archivedprncples · 2 years
i moved!
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archivedprncples · 2 years
i moved!
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archivedprncples · 2 years
i moved!
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archivedprncples · 2 years
i moved!
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archivedprncples · 2 years
i moved!
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archivedprncples · 2 years
btw not to steal leo’s idea but i shall be moving as well
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archivedprncples · 2 years
i’ve reached the end of my rope. i’m out of patience, i’m out of sympathy, and i’m out of energy. i am sick and tired, so i’m finally posting a callout for mikey (@/trueswine / @/mothsrot on tumblr and @/showshost on twitter). i will also be adding him to my dni. i don’t want anything to do with this person anymore.
mikey is a liar and a manipulator. this callout will provide what proof i can of race-faking, running a gossip blog, lying and stalking & harassment of myself and others. if you have any questions, you can dm me to ask. however, after i post this, it’s the end. i will not be responding to anything mikey makes in retaliation. please do not expect me to.
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archivedprncples · 2 years
I’m fucking done. This is a callout on mikey / trueswine on tumblr / kraytsclaw on twitter, & persephone / livedieknow / arbitersgrounds, as they’ve shown that they want to take cain’s side after the callout & want to spread misinformation about me & my experiences with him.
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archivedprncples · 2 years
❪    ♡    :    𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐧.    ❫​​​
they’re  dying.    that,  alone,  is  a  certainty.    the  beat  of  it’s  false  heart  is  thunderous  in  their  ears,  the  course  of  their  blood  to  remedy  its  forsake  is  fleeting  if  anything.    ❪    there’s  a  thought,  intrusive,  a  immediate  grief  that  devours  your  fury  &.  desperation.    if  lumine  was  here,  fighting  by  your  side  &.  wrathful  in  the  wielding  of  her  blade,  maybe  they  would’ve  been  cut  down  much  quickly.    or  maybe  she  too  would  fall,  but  at  least  there  would  be  someone  to  share  your  suffering    /    to  bleed  &.  to  rise  once  again  with  you,  hand  in  divine  hand.   ❫     that  must  be  one  of  the  worst  damnations  this  world  has  brought:    the  helplessness,  the  constant  reminder  of  no  longer  standing  at  their  full  potential,  but  what  could  sol  be  but  an  echo  of  infliction?    once  an  echo  of  civilizations  ashen,  the  only  presence  to  keep  them  immortalized  but  now  so,  so  hollow,  so  painfully  insignificant  when  contested  by  the  ether  that  birthed  them.
their  body  is  heavy  &.  it  convinces  themself  it’s  an  icy  grave  calling  for  them  once  more,  but  still,  they  stand,  sword  pointed  with  no  real  resolve.    to  kill,  to  defend    ──    it  all  came  down  to  what  the  other  did  at  this  point,  how  quick  they  in  turn  could  react,  didn’t  it?
whatever  they  say  falls  on  deaf  ears.    i’m  so  exhausted.    ❛    what  do  you  want?    ❜      they  breathe  through  tired  lungs,  takes  some  careful  step  to  the  side,  just  a  little  backwards.    anything  to  maintain  distance.    if  the  demand  for  clarity  is  an  effort  to  buy  time,  it’s  a  subconscious,  unintentional  one  at  best.     ❛    why  do  you  look  like  him?    what  could  you  possibly  want  enough  to  wish  him  dead?    ❜    just  let  me  understand.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝  𝐲𝐨𝐮  𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐲  𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭  enough  to  wish  him  dead?    another  stabbing  reminder,    another  cruel  twist  of  fate.    HE  IS  THE  ONLY  ONE  OF  US  THAT  COME  OUT  LOVED,    the  thought  roars  in  his  ears.    it  sounds  like  durin,    it  sounds  like  the  other  projects  laid  to  rest  by  their  master’s  hands,    it  sounds  like  his  own  voice.    rubedo  stares  at  sol,    &.    wonders  what  albedo  sees  in  their  eyes.  
(    endless  years.    worlds  unknown.    perhaps  even  the  answers  rhinedottir  had  been  looking  for,    back  when  the  crumbling  ruins  of  their  nation  were  still  pristine    &.    untouched.    were  still  holy,    still  unjudged.    rubedo  can  almost  see  it,    now,    &.    thinks  it’ll  keep  that  information  until  it  proves  useful.    )
“    you  love  him,    &.    he  loves  you.    ”    a  statement  discerned  from  the  worried  looks,    the  tender  touches──    it  raises  its  sword  higher,    stalks  closer    &.    closer  to  the  traveler  as  it  speaks.    “    how  gracious  the  fates  are,    to  allow  him  such  happiness.    thank  celestia  above,    indeed,    that  a  sinner  can  still  hope  to  gain  their  favor.    ”    bitterness    &.    anger    &.    envy  laces  rubedo’s  voice,    his  laugh.    “    is  it  selfish,    to  ask  for  the  same?    to  ask  for  salvation?    ”
is  it  too  much  to  ask  for?    he  tilts  his  head  at  sol,    expression  vacant    &.    cold.    (    to  a  lesser  man,    it  would  send  shivers  down  their  spine.    )    its  blade  tremors,    either  from  anger  or  uncontrollable  sadness,    it  doesn’t  know.    how  easy  would  it  be,    to  come  closer,    to  see  the  way  their  eyes  hesitate?    it  wants  to  see  the  way  the  traveler  will  raise  their  sword  with  grim  determination,  wondering  if  they  can  kill  the  spitting  image  of  their  beloved.    “    don’t  mistake  my  words.    i  care  naught  for  you,    or  for  the  rest  of  this  forsaken  land.    but  i  would  like  to  see  why  he  does,    pretend  that  i  can  understand.    ”
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archivedprncples · 2 years
@heavenlyprinciples​  said:    the  blade  is  heavy  in  his  hands,  aimed  right  above  pristine  throat  with  knuckles  clenched  tight.    had  it  been  a  different  life,  childe  thinks,  maybe  it  wouldn’t  have  ended  up  this  way.    but  monsters  don’t  get  happy  endings;  &.  that  is  what  claws  his  chest  into  pieces  as  ayato  stirs,  what  makes  him  smile.    cold  &.  lifeless    —    there  is  no  joy  to  be  had  here.      ❛    why  did  you  do  it?    ❜     it  asks,  voice  as  soft  a  murmur  as  the  ones  they  shared  beneath  inazuma’s  soft  falling  petals.      ❛    why  did  you  let  me  into  your  home?    ❜
like  placing  yourself  in  the  jaws  of  a  beast,  praying  it  wouldn’t  bite  down.    this  is  that  moment,  that  childe  has  always  dreaded.    the  knife  hangs  still  in  the  air    —    one  small  misstep  from  either  of  them,  &.  it  will  drive  home.    disgustingly  easy,  childe  thinks.    it  makes  his  stomach  churn  in  delight  &.  in  horror.    a  monster  through  &.  through,  it  seems;  he  laughs,  cruel  &.  hurting.      ❛    why  did  you  trust  me?    ❜
i  was  a  fool  for  ever  believing  in  you.
Keep reading
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archivedprncples · 2 years
anyways i hate that i have to make a post about this but seeing as he is back in the rpc, please don’t interact with me if you follow @/nastrond. he’s been called out before for whitewashing (when approached about this, he didn’t apologize & instead got his friends to dogpile & defend him), blatant misgendering of a trans woman (& accusing her of being a trans fetishist), & consistent theft from other content creators. i do not want him anywhere near me or this blog.
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archivedprncples · 2 years
❪    ♡    :    𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐧.    ❫​​​
ultraviolet  silence.    lying  can  no  longer  save  them;  not  when  they’re  backed  into  a  corner,  suddenly  robbed  of  any  defense  &.  refute.    (    there’s  something  dainsleif  had  once  told  them,  just  before  they  were  used  as  just  another  stepping  stone  to  an  end:  disguise  their  true  nature,  deceive  others  by  any  means  necessary  if  it  meant  preserving  it’s  well - being.    )    it  wishes  they  could’ve  stayed  true  to  that  warning.    but  what’s  the  point  anyway?    anyone  could  see  through  it,  no  matter  how  much  they  practice  solitude.    the  color  of  their  blood,  their  resilience  to  rot  &.  surviving  attempted  bloodshed    —    it’s  seen  the  way  people  have  looked  at  them.    it’s  seen  the  awe.    more  importantly,  it’s  seen  the  fear.
(    ah,  but  childe  is  an  exception  to  a  lot,  aren’t  they?    sol  still  recalls  a  time  when  their  cascade  had  been  a  little  too  sudden,  couldn’t  quite  maneuver  their  body  to  anticipate  the  impact.    falling,  falling,  falling  until  there  was  a  crack,  a  sudden  shrill  from  fractured  marrow.    then  there  was  nothing  at  all.    there  was  nothing  for  several  moments,  maybe  even  minutes  until  they  finally  ‘roused,  blood  dried  &.  congealed  in  their  hair.    &.  then  there  was  childe,  not  too  far  away,  watching  this  divine  abomination  rise  from  what  would’ve  been  permanent  demise.    it  was  hard  to  pinpoint  the  look  on  his  face.    but  whatever  it  was,  it  was  too  ecstatic  for  comfort.    it  was  like  it  discovered  some  newfound  resolve.    )
the  corner  of  their  mouth  twitches  &.  so  do  their  fingers.    they  refuse  to  confirm  it’s  suspicions,  so,  they  deflect,  just  like  they  always  do.     ❝    that’s  funny,  because  you’re  one  to  talk  about  feigning  humanity.    ❞    it  says,  far  too  biting  than  they  meant  it  to  be,  but  they  don’t  entirely  feel  bad  about  that.    the  harbinger  is  no  fool,  &.  neither  is  the  traveler.    they  know  the  corrode  of  that  godless  land  when  they  see  it.    ❝    after  all,  you’re  not  quite  human  either.    ❞
(    𝐢𝐭’𝐬  𝐚𝐥𝐥  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫  𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭  childe  needs.    do  they  think  themselves  clever?  maybe  they  do;    &.    that  gets  him  to  play  along.    )    he  laughs  at  the  sol’s  statement,    loud    &.    hearty.    his  ribs  ache  at  the  mere  motion.    “    what  gave  it  away?    was  it  my  alternate  form?    ”    they  mock,    “    did  the  otherworldly  nature  of  it  tip  you  off?    ”    they  give  themself  time  for  one  last  chuckle,    before  they  look  back  at  sol  with  a  smile  blazing    &.    cold  at  the  same  time.    i  will  delight  in  picking  you  apart  with  it,    it  promises,    &.    i  will  do  it  as  many  times  as  i  am  allowed.  
perhaps,    sated  for  now──    there’s  something  like  peace  that  finally  settles  the  tension  between  them,    even  as  childe  ponders  over  the  new  information  presented  to  it  on  a  silver  platter.    the  traveler  is  no  human,    but  that  much  he’s  already  suspected;    it’s  the  near  admittance,    the  deflection  that  makes  him  giddy.    “    if  you  won’t  tell  anyone  my  secret,    i  won’t  tell  anyone  you  bleed  gold    &.    come  back  from  the  dead,    ”    it  promises  anyways.    not  like  anyone  would  believe  either  of  them.    “    people  already  suspect  me,    &.    i’d  rather  not  be  dragged  back  into  the  tianquan’s  office.    ”
what  was  it  she  called  him?    a  ruthless  machine  at  the  tsaritsa’s  beck    &.    call;    if  it  had  not  spent  months  scrutinizing  the  gossip  surrounding  itself,    it  would’ve  brushed  the  notion  aside.    (    he’s  not  worried  about  the  people;    no,    many  cities  build  upon  the  foundations  of  ruined  civilizations  three  times  over.    but  such  attention  from  the  gods    [ ... ]    )    they  offer  a  small  dollop  of  water,    suspended  in  the  air    &.    reflecting  the  light  of  millions  of  coins  around  them,    like  a  peace  offering  to  a  parched  man.
“    shall  we  call  it  a  rest  for  today  then,    comrade?    ”
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archivedprncples · 2 years
“    𝐢  𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫  𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝  𝐲𝐨𝐮  𝐭𝐨  say  yes  to  my  offer.    ”    metal  claws  delicately  reach  for  the  wine  bottle,    reading  over  the  lines  of  text  written  on  it  with  an  appraising  eye.    “    considering  you’ve  been  banned  from  snezhnaya  by  her  imperial  majesty    [ ... ]    well,    i  thought  i  wouldn’t  be  allowed  to  step  past  the  doors  of  your  estate,    master  diluc.    ”  
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they  both  know  the  things  left  unsaid;    his  father’s  death    &.    his  hatred  for  the  perpetrators  behind  it  are  hard  to  miss,    &.    her  knowing  look  is  only  a  confirmation  of  the  fact.    “    perhaps  it’s  rude  of  me  to  assume,    but  i  do  wonder  if  you  have  a  motive  behind  this.    ”
@reignsvir​​​.    /    go  homewrecker  go
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archivedprncples · 2 years
@viatorn​​ @viatorn​ @viatorn​ @viatorn​ 
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thanks ayato
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archivedprncples · 2 years
❪    ♡    :    𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭.    ❫​
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he gives her the time she needs to answer the question, wary in the way she smiles / wary in the way it feels too similar to some past situations. he stands unmoving as the very earth, steady and patient until her voice breaks the silence. expression hardens at question, eyes glaring intensely until he closes his eyes to keep the emotions at bay. does he know how to hunt… ❛  that depends on what i’m hunting. i’m not new to the occasional hunt of birds or boars. ❜  he opens his eyes to look at her, almost confident in the guess of what her answer might be. ❛  what would i be hunting?  ❜
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“    𝐨𝐡,    𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫  𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝  𝐛𝐞  𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭  fine.    ”    she’s  well  aware  of  her  own  capabilities;    of  claws  hidden  underneath  her  skin,    of  her  fangs  that  protrude  past  normality.    but    [ ... ]    ah,    it’s  intrigue  that  tempts  her  into  setting  it  aside.    perhaps  it’s  no  better  than  arlecchino’s  orphanages  or  dottore’s  labs.    “    i  promise  that  i’ll  compensate  you  well  for  the  bounty.    i’m  simply    [ ... ]    a  bit  hungry.    ”    boar  heart  will  do,    at  the  very  least.    (    she  can  go  hunting  for  some  real  food  later.    )    “    i  trust  that  we’ve  come  to  an  agreement,    then,    yes?    ”
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archivedprncples · 2 years
❪    ♡    :    𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬𝐯𝐢𝐫.    ❫​​
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There is no triumph felt at the discovery and the soul pulses an ugly hurt  ( the weight is heavy as it settles in his throat as a visceral thorn without grazing wound, moot in its complaint for there are no visible blemishes to the eye  /  the anger is there nonetheless, unrestrained and viscous in its mind clogging thickness ).
❝ I am unsure as to how that excuses the secrecy, ❞  he responds with an iciness unbecoming to a known lover, mouth pursed while his gaze remains on the charlatan despite the desire to no longer see him, to look away.  ❝ Why should I… ? ❞   Composure remains even as the warmth that unkindly lingered under the sting calls for him to budge at the plea, pliant at the sight of the desperation and…  well, it wouldn’t do to overthink things  ( but what was there to overthink when the pain seemed to be echoed in full in his partner’s face ?  what was there to question ?  the sincerity ).   I don’t like seeing you upset.
He feels nauseatingly dizzy.
❝ I do not believe there is anything you could say. ❞
vincent  flexes  his  hands,    almost  misses  the  feel  of  his  polearm  in  them    /    already  misses  the  feel  of  diluc  holding  them  close.    he  takes  one  breath,    two,    &.    already  knows  what  he  has  to  confess.    (    did  you  know  there  was  a  girl  before  you?    she  broke  my  soul  into  pieces,    there  was  nothing  left  for  me  afterwards.    )    “    i  didn’t  really  have  a  choice,    in  the  matter.    ”  
he  laughs  dryly  at  the  thought,    humorless    &.    empty.    as  if  the  fatui  gave  people  choices.    “    i  wasn’t  really--    well,    did  you  think  i’d  willingly  do  anything  with  them?    ”    i  wasn’t  truly  living  then--    not  like  i  am  now,    here.    he  pushes  his  hair  back  with  his  free  hand,    prays  to  whichever  god  out  there  that  they  aren’t  trembling.    (    they  are.    )    “    it  was    [ ... ]    a  bad  decision,    during  a  bad  time.    ”
&.    it’s  spiralled  out  of  control  ever  since,    he  supposes.    “    i  can’t  exactly  just  break  off  contact  with  them,    either.    i  mean    [ ... ]    you  remember  what  i  told  you?    ”    he  waves  at  himself.    “    i’m  not  exactly  in  fighting  shape.    so  i  just  [ ... ]    ”
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he  trails  off  then,    realizes  all  the  words  he’s  said.    he  looks  back  at  diluc,    &.    quietly,    “    i  took  the  coward’s  choice.    ”
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archivedprncples · 2 years
❪    ♡    :    𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.    ❫​​​
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     whereas childe leans back, sora leans forward to get a better glance at the waters below, eyes squinting to see if the action will make it easier to stop any potentially hungry fish. not that sora didn’t enjoy fishing ( especially since he hasn’t actually had the chance to do it in so long! ) but the patience required for the hobby.. it’s never been his strongest suit. ❛  your dad taught you? my dad taught me! he’d take me out on his boat and show me all kinda techniques.. but i never really got the hang of it.  ❜ or rather — sora simply preferred to just jump in the water and swim with the fish!      ❛  do you know any fishing techniques? any i can show my dad? or are they.. secret fishing techniques? i won’t tell him if they are — i’m the best secret keeper on the islands.  ❜
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“    𝐨𝐡,    𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭  𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲,    𝐢  𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰  plenty!    but  i’m  afraid  that    [ ... ]    they  probably  won’t  work  here,    at  least  on  the  islands.    ”    childe  rubs  the  back  of  his  neck  with  his  free  hand,    the  other  holding  tight  to  his  fishing  rod.    snezhnaya  is,    after  all,    a  whole  lot  different  than  this.    where  does  it  even  begin?    maybe  with  the  giant  ice  saw  they  use,    or  how  to  test  for  weak  ice,    but  it  really  doesn’t  think  sora  will  need  it.    “    you’ve  probably  never  heard  of  it,    either.    ice  fishing  isn’t  really  common  in  warmer  places.    ”
&.    with  how  the  boy  gets  with  the  cold,    it  doubts  that  he’ll  ever  swing  by  for  childe  to  teach  him  properly!
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