artemisjade · 3 years
 — ✧·゚
“I got the memo but thought it was a little disrespectful to Nadia.” Cleo admitted. “It wasn’t mandatory as much as organized by that other leader.” Refusing to call Logan by her name, if anything Logan didn’t deserve that respect; she was a sham of a leader. “Thank you.” Giving a slight smile at Artemis’ compliment. “I’m hurting. I don’t know how to deal with her death.” She admitted. “You couldn’t have stopped this, Artemis. Don’t blame yourself for this.” Reaching out to Artemis, she rested her hand on Artemis’ arm. “My eyes are really making you feel that much better?” She asked with a soft chuckle/. “I’m not sure. I’ll try to make it, but I think I just need time. Although I wouldn’t mind going and having a drink with you.” 
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“I mean these girls are always on display, pretty much every time anyone sees me, but I think that Logan said it’s what Nadia would have wanted?” Artemis didn’t truly know. She just wanted to be there for Logan and if this was a way, she would do it. “I lost my father a year ago, and I thought the grief would never end, to be honest. I wish I could tell you it will be easy, but I’m sad to say it won’t. It will hurt less. You’ll feel like you can breathe again, but you won’t ever forget. There might even be days when you pick up your phone thinking to text them or thinking it’s them and you’ll feel that pain all over gain.” She shook her head. “I know, but I still feel like if I could have turned back time maybe I could have been faster to get there.” Artemis smiled. “I think you under estimate just how pretty those eyes are. I mean we could just have a drink just the two of us. I’d be okay with that.” 
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artemisjade · 3 years
– .. .-
Eddie pours himself a drink by the bar, some whiskey for the day he had. Some days at the hospital, the children are just hyperactive and it’s like herding cats during a tornado. At least with the kids, he can bribe them with sweets or cute stickers. He doubts that would work with the alpha of the NYC pack. “Nobody,” he starts, sipping his drink, “in the history of mankind, said ‘I’m fine’ and ‘I’m good’ in that tone and meant it.” He leans against the bar with the glass still in his hand. “You might wanna stop the huffin’ and sighin’ first, Art. That might make it more convincing.” He deadpans, his quiet stare studying Artemis closely. Instead of repeating the obvious that she is neither fine nor good, he offers, “alright, what can I do to help?”
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Artemis glared, but she knew that he knew it was never any malice towards him. She just felt like she was able to be herself and feel how she felt and Eddie wouldn’t take offense when she was a little more prickly than normal. “I can’t even muster anything to fake it. I’m just...tired of leaders dying. I don’t know if you can help. I just...it just makes me think about my dad. How he was senselessly beheaded,” she growled. Her fist hit the bar with a loud clash. She took a breath. “I’m sorry. I just...I want whoever is doing stopped. How can I keep my pack safe if people are just being murdered and getting away with it.” 
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artemisjade · 3 years
“Damn, now I feel like you’re judging me as I planned to drink myself into oblivion from 7 - midnight,” she joked. “But plenty. I’m sure there are video games, card games, board games. Out back there’s archery, and we could spar, run, and on some occasions if you’d like we can talk about your feelings? But I highly doubt you want to do that last one? But I’m open for any and all of those things.” To be honest she didn’t even want to do that last one right now. Her anger was subsiding but it was still there as she wondered and worried over the safety of the wolves. 
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When: Midday
Where: Wolf Den
Closed Starter: @artemisjade​
Ly sulked in the corner of the Wolf Den which Artemis had graciously welcomed him to and he’d casually agreed as if it wasn’t an absolute necessity. The place was nice, nicer than anything he’d ever been used to. He’d never admit it, but he felt completely out of his element here. So, when Artemis approached, he forced a yawn in an attempt to appear more bored than awkward, “Is there anything to do around here other than drink myself to oblivion? Not that I’m complaining. I’m just starting to feel more cooped up than a goddamn factory chicken.”
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artemisjade · 3 years
Who: @hclyness​
Where: Brewery 718
Artemis had been attempting to keep herself busy. She made sure that she went back through her list of known lone wolves to officially introduce herself and offer them a pack. She adored her pack, they were like a family to her and yet, some people still preferred to go it alone. She didn’t know how she would or could ever handle any of what she’d been through without a support system. She didn’t want others to think that they had to go it alone. 
Sometimes it was luck that she happened upon some of the people she was hoping to speak to in her favorite place no less, the bar. She made her way over to take a seat casually next to him. She had a smile on her face as she greeted. “Not to bother you, which I hope I’m not, but I’ve seen you around. Wyatt, right?” she asked. “Please don’t be alarmed, I’m far too lazy to be a stalker. I just like to know the wolves in the city,” she broached. “I’m Artemis. Alpha of the pack here. It’s coincidental that we were here at the same time, but if you have a minute I’d love to chat,” she offered. 
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artemisjade · 3 years
With his mind elsewhere, Jax had taken to sitting at the bar at nights like this and staring at the television posted in the corner of the bar as if he was interested in whatever was on the screen — not that he could tell anyone what was airing if asked. Most of the time it was easier to deal with the thoughts in his head in a crowd of people rather than back at an empty room. At least here he could get lost in the conversations around him if he didn’t want to spare a thought for his own mess. Or so he told himself.
But it was all still up there even a few beers into the night and some sport playing in the background when the wolf slipped into the seat beside him. He sensed them as soon as they walked into the bar, but he hadn’t thought that they’d sit beside him as he glanced over when they spoke to him. “You don’t gotta worry about that. It’s not like everyone expects to be recognized everywhere they go or else that shit would be downright exhausting,” he spoke after he took a sip of his beer and set the bottle down on the counter. “I’m alone, drinking at a bar on a Friday night. I guess doing about as good as you — except not as nicely dressed.” He paused. “You okay?:
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“I’m glad, I didn’t want to offend. We just met, I figure I’d need to work up to being rude,” she joked, not that she had a single rude bone in her body. Unless she was in a bar fight, then she was definitely rude to whoever she was fighting. Emotionally though, she wasn’t even in the fighting mood. “You didn’t hear? Lonely drinkers on a Friday night dress up to distract from drinking alone on a Friday night,” she joked. “Okay in the sense that I’m alive and well, but not okay in the sense that I’m angry about what happened at the retreat, and honestly I feel the need to apologize to you for that. I never want any wolves, in the pack or not to be in danger of any kind. I am sorry, even though it wasn’t my event or idea. Even though I didn’t put anyone in danger, I am sorry that you even had to see any of that. And I went to a party where it was like everything was okay, but I just couldn’t be okay.  So I left early. What about you, are you okay? Unless drinking alone on a Friday night is your norm.” 
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artemisjade · 3 years
Meredith nodded and smiled as she learned about the events leading up to the night’s celebration. “That does sound like pretty solid advice, I’ll be sure to pass that along when the opportunity arises.” Nicky could probably, definitely benefit from a cleared mind. “Names are a good place to start,” From those words alone, she already felt a light blush creeping up her face. “It’s lovely to meet you, Artemis, I’m Meredith and I vodka makes me dance-y–so I hope you’ve got some moves.” 
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“If you’re ever in the mood for some yoga, Jaded Yoga is always welcoming. She pulled a card out of her back pocket and placed it on the bar. “Feel free to call anytime you’d like. I do group, virtual and one on one sessions,” she offered. “What a beautiful name to match a beautiful woman.” Artemis caught the light flush to the other’s cheeks. It definitely only served to enhance how gorgeous she was. “The pleasure is all mine, Meredith.” A chuckle left her at the mention of dancing. “Oh I can assure you, I have mind blowing moves, and I’m not afraid to break them out on the dance floor.” 
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artemisjade · 3 years
Ace shook her head, “I’m flexible but in different circumstances. It’s more like accidentally.” She shrugged, “but if it’s comfortable and helps you I don’t mind being here to witness it.” She smirked before shrugging and taking her cigarettes out of her pocket to stick one in her mouth and light it, “I’m more into hitting things to relieve stress and attain peace. I do have to admit though it hasn’t really helped me out much.” She sat down on the sidewalk facing the other ignoring the people walking past them, “You want to get a beer or something?” 
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“Oh, is that so? You’ve got me curious about these circumstances now, and just how accidentally flexible you actually are.” A sly grin slid across her lips when the other woman spoke of watching her. “I am a fan of being watched, so I would never complain.” Now Artemis had to admit that she too was a fan of hitting things. “I do like to hit things, but those things might come back a bit mangled or ruined, so I try for more of a peaceful approach.I still say, you should let me teach you a few poses, it might help. I can take you from tense to blissfully relaxed in no time.” As she spoke, she flipped herself onto her stomach for a quick child’s pose before getting to her feet for the downward dog position, looking between her legs over at Ace. “Honestly, i’d love a beer. Sharing a beer with a beautiful woman might just help me to achieve even more inner peace.” 
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artemisjade · 3 years
Artemis knew that she needed to practice what she preached in regards to stress relief. She was aware of just how hard it was to let go of anger and yoga helped keep her in control of her emotions before. So she took her mat out to the park and planned to enjoy some time simply getting back to the basics. She knew that Halasana was good for stress and attaining peace. Her eyes were closed as she breathed, letting everything wash away. She visibly relaxed. She heard a voice and chuckled. “Yes, just relieving some stress and trying to achieve a little inner peace. I teach it for a living so I definitely hope I can get out of it. But on the contrary, it’s actually comfortable. It’s a good stretch for the back. Slowly, she unwound herself from the pose to look up at the woman speaking to her. “Oh, hello,” she said with a grin. “I could always show you if you’d like?” 
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Ace ​was enjoying a walk when she noticed the other who seemed to not being having a good day. Then again it seemed like good days were few and far between. But her brow raised at how the other was handling it, yoga didn’t seem like it would help anyone especially in the pretzel pose the woman had found herself in. “You okay?” She asked dropping her gaze to the others face and trying to only make eye contact. It was proving more difficult than it probably should have though. “I hope you can get out of that situation.. it doesn’t look very comfortable.”
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artemisjade · 3 years
who: @ed-espinoza​
Where: Wolf Den 
Artemis knew that she was in a mood, and those that had encountered her after all that had gone down during the retreat knew it two. She was more reserved, less vocal. When she visited bars, she was more prone to start fights, not here though. She would never disrespect their place in that way. She simply stayed quietly fuming, letting guilt eat at her and anger consume her. When her pack members entered to have a drink, and hang out, she gave them a nod of acknowledgement. Most gave her her space, but she knew that Eddie wasn’t going to. “You know I’m fine. I’m good,” she said, hoping to avoid a conversation, but she knew that they wouldn’t avoid it. Eddie was always there for her like the older brother she never had. She heaved a sigh. 
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artemisjade · 3 years
Artemis had gone to the Hasting Twins’ party and sure she enjoyed herself but there had just been something gnawing at her. Everyone else seemed to bounce back even a little, but not here. Not in the slightest. She was still angry even though she has smiled and mingled. She was still combing through all that has happened on repeat trying to find ways that she could have been better at saving those that were murdered.
She went from a party to the bar, dressed still in her black dress. She was most definitely over dressed for the bar, but she didn’t care, she needed a drink. As she took a seat at the bar, she hadn’t realized at first who she’d taken a seat next to, her mind just all over the place. She finally looked over. “Damn, I’m so sorry, my mind was everywhere and I didn’t even recognize you for a moment. Fancy seeing you out and about,” she said to the wolf she’d met at the camping endeavor. “How are you?” she asked, hating that she wasn’t her normal chipper self at the moment. 
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artemisjade · 3 years
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Artemis’s dress for Logan & Leo’s bday
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artemisjade · 3 years
She felt completely and utterly as if she were having an out of body experience. She was there but her mind was elsewhere. Artemis was going through the motions she was there, and then she was following the crowd out. She heard words being said and she visibly shook her head to get out of her own mind. “You don’t have to say that to me. I know it’s the polite thing but I will never understand why people apologize.” When her dad died she’d spent several hours hearing those words in different ways from different people. Who came up with that and why did they think it would make anyone feel better? “I’m sorry if that sounded rude. I didn’t mean it to be. I was just...musing aloud.” 
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Location: Pavement across from Ophelia’s Burial Sight
Status: Open ( @darkesthourstarters​ )
Time: Immediately after Ophelia’s Funeral Ceremony
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Despite their best wishes, Arthur attended Ophelia’s burial from a distance, leaning on a tree and hugging themselves as they watched on with heavy thoughts. The vampire knew well when to distance themselves, making that decision after overhearing scandalous whispers and feeling several eyes on them moments prior. Arthur didn’t blame them. After all, they were one of the few vampires in attendance outside of the leaders and also was the specific vampire that helped hide Serena on the retreat’s last day. Mermaids and Hunters alike still furiously wanted her head on a pike but Arthur already had the time to expel their anger while aiding Serena. After that anger, a deep confusion and emptiness was left behind: dread and grief. They snapped out of their thoughts once the funeral attendees began to scatter. It must be over. Arthur hung their head low and averted their eyes as several people walked past them.
 “My sincerest apologies.” 
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artemisjade · 3 years
Artemis looked up at the sound of the voice. “Thanks, did no one give you the tits out memo? I thought this was mandatory?” she joked. “But you look nice too. Sad, but nice. You have very beautiful yet expressive eyes. How are you holding up? I’m doing okay. I’m pissed at myself and feel like I could have stopped this, but I’m okay. Better now that you’re here. Even sad beautiful eyes like yours are making me feel a bit better. I thought about going. I don’t like funerals so I’m definitely going to the bar. Are you? If you are, I’d happily buy you a drink.” 
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special delivery for →  @artemisjade​
location: queens
time: after nadia’s funeral
Cleo understood why people were doing tits out for Nadia, but she couldn’t stand that Logan was out here chumming it up with Nadia’s friends. Sighing heavily as she made her way over to Artemis with her arms crossed over her chest. “You look nice.” Trying to be polite, it was easier now that Logan wasn’t around. Looking Artemis up and down quickly so she didn’t notice. “Are you doing okay?” She asked softly. “I know this isn’t easy for you either.” Wiping her nose as she sniffled. “Are you going to the bar tonight to celebrate Nadia?”
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artemisjade · 3 years
Artemis hated death. She hated grief, and she hated unnecessary murder. And yet here she was experiencing all the things. She was reminded of the last funeral she attended and it sickened her. Her father had died a year ago and it was a vicious murder. She hadn’t quelled the anger that raged through her from that, and now they were adding more. To be honest, she had been more angry at herself because she didn’t get to Nadia quickly enough. She could have saved her. Had she acted faster. She was taken from her thoughts when she heard Logan speak. “Oh um...I haven’t punched a hole in a wall or broke a chair or turned into a wolf so, I’d say that’s pretty okay to me. Can I get so wasted I don’t remember my name?” she asked. “Because I think that might be needed because I’m more angry than sad.” 
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special delivery for →  @artemisjade​
location: queens
time: nadia’s funeral
Pulling on her leather jacket after the funeral had finished up and she walked over to Artemis who she’d been seated to for most of the funeral. Wiping her eyes that were red and puffy from crying, before putting her hands in her pocket. “Are you doing okay?” She questioned. “If you want you can come with me and Leo to the bar. I’m going to have be giving drinks on the bar to honor her. I even made a shot for her.” Her voice came out shaky as she asked Artemis if she wanted to come to the bar. “I know we have to do Council stuff later, but right now I just need a break from it all.”
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artemisjade · 3 years
Logan had wanted to compete but being a leader meant that she wasn’t eligible, so instead she was hosting and cheering on her friends and family from the sideline. Even though she hadn’t been able to express herself in competition she wasn’t about to look ugly while hosting. Smirking happily when Artemis’ claws appeared, she spread out the shirt. “Same, but hey at least we get to compete at supernatural paintball with our coven and pack members.” She was anxiously waiting to for paintball so she’d get a chance to compete and actually use her powers. “I mean it would be pretty cute sleeveless and the tears would deff give cute wolf vibes. Plus midriff is always acceptable.” She laughed. “I’m thinking while yes somewhat of your idea but more like this.” Pulling out her phone to show Artemis the picture of what she was thinking. “With a better V tho. I hate the V in this.” Running her finger over the ugly V as she tried to show Artemis the V that she was actually looking for. “Think you can help with this?”
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“That’s the only bright spot for me. That and the food.” If she were being honest, the whole leadership thing reminded her of her father. It was bittersweet, because he lived for these kinds of competitions. He loved watching her compete. All in all, she’d been on one emotional roller coaster internally. “I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t put their own special flair on things. I’ve been a rebel since I was born practically. Uniformity is boring to me so hell yeah I’m going to get some cute wolf vibes with these slashes.” She looked at the picture with a nod. “I can definitely do that. That will be cute. Hold up your shirt.” She lifted her finger, claws out ready to cut the V that Logan wanted. “You know I’ve got you. Honestly I think my family was more surprised that I didn’t go into fashion as much as I used to alter my clothes.” 
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artemisjade · 3 years
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
While the bonfire was nice, and the perfect aesthetic to what Violet would otherwise prefer to which was Glamping, she wanted just a little bit more excitement on the first day. “What’s Drink, Drink, Shot?” Violet asked. It couldn’t have been that obvious–could it? Drinking games usually were, at times.  
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“Have you ever played Duck-Duck-Goose? Essentially it’s the same. Honestly there’s no rhyme or reason to that one, you just walk around assigning shots to people. That one is truly simple. I honestly like the ones that where you find out a little more about the people you’re drinking with. Two truths and a lie, or never have I ever. They’re always a good time.” 
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artemisjade · 3 years
Location: Barbecue Riot 
Open: @darkesthourstarters​
“Step away from the grill and no one gets hurt!” Artemis threatened nicely. “If you don’t, the claws can and will come out, my outfit is cute so please, don’t make me angrier than I already am. I’m just as hangry as the next person but what you all need to do is go back inside, take a nap if you need too, and chill the fuck out. No one is getting any barbecue today, and I’m just as mad as everyone else about that. Now, does anyone have anything else to get off their chest as to why we’re not going inside? If you say the word chicken wing, I will swing on you, don’t test me,” she warned.  
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