The Beginning.
This isn't a blog to share with you about how much of a pro I am at being a vegan and a celiac because I am not even close to being a pro. I have only been vegan for about five months now and the other day I found out I also have Celiac Disease so things are about to get a lot harder than just limiting animal products. Now I have to stay away from a whole different food group called gluten. I've been asked many times if I will remain a vegan and the answer to that question is “absolutely.” I'm not going to give up what I believe in because a new challenge has come my way, no way. So here is my attempt at being a gluten-free-vegan. Yes, I just stuck those altogether because why not stick two diets together. Anyways, I will post anything that involves my diet. Even the challenges I face because I am not trying to be fake here by only showing you good things. So back to what the blog is going to be about, a teenager with an extremely limited diet who just so happens to be me. 
Who am I? Well, my name is Makenna Boone and I am 17 years old. I like to think of myself as someone who is a bit mysterious so I’ll leave the rest for future posts. Plus, you probably didn't click on this wanting to know about me but instead, you’re probably seeking some advice and entertainment. 
What should you expect from this blog? Well, a lot of mistakes and from that a lot of complaining but I promise its more of a humor thing, at least I hope. You could also maybe relate to it if you are going through similar things. Hopefully a laugh because who doesn't like to laugh? There might be more but I'm not going to promise anything more because the humor was already a stretch. PS: sorry if you don't find this funny because I'm not always known as a comedian. Oh and don't expect some top-notch grammar because this is strictly a flow of ideas not meant to be overanalyzed which is also my excuse for not really wanting to self-edit it a million times. I’ll try my best to not be too lazy. 
Alrighty, until the next post, goodbye. 
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