armours-and-tiaras · 8 years
SUCH an important article on how companies are using the body positivity movement to sell their weight loss crap. Give it a read! 
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armours-and-tiaras · 8 years
I’ve also been approached about being a Greatist Ambassador? 
I absolutely love Greatist as it’s not dedicated to ‘You should be losing weight!’ and ‘Avoid these foods!’ articles - instead it has more of a focus on body positivity and happiness, so I’m a proud supporter of them.
We’ll see what happens :)
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armours-and-tiaras · 8 years
Gosh it's been a while.
This time next month my exams will be completely over - NO MORE EDUCATION unless I go to uni SO I’ve decided it might be a good idea to kickstart this blog back up again!
For a short recap of my life since I left:
I’ve come a long way since where I left off. Considering (I think) I ended my last personal post having a breakdown about my thighs - I’m doing pretty well self-image wise. Some days will be bad, but that was guaranteed anyway, and I’m not sure if any recoverer is ever going to escape that. Sort of like a little ‘fuck you’ from the ED thoughts you’ve got locked away in a box in your brain
It’s obviously incredibly difficult trying to struggle my way out of a dark place, especially with the excessive fitness and dieting crazes. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good workout every now and then to keep me (somewhat) fit - but the people who obsess over exercising and dieting make me feel guilty for not jumping on that train with them. Additionally, seeing as how all that obsessing is what got me into this messy situation, I feel worried that other people are going down that path, and I’m now hyper aware of these bad behaviours displayed by others.
My sister has gotten incredibly worse with the exercise. It’s driving me insane, please send help.
ANYWAY back to moi - I’m now allowing myself ‘treats’ without feeling so much guilt. I still haven’t managed to break out of the calorie counting habit yet, but I still feel incredibly proud to now feel like I can chose what I want to eat.
I’ve still remained at a healthy BMI too - although I’m not being weighed anymore so I can’t be certain about fluctuations I may of had. Instead, I’m receiving treatment for my social anxiety which is going SUPER well, thanks for asking
I know I still have a way to go, by my motivation for a healthy mind and body is still fighting, and I’m very excited about the future!
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armours-and-tiaras · 8 years
Guess who’s back to blogging
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
It is amazing that so many people out there encourage others to eat low-fat diets, to count their calories/macros, to avoid sugar, to eat high protein, to only eat plant-based foods, etc. in the name of “health,” but they fail to even acknowledge mental health and the repercussions of following such diets.
It is not healthy to think about food all day. It is not healthy to waste your invaluable time rigidly counting calories. It is not healthy to miss out on social opportunities due to not being able to eat the food along with everyone else. It is not healthy to eat exclusively in the name of your aesthetic body. What about eating for enjoyment? What about eating because you love the taste of certain foods? What about eating for energy and mental focus? What about eating because food is a great aspect of life that you deserve to experience?
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
weight watchers says that counting points is like playing a game lol i played that game right into a mental institution
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
I don’t dress up for boys.I dress up to stare at my reflection as I walk by store windows.
(via distortedmind-and-brokenheart)
(via koukae)
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
Wanna hear a joke?
Suggested serving sizes.
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
when i think of the reasons why i love my friends, i would never list “i love her because she weighs precisely xxx lbs”… yet somehow, i’ve managed to convince myself that my weight is a quality people take into consideration when determining whether they want to be my friend. I realize in typing that how ridiculous that is, and how desperately i need to challenge that way of thinking.
affirmation: I can be at a healthy weight and still be loved. 
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
Eating disorders are so irritating because one day you could be laughing, eating a pint of ice cream and 7 pieces of pizza with your friends, thinking you’re completely recovered and then the next you could be crying in the bathroom wanting to purge because you ate a salad for dinner. 
AKA saying things like “WHAT is going on with you!?” or “you ate that last week with no problem at all!” to someone who is affected by an eating disorder will not do any good. If you’re confused about their actions… imagine what it’s like to be the one feeling like they’re less than everyone else because of how back and forth they feel. Living with an eating disorder is already stressful enough, and pointing out the unsteadiness makes it all the more overwhelming. 
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
So I just looked at a popular “recovery” blog and the first thing I saw was a salad with all veggies/chicken breast and a bottle of fat-free dressing, a diet yogurt, some green smoothie shit, a rice cake, plain bread, and eggs.
The best part is this person claims to be so healthy and inspirational? Like no? Her poor starved and deprived body.
I wish our images of “health” were actually healthy. I am sorry that so many of you in recovery are seeing bullshit like that and then assuming that is what recovery is. I promise you that it is not. 
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
I wish you loved yourself half as much as you do animals.
My therapist (via things-my-therapist-says)
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
“You’re not attention-seeking. You’re support-seeking.”
(via not-a-number-done-counting)
(via skinnyteatime)
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
One day I will be able to eat completely free from thoughts of weight, or calories, or what else I’ve eaten, or will eat with absolutely zero guilt attached.
Imagine that.
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
in ‘failing’ at anorexia we succeed at life
I am not a failure (via metamorphosisofmeg)
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armours-and-tiaras · 9 years
things to do if a person comments on what you’re eating:
if you’re struggling to begin with, take a pause from the situation. go into another space. take 5 minutes to ground and recenter. go back and finish your meal. you can do this.
if you cannot leave the space, let them know that your food intake is personal.
if you cannot leave the space, change the conversation topic or brush the comment off
text/call a safe friend. look for a helpful affirmation on your phone.
remember that all bodies are different and you need to eat. 
if a person is not a nutritionist or skilled healthcare provider, they are in no place to influence your eating.
don’t listen to them, especially if the are telling you to eat less or “eat clean”. that’s unhealthy and you don’t deserve that negativity.
if they don’t stop, eat them too 
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