apple-eyez · 1 year
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Sorry I’ve been so dead, I’ve been doing a lot of stuff outside of tumblr so I haven’t had much time to post and I’ve been fixated on a lot of other things as of recent-
I’m really proud of these and I hope y’all love them as much as I do!
This is what happens when you fixate on 2 things at once and have the idea to combine them-
Also, idk if I’ll really do much with this au since these were just for fun, buuuut we’ll see-
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apple-eyez · 1 year
“ dont worry neighbour, you’ll wake up any moment now. “
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apple-eyez · 1 year
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I just think they’re neat!!!
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apple-eyez · 1 year
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Vampire puppet :)
(Welcome Home! is by @partycoffin please go support them!! They’re art is really cool!!!)
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apple-eyez · 1 year
Merchandise Guide!
I think, as time Passes And I experience a wave of new items I must address, that I will do so accordingly and place them up for others to see! (I Am very new to this, So Please Bare with me!) But for those inquiring about this, I will address it as follows! Please do NOT BUY or SELL anything with Welcome Home's name attached in any way, NOR any of its characters, (Wally Darling, Frank Frankly, Home, etc!) I presently am not involved with ANYONE in regards to merchandise at this moment in time. I need to organize my side of things at the moment, until then I do not have plans for merchandise! Please respect my copyright and the pace at which I must currently sustain.
If you have found skins for sale on websites such as Roblox or VR, they are unauthorized and I will work on removing them at my own pace. I do not mind if models or skins are made, as long as they are given away freely to others and are not sold.
My Fan Merch policy may change as I actually begin creating Welcome Home, but at this moment in time I ask for you NOT to sell or buy merchandise of Welcome Home on places like Etsy, RedBubble, conventions, etc. I will work on removing them at my own pace. (I am very sorry to do this, but to see folks so quickly move to profit off of my work is very strange.) Even if it is for yourself on larger sticker or shirt websites, please make it yourself and do not have it listed publicly to be sold and bought by others.
Please do not sell images or characters that have Welcome Home attached to their inspiration (I only ask that you remove the title, 'Welcome Home!' I don't mind that they are inspired, but Welcome Home is very important to me, please do not attach it to your work to sell characters!) This includes fan-created games, adoptable characters, and AU projects.
Also if you are a company (Similarly to the likes of Hot Topic, you know) You may NOT sell Welcome Home Merchandise of any kind. Again, I am not involved with anyone at the moment in regards to merchandise, please respect the pace at which I handle this newfound workload.
HOWEVER, I think I am fine if you commission One-off pieces from other ARTISTS. (Small plushes, tattoo designs, crotchet works, etc!) As long as they are not sold in mass supply or advertised as such! I do not consent to my characters being sent to plush-making websites and businesses. I do not consent to my artwork being sent through sticker or shirt-making websites as well. I also don't mind if you make it for yourself or your friends, too! Or even make it for yourself! Thank you all for respecting my restrictions and time!
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apple-eyez · 1 year
Apologies if this has already been asked, but how do you feel about fanart for your Welcome Home project? Is there any dos/don'ts to keep in mind?
Hmm, Yes I think so! I will say this Right now because I must return to Working on art!
I would love to see your Fan Art! I am so grateful Folks would make it and I would Be happy to Reblog/Retweet it! Please feel Free to Tag me, as Welcome Home does not have a Tag circulating! (Wahaha, there is a Bit of a Slow down at the Moment because I have so Much to Sort through, so If I do not See it Right away, I apologize!) But You may do as you like with some exceptions! If you would like to peruse the Works Others have made for me, you may peruse my Tumblr here! -> https://partycoffin.tumblr.com/tagged/welcomeh I have Seen a Question about Shipping, so go Ahead, I do not mind! It will be Exciting for individuals, I hope, to see how everyone's Relationship become Realized as the Story Blooms! Additionally, I do not mind Original Characters either! ( I know Many have asked, so I decided I would Place it here!) After all, what is a Playfellow Neighbor but a Delightful Physical self and a Beautiful Home? I would also say please Feel Free to Cosplay these characters, Wear their faces as Icons, Utilize assets from the website For fun, and create physical creations of any Sort for yourself! However! Please do not Sell anything with them, Of Course! Additionally, Please do not spread old conceptual artwork (Prior to January 2021!) Beyond this blog! (Thank you so much!) I would Say be Mindful of what you are producing if you are Putting in Horror Elements, too! Be courteous of others, You Know? I would Also Ask if you are writing fiction, creating animatics, scripts, or comics that it is alright! However, please do not Send them to me! I am still working on Welcome Home, even as we are in its Prologue, I do not want to take others Speculation! (Additionally, Please do not send me Speculation, Wahaha!) I also ask now NOT to create fan games at this moment in time! (I have just begun to create Welcome Home, and I would like to tell its story first before any fan-related stories are made in such a medium!) As I have seen this question too so I am Also placing it here, please DO NOT Publicly post NSFW artwork! I still need to think about If I am alright with it so early on! (Plus, I would hate for it to be Posted by Anyone without some sort of Protective tag for Younger individuals to block or Stay out of!) Thank you so so Much!
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apple-eyez · 1 year
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Happy (probably late) bday @partycoffin! I hope you’re having a great one! 🍎❤️
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apple-eyez · 1 year
O-ho whats this? Another art idea to add to my already fuckatron copius amount of art stuff to draw and bury myself in? Why yes. Yes it is--
Anyways, Fashion puppets anyone?
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Im gonna draw the cast in clothes based on a color until I complete the lgbtq flag because what is Welcome Home if not a home for the queer
And i started with the color orange because I hate the color and have to cope with it trial by exposure therapy
Here's the others:
Wally || Julie || Frank || Eddie || Barnaby || Poppy || Howdy
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apple-eyez · 1 year
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Fake Welcome Home screenshots I made
(Posted on Tik Tok, Instagram, and Twitter too)
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apple-eyez · 1 year
*poINTS* !!!!/POS
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Art trade with @apple-eyez !!
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apple-eyez · 1 year
Hey Welcome Home Fandom!
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Why you should never put your discord in public. They made the choice to out themself. They were being transphobic and outright did not respect Clown. Fuck 'em up.
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apple-eyez · 1 year
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Wally as an octoling!!! <3
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apple-eyez · 1 year
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Keep reading
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apple-eyez · 1 year
i love you analouge horror i love you deep intricate backstories i love you grainy footage and horrible audio i love you camera footage i love you actors and voice actors i love you animation i love you args i love you hidden websites and videos i love you analog horror
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apple-eyez · 1 year
I think I should say one last item, I feel as though my writing was not understood- I do not think I can be on here either for awhile.
Please remember not to reprimand others on my behalf, I know the intentions but its not worth your anger and time. I think focus on being kind to others instead, having fun with you and yours! (I will figure it out, do not worry!)
Additionally, my post was not to set new boundaries on work- (What has happened has happened, you know?) It was just writing. Everything is the same, as it is displayed on my pinned post!
Thank you!
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apple-eyez · 1 year
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I have a Welcome Home oc now-
Have his shitty concept art.
I gave him a tail later on-
His name's Austin! I'll likely re-color his belt/patch to match better, but-
He's a wee lil farm boy
And by wee lil farm boy I mean 6'2 stronk himbo gardener that really loves his basil plants.
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Lil dopey golden retriever boi
I love him dearly
Fun fact, he's got one big ol red eye under that mane of his- working on trying to get some sort of scary lookin' work of him done.
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And with Wally because why not-
Not to scale in the slightest- Wally is literally less than half his height 💀
Not a ship
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apple-eyez · 1 year
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i’ve been sucked into a new hyperfixation ☎️
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