3 months ago
I don't now what was in Endo sensei mind the day he draw this illustration but if it was to serve,all my congratulations sensei.
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ascorpiosramblings · 4 months ago
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*slaps Loid like I’m a salesperson showing off a new car*: you can pack so much anxiety into this one man
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ascorpiosramblings · 4 months ago
Diavolo is always like >:0
Permanent state of pissed off
Always. Making faces like everyone else is acting out of pocket but he’s definitely not and never does Ever. The nerve. I love him.
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ascorpiosramblings · 4 months ago
I need tips to write humor because I don't know how to write jokes even if I find a scenario funny in my head
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ascorpiosramblings · 4 months ago
Sometimes I like to imagine scenarios where the IPC actually adores ratio's presence even if he is in fact a little PAIN IN THE ASS, he is even more capable then a lot of oficial IPC workers and can lead entire army's of people and make missions successful, so successful, in fact, they're constantly trying to persuade him into joining the IPC with bribes and with his unofficial boyfriend.
I just think it's a funny little scenario
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ascorpiosramblings · 4 months ago
Dear Sputnik
(an attempt at a song inspired fic for Aventurine x Ratio because that's my comfort ship fr)
It starts yet again, an endlessly empty day
There's only loneliness in this cold atmosphere that drives me crazy
I follow that meteor shower, the compass that leads me
I run aimlessly to find the answer, find the answer
At the edge of my universe, dimly lit
My long wandering finally meets the end, meets the end"
He sat surrounded by star charts. An empty room, save for him, illuminated by a single lamp in the corner. He gazed up at the stars outside his room. The stars illuminated by moon. He sat in his room reading the charts, the chilly air flowing in the window and enveloping his body. It was of no consequence, the familiar cold was simply a guest he had grown accustomed to with all the nights he spent alone. The laurels hung up on the walls spoke for themselves, as they shone even with the dim light of the lamp, all serving as reminders about the time he accomplished a feat in the scientific field. Yet the grand stories don't bring the company of another. If anything it brought about rejection from Nous.
Another special traveler, traversed hardships and emerged the final victor. Running and searching for solace and freedom. Aventurine sat in his office, paying no mind to the reports in front of him. Scoring a win for the IPC was routine for Aventurine. He was no stranger to praise from his coworkers for a job well done, but even being surrounded by people in a room didn't get rid of the cold emptiness that followed him. The stars in the sky were enough to occupy his gaze. The stars were not alone. Something he could only dream of. This emptiness followed him everywhere he went.
"For this assignment the IPC will be collaborating with the intelligentsia guild."
"Oh my Sputnik
It's my fate, I finally found you
Call me destiny
Because I know you are another me"
Aventurine was assigned as the point of contact. He was there to receive members of the Intellegensia guild and guide them to the main office. To his surprise, he found only one man. The person in front of him was a few inches taller with amethyst hair and face painted with a stern expression. He was surprisingly muscular for a scholar in contrast to the small and nerdy mental image in Aventurines head. It was hard not to compare him to an old statue with each and every nook and cranny of the body defined beyond belief. He shook himself out of such scandalous thoughts as he reached his hands out to shake his.
"Aventurine of the Stratagems, at your disposal. Just a cog in the machine of the Strategic Investment Department. Pleasure to make your Acquaintance." "Dr. Veritas Ratio. A scholar and teacher of the Intelligentsia Guild, and one of the mediocres." The two shook hands. Marking the start of something beyond just a business partnership.
Months passed and the one thing Veritas didn't expect was for the blonde man to hold his attention firmly captive. "Life is a grand gamble and I'll always be the Final Victor." That's what he had said. A philosophy so radically different to his calculated approach to life. It was like an unpredictable variable had just entered his perfectly linear equation. But to his astonishment, he wasn't too opposed to the change. His office saw the company of Aventurine, and for the first time, Veritas felt an unfamiliar warmth.
A single warm frozen hand
The moment we hold each other, everything melts
You are my orbit
You're my one and only
Fly through the night sky with you
Sitting in Ratios office, Aventurine looked around, taking in the countless achievements that decorated the plain white walls. Painting the image of a perfect figure of a boy everyone admired, a boy Aventurine could never be. But it was silly considering he wasn't a young boy anymore, such fantasies were simply silly to entertain. Yet the memories didn't stop, he was still reminded of the cold nights he spent all alone, without his parents, without his sister, just alone in his cell, the only feeling coming from the searing pain of his brand.
The cold was replaced by warmth, warmth of a firm hand and a soft fabric. Taking a second glance he saw Veritas closing a window. "If you were cold you simply needed to speak up" The taller man said as he went back to going through documents. Yet Aventurine felt more warmth than just from the blanket. Glancing at him again he could see the soft line highlight the contours of his face, the concentration reflecting from his eyes as he analyzed every line of a paper that seemed insignificant to Aventurine now. It was subconscious how his hand reached out to trace his jawline. When he came to his senses Veritas already had a crimson hue on his face as he froze.
He expected a hard slap, but to his surprise he got Veritas fumbling over his words yet not daring to remove Aventurines hand. Emboldened by this, Aventurine moved his hand, cupping Ratios cheek. "Flustered are we doctor?" He spoke in confidence as Veritas put his own hand over his. Now they had matching scarlet painted on their face. "I suppose it goes for the both of us".
Its as if Aventurine was floating when he came closer to Veritas. But then he came to his senses. They were supposed to be working. His hand came back to him as he tried to calm his beating heart. Yet he wanted to be closer to him, he wanted to hold him. But this was too ambitious. He pulled back for the sake of his heart.
Ratio couldn't control his heart at the moment as well, he could feel heat on his face and ears. There was something dangerously magnetic about Aventurine. He almost wanted to get on his knees and grovel for Aventurines tender affection but for the state of his self respect and dignity he restrained himself.
If I hold hands with you
My wounds become bright signs
Rounding the universe countless times
Our orbits are finally overlapping
We met like it was a miracle 
His frequency in visiting Veritas in his office had increased, that night left unspoken. That office felt especially warm when occupied by Veritas. It had been a few months since their initial mission was completed, though Aventurine still came up with excuses to sit with Veritas.
Though as of late Aventurine didn't visit Veritas as much due to work obligations, a chance with didn't fail Ratios notice. His office was cold without the others presence and Veritas felt it with his every move. Until days later the door swung open to reveal a bandaged blonde Veritas had been waiting for so long.
"What happened ?" He rushed towards the man. "A simple failed Gamble." Veritas caught Aventurine as he slumped against the wall. Guiding his body safely to the nearby chair Veritas scrambled to evaluate his overall health. This unusual worry overcame the normally stoic man seeing the object of his affection in such pain- wait object of affection? Veritas brought his thoughts back into focus as he checked Aventurines overall health.
"You hands are gentle doctor" This remark made Ratios heart go haywire. He could feel the redness on his ears as he focused on the task of caring for Aventurine. "Why are you doing this doctor?" This made Veritas stop. Why was he doing this? He just didn't want Aventurine hurt. But he never did this for anyone? He was already bandaged and tended to so why? "I simply want to know if you're ok"
It had been a while since Aventurine was cared for. The pain wasn't that bad. He had a hot iron leave a permanent mark on his skin against his will after all, so pain was simply an inconvenience that lasted for some time. But Veritas tenderly checking the bandages somehow became an ointment he didn't know he needed. This was what he missed on his mission, the company of the stoic scholar trying to heal his wounds. The tips of the doctors fingers spread warmth in Aventurines body as he quietly let Veritas work. He leaned back, getting comfortable and letting his eyes take a break and drifting off to the land of dreams.
Seeing Aventurines sleeping form Veritas felt unexpected feelings. He was the only person he'd worried for and cared for. When and how did this happen? The answer escaped him. But seeing the sleeping man Veritas realized that this was uncharted territory. He did his best to be stoic but the blonde seemed to challenge that with every move. The way his heart sped up seeing Aventurine smile, the way his voice captivated him more than any song ever could. He was artwork, one that Veritas wanted to keep his eyes on for as long as he could, to study every detail of his perfect face and engrave it in his memories. He wanted to spend as many hours as he could listening to any story Aventurine wanted to tell, to be close to him as they stargazed together. He was in deep, none of his degrees prepared him for feeling such a way.
Aventurine woke up with a blanket around him with his legs propped up on a stool for added comfort. Glancing to his right he saw Veritas hard at work. Aventurine found himself lost in the charm of the scholar in front of him, a charm that even Veritas was unaware of. It felt as if his heart was screaming at him to declare how attractive he found the man in front of him, yet there was always his voice, reminding him how everyone he loved once are now gone, all of it was his fault and that he'd drive away Veritas too. The pain of old memories found their way to his neck as if chocking him again. Suddenly he was all alone as he drowned, stuck in a prison of his own making. His heart sped up and he could feel perspiration on his palms. As if this was even something he'd deserve in a million years. But he was a gambler at the end of the day, he had to take the chance even if it was slim.
"Veritas, this probably is very stupid of me but I really like you and want more than...whatever we have"
In a crumbling world, I found a star called 'you'
A/N: If you guys like it let me know if you want a part 2, with the rest of the lyrics.
Also I am taking requests if you have any
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ascorpiosramblings · 4 months ago
For @thecraftywriter 's request
Prompt: "So, hear me out: an extension of the flashback scene in Wano where Coby gushes to Drake about Luffy. It's so sweet to me. I like to think Coby came to talk for an unrelated reason but couldn't resist the opportunity to hype up his friend."
Yellow Lily
"I'm headed to capture the pirate empress, Boa Hancock. We are headed to the isle of women."
"I see, so that's where the ship is going huh Coby."
"Yes- Oh and one last thing... You mentioned Strawhat Luffy earlier right?" Coby said as he relaxed from the earlier conversation. Some stress melting away as he was reminded of a past Ally.
"Yes. There's been no news of a breakout-" "Wait a few hours". The confident declaration form the young marine may seem baseless to the unaware. But to Drake, he knew where this was headed.
"Luffy is not one to sit still. I think we both know that Captain!"
Coby went on. And on. And on.
He remembered the Yellow Lily he had found the day he had started out as a Marine rookie. To him, the little flower looked more like a strawhat. Twirling the flower around in his hand he felt the soft stem against his fingers.
Back in Alvidas ship the strawhat captain knocked some sense into him, quite literally. The idiot made of pure sunshine pushed him to fight back against the darkness that used to surround him. And for that he'd be forever grateful as he admired the petals of the yellow lily.
"honestly, Luffy has the best chance of becoming King of the Pirates"
Meeting him back on Water 7 felt as if he caught up with an old friend. As if he sat in a field of yellow lilies catching up on life basking in the sun. He promised to be a successful Marine back then and beat Luffy in a fight. He was on the road to that now. 'Look at me now Luffy. I'm braver'
"He is like a pheonix. He'll rise from the ashes when Kaido and big mom least expect it."
As he had. Coby still remembered Marineford. He remembered how Luffy lost Ace. He remembered the defeated cry from the strawhat. Yet it wasn't the end of his journey. He bloomed among adversity. Rose from the ashes and showed the world his burning determination when he took down Doflamingo in Dressrosa. Luffy was a force to be reckoned with. Shining brighter than the overwhelming darkness that surrounds him.
"Luffy will surely breakout. If he's in Wano then I think SWORD should take in account how he might move because he will probably end up revolutionizing wano by the time he leaves."
Luffys bright spirit was not one that wilted easily. A strong flower growing among the grime of the world, only to turn the area around him into a patch of green grass. That's what Luffy was. A ray of hope for the downtrodden.
"Whatever it may be I hope Luffy stays safe."
"Aren't you done Coby-"
"Captain, I would never be done with praising Strawhat Luffy , as I stated before a character like his isn't usually found among most men that walk this earth"
"And I haven't even gotten to his fighting prowess! I mean he bested Doflamingo and even members of Big Mom's crew!"
"Strawhat Luffy will turn the world upside down, I'm sure of it!"
"Coby you're still at work"
And with that Coby finally kept the den den mushi as it was time for him to finally got back to his job.
A/N: fun fact: Yellow lilies symbolize joy, happiness, friendship, thankfulness, and new beginnings. Even strength in some cases
Also, Happy Diwali to all those Celebrating it and Happy Halloween to all who are celebrating it <3
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ascorpiosramblings · 4 months ago
I’ve been thinking about Bruno Bucciarati so much lately, and a friend has inspired me to share this little Bruno thing I wrote here, which I’m hoping to turn into a full fic eventually since I like the idea
Notes/content: Excerpt from my A03 stuff, Bruno Bucciarati x reader, honestly kinda angsty, a bit suggestive at moments, reader is not part of Passione, Bruno acknowledged as the parental figure of his team
Bruno Bucciarati in:
Bruno and you had always seemed close. Something that was a bit too intimate to be considered just good friends, and honestly the first time anyone in his team watched him interact with you they genuinely believed you were their boss’s flame…but he would casually wave off such a silly theory, claiming that the two of you were just close friends and nothing more.
Some “close friendship” you two had though…with the way you practically sat in his lap when him and his team visited your place, and seemed to have all sorts of inside jokes and secrets with each other…you had a sort of understanding of him no one else even came close to having.
Not to mention how he almost visibly dropped his guard around you. He smiled more, laughed more, relaxed more…simply because you were near enough to calm his heart.
And of course the incident where you both hadn’t noticed a few pairs of eyes on you, and you may have shared a very passionate goodbye kiss that was MEANT to be completely private. Safe to say, very awkward for Bruno’s handful of traumatized team members…kinda felt like they were watching their parents kiss.
It just really seemed like you were the one. His true love, soulmate, sweetheart…in the rare occasions where you spent a few nights with them in their moments of respite, you would even share a bed with him, just the two of you alone, your bodies intertwined in the ever elusive peace and quiet, the rare moment when he didn’t have to be a strong and fearless and confident leader and could instead just try and lay his soul bare to you. He usually struggled to share his burdens with you, as they weren’t yours to carry and he would never want to needlessly burden you, but you always welcomed him to share his anxieties. You carrying even just the knowledge of that weight made his immense stress seem more bearable. Of course he wishes he could spend his days with you, and all you need to do is call and he will come, but even with how blatantly romantic the two of you are with each other he continually holds off making the relationship truly official.
Because, frankly, you’re not part of the mafia, and it is a life he never wants to subject you to. He’ll use his power and authority within the mafia to protect you, of course, but getting you seriously involved with him…it’s like painting a target right on your back. If he made a powerful enemy in Passione’s boss, and he ever learned about you…he can’t even imagine what awful things might happen to you in an attempt to send him a message to those who defy the boss.
He’s practically a husband to you already; devoted to you no matter how long you’re apart, always willing to take care of your needs…he has many responsibilities, and he is loyal to those under his care, but if you need him he will do most anything to help you.
At this point you’ve probably resigned yourself to the fact that Bruno would never build a real life with you. He was never going to marry you. He would never even officially start dating you…that was just how it had to be.
He will always have a place in your home and heart. You could be satisfied only seeing him once every few months. Could handle keeping your love for him secret, the darkness of your bedroom being the only witness to the true intensity of your love and passion for each other.
But you want his wedding ring on your finger. You know he’s your one and only, but you secretly longed for the physical evidence of his commitment to you. You wish you could share a home with him, share your life with him, and build a real future with him by your side.
You never had to hide how you felt from him. He didn’t ever raise his voice or get frustrated at you, because you weren’t like his brats who needed a firm hand and tough love. You knew better than to act or speak without thinking.
Your head was in his lap, the two of you curled up on your bed, and he’s gently tracing his fingers along your arms and back while you simply enjoy each other’s presence after months apart.
“I wish you could stay…” you muttered, reaching up your hand and touching his cheek. You can’t see the details of his face through the darkness, but you can feel how his expression softens at your quiet plea.
Soon you feel the pads of his fingers lovingly pressed against your cheek. He traces your cheek so gently. He’s telling you he wishes he could stay too. “I will do whatever I can for you,” is how he says it, kissing the palm of your hand on his cheek. This is how Bruno showed his love. Through his protection, his unwavering devotion…anything he could give you, he would, but please…don’t beg for him. He simply cannot risk putting you even remotely in harm’s way. It is not a gamble he is willing to take.
But rest at ease knowing he will always love you, you are the one he dreams of when you’re apart, and yours is the name engraved on his very soul, and it makes him the happiest man in the world.
He knows it’s unconventional, but he will always appreciate your endless patience with him.
It might drive his team a little crazy though, knowing the man they all look up to is holding himself back from someone who makes him the happiest they’ve ever seen him.
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ascorpiosramblings · 4 months ago
You know who it is~
I’m here to beg~
For angsty Bruno content~
Sorry all my ideas are so VAGUE lol but here, use whichever one speaks to you!
Maybe something about him coping with the loss of his team mates?
Something about coming to terms with the fact he’s already dead and running on borrowed time?
Or maybe even something about after his death, how the survivors of part 5 keep his memory alive and commemorate him or something?
Whatever you go with I know you’ll do wonderful~take your time and take care of yourself, thank you for considering my request~
No cuz like yes. I'll combine all three
So welcome all to my Bruno Angst Dump
A final moment with you.
He felt the cold handle of the knife again as he pierced it through ths gang members flesh, warm blood spraying everywhere as the indication of life left the eyes of the men in front of Bruno. He was back in time. Back to the moment his father was fighting for his life before his eventual passing. He could still feel the cold raindrops seeping through the black fabric of his clothes as he stood in front of his father's final resting place. Icy air surrounded his body as he felt sensation leaving him, dizziness setting in as he looked down to see the very man he wanted to protect six feet away from him. The man that will permanently be at a six feet distance. What lay beneath his feet was Brunos greatest failure. He couldn't protect the one man he swore to.
But time stops for none and life moves on. The emptiness gets filled by more people. The cold raindrops get replaced by warm light eventually. And he was a lucky man to have five lamps to guide him through grief and illuminate the path ahead of him. But the light of a lamp doesn't burn forever.
His body met the cold floor, sucking in his last breath as he threw Trish to the side. This was it. It was his time. The light started fating and the embrace of death loomed near. He could faintly feel Giorno's touch. He had to warn him. He had to cling to life just a moment longer. Just a moment. "Giorno. It's me. Call Abbacchio and the others. Get out of here."
The sensation of his pain rushed back to him, piercing his body like needles digging deeper under his skin. And then it faded, slowly being replaced by cold. Golden Experience gave him one last chance at life. One last chance to fight among his comrades, to be illuminated by their light one last time.
Grains of sand chipping away at him as the hourglass of borrowed time was a reminder that he wont be here for long. But he was alive of one last life. So why is it that the others burned away first? Why were Abbacchio or Narancia not granted this boon? Why him?
His body was cold and lacked sensation but the burning rage of grief kept his spirit alive. A spark of anger bursting into a blazing fire with the goal of setting Diavolo aflame, to make sure he had no other option but to endure agony for taking the life of his two beloved comrades. It was uncontrollable, every step he took held the determination to burn and destroy at any cost.
"The only time I'm ever at ease is when I'm with you Bucciarati." That is what Abbacchio said when he had joined him. Abbacchio trusted Bruno. His second failure. Another beloved soul at a permanent six feet distance all because of his carelessness. It was supposed to be him but he was cursed to walk as the undead and now all he felt was burning rage fueling his feet to move. One more step, one more step to take revenge.
"Give me an order Bucciarati" He should have ordered him to turn back. Turn back and live. Turn back to save himself. Narancia was a white Daisy blooming among dirt and grime. Yet he let that daisy wilt. A third failure. He wasn't breathing but he could feel fire burning his chest and throat all the way through, fanning the grief burning in his body. The unfair chance of being alive even if its only for a moment was a dagger that stabbed through his body to remind him how truly undeserved this chance was.
He felt coldness once more. His time was up. It was time for him to finally close the six feet distance with his father and fallen comrades.
Giorno now sat at the seat of the boss. Mista on his left, Trish living her own life. They even reconnected with Fugo. He was living in Bucciaratis home town, now running a school right off the shore near where fishermen worked. At least now in that place no fisherman would have to worry about money when giving their children an education. He never interacted with the children directly and hired a few teachers that he trusted but made sure to keep that place afloat at any cost. So that a young child doesn't get their hands dirty.
The smell of toluene filled her nostrils. Trish was out and about, taking a break from her studies getting her nails done. She had decided to continue a proper education, living a life free of fear. Circumstances truly shape a person and if she could help someone feel stronger and find power to overcome their circumstances, she'd be happy. After getting her nails done, she picked up her psychology books and left the place. The sunset reminded her of the man that gave her a second chance at life. And with this chance she would pass on the strength he helped her find.
Giorno and Mista were going through files documenting drug routes so that they can abolish unethical trade. To end it so that no kid has to see their father in the hospital because of drugs. Golden experience turned empty bullet cartridges into Sword lilies. Giorno picked them up in sets of three and planted them in a pot full of dirt. "What's that for" Mista said, puzzled as he looked at the Sword lilies. And then he realized. He would have liked to see this.
From that day on Giornos door had a wreath of sword lilies on his door.
A/N: Fun fact- Sword lilies, also known as gladiolus flowers, are rich in symbolism and can represent strength, faithfulness, moral integrity and remembrance. Also used as funeral flowers to honor the deceased's life
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ascorpiosramblings · 5 months ago
side note why is diavolo kindaaa 🫦
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(Kinda) Colored Diavolo
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ascorpiosramblings · 5 months ago
Stressed out
(Ratio x Aventurine college AU-Yes I am projecting)
warnings: none
Tap. Tap. Tap. For the 13th time his fingers moved on the worn keys, typing away like a mad man as he sat among a sea of empty energy drink cans. His soft fingers caught a break as he laced them through his hair, tugging on his locks as he sighed. Its useless, so useless. The suffocation of independent research mixed with never-ending stream of assignments yet to be done left his wrists aching. Life truly had no mercy even for a genius like him, forcing him to follow the path of obtaining a bachelors, masters and PhD just like most researchers even if he already outclassed the masses.
He leaned on his chair. Pain shooting through his spine to his shoulders as he let his eyelids obscure the glow of his monitor. His body completely relaxed as he felt himself inching closer to the sweet embrace of slumber. But alas, the task at hand required his full attention as he reached for the cold can of caffeine dense poison. Cracking it open he practically inhaled it out of desperation to relieve himself of the curse of enervation.
He turned to face the multiple tabs open on the monitor and mentally prepared himself for another long night. "You look as terrible as ever" The voice took Veritas out of his work induced trance. It was Aventurine. Who let him in? Did he not lock his door?. Aventurine stood next to the taller man "I was knocking for a while and thought you died or something with how long I was out there." Veritas narrowed his eyes at the blonde before letting out a sign of resignation and falling back on his chair. "You certainly have impeccable timing". Aventurine laced his fingers with his, pulling him up from his seat. "You look exhausted, are you sure you're alright?" "I'm Fine" "Liar". Veritas was pulled out of his room.
"Lets go out on a walk, you look like you need to touch grass". Aventurine tugged on his hand, whisking him away into the midnight glow of the outdoors. Veritas could feel his heart speeding up, his gaze was taken by the way the moonlight bounced off the complex contours of his face. His thoughts started to scatter in all directions as his eye remained glued to the business majors face, feeling himself get lost in his eyes.
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Aventurine said, gazing up at the sky. He took a step closer to the taller man "the bags under your eyes make me wonder if I can use them for groceries. Are you sure you got the memo that sleep is, you know, actually important?" Veritas rolled his eyes. "Tell that memo to the university, I have to publish my research paper before mid terms and finish a pile of assignments. Everything is easy, but the amount of physical labor required for such tasks is simply a nuisance. I already know what the Chinese Remainder Theorem is I do not need twenty questions to get it."
Aventurine chuckled as he listened to him rant. He walked with him, listening to every word said, memorizing each syllable as if it were an unforgettable melody even if it was a benign conversation. He wanted to savor this moment, he was enthralled by him. Everything he did. This one moment was one of many and each one was like a precious gem to Aventurine. The only dilemma left now was how unaware the genius was of the depth of admiration he had for him.
Their hands brushed against each other. This was enough to take Veritas out of his rant as he felt the softness of the others hand. Once again he felt his beating heart pick up the pace as if to remind him how truly beautiful the man in front of him was, how truly gorgeous he was. Their eyes met and in that moment Veritas laced his fingers with the blondes, finally giving into an impulse.
Realizing what he had done he tried to pull back. His face turning scarlet as he reminded himself of the possibility that Aventurine may not like it. But to his surprise, Aventurine doesn't let go.
"You were saying?". With that Veritas got back to his rant, yet his mind didn't stray from the fact that they were holding hands. As he spoke he noticed he soft smile on Aventurines face accompanied by a crimson hue on his cheeks.
"I am taken by you"
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ascorpiosramblings · 5 months ago
How far are you in One Piece? Because I have so many requests.
I am done till egghead, I'll refresh my memory if need be so ask away!
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