arisingarika · 4 years
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Quick treadmill workout while the youngest was napping. Planned on doing more, but Arie needed me.
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Tuesday, 8/ 25
Heyyy! I haven’t intentionally worked out in over a week, but I got a quick treadmill workout in today in between kiddo naps.
Dammit, I’ve struggled but I’m still trying.
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Thursday, 8/13
A quick little treadmill workout before dinner this evening.
We went to Cracker Barrel with the in laws. Awesome grilled chicken tenderloins and veggies.
We are going out of town tomorrow to visit my family & celebrate my dad’s 60th birthday & my grandmother’s 90th, so that will be fun!
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Wednesday, 8/12
Hump Day evening workout. It was still 91 degrees at 6 pm, so I went for a treadmill workout in our newly renovated basement.
Put some tunes on and got it done. Left the husband to deal with the kids upstairs , so I could focus on myself for half an hour. 2 miles completed.
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Tuesday, 8/11
Another post dinner walk with my boys. I convinced the husband to come along as well. He tried to dip out halfway through, but I got him to stay the whole walk. It’s not that far of a distance at all.
Staying on track with my MFP for three days in a row & walking three days in a row is considered a win in my book.
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Monday, 8/10
Good eats for today. I ate salad for both lunch and dinner today, so there’s that.
A small walk with the littles post dinner.
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Sunday, 8/9
The past week or so my eating has been a train wreck. So I’m trying to get this train back on the tracks.
Also trying to get this body moving a bit more. An after dinner walk with my boys.
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arisingarika · 4 years
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I’m still here. Occasionally creeping on y’all. Haven’t been the best at posting myself.
Still attempting to be healthy. Some days are better than others, but I finally feel like I’m getting somewhere with this.
Officially down 16 pounds since June 1st. Have a long way to go, but slow progress is better than no progress.
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arisingarika · 4 years
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Happy Saturday!
I know it’s been like a week since I last updated y’all, but I’m still here. Still working on me and doing my best to stick to it.
I decided to quit my job last week. I’ve been there for 3.5 years and had finally had enough, so there’s that. I’ve had a lot on my mind about finances and everything. All I can do is pray. God has a plan for me.
Hope y’all are well!
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Smoothie time.
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arisingarika · 4 years
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Monday, 5/4
Early morning workout. 2 miles on the treadmill (that hasn’t been used in over a year).
First day back to work in five weeks. Did not like at all. Super long day, and I missed my babies.
At least my husband made me dinner. Chicken Fajita bowls made with cauliflower rice. Yum!
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Saturday 5/2
Another nice day. Steps done & time spent outdoors with my handsome boys.
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Friday, 5/1 Recap
Happy first day of May!
2.6 mile walk with the boys while the husband ran to the grocery store for us. And I went for a little walk by myself in the afternoon to finish getting in my steps.
Spent most of the afternoon outside with Arie and Ayce. Turkey Burger and sweet potato fries for dinner and an episode of Ozark before bed.
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Thursday, 4/30
2 morning miles with the boys.
Not feeling myself today really. This quarantine is totally starting to get to me. Like I could definitely get used to being with the boys all the time, but I just feel stuck. Like I’m sure a lot of you are. Just sucks. But I know it’s for the best. Hopefully, we will be on the other side soon. And I probably will have to return to work next week. Bleh.
At least these cuties always make me feel better.
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arisingarika · 4 years
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Happy Thursday!
Trying to find the motivation to go for a walk this morning.
Currently watching Blue’s Clues and You with the boys, drinking coffee, and putting butterfly filters on this face.
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