arvlie · 6 years
“There is no blame here. None of us have ever been loved right.”
— Cecily Schuler, “Close Enough”
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arvlie · 6 years
Compassion my dear, this world is lacking compassion.
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arvlie · 6 years
It’s fucked up that when you have low self-esteem, other people liking you makes you question their judgement.
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arvlie · 6 years
“But things work out, you know. Even if it doesn’t feel OK for a long time, or even if it feels like things will never be OK again, (things) work out in the end.”
— Lauren Morrill
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arvlie · 6 years
“I will always be lousy at dancing, but it’s something to do with my limbs, flailing as they are against time.”
— Stevie Edwards, from Sadness Workshop
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arvlie · 6 years
Harry Potter’s foster family was probably so terrible because they lived with a horcrux in their house for 12 years.
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arvlie · 6 years
Shoutout to Ed for identifying as agnostic after God ripped two of his limbs off
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arvlie · 6 years
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Every Halloween, I dress up in an amazing costume, and you never get what I am. This year, that won’t be a problem because you’re gonna pick my costume.
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arvlie · 6 years
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6.08 - Fluoride
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arvlie · 6 years
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arvlie · 6 years
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An Exotic Dancer Demonstrates That Her Underwear Was Too Large To Have Exposed Herself, After Undercover Police Officers Arrested Her In Florida
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Dorothy Counts – The First Black Girl To Attend An All-White School In The United States – Being Teased And Taunted By Her White Male Peers At Charlotte’s Harry Harding High School, 1957
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Austrian Boy Receives New Shoes During WWII
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Jewish Prisoners After Being Liberated From A Death Train, 1945
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The Graves Of A Catholic Woman And Her Protestant Husband, Holland, 1888
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A Lone Man Refusing To Do The Nazi Salute, 1936
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Job Hunting In 1930’s
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German Soldiers React To Footage Of Concentration Camps, 1945
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Residents Of West Berlin Show Children To Their Grandparents Who Reside On The Eastern Side, 1961
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Acrobats Balance On Top Of The Empire State Building, 1934
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Mafia Boss Joe Masseria Lays Dead On A Brooklyn Restaurant Floor Holding The Ace Of Spades, 1931
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Lesbian Couple At Le Monocle, Paris, 1932
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The Most Beautiful Suicide – Evelyn Mchale Leapt To Her Death From The Empire State Building, 1947
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The Remains Of The Astronaut Vladimir Komarov, A Man Who Fell From Space, 1967
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Race Organizers Attempt To Stop Kathrine Switzer From Competing In The Boston Marathon. She Became The First Woman To Finish The Race, 1967
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Harold Whittles Hearing Sound For The First Time, 1974
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Nikola Tesla Sitting In His Laboratory With His “Magnifying Transmitter” more
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arvlie · 6 years
Millions of innocent cats have been held up in the air because of Lion King.
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arvlie · 6 years
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Pushing Daisies (2007) | Smell of Success
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arvlie · 6 years
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Pom Klementieff + Mantis Lego Figure
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arvlie · 6 years
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
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arvlie · 6 years
Body wants sex.. Heart wants love.. Soul NEEDS peace .
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arvlie · 6 years
an unexpected hx
Patient who looks like my grandmother presents in clinic for “lady problems.” Me: Feminine issues, you said. Patient: Yes. Me: Can you tell me a little more about that? Patient: I’ve already gone through menopause. But I’ve started having some bleeding. Me: When did this start? Patient: About a week ago. Me: Any pain? Patient: No, just some bleeding. And a little yelllowish discharge. Me: Bleeding with discharge. When was your last period before menopause? Patient: About ten years ago. Me: Okay. Any current sexual activity? Patient: Yes. Me: When was the last time you were sexually active? Patient: Yesterday. Me: Did your partner have any symptoms? Patient: From yesterday?
Her response gives me pause. Generally, if she were a younger person, I would ask how many partners. But the patient before me is postmenopausal and in her sixties. I am hesitant to ask, in case it sounds disrespectful in some way, but I forge ahead…
Me: How many partners have you had in addition to the person from yesterday? Patient: You mean in my lifetime? Me: How about just the past two weeks? Patient: Hm. I think around 20.
^^^And this is why we ask everyone everything.
Me: Do you remember if any of them were symptomatic? Patient: I’m a swinger, so everyone in our group has to test negative to partake. Me: Any sexual activity with anyone outside of the group? Patient: I don’t think- oh, wait…there was that one man last week…
^^Again. Ask everything.
Me: When was your last pap?  Patient: It’s been a while. Me: Would you be interested in about having one today? Patient: Okay. Me: We also may want to check for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and a few other things just in case. Patient: Yes, thank you, test me for everything.
A S K  E V E R Y T H I N G
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