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waimumuwai · 4 months ago
2019 Massey University - Visual Communication Design
This was for the brief to make a website the invokes thought provocation for Climate Change.
All points that was covered with the execution of this brief and was ahead of its time. Good things take time and sometimes its not always the right time. Edited to make User Experience design (touch) friendly 2024 - DFW.
This was all information collected from American dispensaries, without the use of VPNs, in 2019 all done by myself and for myself.
This is an example on how too much international media influence can be a detrimental thing unless one knows how to properly navigate this, emotive and biased language are the indicators.
Cannabis can not be recreation ally legalized until our medical health care and racial biases are addressed.
How we treat our environment is how we treat our society, all of these steps have lasting consequences.
Aztec Calendar, Gregorian Calendar and Digital Age - DFW 2016
Is psychosis miscommunication...
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waimumuwai · 5 months ago
NZ Recycling -- Glass - Aluminum
The conversation of infrastructure is a prevalent problem and lacking conversation in New Zealand todays’ day and age, or at least not to the extent that the idea is required to be expanded on too the wider community. The recycling departments of glass and aluminum recycling and repurposment is a harsh reality we all need to wake up too, 10 cent collection is printed on all of the cans we drink out of readily yet our closest depot which executes this recycling of this material is in Australia, do we even ship our waste there.
Though our government and local government bodies are lacking, this is an easily enough addressed problem. The execution of this problem is the establishment of lacking infrastructures and industries, decreasing our dependence on bloating infrastructures that are sinking our economy, non renewable is not the resolution. If properly replenished financially these said industries could provide secure and feeding part time jobs for young youth to have whilst entering into tertiary education or providing stepping stones for those whom choose to abstain from tertiary for independent reasoning. Not limiting one role to one human being for the rest of their lives, providing diversity like our population and ecosystems.
However in order to tackle the idea and to establish more finical pathways in our economy we need to address the opinions that’s are associated to certain jobs. The opinion of lesser jobs or a source of income being a reflection of ones intellects takes away the idea that a source of income is that of choice. Jobs and sources of income are intertwined with big ideas in society, influenced by race and also the media, the Simpsons rubbish men and accents are an example of this being a perpetual problem in America alone. No Pigs… a sign that used to be depicted in bars and pubs in America to satirize Irish Immigrants and those that descend from the Isles.
Further examples of this are the narrative that are currently perpetrated against those that work in waste management and traffic control industries, Lollipop people. Those jobs and industries are places where qualifications are learnt on site, however should be redeemed through an apprenticeship that is offered by employers. If this problem is not properly addressed it is going further the issue of “pigeon holing” those that may feel and experience financial or educational insecurity because of a lack of these established and verified path ways.
The lacking element which adds to the feelings of insecurities is the non provided qualifications of independent educational providers, that are approved and upheld too governments educational standards, so non private or singular. This narrative can be applied to a variety of industries and jobs, such as office work, cleaners, hospitality and the list goes on. They are not properly acknowledged for their skills, thought processes and work executed further creating psychological insecurity. People may choose not to or be incapable of entering tertiary study in these or adjacent fields, as the qualification may not offer further trajectory or the burdens do not reap the rewards that are required, financial and time burdens are not worth the burdens qualification may reap, reward wise.
Further complexities with our current economy from a job distribution view is the heavy reliance on road works, though understandable for maintenance. Our lack of understanding on waste management, water works and pipe laying, inhibits New Zealand from hiring New Zealand citizens and residents for the infrastructural checks to our port industry, which New Zealand is heavily reliant on for a variety if reasons. New Zealand doesn’t need tunnels we need further expansion and maintenance too our ports without financially burdening us, its overdue now it the time our road men enter tertiary education now… Every cog in the machine needs to comprehensively understand the engine for this to be executed, physical and societal.
This idea is not a new one but further highlights our short comings when it comes too our waste management and consumption level in New Zealand. The lacking glass and aluminum recycling makes us heavily reliant on our import and exports to the point where it is blinding us, trade treaties and contracts. This can have a multitude of consequences, such us medication alliances, international conflict bullied in by trade and drug trafficking. All things that have detrimental side effects to a societies psychological health when trying to gain and maintain independence from a corrupted past.
The expansion of this waste management further sets up independent industries, evolving opportunities of New Zealanders to have a monopoly over our food production and waste management, both of these ideas work together interchangeably, decreasing the circus that is currently going on in the parliament. For these acts too go into through the correct pathways from local body to a national government body could take unto 15 years. This would require the correct education in all fields, of basic English for all New Zealanders, tackling our media issue. Then through communication too our communities, schools, posters and communicative initiatives it would be a collective set forwards. Why I believe Hilmorton hospital and all psychiatric hospitals should have a composting plan implemented into there infrastructure, our first step is green waste.
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