arcane-artisan · 1 year
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@terranlloyd Look what I found in my tumblr drafts
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arcane-artisan · 1 year
A tangled ball of red strings
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Who are you without the company of others? You aren’t sure, but you know that you aren’t fond of whoever it is. You are an actor, a pretty face and a pleasant song. Many idolize you, or love you, but you can never be sure of how sincere it is. Your heart is buried under the letters they leave you, sealed with a kiss. It can’t be untangled from the red strings they’ve attached to you. You deserve to find something, someone, true and faithful to hold your heart in place. You don’t have to be everything to everyone.
The Quiz
Tagged by: @terranlloyd
Tagging: @maxparkhurst @lesathoart @heartpiercer @thestarsfury
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
I had a dream of someday getting enough friends to try Acquisitions Inc mood roleplay. Since moving to MG and starting anew, it might be a good time once I break in again….
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
Kitty scritches
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
I’ll be straightforward. I do not know when I’ll return to WoW Rp. Not only on principle but also there’s literally no incentive because all my RP friends have also bailed. I’ll be keeping my eye on the state of Warcraft and I hope to return someday may it be sooner or later.
For the meantime
Same sporadic activity.
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
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Monk Kiersa (keersa in game). I faction changed for her on WrA and working on a MG version tbh. I’m kind of craving some pve and I figure I can cover tanking and healing with better melee with a monk along with hunter.
Still looking for a regular group. I just want to avoid pugs and lfg.
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
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Peralestis and Ephaeril, twins who both went different ways in the Outlands.  Half-brothers from Kiersa’s elf-side.
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
two big lore police moments:
- a guildmaster saying I couldn’t play a half elf because they were too rare and it would lead people to role playing dragons.
- someone went onto my devianart picture of a felblood oc to lecture me that ALL felbloods were dead and no one can Rp one.
And now Kiersa is a half-elf with a felblood half-brother. 💅
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
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It’s different shoulder mog time.
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
Technology is one of the topics that’s difficult to even attempt to police because you cannot compare the passage of technological development in a fantasy setting to irl development. Especially if the fantasy technology is developed alongside wizard magic.
Goblin inventor is both a very logical and clever solution.
Someone once whispered me on Kira and told me how her having a revolver was against lore, as the Colt wasn’t introduced until blah blah blah by blah blah blah and it was wrong for her to have one.  I posted about it on my old tumblr, and a blood elf mutual told me fuck it, his goblin Gerund Coltboom was responsible for inventing it, and if someone had a problem, they could take it up with him. I wish I could remember the poster.  Sometimes, the WoW community can be made of awesome. (I want to say he was in the Sunguard on Moon Guard, but my memory is crap)
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
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Stranglethorn Bonfire Bash Art Fight - Week 2: Refreshments
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
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STVBB 21 Team Activities~
Dune fun with @mozelledeliond and @abighail-stalsworth 
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
Some Questions-- Kiersa
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Name: Kiersa
Alias/Nicknames: The Ologist, Artificer
Artificing (ofc)
Magic Schools: Divination, Transmutation, Conjury
Alignment:  lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil
Religion: Not really. 
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Thalassian, Common 
Family: Peralestis and Ephaeril Brightsorrow (half-brothers), Dra’danos Brightsorrow (Father), Marethe Todd (mother)
Friends: Morrowgrove, Valorian Songheart, Abighail Stalsworth, Terran Lloyd (fiance), Hotspur (Doggo),  A’zhaan (mentor and business partner)
Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other 
Relationship Status: single / partnered / engaged / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other
Hair: white / blonde / brown / red / black / other (Rose Gold)
Eyes: brown / blue (some High Elvish glowy)  / gray / green / black / other 
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other
Height: 5′5″
Scars: None
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future
Songs that remind you of them:
1. Empire and Hard to Kill - Beth Crowley 
2. Pure Imagination Fiona Apple
3. Love Fool - The Cardigans 
4. Work B*tch - Britany Spears (lol)
tagged by : @bad-rper
Tagging: @terranlloyd @maxparkhurst @alexandria-morrowgrove​ @auggieparkhurst​ @the-elderarrow​ @abighail-stalsworth​ 
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
🍵 mages.
It’s been one of the categories of RP I’ve had the most enjoyment in purely for the academic adventures and opportunities because of unexplored and explored potential.
Big BUT here—
Mages, being the powerhouses that they are, attract the most egomaniacal manbaby rpers only behind DKs and HMPs. 
If you into a fight with one of these kinds of RPers, get ready for a playground fight where you’re going to end up only arguing ooc because of the amount of magical asspulls. Spells are versatile, but just because a mage logically can do a lot of things doesn’t mean they should do it, on RP principle. Situationally, and out of consideration, someone should gauge how detrimental being so Super Powerful can be to other RPers. But no. Some mages just run, nay, casually walk into a battle and cast mass freeze on everyone, then berate other people for being too weak to handle a situation (this happened).
Kiersa’s dislike of haughty Mage windbags is practically projection from me. I-I can’t put it into words how much of a drag certain mage Rpers are where everything they do is condescending or... boring. Good mage RP can go bad, easily. The environment takes pride in smarter and academic RP, but it facilitates long and overly verbose responses-- and then 15 minutes of my time is wasted for something that could’ve been said in 5.  Too many substitute quality of writing with empty paragraphs to get greater quantity, the meat of which is a generous bombardment of Adverbs and Adjectives. I’m going to add this isn’t during an essential period of imagery and action and little dialogue. This is in response in casual conversation.
Mage RP is fun, but people need to really read the room while RPing it. And then some people just RP it to be powerful.
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