armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
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“It’s eitha friends or the worst of enemies.” He shrugged, kicking a small rock. “Yew pick, mate. Go ahead.”
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“Not much, all things considered.” she sighed. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you decided to stop trying to kill me. But that’s not exactly the basis for friendship.”
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
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“Oi moight not.” He put away the knives. “But see, yer not dead yet, so that’s gotta count fer somethin’.”
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“We’ve talked before. It doesn’t count if it doesn’t come with the other stuff. Namely, caring. And I don’t think you’re even capable of it.”
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
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“Well, we’re talking.” He shrugged, “That’s one thin’ down, at least. Anythin’ else yew’d loike to do?”
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She flinched at the knife, frowning after. “They care about each other. Do things together. Talk. Friends do a lot of things.”
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
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“Less favours as it is...” He tossed one knife up, letting it fly, and shrugged, before catching the knigfe that had been headed straight for Shannon’s head. 
“Oi dunno. Wot do friends do, Miss Paulin’?”
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“Because you wanted me to do you favors, right?”
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
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“Pity.” He produced a set of small throwing knives and started juggling them for entertainment. “THought Oi could make thin’s p ter yew. Be ... wot yew call it. Friends.”
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He is giving her some distance, which isn’t something she can say for their other encounters. Still, she regards the Brutal with a pained, rueful expression.
"That doesn’t change anything."
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
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"Oh, come on, sheila." He keeps his hands off of her, at the very least. It's not mcuh, but it's something. "Oi'm sorry Oi dragged yew in there, Oi swear."
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"I’m always going to be mad at your for that.” she peels a stamp off of a roll and adheres it to the envelope. 
"It was unforgivable."
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
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"Not really." she brings an envelope to her mouth and licks the seal. "I have a window pane to fix now." Pauling eyes him, wary and curious at the same time. “What’re you doing here?”
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"Oi just wanted to check in on yew." He picks up the rock he'd used to get her attention. "An' Oi did! Yer not still mad at me fer that thin' Oi did ages ago, are yew?"
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
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"Probably not, but whot can yew do." He tips his hat in a mock display of politeness. "Oi see yer back to bein' a secretary. Yew havin' fun there?"
He at least keeps a kinda respectful distance, if nothing else at all. So far, so good.
[Something comes flying through her window, shattering the pane. Someone must he noticed she's back to work already. However, the something-or-other is just a distraction, as someone taps her on the shoulder when her back is turned.]- armedbrutal
Startled, Miss Pauling turns to see what the hell broke her window. She starts again at the tap, swearing under her breath and coming face-to-face with the last person she wants to see.
"Was that necessary?"
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
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"... Oi never lie to a lady."
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"Not if it’s insincere."
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
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"Hmm... anything else yew wanna hear?"
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Not really the answer she wanted, but oh well. She can’t expect more than that. “Fine.”
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
"For spookin' yew. That's wot Oi'm sorreh fer."
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"For what?" It’s not because she doesn’t think he’s guilty — oh no. She just wants him to be specific. 
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
"That's wot Oi said."
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She manages not to flinch too badly. “…You’re sorry?”
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
He goes and pets her on the arm very gently. Still leaves a sticky stain, though.
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"Oi'm  sorreh."
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"No, Mike, I really don’t."
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
"... yew don't get moi humor, do yew."
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"Like what? Exasperated?”
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
"It wasn't yer finga, so wat's the mattah,really. The thing's gonna grow back in not toime."
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"Stop lookin' at me loike that!"
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"Well it half-worked."
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
"Does it mattah? Maybe Oi do, an' just wanted to shock yew. All in good fun."
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"Do you even care to know how Pinky Promises actually work?”
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armedbrutal-blog-blog · 10 years
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"So keep yers."
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"No, they don’t. Most people’s don’t.”
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