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Big fan how if you are obviously “bad”/ a beginner at something in public you get a lot of glares. It’s really good and very healthy to view gaining new skills as “cringe”
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Well the panopticon isn’t going to make itself…
just saw people on tiktok being like "if you have your likes hidden on here i assume you're a freak and a bad person :/" i am so tired of social media stop stop stop stop
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Just recently got Procreate, so here’s my first completed artwork :D
(kinda hopping on a trend lmao)
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The continual passage of time fills me with horror and dread.
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Okay it looks fine, but I whoever unplugged everything is on thin ice
Okay so my lab computer got entirely unplugged over the summer, now I’m scared it’s been wiped cause it threw an error at boot that I’ve never seen…
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Okay so my lab computer got entirely unplugged over the summer, now I’m scared it’s been wiped cause it threw an error at boot that I’ve never seen…
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Why does every fight in Revenge of the Sith have someone lose one or both hands. Someone on the writing staff had quite the obsession.
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General Grievous is such a creature, I mean he spends like the entire part of the movie he is is literally running away.
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day 3: your life is mine ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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I'm currently rereading This is How you Lose the Time War and man it is so good. It is so clearly such a well planed out story. The shadow is so subtle but so obvious once you know about it. Also the give and take with red and blue and the agencies are so well done. It hits this fantastic point where, yes in many ways they are polar opposites, but that only makes the similarities more blaring.
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i am NOT a bite risk. do not listen to them
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i dont think the r slur needs to be reclaimed actually i think we can just leave that one where it is. it makes it very easy to identify what kind of person someone is when they use it
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Funniest fandoms are where the fans are like, "I'm obsessed with this. I don't recommend it even slightly."
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just laying in bed so unmotivated to get up lol
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