repeal fosta/sesta
93 posts
Horror/romance writer, fandom and original. Coiner of the term "amoric horror" for the opposite of paranormal romance: using romance tropes to tell a horror story. Left in 2018 after the ban, returned when it became clear FOSTA/SESTA was coming for the rest of the Internet too. An adult but anyone can follow.
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ao3bushwah 10 months ago
When you're unsuccessfully looking for something and start gradually increasing your It Could Be There range. Like yeah sure maybe the rice cooker pot is in the freezer, idk
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ao3bushwah 10 months ago
Hey btw, here's a piece of life advice:
If you know what you'd have to do to solve a problem, but you just don't want to do it, your main problem isn't the problem itself. Your problem is figuring out how to get yourself to do the solution.
If your problem is not eating enough vegetables, the problem you should be solving is "how do I make vegetables stop being yucky". If your problem is not getting enough exercise, the problem you should be solving is "how do I make exercise stop sucking ass". You're not supposed to just be doing things that are awful and suck all the time forever, you're supposed to figure out how to make it stop being so awful all the time.
I used to hate wearing sunscreen because it's sticky and slimy and disgusting and it feels bad and it smells bad, so I neglected to wear it even if I needed to. Then I found one that isn't like that, and doesn't smell and feel gross. Problem solved.
There is no correct way to live that's just supposed to suck and feel bad all the time. You're allowed to figure out how to make it not suck so bad.
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ao3bushwah 11 months ago
yolk inside the egg. racecar noise
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ao3bushwah 11 months ago
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ao3bushwah 11 months ago
Me on a bout of Reading Fanfic for 3 months: Wow, I鈥檓 being pretty selfish. I鈥檓 out here consuming everyone else鈥檚 hard work but contributing no fic for them to enjoy. This isn鈥檛 very fair.
Me on a bout of Writing Fanfic for 3 months: Wow, I鈥檓 being pretty selfish. I鈥檓 out here writing my stories and expecting people to read them, but I鈥檓 not putting in the effort to read and appreciate theirs. This isn鈥檛 very fair.
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ao3bushwah 11 months ago
A lot of pop psychology gets thrown around and since I already have a headache, here's preventing you lot from making it worse.
Love-bombing: A manipulation tactic of increasing affection and grand gestures before or after doing something abusive, specifically to weasel one's way out of consequences.
What it is not: A streak of affection and generosity towards friends/loved ones.
Trauma-bonding: Knowingly traumatizing someone to take advantage of their vulnerable state, to then act like the "hero" or the one who cheers them up.
What it is not: Bonding over similar traumas.
Gaslighting: *Knowingly* convincing someone they cannot trust their own perception of a situation in pursuit of one's own narrative.
What it is not: Misaligned perception of events.
Narcissist: Someone afflicted with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, a traumagenic cluster B disorder, that struggles with self-obsession, paranoia, craving validity from the public, delusions of grandeur, and social disconnection.
It is not: Your rubbish ex that cheated on you.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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ao3bushwah 1 year ago
actually. that post about how its important to have weird kinky queer friends. i think the same is true of really every type of ostracized person but in particular i wanna point it out wrt mentally ill people.
if you watch a movie villainizing DID or schizophrenia or something, and you think, "hey, this seems sort of like its based on what my friend has and theyre just a chill person, why are they making my friends condition seem threatening?" thats good.
if you see someone use narcissist as a synonym for abuser and you think, "what, no, im friends with someone who has NPD and i know theyre a kind person, this isnt true at all," thats good.
if you hear politicians try to frame addicts as violent criminals who should be locked up and you think "no, my buddy sam is just sick, their withdrawals are really painful and they dont have a good support system, they shouldnt be locked up for that," thats good.
being able to counter ableist rhetoric with "i know from experience thats not how these people are" is a good thing. like yeah obviously dont make friends with mentally ill people just for brownie points but also try to make the conscious effort to be open to friendship with people who have stigmatized mental health issues. and maybe even more importantly, be someone who makes it clear to others that youre safe to be open about these things with, because chances are youre ALREADY friends with mentally ill people even if you dont realize it, because a lot of us with more demonized conditions try to hide those conditions out of fear, and it helps a lot to know our friends are allies - and then we might feel safe discussing our experiences, IF we want to, and in turn that can help you better understand the realities and diversities of our situations and be less susceptible to ableist rhetoric.
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ao3bushwah 1 year ago
anyway if there's anyone who silently resonates with the themes in my more serious work but is too afraid to say anything just know i care about you and my work is intended mostly for you
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ao3bushwah 1 year ago
my friends are like congress trying to pass a no contact law and i veto it everytime. call it ex&balances
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ao3bushwah 1 year ago
yes the person who ghosted you multiple times and who never initiates plans and whom u would never talk to again if u didn't always text first is absolutely your soulmate. keep trying harder it will happen one day
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ao3bushwah 1 year ago
"pathetic" is almost the hottest thing a man can be, second only to "in pain"
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ao3bushwah 1 year ago
when someone resigns I don't need the news to describe them as 'the outgoing minister for such and such'. I don't care how extroverted they were.
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ao3bushwah 1 year ago
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ao3bushwah 1 year ago
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Play Nature of the Beast and experience the raw thrill of buying gas.
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ao3bushwah 1 year ago
128 chapters now, plus four more for patrons, but yeah, basically. this will power blast your boredom guaranteed (if it doesn't work you get your money back) (not your patreon money. the $0 you paid for the first 128 chapters or however many there are when you're reading this)
side effects may include staying up too late, saying "what the fuck derin" to an empty room, and knowing what day of the week it is.
so really what do you have to lose? click the link. read chapter 1. no harm in reading 1 chapter. it's 2500 words. at the average fiction reading speed for native english speakers that will take you ten minutes. you have ten minutes right? hop to it. here's the link again
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Did I do the meme right
88 chapters of space mystery
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ao3bushwah 1 year ago
I really think they need to start teaching kids in schools that most blind people can see a little bit, most deaf people can hear a little bit, and most wheelchair users can walk a little bit. And they are still disabled.
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ao3bushwah 1 year ago
As a late diagnosed autist I will say one of the most damaging but transformative experiences I've ever had was being misdiagnosed with BPD.
Everyday my heart goes out to people with BPD.
The amount of stigma and silencing they face is astonishing and sickening.
I took DBT for years. Therapists use to turn me away because of my diagnosis.
I would be having full blown autistic meltdowns, crying for help literally - but because I was labeled as BPD ANY time I cried I was treated as manipulative and unstable.
As if the only reason I could be crying was if I was out to trick someone.
95% of the books out there with Borderline in the title are named shit like 'How to get away from a person with Borderline', 'How to stop walking on eggshells (with a person who has BPD)'
I was never allowed to feel true pain or panic or need.
That was 'attention seeking behavior', not me asking for help when a disability was literally inhibiting my ability to process emotions.
There were dozens of times where I had a full meltdown and was either threatened with institutionalization or told I was doing it for attention.
My failing relationships weren't due to a communication issue, or the inability to read social cues. No, because I was labeled borderline, my unstable relationships were my fault. Me beggong nuerotypicals to just be honest and blunt with what they meant was me pestering them for validation.
Borderline patients can't win.
And the funny thing is - I asked my therapist about autism. I told her I thought I was on the spectrum.
BPD is WILDLY misdiagnosed with those with autism and I had many clear signs.
Instead - she told me 'If you were autistic we wouldn't be able to have this conversation'. She made me go through a list of autistic traits made clearly for children, citing how I didn't fit each one.
And then she told me that me identifying with the autism community was the BPD making me search for identity to be accepted - and that I wasn't autistic, just desperate to fit in somewhere.
I didn't get diagnosed for another ten years. For ten years I avoided the autism community - feeling as if I were just a broken person who wanted to steal from people who 'really needed it'.
Because of my providers - I began to doubt my identity MORE, not less.
Ten years of thinking I was borderline and being emotionally neglected and demonized by a system meant to help me.
To this day, I still don't trust neurotypicals. Not fully.
I know I'm not borderline now - but my heart aches for them. Not for the usual stuff. But for the stigma. And the asshole doctors. And the dismissiveness and threatening and the idea of institutionalization hanging over their head.
I love Borderline people. I always will. I'm not Borderline but if you are I love you and I'm sorry.
You're not a bad person. You're not a therapists worst nightmare, you are a human with valid feelings and fears.
Borderline people I'm sorry.
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