aris-inwonderland · 4 months
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Here’s a full collection of them lol
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aris-inwonderland · 4 months
What generation is Damian because it would be fucking hilarious is he decided he wanted to be Gen Alpha, and googles all the slang and pop culture references so he can act like ‘a kid’
Random low-level goon: You will never beat me!
Damian, a sword-wielding 12yr old in spandex: you think your the rizzler with level ten Gyatt, it’s giving delulu, it’s giving insane- no cap all fax no printer? Get a job you broke ass joker rip off
Tim who came to help: ahaha- What
Damian, slightly surprised: what the sigma?!
Batman: huh
Batman*sweating*: you died…and..came back?
Jason, who got revived and immediately did way too much research in modern day slang in an attempt to fit in, proper Elle woods style: what like it’s hard?
Damian (in the background): Facts!! No cap!!
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aris-inwonderland · 4 months
Fun fact: I’m autistic I’m gonna do a thing inspired by another person
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Reblog if your blog is safe for autistic people or is ran by an autistic person!
oh and
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Reblog if you stand against Autism Speaks!
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aris-inwonderland · 4 months
One of the best writing advice I have gotten in all the months I have been writing is "if you can't go anywhere from a sentence, the problem isn't in you, it's in the last sentence." and I'm mad because it works so well and barely anyone talks about it. If you're stuck at a line, go back. Backspace those last two lines and write it from another angle or take it to some other route. You're stuck because you thought up to that exact sentence and nothing after that. Well, delete that sentence, make your brain think because the dead end is gone. It has worked wonders for me for so long it's unreal
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aris-inwonderland · 4 months
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my tips for students that struggle with consistency
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aris-inwonderland · 5 months
we need a fanfic
I’m on the second episode of My Adventures With Superman and I KNOW I know, this deserves to be Clark’s show, BUT HEAR ME OUT A SECOND.
Imagine the Waynes didn’t die and Thomas is trying DESPERATELY to buy the Daily Planet from White, but to absolutely no avail.
“For the last time, Wayne, you can have this company when the Gotham Knights win a Stanley Cup.”
“Y’all cheated last year and you KNOW it, White! Come on! We knew each other for 20 years—“
“Not true.”
“You gotta have ONE nice thing to say about me! You saw my charity records? My trip to the Amazon? I found a goddam dinosaur, for Pete’s sake!”
“And you sent it to the Gotham museum.”
“…Well yeah, it looked real pretty.”
“Look, Wayne. I can either give your ego the stroke of the century, or keep Lane and those two idiot interns in check, but I can’t do both. Now get out of here, or—“
Clark clearing his throat, holding two cups of coffee in his comically large hands, “Uh, the coffee machine broke, so I had to run to the store. Is this a bad time?”
Thomas whistling, because what the FUCK. “Christ, boy, how tall are you? How tall is he, White? You a security guard? You WANNA be a security guard?”
“Uh, Clark Kent. Idiot intern,” Clark introduced himself politely despite Perry’s grumbling.
Needless to say, Thomas Wayne is…Intimidating.
“I’ve heard about your research on metahuman physics, Mr. Wayne. It’s brilliant.”
“Oh, that? That was all my boy, really. He’s got all these ideas about reinventing the healthcare system for everybody or something like that. Hell, he wants to invent some bandaids for that Superman fella. “
“That,” Clark blinked, “Actually sounds amazing.”
“Right?. The other day he came to me like, ‘Can I have 30,000 for a research expedition?’ You should’ve seen him in his little lab coat, — cutest thing. Hold on, I have pictures.”
Clark expected a particularly eccentric 10 year not, not a — gorgeous— adult man in what looked to be a great amount of eyeliner and one hell of a scowl. “He’s…” gorgeous, “He seems interesting.”
“Ain’t he? You should meet him sometime. Hates talking to the press, but, I’m sure we can arrange something. “
“Good luck with that. I tried interviewing the kid alone for 10 minutes and Mr. Wayne here kept getting in the way. Probably because he has something to hide.”
“Bruce ain’t really made for the camera, so I had to step in, ya know how it is. He ain’t really the independent kind.” Thomas shrugs. “I know, I know, — you gotta leave em to fly sometimes, and while I bet he’d look cute tryin’,”
Thomas chuckles, but it doesn’t sound amusing. At all. “No bird leaves MY nest.”
Clark finds out why Perry can’t prove Thomas Wayne is Batman. It’s because he’s wrong. He’s listened to Batman’s heartbeat before. And Thomas doesn’t stutter.
Bruce Wayne does, thought.
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aris-inwonderland · 7 months
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aris-inwonderland · 7 months
Some people are saying that I may have adhd. Because apparently there are times that I get too hyper focused on something and just ignore my surroundings, but there are also times that my attention span is like that of a child and is easily distracted. I don’t want to go to google because I’m not sure if it’s accurate so could you guys help me what are the signs or tells of someone with adhd?
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aris-inwonderland · 7 months
I’m in my era of being single since birth that my friend is constantly asking when would I get a boyfriend.
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aris-inwonderland · 1 year
Burnt out
I just wanna bury myself in my comforter like a burrito
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aris-inwonderland · 1 year
Writing Resources: Basics
Writing Resources Masterlist
How to start
3 Tips for Fast Drafting Your Novel In Record Time
Basic Story Structure
Fleshing out that vague idea
How to come up with a story title
Plagiarism vs Reference vs Inspiration
Planning Master Checklist
Struggling with a New Story
Writing a Self-Discovery Novel
Conveying "Whispering" without Repetition
Dialogue punctuation
How to write natural sounding dialogue
Punctuating Dialogue
Scenes without dialogue
Common writing/editing mistakes
Filler Words and Phrases to Look Out For
How to use an Apostrophe
Signs you need to rewrite your WIP
Fanfic Summary Cheat List
Formatting your manuscript
Paragraphs and when to break them
General Tips
50 tips for (fanfic) writing
Idea vs Execution (writing advice)
Mini collection of tips for writers
Screenwriting Tips
Tips for a newbie fanfiction writer
Tips on writing a story
Useful writing resources II
Writing Tips from a Beta Reader
Writing Inspiration Generator Website
A good retelling
Finding your title
On creative writing
When someone adds your fic to a collection on AO3
Free fiction writing template to help you outline your novel
Help Writing New Story Idea
How Do I Modify my Google Doc for Outlining and Drafting
How to structure a chapter
Outline a Rough Draft of Your Novel
Basics Of Foreshadowing With Techniques
Chekhov’s Cake
Dive in Deeper: Motif
How To Develop A Distinct Voice In Your Writing
How To Hook Readers
How to Write a Novel: Tips For Visual Thinkers
The Ultimate Creative Writing Resource List
Ways to hit your readers in the gut
Websites for Writers
Writers: Need to Improve?
Writing Cheatsheet
Writing Games
Writing Resources
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aris-inwonderland · 1 year
affectionate things that makes me fall in love:
(tag me when yall writeee, feel free to use <3 @urfriendlywriter )
hugs. warm hugs.
when they accidentally fall asleep in your arms
just looking at each other fondly :(
holding hands !!
giving head or shoulder massages
when they’re so patient, and understanding with you
cuddling and eventually falling asleep
when they’re always giggling at your behavior
when it’s hard for them to contain a smile, so they grin so wide it lights up your world >>>
the kindest “i hate you” followed by a contagious laugh
shifting glances all around the room when they get caught staring at you
the hand behind their nape, when they’re embarrassed
they have never raised their voice around you, always talks softly
“I’m eternally yours, sweetheart” ^~^
when they lie on your lap
feeding you their cooking and hoping you’ll like it
cheek kisses (can i pls evaporate)
adorable big eyes that widens a little when they listen to your rant keenly
the corners of their lips turning up before showing the most beautiful smile
the way their hair looks in the morning :’)
when they play with your hair
gets shy or easily amused around you
says random “i love you"s throughout the day
the way their eyes crinkle when they smile
back hugsssssss
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