Experiences of Software
Software studies : the things that software makes possible
Difference between software studies vs computational practises
What software does technically and socially
Natalie Jeremijienko: Intersection between the computational and scientific and social
Ambient interface: Interfaces that don’t use screen, of receive information from in a background and spatial way, undercurrent but not through a direct relation. Information experienced in the periphepheral
Kick started people thinking about the ambient: the internet of things
Artistists work in context of computerscience can have a big impact.
Software studies: make the point of looking at the relationship between computational systems and art and people
Joshua Portway and Lise Autogena : Black Shoals
Stars flicker and glow : millions of dollars trading
Seduced by the piece and have to think about why: Black Shoals is a process of calculation
Study an algorithm and then develop it into an art work. Gained a lot of interest from the practitioners in the financial markets
Influence of the ambient calculations in our life
API: Core part of interfaces with software
If I Wrote you a love letter: Winnie Soon and Helen Pritchard, 2012
Twitter API to find tweets that are questions, sonified and made them audible
Temporal and Spatial impact of people waking up around the world
Twitter: interesting and flawed because of who is on twitter
Used the research to look at what was available throughthe API.
What text circulates
Computation and writing:
The listening post, Mark Hensen: gathers text in person, frenatic, chance and uncertainty
Art work as an object not just a piece of code :
Brought up questions: about how software art ,might be brought into collections and sold on the market
Start conversations about the vast amount of data
One of the first uses of the words software the Jewish Musuem: Jack Burnham the curator
Warm Heat, Cold Logic
Information Processing:
Life in a computerized environment: AI piece, the work constructs buildings making up the environment : Gerbils were very active and would attack the robotic arm
Smart cities and machine learnings in city design
Morphogenesis: Things become entangled and almost inseparable
Software as not just language and not just source code, so the procedures involved in this and how the software is made.
Thinking about the processes as part of a living systems
CODeDOC 2002
Rather than focusing on software as part of a living systems, Paul wanted focus on the source code.
To Open up the black box of software art
Comments in code: lookign at it as script and creative writting
Bryan Chung: powerful in showing the underlying process and structure of the cde and different languages
The materialuty of code
The network as part of the material
Florian Cramer: code has s big material impact
Geo Goo:
Net art
Browser art: activities online and how that organises our lives. The everyday micro-interactions
Messy malfunctions and crashes the machine: the disruptive possibilities for negavite
Using the google map: ubiquitous
We expect it to work
Material agency of computation:
Crashing, incompatability, viruses
Using this in their art
Biennale.py (2001) Biennale virus disrupt the slick interface
Violent work: damage the machine when executed: trying to resist it being an object but more about the process
CBT (2017) COding, Braiding Transmission Tamar Clark-Brown and Isaac Kariuki
Braid up : network of closed but shared information e.g. in
Code and information braided into hair
Able to de-crypt...incryption in braiding techniques, how to create new materialities
Braiding : ancient networking tool
Called it a digital start up on going project
Taeyoon Choi 2014: Poetic computations
Uses making dumplings to explain how computers work:
Pedagogical tool : software art that helps people understand computational design and outputs
Process of de-mystifing these processes
Computer is not a neutral tool
Netart and the market
Cornelia Solfrank: direct sale of her work to buyers and other net artists did this
Tension betwe
Florian Kramer interview with Cornelia
Philips art auction in new york : Uber Morgan software artists Opened up the market
Video artists Matthew Barney ; made the art into objects to make it collectible
Museums are thinking about how to preserve and archive code based works
Hackers and activists
Digital art: Digtial start ups, and agencies
Architectural fascades as well
Distance from coder
Use it as an excuse
Companies can distance from impacts
Blindspots of coders
Code has a different view of the user and the impact their product could have
Credibility - talisman
Use of language
Double edged sword: given permission, contracts, social contract to have a lot of influence but able to distance from its effects
Logic as a winner -science and technology win
The culture creates the need for the software and then the technology affects the culture
Dating algorithms
The assumptions that algorithms are based impact
Goal of the text:
Demystify the meaning of algorithm
Danger of disconnecting from the people involved, the purpose and the effects
Trying to bring a precision to the way in which it
Humans behind the algorithm: The aolgirthm is personified, somehting in a distance, a shadow. When we are working with it it is just a tool
Meme level in
Something to hide behind
Calculative ambience:
This can sometimes be used on the peripheries of our awareness
To do
Look up: Big bang data at Somerset house, add to postable
Post Cool things I learnt at art school : Life in a computerized word
Check out the CODeDOC artists
Suggest the Taeyoon Choi : workshop as a dinner party
Job amazon: CV algorithm or google keyword woman: negative score
Look up Adam Curtis Hypernomalisation
Art example: software art from example
Browse through the journals and find a paper for the two, compare the two journals forms
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“To a worm in horseradish, the world is horseradish”
We live in a digital age and so often our experience of artwork begins on a device. Whether discovery of an artist on Instagram, reading a short review of a show in an email or taking a video of an installation on our phone.
This has various implications of how we make, view and discover computational art.
Reading for the week: Snelting, Femke. 2006. A fish can’t judge the water. OKNO Publix, Brussels
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