aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
American Hero
Meet BuzzFeed’s greatest employee.
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
Hungry girl problems & don't know where to eat #nflkickoff give me a snickers #lol #comedy #nfl #pitchsmash
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
Girls when they're hungry & don't know where to eat #nflkickoff give me a snickers #lol #nfl #comedy #pitchsmash
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
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Started with me talking about Treach 😋 after seeing #growinguphiphop @tee.air.rahhh still need a answer 😉
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
#maybeyoushould know #lennykravitz pants #Ateitup Ballin! #lol #omg #followforfollow #summer lovin
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
#greedy pregame for dinner #snacklife microwave taking too long #ComedyVine #LOL #fail #comedy
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
Yasss chick-fil-A in NYC #chickfila Chick-fil-A #ComedyVine #lol #comedy
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
Dear Tumblr Diary,
Today a young gent asked “what brings you to Tinder” my reply “the usual looking for love in all the wrong places”  Another fellow messaged and asked if I fully read his profile. My 1st first thought was people use words on the Tinder??   So I read his profile to find out he’s into kink. I get them in my neck but I know nothing about this fetish stuff or how deep some people are into this stuff. April immediately wanted to shut this convo down and keep swipin. However, the comedian said girl get more info we can use this for material! Comedian April also hasn’t been laid so I question her motives.  
Signing off
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
#mariahcarey walk of fame #edit #revine
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
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Clockin out! Goodnight!
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
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People always ask me, why you single girl? This sums up the laws of attraction in my life. I send off vibes to the universe screaming YAASSS weirdos, I’m into it! This wigged up fur trimmed one pot hanging decoration gent is just looking for love in my OKC inbox. But in the words of Suzie Orman #denied. I shalt wait.
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
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Fitted sheets never get easy!
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
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My life as Document Specialist...
I was in college, and found the perfect job to fit my hangover schedule.  I was a statistic, freshman year had a Major in Undecided a Minor in Parties & Bullshit.  I needed cash to fulfill these elusive dreams so I applied to a company I think was called Docu-Tech? Whatever close enough.  The company provided mass copying service for major corporations that were mostly involved in some lawsuit and needed documents for trials, a lot boring confidential paperwork. The office was was open 24 hours a day, so I accepted the position as a Document Specialist.  You had to make sure everything was stapled and labeled like the originals. Pretty sure this copy girl I mean Document Specialist had a vital role in whether companies won or lost their cases.  RIP Johnny Cochran.
I loved my random work schedule you could come in and leave whenever you wanted. There were several times I’d come straight from da club to work.  5am still in my finest club dress from Strawberry making those copies with my headphones up, the DJ never stopped playing my song. #hollabackgirl By noon the adrenaline and hangover momentum would crash, it was time to clock out and go to class for naptime.
I was living the dream at 19 and surprisingly I did graduate! Took a little longer than it should have but as a career student I learned a lot about life along the way plus I had BOSS job title.  Just like saying “in bed” after reading fortune cookies add “specialist” after whatever you do.
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aprilsnachos-blog · 9 years
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Can’t stop LOLing
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