arabsexed · 1 year
Dude don't leave us
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arabsexed · 2 years
hey this is same girl with the down syndrome relative
i’m doing an update to tell you that he just took his phone and tried to film me while i was in the bathroom and tried to slide his phone underneath the door two times and no matter what i tell to everyone they’ll say that he doesn’t know and he’s a sick person (due to his ds) 😀😀
I’m so sorry this is happening 😵‍💫😵‍💫 what a horrifying experience. I hope you got to leave their house by now!
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arabsexed · 2 years
عندي سؤال ، الدودو توني مخلصه منها قبل اسبوعين بس بعدها زادت الشهوه عندي وصرت اسوي العاده السريه مرتين الى اربع مرات باليوم سواءً بالمويه او بيدي وصار يطلع دم ونفسس الم الدوره ، هل هذا طبيعي ولالا لاني خايفه شوي
الوصول للنشوة ممكن يسبب انقباضات في العضلات اللي ممكن تساعد في اخراج بقايا دم من الدورة السابقة
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arabsexed · 2 years
تقول لا يمكن لشريكي معرفة عذريتي او لا
فهمني لم افهم🥺
اكتب/ي vh في خانة البحث وراح تلاقي اجوبه كثير عن الموضوع
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arabsexed · 2 years
After trying no nut for a few days the difference is huge regarding the colour and quantity of the cum .
But is there actual benefit for not nuting ?
There are said to be various physical and mental benefits from taking a break like sharper concentration and focus, improved sperm quality, better sleep etc.
You should look into it
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arabsexed · 2 years
I love gay and I’m in KSA what should I do?
Live your life.. discreetly?
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arabsexed · 2 years
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arabsexed · 2 years
طيب عندي سوال كيف اقدر امارس الجنس الشرجي بدون خروج براز عشان مايحرجني؟
تنظيف الشرج بالماي وتجنب الاكل اللي ممكن يمشي البطن
وما تنسى انه شي طبيعي ومع انه محرج فهو متوقع اغلب الاحيان ولو شريكك حسسك بالاحراج فهو المشكلة
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arabsexed · 2 years
I really don't mind my GF pubes I love her how she are , but I get bothered by the feeling of hair, the sound, sometimes hair in my mouth and the view I can't see.
Don't know what to say without sounding bad and hurt her feelings .
What should I do?
It’s important to feel comfortable enough with your partner to talk about things like this.
You could bring it up by asking her what one thing she wants you to do / change in the bedroom and then tell her yours.
Discuss compromise because it’s also important to respect her boundary if she not comfortable with hair removal
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arabsexed · 2 years
ارغب الجنس واستمتع وانبسط ، لكن تصادفني كلمات او حتى صوتي الداخلي بان اللي اسويه يعتبر تدني احترام الذات وما احط قيمة لنفسي مدري الكلام صح ولا هذي افكار رسخها فينا المجتمع
اكيد اكيد افكار رسخها فينا المجتمع
حاول أو حاولي تفكر بالموضوع من جانب محايد ومنطقي.. ايش الشي اللي يقلل من قيمتك في الموضوع؟ خاصة وانه شي جداً سري وخاص ومحد ممكن يعرف عنه وأهم شي انه جداً طبيعي
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arabsexed · 2 years
Lately i’ve been doing sex cam with my partner and I’m enjoying it but I can’t seem to orgasm at all. My legs literally shake and suddenly I get nervous whenever I feel his eyes focusing on me. Do you think it’s the anxiety or just being shy? I honestly want to have fun.. so if you dont mind giving me tips.
From your description, it does sound like it's just nerves or shyness.. Also when your legs shake, then you probably reached orgasm and just need to not stop to get to the release point. The tips or advice I would give you is to probably just try to be more comfortable with yourself and with the idea of his eyes focusing on you.. Or you could look away, ask him to look away, or turn off your cameras when you're almost there and things like that
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arabsexed · 2 years
Is it normal that I can’t cum during sex no matter what my bf does? I can’t cum unless I’m masturbating
It's very common since you know exaccttlyy what would make you orgasm while being with your boyfriends would need lots of communication, vulnerability and comfort. It's not necessarily a bad thing - sex isn't entirely about reaching orgasm, but it can sure make it more fun. If you want to cum during sex, you should communicate your needs, what works with you and what doesn't, and don't hesitate to stimulate yourself during too!
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arabsexed · 2 years
Hello lovelies
I just had vaginal sex with a guy and once we were done i started feeling some discharge leaving my vagina into the surface i was sitting on. Is it okay? He was wearing a condom and i assume it can’t be his semen leaking.
It sounds like it's your own discharge
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arabsexed · 2 years
is it still sexual assault if its from my relative (really close one) that has down syndrome? i don’t feel comfortable at all and he touches me very often and he also يلصق فيني من الجنب (عمداً يوم يمشي جنبي) and i dont kneo if its valid or not because of DS :/ and i dont have another choice but to live with the same house as his (for a month at least)
I’m so sorry this happened to you. Yes, anyone can be a predator - It’s absolutely valid. 
It’s worth noting that some people with Down Syndrome tend to have a little less of a clue about personal space or what’s acceptable and what isn’t, however, if they are properly taught, they learn that certain behaviors are not acceptable. 
I would urge you to make it clear to him that what he’s doing is NOT okay, or talk to his caretaker or your other family members about it to talk to him about it. This is in no way to justify his actions, but he might have never been taught not to act on sexual impulses or respecting personal space.
I hope you speak up and that nothing else happens during the rest of your time at their house.
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arabsexed · 2 years
Does cum actually will taste different after being on pineapple diet or it's a myth
Yeah, absolutely! Your diet affects the taste and potency of cum and body sweat/oder
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arabsexed · 2 years
انا بنت وامارس الاستمناء السطحي واستمتع بالنشوة اللي اوصل لها، بس قريت انو التعود على طريقة معينة في الاستمناء ممكن يأثر على الوصول للنشوة بطرق ثانية، هل هذا صحيح؟ وهل في طرق للوصول للنشوة من غير ايلاج؟
التأثير يكون لأنك راح تتعودين على طريقة ورتم محدد بس ما يعتبر مشكلة لأن اصلا اغلب البنات يوصلون للتنشوة من خلال البظر
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arabsexed · 2 years
Hello dear, first off i love your blog and really appreciate what you’re doing to help educate ppl about sex. Just wanted to get your feedback on female hygiene products such as femfresh.. etc. Do you support using them?
Thank you so much!
These products can mess up your vagina's natural pH levels and cause infections and a wide array of issues - it's best to avoid them.
The vagina is a self-cleansing organ, you don't need any products to clean it from the inside. And from the outside, all you need is water and pat it dry once you're done to avoid humidity and harmful bacteria. You can use any cleansing products you wish on the outside outside area in your pubic area, like your inner thighs or pubic bone area since the skin is different and less sensitive.
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