artigo-prime-blog · 11 years
Bioshock Infinite
An amazing game, breathtaking. Game of the year in my opinion. And for all people that had finished the game. Search on "Will the circle be unbroken - Bioshock Infinite" on youtube and shed tears of manlyness.
Also loved the ending, some people hate it but that's mostly because they don't understand it. Also the scene after the credits actually make the ending an happy ending instead of that confused sad and a bit happy ending.
Kudos to 2K Games and Irrational Games for making this amazing game. 
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artigo-prime-blog · 11 years
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aw fuck. Luteces. Mah babs. *dreamy science sigh* I love you guys.  Jing n I are probably going to be them for Acen. So watch yo self. Lot of stuff I’ll probably fix on it btwn now n tomorrow but posting for now. one day Irrational Sempai will notice me ////T v T////*crawls back into hole* -COEY! ______ [ETSY] [13CSHOP for other / specific prints of mine] ______
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
Eating leftovers, and then I mean good leftovers as breakfast is amazing. It's tasty like dinner and lunch, but it's not. Like, that's some black magic
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
What society does to us is scary. It forces us to shape into specific persons that we want to be. Also, we can never change this, because society is now out of our control and becuase our current generation consists of retards spending their whole time trying to get attention instead of education and wont listen to reason.
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
End of the world my ass
Some mayan dude got bored of spending his life writing a never ending calender and how do we interpretate this? End of the fucking world. Gg wp
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
Ac3 <3
Haytham and Connor, fucking amazing characters Ubisoft have made. Also the naval battles are probably the most awesome thing ever added to a game which you can play when not doing the main story. Once again, kudos
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
I lol'd
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Lady Gragas by ~DevilsBlackFeather
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
Every fucking day
Every night I'm like, shiet no need for sleep and every morning I regret it, telling myself to go to sleep earlier since I need sleep. First world problems
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
League of Legends moments
When you save someone with locket of iron solari and you're like: Yeah, I'm that good.
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
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It’s been impossible to get my boyfriend into bed since that Shen buff. D;
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
Music + Games = Awesomeness
Ever get that feeling when you're playing and you're like. "shiet, something's missing, I don't feel da vibe." so you tab down and play some music, whether it is Rock, electronic, jazz whatevah, it justs gives that feel. Dat feel. You tab back up, stretch yo fingers and just, just. Gawd that feeling. I can't even describe it. It's just so... Awesome. Sublime, erotic, okay maybe not. Shiet you get the point.
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
Chunk of text.
Season 3 in League of Legends will be the end of me. Gladly I will have Ac3 that was released to PC today to bring me inner peace and harmony. I shall retrieve it from the bay of pirated, yarr. Just watched every episode of Community, cool, cool cool cool. My elo is still a disgrace, I weep at night. Can't wait for the new op support. Anyways back to Ac. I've played all of em and every ending has been a mindfucker. When I completed revelations i just sat there in my chair watching the credits. Why would they end a game like that, such a tease. Speaking of teases, I've contrained myself from watching ac3 gameplay as i shall not be spoiled of the story, it must be experienced alone so one can ejaculate in ze end. That said, I shall visit the bay of pirates.
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artigo-prime-blog · 12 years
Sure is
Boards of Canada is a great band.
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