antievreposters · 8 years
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rosestormborn replied to your post “(1/2) amylee_perfection on instagram is a reposter. They crop out the...”
@the-sword: Most of us only use pictures and videos which have been made by people who allow others to modify their art for the sake of fandom. And everyone I know of in this fandom has answered favorably to photographers who wanted their art taken down or wanted an explicit link/source to their creations. So it's not the same thing, those artists are fine with what we're doing and none of us is claiming the pictures/videos were made by us, don't worry you're fine :)
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antievreposters · 8 years
clarification: I wanted some pictures from a set but not others, so I tried to find them individually. That's why I went to Google rather than reblog the post. And that's why I only just found out this was a thing.
Hello Charli =)
Someone explained this very well in this post. If you want a certain picture looking a certain way on your blog, you have to search the original picture, see if the photographer is okay with people editing their work and if they want credits or not, edit it yourself, and then post it on your blog. Otherwise, it is reposting.
Thank you for your understanding. I hope you will read the post I linked in this message, it really explains this perfectly =)
Have a great day.
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antievreposters · 8 years
Known reposters
First of all, you should know why reposting isn’t okay. You can also find out which posts those reposters / plagiarists have stolen by just searching their urls on our blog (http://antievreposters.tumblr.com/tagged/[insert url here]). If you find reposters on other websites, you can also let us know even if it’s even harder to fight against these ones. Also, an important note: weheartit and all the websites like this one aren’t sources. They are actually made of reposts, please do not support them and do not reblog posts which have weheartit as a source !
The list below will be updated frequently =)
Keep reading
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antievreposters · 8 years
This has been reposted by @heart-attack-in-black-hair-dye
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“When I saw this film for the first time it had a deep emotional impact on me. I felt a complex combination of feelings and a direct connection as a new mother. When I spoke to Eric (Director) and Michael (Music Composer) about my inspirations I thought it was too good to be true - we just got each other. We had the same exact wants for the end music. I was so inspired, we hung up the phone and I went straight to my piano and just held that feeling until the song started pouring out. It rarely comes that fast for me. It has been such satisfying pleasure to feel so understood and appreciated the way I have with this family of dreamers-I’d almost forgotten what it feels like to truly believe that anything is possible! From my humble home studio, to crashing my bike into Skywalker Ranch’s vineyard (oops!) to driving through the Tuscan countryside to film the video at Celsa with so many sweet new friends… I will never forget this indescribably beautiful adventure!” - Amy Lee
Thanks to Keshevanavrilly and EvanescenceCrew
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antievreposters · 8 years
(1/2) amylee_perfection on instagram is a reposter. They crop out the original artists watermark and puts their own. When confronted about something they reposted of mine, they said "it was found on google" and when they're told "it was found on google" wasn't a good enough excuse for them to crop out original watermarks to put their own they said they can do whatever they want, it's their account. blah blah blah. the usual reposter bull crap. I notice tumblr users edits on their feed
(2/2) Just thought I would let you guys know in case you are making a list of reposters on different social medias and to let the fandom here know their things are being misattributed.
REPEAT AFTER ME, PEOPLE: FINDING SOMETHING ON GOOGLE IMAGE DOES NOT MAKE IT YOURS ! Do you really think I would be here if that worked in this way ? You can bet your sweet ass I would claim the Mona Lisa as mine “because I found it on Google Images, and I reposted it on my account”, and force people to pay me whenever they see it / to buy me things to congratulate me for my talent.
Thank you very much for this information, Anon =) We have a list of reposters on other social medias but we haven’t published it yet because we are still debating it’s utility. It is already hard to get the staff to respect their own policies here, but to get other websites to take actions against thieves ? That is a nightmare, trust me. But it keeps happening and people get credits for things they have stolen from Tumblr and reposted on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, WeHeartIt… so we might publish said list soon. 
The worst part is that they are massive hypocrites: the minute they get reposted from, they viciously attack everyone. This “It is my account / the Internet” bullshit needs to stop ! Usurping someone else’s work is no more legal on the net than it is elsewhere. Plus, what is the point of getting notes, followers, and credits for something you stole ? What is good about being as fake as possible ? It is very mean of me but sometimes, I wish someone would give them a taste of their own medicine. Reposting everything they’ve ever posted on their accounts, usurping their ~work~ and their identity, and then acting like those are normal things to do on the Internet. Just because you are on your own account doesn’t mean the rules and laws don’t apply to you, guys ! Just imagine using this same logic elsewhere: “It’s alright if I put other people’s art in my living-room without their permission, officer ; it’s MY living-room !”, “It’s alright if I pretend said art is mine and get credits and appreciation from it, officer, I’m in MY living-room !”, “Also, I murdered someone but it is absolutely fine, officer, because it happened in MY house, and everyone knows you can do whatever you want when your at your place” (That escalated quickly but this bullshit has no logic whatsoever and extreme examples are the ones that show how dumb these ~arguments~ are)
TL;DR: Everyone who has an Instagram account should block amylee_perfection, and also report them to both Tumblr’s and Instagram’s staffs. If this person has a Tumblr account, please let us know so we can block them from all the EvBlogs too.
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antievreposters · 8 years
Reposter alert
@itsmrshughes​ is a reposter ! They have stolen one of @wearebrokens​ most iconic creations and have refused to take it down. Please, report that user and block them too. While you are at it, reblog the original post made by @wearebrokens​ 
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antievreposters · 8 years
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WEAREBROKENS REACHED 3,000 FOLLOWERS ahhhhhh. Thank you to every one who supports this blog and are still here despite my on and off again thing I’ve got going on right now. Hello and welcome new followers <3 Here’s a little list I’ve got of blogs that make my dash all pretty.
Evanescence Related:
@allinpartsandpieces, @amersboobs, @amyleeblog, @amyleecious, @amylees, @antievreposters, @demberly,  @evanescencemedia, @evchick89, @evlover, @evpositivity, @fiftythousandtears, @happy-blood, @hauntedwhispers, @hellyeahamylee, @imaginarylightt, @it-is-imaginary, @lostfromwithin, @lovewithinmysoul, @mysecret-door, @oceansofparadise, @onebreathapart, @othersideale, @secretheavens, @shacklesofear, @shineopendoor, @twistedenemy, @underneaththiskin, @unlocktheheavens, @withinthisnightmare, @x-daughters-of-darkness-x, @yellowdesert
Paramore Related:
@220211, @brandneweyed, @canheals, @hayleywilliamsdaily, @paramoredaily, @paramourning, @parapilotss, @taylorisapuppy, @warpedbyparamore, @weareparamore
@allweknowisfallen, @completeresources, @dontmesswiththehale, @itsphotoshop, @realitydawns, @sorrism, @yeahps
Own and Co-Own:
@amershartzler, @dailyamylee, @evanescenceicons, @evanescencesource, @evnetwork, @fallenresources, @heckyeahamylee, @itsjustasparks
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antievreposters · 8 years
This is for everyone who's asked us why this blog existed, or why reposting was so bad in the first place. There are consequences to your disrespectful actions, people ! You are hurting the entire fandom just to get a few notes you did not deserve. Is this what you truly want ? =( Please, support the people who make art on Tumblr and for this fandom. Reblog and like the original posts, not the reposts.
@wearebrokens We are sorry this happened again to you, Robyn =( We hope you will come back someday, your art is beautiful and will be missed !
@wearebrokens is taking a hiatus from the EvFandom on Tumblr because of the reposters and the staff”s stupid attitude towards them. Yet, said reposters are still acting like stealing edits/gifs/graphics is normal, like the artists should be thankful for the “publicity” (????) and should not complain because “it’s the internet” (?????). Do you see the problem here?
Also, I’m not even pissed off anymore. I’m just disgusted.
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antievreposters · 8 years
Reposter alert
@meliselin has reposted edits and graphics from well-known EvBloggers and is trying to pass them as wallpapers. Particularly, they have stolen one of @withinthisnightmare‘s graphic who gets reposted a lot and it is getting frustrating to see it taken away from its rightful owner. Please, support @withinthisnightmare (and all artists from all fandoms, really), go send her nice messages, reblog her creations, like them, follow her blog(s)... This craps happens to this blog all the time, I am not kidding, show some love and support, people !
The stolen creations are here. They are from @mysecret-door ( @othersideale‘s sideblog), @heckyeahamylee, and @withinthisnightmare. Please reblog and like the original posts.
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antievreposters · 8 years
Reposter Alert
@etdonersendonmezsin is reposting gifs of Amy Lee and Taylor Momsen and surely others too. Be careful about your gifs and do not give notes to this blogger, please. Support the persons who spend time on Photoshop to give you pretty things for your fandoms.
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antievreposters · 8 years
Why are you grating so much on Laura? She apologised, deleted the posts and has asked everyone to like and reblog from the original artist, she doesn't deserve to be called out repeatedly or treated the way you're treating her. Just leave her alone.
First of all, we are not “grating” on anyone. Your Laura reposted several things and gained a very impressive amount of notes (and surely followers too) from said reposts, so we let our followers and the EvFandom know that she was profiting from someone else’s hard work. Then, she answered to our post (after she erased the proofs, how convenient !) and acted like the creators of those posts and ourselves were dumb. We have been on Tumblr long enough to know how it works: despite what she claims, she did repost those creations. When someone post something directly from weheartit, there is a line under the Tumblr post that says “source:weheartit”. Whenever we see that line, we inform the blogger that weheartit is full of stolen posts. Laura’s case is different. There were no “weheartit” source. In fact, the source linked back to her blog which means that not only did she knowingly reposted other people’s creations but took the time to insert her own blog as the source when she made the posts. This means that she found these posts on Tumblr or on Google Images, right-clicked on them, saved them on her computer, posted them on Tumblr to gain notes and followers thanks to someone else’s hard work, and acted like they were hers. I’m more than willing to believe her when she claims the “mine” tag was to keep track of what she posted, but the fact remains she never stated these creations were not hers. And with @withinthisnightmare‘s graphic, it’s even worse because the maker’s watermark is clearly visible on the creation, there is no way she didn’t know that graphic was someone else’s work.
If her little act of poor naïve Laura is fooling you, good for her I guess. But we, and the people she’s stolen from and the ones who are active in the fandom in general, we all know how this website works and we are not fooled. Contrary to what you claim, we haven’t called her out repeatedly. We only call people out when they repost something, so unless she does it again we will never mention her. There are so many reposters out there, we hardly even remember them without looking up the list we made. Do not worry about your friend, as long as she doesn’t repost again, we won’t even think about her.
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antievreposters · 8 years
Friendly reminder
That weheartit, pinterest, google images and other websites like the first two aren’t sources.
That putting “not mine” in the tags or as a caption is still reposting/stealing.
That putting “credits to [url]” in the tags or as a caption if the original maker hasn’t given you their expicite permission to do so is still reposting/stealing.
That adding a black&write filter to an edit doesn’t make it your own.
That adding some text to an edit doesn’t make it your own.
That whatever you add or erase from someone else’s creation doesn’t make it your own.
That no matter why and how you do it, reposting is hurtful and disrespectul for/to the original creators.
That no matter why and how you do it, reposting is against Tumblr’s policies and the staff is then allowed to delete your blog.
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antievreposters · 8 years
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reblogged your post and added:
I had no idea that I was reposting other people’s...
Of course you had no idea the graphics and edits you had right-clicked on, saved on your computer, posted on Tumblr and tagged “Mine” weren’t yours. It is a very common mistake ! I myself often forget I did not paint the Mona Lisa and claim everywhere it’s mine. Oops, sorry Leonardo ! 
... Did you really thought people would swallow this poor excuse of a lie ? If you are going to be fake your whole life, at least take some lessons in the art of fuckery.  It is very amusing to us that you deleted the posts in question as soon as we called you out on it (I guess you at least know one needs to burn the proof when discovered), but forgot to let people know they should delete said posts from their own blogs and likes page. You are our favourite kind of reposters: playing dumb ‘til the end but never forgetting the sweet notes  gained thanks to someone else’s work ! Did you know Amy wrote a song juuuust for you, you special snowflake ? It’s called Everybody’s Fool ;)
@withinthisnightmare You will love your thief’s answer ! It is utterly believable and they seem so genuinely sorry for abusing your work.
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antievreposters · 8 years
Reposter alert
@bandwhore-forevermore is a reposter, please block and report them. The posts they have stolen have been getting lots and lots of notes, we beg you to pay attention before liking or reblogging something. Everyone knows they are lots of thieves on this website, and in this case it’s more than obvious those edits&graphics are reposts. Don’t ruin Tumblr for the hardworking fans who provide you with beautiful creations for your fandoms. Support them, stop reblogging blindly !
One of the posts that person reposted was created by @withinthisnightmare.Said post was posted on weheartit, and that means there are a lot of risks for this to be reposted again. It would be very cool if you guys could send a message of support to @withinthisnightmare and if you could reblog&like the original post (here). Thank you.
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antievreposters · 8 years
Hi. I hope you don't mind me coming along again but I needed to tell you how much your compassion and your help has swelled my heart, touched my soul. A beautiful reminder that there are amazing souls in this universe. Pure, honest souls, willing to help others selflessly. My goodness, I'm just blown away! :') You give me so much hope. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are truly a gift. Hope you are having a wondrous day.
You are a lovely soul yourself ! Your messages made us smile brightly for the entire day =) I hope you don’t mind that we published this one, we wanted to keep a trace of it for the days our inbox is full of anon hate and insults from people we exposed or called out privately. If you feel uncomfortable about this being public, we will delete the post or set it to private. Just let us know =)
This is the sweetest message we ever received, thank you a million times !
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antievreposters · 8 years
Your reposting is killing us !
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her hotness is killing me…
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antievreposters · 8 years
Safe blogs
Here is the list of the Evanescence blogs (or blogs featuring Amy Lee and Evanescence posts) that are safe to follow. They do not tolerate reposters and most of them make their own creations, please follow them and support them =) This list will be updated as time goes, but it takes a bit to be sure newcomers are trustworthy so don’t take it personally if you are not featured here yet. We recommend those blogs, we want to make sure people can follow them blindly.
EVANESCENCE BLOGS @allinpartsandpieces @amersboobs @amershartzler @amyleecious @dailyamylee @dreamofalling @evchick89 @fiftythousandtears @heckyeahamylee @it-is-imaginary @lostfromwithin @mysecret-door @oceansofparadise @secretheavens @shacklesofear @underneaththiskin @withinthisnightmare MULTIFANDOMS BLOGS @campo-de-flores-de-papel @demarzi @demberly @happy-blood @hauntedwhispers @heckyeahjensenamy @kimberlywinchesterx  @othersideale @shineopendoor @supernescence @twistedenemy @waitingformywinchester @x-daughters-of-darkness-x @yellowdesert
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