antihero-petnames · 2 years
Bro I’m from a completely different system?? I genuinely wasn’t mad or trying to be mean at all, in all honesty. I see both sides of the story, I understand how hard this is for both of you guys. I apologize if I came off as rude or insulting, that wasn’t my intention/gen. Im not stalking this account, I’m one of your mutuals- This is most likely gonna be my last message for the mental health of both of us. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I see. Sorry for jumping to conclusions, although I will admit I dont completely believe you. Although that really narrows it down, something I'm assuming you dont want.
I frankly dont give a shit/srs. Most of the others literally just feel a tad sad but wish them(both systems who have made it clear their feelings to us) well. For your mental health I do promise you.
Good bye. Have a good rest of your life!
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
Its unpinned. For your comfort of course, so you dont get the creeps stalking his dead account.
Mm.. please stop mentioning her in your pinned it’s creepy.. /lh /nm
... "nm"... you sure?
he made that a long time ago. its not like he recent went "ooo I'm gonna pretend shes still my lover!". dont act like thats what it says.
I dont think you should be here anymore. Youre the one who said they wanted to go without talking at all. "OI DUMBFUCKS READ THIS ESSAY" and a block, is that not what happened?
Shadow isnt here and wont be ever again, sorry. I understand bpd-caused mania isnt an excuse, but its whats happening. Currently trying to deal with it.
I'll change it if i have the time or enough fucking care not to delete the account all together, once Shadow is fully unconnected to front.
I dont feel like making things worse, so really if you believe what you believe please just leave us alone. Sorry we hurt you in ways we werent even aware of, but youre hurting yourself by sticking around. Last thing Shadow wishes to say is he hopes you well. Sorry for that too i guess. Good day.
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
Mm.. please stop mentioning her in your pinned it’s creepy.. /lh /nm
... "nm"... you sure?
he made that a long time ago. its not like he recent went "ooo I'm gonna pretend shes still my lover!". dont act like thats what it says.
I dont think you should be here anymore. Youre the one who said they wanted to go without talking at all. "OI DUMBFUCKS READ THIS ESSAY" and a block, is that not what happened?
Shadow isnt here and wont be ever again, sorry. I understand bpd-caused mania isnt an excuse, but its whats happening. Currently trying to deal with it.
I'll change it if i have the time or enough fucking care not to delete the account all together, once Shadow is fully unconnected to front.
I dont feel like making things worse, so really if you believe what you believe please just leave us alone. Sorry we hurt you in ways we werent even aware of, but youre hurting yourself by sticking around. Last thing Shadow wishes to say is he hopes you well. Sorry for that too i guess. Good day.
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
i didnt know you enough. i fell in love with the way you spoke, the way you loved. but i didnt know you i suppose. and you didnt know me. its better for you to leave me. i hope you never read this. i hope you decide to just hate me. I'm sorry i hurt you.
i shouldn't said i liked you.
nobody decided we were going to form so many sonic fictives.. and knux /isnt/ a form of you. im sure you think that but he isnt. he was formed fused with me, its my fault i didnt say that he was before. im sorry i have mental issues. i shouldve told you to run away. theres never a moment i wont miss you; you were never my deity from the moment i saw the difference. but you were my muse.
youre wrong though.. i made myself my own in every way i could..
the flashbacks werent from you. they were from sonic assuming im just a stupid dol. but i guess i am to you. and thats okay.
jm sorry for fucking you up
im sorry for fucking up your regression
im sorry for fucking up your love.
i hope you dont come back
i hope you stay safe
not for me
im sorry
i do love you still and i always will but you have to leave
im sorry
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
"its not my fault" really was a lie then, huh...
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
i dont get this. i dont get it.
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
i'm fine without knuckles, is that what you want from me?
saying my words are a cruel joke, this isnt. this isnt fair. but i cant ask about it. thats fine. and I'm fine. because thats what i need to be, i hope.
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
no questions.
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
mmadeafreidnadnimadegardens.ivemadeancorsandancors and ive scultped adn i listendsandiwartfchedforobirdasandbugsandthesunandmoonanflowers go and knuxisheretoohe'll really always be withmehesaids
butitdeosntreoplaceyou.nothingncould.icant,idontwant too
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
you dont get it... i wasnt there for her..
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
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antihero-petnames · 2 years
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sketchbook stuff of Maria and Shads
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