arcturusgeneral · 4 months
just realised Giratina fits better. huh.
You ever just have an idea in your head, that you can't do justice, but you need to get out anyway?
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should be obvious where my inspiration for the lettering came from.
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Maybe I'll redo this one day. Maybe.
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arcturusgeneral · 4 months
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Decided to draw Litten using a model
the adorable model in question:
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arcturusgeneral · 4 months
You ever just have an idea in your head, that you can't do justice, but you need to get out anyway?
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should be obvious where my inspiration for the lettering came from.
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Maybe I'll redo this one day. Maybe.
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arcturusgeneral · 5 months
University is messing with me, hope to establish a regular drawing routine soon.
And on a side note
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arcturusgeneral · 6 months
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Still trying to figure out perspectives and shading. Need to practice the human biology (shudder). And practice drawing important Pokémon for the story I have planned. (like Litten!)
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reference I used. Might try redrawing Litten based of cat photos at some point, could be worthwhile.
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arcturusgeneral · 6 months
"Why didn't you do more?" he asks, as if the realm he just cut communication to could answer him. Not that it would anyway, it didn't answer when he needed it most. It doesn't care, it never cared. Only he cared, and it blinded him.
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Lets just say my D&D character is thoroughly more traumatised than before.
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arcturusgeneral · 6 months
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Lets just say my D&D character is thoroughly more traumatised than before.
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arcturusgeneral · 6 months
You sound like an english teacher
Some naysayers claim I make the same 5 jokes over and over again, they are correct and incorrect. There are only 7 jokes in the world, all rehashed - pulled apart and pieced together in different orders in a never-ending cycle of communal incognizance. You want new jokes? Then die and hope to be born on some alien planet where emotions and experiences transcend our own earthly limitations. Otherwise, be happy with your 'new' memes, those that are just vain angles of the same ancient script. You all worship the same God.
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arcturusgeneral · 7 months
Like its just words that don't make sense grammatical or otherwise, and I look on the blog and it's all photos of underwear models or something, all mistagged. Like, that's a bot, right?
I've gotten like ten of them in two days.
If your Tumblr name is a hyphenated string of random words, with a half naked photo of a person as the profile pic, I will assume you are a bot and block you. Been getting too many of those recently.
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arcturusgeneral · 7 months
Also not dead. Moving, getting sick then starting uni all in quick succession does things to a person.
Been trying to get back into drawing, will hopefully have something soon.
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arcturusgeneral · 7 months
If your Tumblr name is a hyphenated string of random words, with a half naked photo of a person as the profile pic, I will assume you are a bot and block you. Been getting too many of those recently.
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arcturusgeneral · 8 months
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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arcturusgeneral · 9 months
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reblog to be eaten by this thing
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arcturusgeneral · 1 year
Just put artist and artists on Tumblr in my tags on one of my posts. Feels weird and kinda like I'm not good enough to. But it feels like the right thing to do.
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arcturusgeneral · 1 year
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Just felt like doing this, still getting ready to move. The Wooper was just meant to quick, I know it's bad.
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arcturusgeneral · 1 year
And now you get to see it everyday in website format.
I lived in Taiwan for a time and I saw monkeys swing on trees 
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arcturusgeneral · 1 year
Last one too thick
First was fine, just slightly too pointy
It's a mess, but I did it
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ended up colouring in the nails instead of drawing of trying to draw an empty shape. Drew my veins on with a blue pencil, lightly did my joints (not very well) and then drew my weird cut I noticed while doing this with a red pencil
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