app1ebats · 2 days
Idk where this "Dick is an overbearing brother who never leaves his siblings alone" thing comes from because 10/10 it is the opposite. Y are we acting like Dick ignoring a text message does not trigger the unskippable cutscene of some jersey boy climbing through his window talkin bout "how come you don't love me anymore 🥺".
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app1ebats · 2 days
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They’ll get along sooner or later
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app1ebats · 2 days
Batman: WFA - Ep. 130 - Too Much to Lose
Stop this episode actually made me cry
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app1ebats · 2 days
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him 🤲
first one based on this
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app1ebats · 2 days
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big and litol wing art dump ^_^
here is the fic from the third one!!! go read it rn !!!!!!
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app1ebats · 2 days
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more of them lets goo!!!!
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app1ebats · 2 days
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got possessed. drew this. bon appetit
dont tag as ship!
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app1ebats · 2 days
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post patrol sleep 💤
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app1ebats · 12 days
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here's my dick pic collection
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app1ebats · 19 days
Feeling the angst
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app1ebats · 21 days
In Batman Under The Red Hood (movie), the leather jacket Jason wears after he comes back was an old one of Dicks, and he holds a grudge against Bruce for setting it on fire. Dick has no idea why his jackets, old and new, keep disappearing after that. Jason claims he has absolutely no idea how they keep ending up on the coat rack in his apartment after he’s back on good terms with the family
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app1ebats · 23 days
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This is so funny without context.
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app1ebats · 23 days
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app1ebats · 23 days
conner kent has INCREDIBLE self control, cause if i came back from being dead to find out Tim Drake tried to clone me 99 times because he missed me so much, i’d immediately make him my bride
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app1ebats · 23 days
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Inspired by Citrusy sweetness (sunlitlemonade)
- Or little Jason can't peel oranges properly, good thing he has a big brother for that.
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app1ebats · 23 days
Nightwing: You are a shitty person right now! You can't just talk to him?!
Batman: No! Because I didn't do anything!
Nightwing: You let the man's murderer walk, you threw at Bat a rang at him over just killing his murderer, and honestly Jason has brought up a lot of good points-
Batman: Fuck off he hasn't!
Wonder woman: Hey let's just calm down.
Nightwing: You're just going to ignore the fact that Jason may have a point? One! I'm not saying becoming a killer or anything, but he has every reason to be mad that the Joker hasn't been killed yet! The guy gets out every few years and then his defense is "I'm the joker I'm random!" He has no remorse for what he does! The whole clown schtick stopped being a schtick when he shot-
Batman: Finish the sentence and I will break your nose.
Nightwing: Oh so Barbara getting shot isn't something you want to talk about?
Batman: Don't you bring her into this.
Donna Troy: Hey, let's just take a breather. Step back and-
Nightwing: She is wheelchair bound because of that fucker! So don't you give me some bullshit speech about criminals should serve time over getting killed because the Joker is the one who deserves it! You didn't even let me kill him-
Batman punches Nightwing in the nose. Donna and Diana gasp. Nightwing chuckles, ignoring his bruised nose.
Nightwing: Yup.
Nightwing punches Batman in the nose, knocking the man to the ground.
Nightwing: We're both heated at the moment, so I'm going to go because I keep hitting you. You'll come around to reason, so I won't turn my back on you, but if you hit me like that again I won't hold back.
Nightwing leaves.
Donna: That was badass!
Wonder Woman stares at Donna for a second, shrugs and nods.
WW: Good hit too.
Donna: Yeah I'm gonna go talk to him, you handle... That.
Wonder Woman: On it.
Donna runs out while calling out to Nightwing.
Donna: Bluebird you can't go punching the guy!
Wonder Woman sighs, rubbing her forehead.
WW: Men, I swear. Are you good?
Batman: He- He caught me off guard.
WW: Yeah, maybe you shouldn't have punched him first. Now, do you want to apologize, you said a lot of awful things.
Batman: I would, but I'm not sorry.
WW: That makes things harder. Thanks for that.
Batman: No problem, can you help me up!
WW: Nah, you got this, but have you ever considered admitting you're wrong?
Batman lays on the ground, crossing his arms.
WW: You're worse than my father and he's Zeus.
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app1ebats · 23 days
So, Dick is in Gotham one night. He's not really sure why, but he's there, and he gets out of his car to help some old lady, and when he gets back, there's a kid trying to steal his tires.
Before Dick can say anything, they both proceed to get mugged. Dick goes ah fuck it and fights back because one of them tries to hit the kid. One guy almost gets a hit on him but the kid takes the tire iron and smacks the guy's knees in.
Dick looks at it all and he is so very tired and so he just looks at the kid like. You want food or something?
He asks because the kid looks...eerily like himself. Dark hair and blue eyes. Tiny. Their faces are different, of course, but for someone who didn't know, they could pass as brothers. He looks sad and lonely, just like Dick felt back then (just like he feels now)
The kid nods. No street kid will pass free food. And Dick isn't smacking him around either.
So Dick buys the kid food with the twenty dollars he had in his pocket. The kid eats like he is starving, and then promptly passes the fuck out on the seat of Dicks car because at least the heating works and he's full and comfortable and Dick goes wtf do I do now? Do I own him or what?
Anyways Robin was the name Dick's mom gave him. It's his to give forward. It's Nightwing and Robin now, bitches.
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