artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Having some Moldy fun
Molding clay and cardboard heads into candles. Jessica and I decided to take the first baby steps at making candles, using heads we made from clay and cardboard we cast some molds.
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Doodle of the day
Can you interpret the meaning?
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Absent for a moment.
Time once again… It’s time to design… It’s time to dive into dreams… It’s time to sketch again… I have been stuck doing a lot of work outside my hobby of drawing and designing stuff, my free time has loosened up again so I’m back to contribute more artwork! Thanks to anyone tracking the progress in my journey into gaining greater artistic skill.
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
From the past
Jess had a cool portrait of Nikki she never finished that she wants to share.
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Jess doing a portrait of Nikki
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Jewls Ocean
This was made using acrylic and beads. By Jessica
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Two sides of the coins
This is a old incomplete work. Half of the face was going to be shaded with details, while the other half was going to be line art. The dragons where going to be opposite, one line art one detail shading. By Jessica
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Painted some flowers.
awhile back I did this quick painting over one of my pencil sketches.
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Final draft
This represents how humans and nature are one and the same both vulnerable to greater catastrophic events. I have come to a conclusion as to what I want my larger painting to look like. This is the final rough draft, As I make the bigger image I will prob add or remove stuff as well. By Jack
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Jessica's old work...
Jessica drew this a long while back as a self portrait.
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Second resolution of rough draft
I have been messing around with making a picture to submit to a art event. Just to refresh the memory this is v1
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Some old work...
Jessica was looking thru her old work and decided to have me post some of it. The spark you feel when you make eye contact. Jessica- BLAHHHHHHHH! A self portrait… Jessica-
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Magic wand...
I was able to get a quick sketch in before rolling out to do two separate birthday celebrations.
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Another rough draft I’m aiming to remake on a large canvas then paint.
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Rough draft...
I’m onto the second event, This time I have more time between when I discovered the event and when the submissions are due. This gives me the time to actually think things out and mess around doing revisions. “A cheery notion indeed” Representing mankind and nature as one singular being : some kind of strange chemical machine waiting to be crushed by cosmic events, A cheery notion indeed.
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Split Perspectives
Jessica and I went to the park, chose a tree as the focal point sat side by side and started sketching it and then eventually painting it. Jessica’s side is the left side Mine is the right. https://www.deviantart.com/artjjs
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artjjsjackjess · 1 year
Birds of the day
With life being so busy all the time it’s hard to remember to just sit down and sketch. Here is some quick sketches of birds this time.
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